Go to Chick-Fil-A you hypocrites.

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2012 Aug 1, 5:38pm   62,042 views  162 comments

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3   david1   2012 Aug 1, 10:33pm  

A pickle does not belong on a chicken sandwich. I have never cared for chickfila nor have I ever understood its cult following. KFC blows it out of the water.

4   matthew79   2012 Aug 1, 10:41pm  

Their fries are the cat's meow!!!

7   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 1, 11:35pm  

"KFC "

They quit calling it Kentucky Fried Chicken because they couldn't in good conscious call it something it no longer isn't.

I find that when companies truncate their name, turn it into a acronym or abbreviate it, they've really given up on their food, and are in the marketing business.

Mickey D's

8   xrpb11a   2012 Aug 1, 11:45pm  



YesYNot says

It has almost a days worth of sodium, protein, and fat, while giving about 5% of a days fiber, 20% of a days calories, and negligible amounts of vitamins and minerals.

9   lostand confused   2012 Aug 1, 11:46pm  

zzyzzx says

If the homeowner isn't insulted by your offer...you didn't bid low enough!!!

These folks must miss the old days when you could proudly discriminate, hang people deemed less human and do all sorts of nasty things and be proud of it.

10   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 1, 11:57pm  

lostand confused says

These folks must miss the old days when you could proudly discriminate, hang people deemed less human and do all sorts of nasty things and be proud of it.

Oh I get it, because they are White right? I'm sure if truth be told you wouldn't have to go that far back. At least 56% miss the way things were just far back as 4 years ago.

12   kentm   2012 Aug 2, 12:19am  

Oh and by the way:


13   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 2, 12:27am  

Chick Fil A isn't a anti gay company.
Gays just hate when people don't run down a beaten path to watch and harken "Brokeback Mountain".
Less they're some homophobes that must mean they wish ill will upon them.

They guy just said, I don't think two dudes should marry, he certainly didn't elude to anything of the sort that he wouldn't sell them a chicken and pickle sandwich.

14   zzyzzx   2012 Aug 2, 12:41am  

CaptainShuddup says

Gays just hate when people don't run down a beaten path to watch and harken "Brokeback Mountain".

I prefer Howard Stern's version:

15   Peter P   2012 Aug 2, 12:50am  

I strongly support gay rights but I also support the freedom of speech. So long as a private enterprise does not turn its biased opinions into policies the government has no business interfering.

I stand with gay people AND I stand with Chick-Fil-A.

16   kentm   2012 Aug 2, 12:54am  

Zzyzzx it took you 15 posts to go down that path. Nice show of restraint, I guess.

Here's a thought for you:

But then, you look stupid today.

17   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 2, 1:03am  

Peter P says

I stand with gay people AND I stand with Chick-Fil-A.

I do to, as I think most people in America does as well. This is really about Liberals over stepping their reach to do more forced cramming down peoples throats things they would rather not think about, for their own good.

Funny how the Libs keep digging up the same three Gay couples that they can advocate in their proxy their right to a Gay marriage. We make a big election year hullabaloo over it, they end up tying the knot in some other gay friendly town. Only to hear about their split a few months latter.

I don't think Gays are really actively trying to get married as much as a Liberal or a group of them are spurring them on...

"Well come on, don't you want to get married, be Man and Man in the eye's of the Lord, er uh, Spaghetti Flying monster? What are you half a fag? Come on man stand up for your rights, it's election year!"

18   Peter P   2012 Aug 2, 1:07am  

CaptainShuddup says

I don't think Gays are really actively trying to get married as much as a Liberal or a group of them are spurring them on...

I think some of them do...

Perhaps we should make divorce more difficult for both gay and straight couples. Divorce causes real damage to the society. Gay marriage does no harm at all. (Having fewer babies will also mitigate overpopulation in the future.)

19   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 2, 1:26am  

NO it's these two assholes, that not so much want gays to marry, as much as they want the Church to marry same sex people...

Even though all parties involved may or may not even be spiritual, let alone religious.


