Who dunnit? Who benefits? How did those towers come down?

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2012 Sep 3, 1:23am   299,705 views  820 comments

by coriacci1   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


Congress rolled over for the White House(again), and did not preform it's Constitutional Duty. 11 years ago we were hoodwinked by the NeoCons and the Controlled Media. You can't cover up the fact that Explosives were used on all 3 buildings that collapsed on September 11. Many people still do not Realize Building 7 dropped in a free fall demolition at 5 thirty in the Afternoon in a classic Controlled Fashion. It is way past time to reconcile the Lies. The Tide will turn our way now as the Financial and Political Systems implode like building 7. This is what

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172   Homeboy   2012 Sep 12, 2:51pm  

Truth Seeker says

When you follow the money, just about everything comes into focus and suddenly makes sense.

No, the tinfoil probably just fell off your head.

173   Homeboy   2012 Sep 12, 3:02pm  

Truth Seeker says

Your "faith-based" viewpoint (trust our position, because we've hired a few experts that will corroborate our silly tale) very quickly gets blown out of the water when you start adding up all of the MANY inconsistencies about what really happened on 9/11

That's hilarious, coming from a person who takes everything he reads on 911truth.org as gospel, and merely parrots exactly what he reads on that website. Talk about a "faith based" position.

174   Homeboy   2012 Sep 12, 3:06pm  

Truth Seeker says

Tell me Bob, why didn't the 911 Commission Report openly discuss, dissect and examine the overwhelming evidence regarding the use of thermite? Wasn't that a rather glaring omission considering all of the photographic, video and trace material evidence??

The idea is preposterous.

"As for thermite (a mixture of powdered or granular aluminum metal and powdered iron oxide that burns at extremely high temperatures when ignited), it burns slowly relative to explosive materials and would require several minutes in contact with a massive steel section to heat it to a temperature that would result in substantial weakening. Separate from the WTC towers investigation, NIST researchers estimated that at least 0.13 pounds of thermite would be required to heat each pound of a steel section to approximately 700 degrees Celsius (the temperature at which steel weakens substantially). Therefore, while a thermite reaction can cut through large steel columns, many thousands of pounds of thermite would need to have been placed inconspicuously ahead of time, remotely ignited, and somehow held in direct contact with the surface of hundreds of massive structural components to weaken the building. This makes it an unlikely substance for achieving a controlled demolition.

Analysis of the WTC steel for the elements in thermite/thermate would not necessarily have been conclusive. The metal compounds also would have been present in the construction materials making up the WTC towers, and sulfur is present in the gypsum wallboard that was prevalent in the interior partitions."

175   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 12, 3:13pm  

Bigsby says

Conversely, the smart, aware, pro-active, independent and high-functioning thinkers are increasingly bypassing the MSM and getting their news and information from decentralized (often-times more trustworthy) sources.

Ah, so there we have it. It is simply an exercise in ego massage on your part. The actual facts have nothing to do with it.

Bigsby, it's not about ego - just the FACTS which are conveniently overlooked by the press/MSM. Somehow you can't seem to find the forest for the trees and have refused to answer my direct questions based SOLELY ON THE FACTS.

Once again, if you're so damned smart and blindly follow everything you read in the newspapers, why don't you try to articulately answer each of the points brought up in the following website (if you even think you can)?


Knock yourself out buddy!


176   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 12, 4:15pm  

Homeboy says

Truth Seeker says

Your "faith-based" viewpoint (trust our position, because we've hired a few experts that will corroborate our silly tale) very quickly gets blown out of the water when you start adding up all of the MANY inconsistencies about what really happened on 9/11

That's hilarious, coming from a person who takes everything he reads on 911truth.org as gospel, and merely parrots exactly what he reads on that website. Talk about a "faith based" position.

Actually Homeboy, I don't believe that I've ever even bothered to look at 911truth.org. There are just so many other terrific and informative websites, books and documentaries about what REALLY happened on 9/11 (there is NO shortage of material or controversy) that I guess I haven't ever felt the need to visit that one. But maybe I'll take your suggestion and look into it.