20   Peter P   2012 Aug 2, 1:28am  


21   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2012 Aug 2, 1:33am  

xrpb11a says



I fail to see how this refutes anything. It is where I got the data from. Sodium is 1400 mg. You should get 1500 to 2000. Protein is 30 g. You need 30-60 based on most recommendations around the world. The USDA says 100 to 160, but their biggest mission is to support agriculture. They have 2 to 15% of a few minerals (basically negligible). Fat is 16g * 9 = 144 calories. That is about 8% of the a days worth of calories. 8 to 10% is plenty of fat. Some people think that 30% is good, but most people are fat and have heart disease in middle age.

22   NDrLoR   2012 Aug 2, 2:26am  

That support for marriage as being only between a man and woman should be controversial shows a level of nuttiness in our culture today that is almost incomprehensible! Even if marriage didn't have a moral or religious context, the fact that it takes a man and woman to produce children, not two women or two men, should settle the argument.

I often imagine what my parents and the 12 couples with whom they were friends for many years would think about some of the nonsensical things that are conjured up today. They are all gone now, having been born five years either side of 1900 (my parents in 1898 and 1902), and they certainly wouldn't think there was anything controversial about it. They would wonder at the degeneration of the world as they knew it. Theirs was a talented and moral generation which was steward over the most successful institutions and businesses of the 20th century. They saw victory in two world wars and a productive, thriving economy the likes of which will never be seen again in this country.

23   Peter P   2012 Aug 2, 2:28am  

Marriages do not have to produce children. The world is pretty crowded already.

24   HEY YOU   2012 Aug 2, 2:44am  

I've got a different perspective. Cathy states his objections to gay marriage from his religious beliefs.

I do not want to hear about the religious beliefs of anyone in a place of
business that wants me to spend money there. If one wants to speak about religion, they can start a church. If they name it Chick-Fil-A, I probably want attend.

25   leo707   2012 Aug 2, 2:46am  

P N Dr Lo R says

Even if marriage didn't have a moral or religious context, the fact that it takes a man and woman to produce children, not two women or two men, should settle the argument.

So, then you advocate the idea that sterile people should be bared from being married as well? Perhaps if they are found to be sterile after marriage then the marriage should be immediately annulled.

This would also go for people who do not plan on having children.

Hmmm... I think you are on to something here. Maybe to get married people must first pass genetic compatibility and fertility tests to verify that they can even have kids; then they must sign a commitment to have children. Only then a marriage license would be issued and it would automatically expire after two years if no child has been born.

Brilliant solution to the whole marriage issue!

26   dhmartens   2012 Aug 2, 2:52am  

"The Chickens are Gay"

The Hypocrisy of all this is the "Chickens are Gay", and eating them will make you gay. 1) The chickens are raised in cages and get zero conjugal visits with roosters, 2) New evidence shows people who eat broccoli have broccoli DNA in their blood stream. Therefore chicken eaters are absorbing the DNA of Gay Chickens.

27   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2012 Aug 2, 2:58am  

P N Dr Lo R says

I often imagine what my parents and the 12 couples with whom they were friends for many years would think about some of the nonsensical things that are conjured up today. They are all gone now, having been born five years either side of 1900 (my parents in 1898 and 1902), and they certainly wouldn't think there was anything controversial about it

They also saw a time when women did not have the right to vote, and black civil rights were limited. I can only imagine what your parents thought their parents would think about all of the changes happening during their time.
We should always strive to do what's right in the context of our time & enjoy the social progress that results.

28   freak80   2012 Aug 2, 3:00am  

leoj707 says

So, then you advocate the idea that sterile people should be bared from being married as well? Perhaps if they are found to be sterile after marriage then the marriage should be immediately annulled.

Sterility is clearly a "disorder" and is not an argument *for* re-defining marriage to include any possible combination of people.

For example, I am a polygamist. Why does the government say I cannot marry more than one person? Why the "discrimination" against me? Is it because I do not have as much money to advance my cause as the homosexual pressure groups? I suppose in America, might makes right.

29   freak80   2012 Aug 2, 3:03am  

YesYNot says

They also saw a time when women did not have the right to vote, and black civil rights were limited. I can only imagine what your parents thought their parents would think about all of the changes happening during their time.
We should always strive to do what's right in the context of our time & enjoy the social progress that results.

Then why is no one taking up the cause of the polygamists and other "minorities?" Who gets to decide what is "right in the context of our time"? The newspapers? News channels? Whoever is the most skilled at manipulating the masses via propaganda?

Change for the sake of change can be used to support almost any cause.

30   Vicente   2012 Aug 2, 3:04am  

I used to like Chik-Fil-A, one of my favorite airport choices in a hurry. Not again until the old man is dead and buried.

31   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2012 Aug 2, 3:09am  

freak80 says

Sterility is clearly a "disorder" and is not an argument *for* re-defining marriage to include any possible combination of people.

For example, I am a polygamist. Why does the government say I cannot marry more than one person? Why the "discrimination" against me? Is it because I do not have as much money to advance my cause as the homosexual pressure groups? I suppose in America, might makes right.

"Not capable of producing children" is not an argument to prevent people from getting married. That is the only point that was being made, and it negates the previous argument for using it as the basis to prevent marriage.

In America, might doesn't make right. Money makes right. Exhibit Mitt Romney, Sheldon Adelson, Koch Brothers, etc. Also exhibit Mormon Church in Utah spending millions on advertising in California to overturn a gay rights ballet.

Polygamy is irrelevant.

32   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 2, 3:11am  

dhmartens says

"The Chickens are Gay"

The Hypocrisy of all this is the "Chickens are Gay", and eating them will make you gay. 1) The chickens are raised in cages and get zero conjugal visits with roosters, 2) New evidence shows people who eat broccoli have broccoli DNA in their blood stream. Therefore chicken eaters are absorbing the DNA of Gay Chickens.

Yeah but they still can't marry.

33   freak80   2012 Aug 2, 3:14am  

YesYNot says

In America, might doesn't make right. Money makes right.

Money is a type of might, no?

YesYNot says

Polygamy is irrelevant.

Why do you discriminate against polygamists? After all, you just said

YesYNot says

"Not capable of producing children" is not an argument to prevent people from getting married.

Why limit marriage to two people? Why do you hate polygamists? Why do you not support polygamist rights? Why are you against social progress?

34   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2012 Aug 2, 3:18am  

No one is advocating for 'change for the sake of change.'

All of the changes I mentioned are generally agreed on as necessary. As we evolve as a society, new norms are formed as our understanding of the world around us changes.
The tide is changing on gay rights due to newer understandings of the number of people who are gay, that it is not a psychological disorder to be cured, etc. There is also a shift in the balance of power from a particular religion to a more secular approach. We are still clearly dominated by Christian beliefs, but leaders no longer have to toe the Christian line on every issue.
Our society is not looking any more favorably on bestiality, polygamy, or any other red herring that religious conservatives hold out their as traps on the 'slippery slope.' These are silly rhetorical crap arguments held onto by people who for the most part think that masturbation and contraception are sins.

35   xrpb11a   2012 Aug 2, 3:20am  

YesYNot says

A Chick-Fil-A sandwich is a fried piece of chicken Wrong, it's pressure cooked

with a small wilted piece of lettuce, not in my experience

some mayo, no mayo, you obviously can't read or just make shit up as you go along

a bit of pickle, and a white bun. Eating too much of this will not be good for your health.

eating too much of anything is not good for your health. Pointless statement.

It has almost a days worth of sodium, protein, and fat, while giving about 5% of a days fiber, 20% of a days calories, and negligible amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Total Bullshit, as the recommended intake for the items you list are based on a persons size, weight, sex, pregnancy status, overall health, to name a few....

Maybe we should all just play it safe and stop eating at Chick-Fil-A.

go ahead! More for me...

36   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2012 Aug 2, 3:22am  

freak80 says

Money is a type of might, no?

No. It's speech. The pen is mightier than the sword. Oh crap you are right.

Polygamy is not progress in the sense that it is agreed by current social norms for a variety of reasons that polygamy is not OK.

37   leo707   2012 Aug 2, 3:26am  

freak80 says

For example, I am a polygamist. Why does the government say I cannot marry more than one person? Why the "discrimination" against me?

*Ehem* yes an "example", we are talking hypothetically here right? ;-)

Polygamy is a separate issue with its own problems. In theory I think that consenting adults should be able to engage in polygamy if they want. If there were a movement to legalize polygamy I would support it.


freak80 says

Why the "discrimination" against me?

Generally in the US the discrimination against polygamists has not been about marriage rights, but other...issues...

Probably the biggest problem is that the group that currently would push for legalization also marries 12 year olds to 60 year old men. Not the type of people that inspire others to rally to their cause.

There are also a host of other issues surrounding polygamy that are not present in gay marrage (primarily surrounding women's rights), but that is probably a conversation for another thread.

But, who knows? Maybe if Romney becomes president the LDS mormons will figure that they have enough support to bring back "the doctrine of plural marriage" as Joseph Smith put it.

38   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2012 Aug 2, 3:32am  


It's pressure cooked in refined peanut oil. That's still fried.
It doesn't come with any mayo, so I was wrong. Interesting enough it has both oil, and eggs, so it may as well have mayo.

Eating too much of anything will be bad for you. Eating a serving of carrots everyday is not too much. With the chick-fil-a sandwich, one serving a day is too much. Please eat up. Take the whole family.

The percent of total calories, protein, fat and nutrients are based on average recommended daily allowances. Anyone with an IQ over about 60 probably understands that. Anyone who knows how to read understand that is why I used the word 'about.'

39   anonymous   2012 Aug 2, 3:46am  

YesYNot says

xrpb11a says



I fail to see how this refutes anything. It is where I got the data from. Sodium is 1400 mg. You should get 1500 to 2000. Protein is 30 g. You need 30-60 based on most recommendations around the world. The USDA says 100 to 160, but their biggest mission is to support agriculture. They have 2 to 15% of a few minerals (basically negligible). Fat is 16g * 9 = 144 calories. That is about 8% of the a days worth of calories. 8 to 10% is plenty of fat. Some people think that 30% is good, but most people are fat and have heart disease in middle age.

What the hell is this mess? Did you write this post with a crayon?

40   xrpb11a   2012 Aug 2, 3:54am  

YesYNot says


It's pressure cooked in refined peanut oil. That's still fried. Wrong again. It's 'pressure fried', which is different than "fried"

It doesn't come with any mayo, so I was wrong. Interesting enough it has both oil, and eggs, so it may as well have mayo.

so now you want to redefine 'mayo' as well as 'marriage'...well, that's on topic with the thread...

Eating too much of anything will be bad for you. Eating a serving of carrots everyday is not too much. a 'serving' of anything is not considered 'eating too much'. Case Closed.

With the chick-fil-a sandwich, one serving a day is too much. Please eat up. Take the whole family. Ok.

The percent of total calories, protein, fat and nutrients are based on average recommended daily allowances. Anyone with an IQ over about 60 probably understands that. anyone with an IQ over 60 would realize that nutrition guidelines are specifically based on size/weight/sex. ...

41   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 2, 3:55am  

Can someone please explain, why both spouses don't die of heart disease, when they both clearly shared the same diet for 50-60 years?

TO much of anything is bad for you this is true, but granola eaters are as much at risk of suffering a heart attack as anyone that ate bacon once a week all their life.

42   freak80   2012 Aug 2, 3:58am  

YesYNot says

As we evolve as a society, new norms are formed as our understanding of the world around us changes.

That statement could be used to support *any* cause.
Who's norms? Who's understanding of the world? Yours? Mine?

YesYNot says

The tide is changing on gay rights due to newer understandings of the number of people who are gay

The "might makes right" argument again. At least you're consistent. "If a large number of people are doing X, then X is ok!"

YesYNot says

Our society is not looking any more favorably on bestiality, polygamy

Why not? Isn't our society "evolving"? What exactly is "our society"? It seems pretty divided right now.

So answer my question:

Why should the definition of marriage be limited to two people? Or, since you brought it up, why should it be limited to one species?

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