Unlike you Homeboy, some of us have a deeply felt and abiding interest in getting to the actual TRUTH and we don't just automatically and blindly believe everything we read in a newspaper or see on Fox News.

Truly, YOU are the one who is in MAJOR DENIAL if you actually believe everything you've been told according to the 911 Commission Report. Only simple minds can be made to believe that burning kerosene (that burns all day just fine in aircraft engines as well as steel-constructed kerosene heaters) can somehow bring down an entire 80 story building with a modern, solid steel core. And even more amazingly, do it as fast as a rock falling at the speed of gravity!! (so much for the whole "pancake theory" as it completely defies the laws of physics...LOL!

Oh, and let's not forget perhaps the most incredible claim of all - that 3 buildings could be COMPLETELY destroyed (in the exact same manner as a controlled demolition), but using ONLY 2 AIRPLANES(!) This alone stretches credulity far beyond any semblance of rational possibility. And then, if you can somehow wrap your mind around all of that, there are STILL MANY other problems and unexplained inconsistencies with the "official story".

So I guess it would be funny if it weren't so painfully sad that your line of thinking is apparently what's passing for 'American education' and critical thinking these days... Unbelievable!

177   Homeboy   2012 Sep 12, 4:34pm  

Truth Seeker says

Actually Homeboy, I don't believe that I've ever even bothered to look at 911truth.org. There are just so many other terrific and informative websites, books and documentaries about what REALLY happened on 9/11 (there is NO shortage of material or controversy) that I guess I haven't ever felt the need to visit that one. But maybe I'll take your suggestion and look into it.

Ha, ha - sure, whatever you say. You just happen to parrot everything on that website. You're not fooling anyone here. We know you got all your conspiracy nonsense from Richard Gage's stupid video that has been debunked god knows how many times. There is no controversy; only a few nutballs dedicated to their silly conspiracy theory. You take Gage's word as gospel, and reject all other evidence. You are the epitome of narrow-mindedness.

178   Homeboy   2012 Sep 12, 4:35pm  

Truth Seeker says

Unlike you Homeboy, some of us have a deeply felt and abiding interest in getting to the actual TRUTH and we don't just automatically and blindly believe everything we read in a newspaper or see on Fox News.

No, you just blindly believe everything Richard Gage says, even though he deliberately ignores the facts.

179   Homeboy   2012 Sep 12, 4:48pm  

Truth Seeker says

Truly, YOU are the one who is in MAJOR DENIAL if you actually believe everything you've been told according to the 911 Commission Report. Only simple minds can be made to believe that burning kerosene (that burns all day just fine in aircraft engines as well as steel-constructed kerosene heaters) can somehow bring down an entire 80 story building with a modern, solid steel core. And even more amazingly, do it as fast as a rock falling at the speed of gravity!! (so much for the whole "pancake theory" as it completely defies the laws of physics...LOL!

Unlike you, I only believe in things that have been proven. We all saw planes flown into buildings, and then we saw the buildings fall. If I am going to believe otherwise, I would need a good reason to do so. Nobody has given me a good reason to believe otherwise - certainly not some kooks on the internet.

To address your "points", as silly as they are:

To say that jet fuel "burns just fine" all day in planes, is about the dumbest argument I've ever heard. Jet engines burn a small amount of fuel at a time; they do not ignite an entire tank full of fuel. Generally, when the entire fuel tank DOES ignite, the plane explodes and everyone on it dies.

I'm curious as to what your expertise in the "laws of physics" is, that makes you qualified to proclaim that a building cannot fall near the speed of gravity. The obvious visual evidence is that it did. So you seem to be claiming both that the buildings fell near the speed of gravity, and that it is impossible for buildings to fall at the speed of gravity. That makes no sense. If you can prove this to be true, and demonstrate to us what your expertise is that makes you qualified to determine such a thing, I'll be happy to listen. I certainly am not going to believe you just because you say so, because, unlike you, I am open-minded.

180   Homeboy   2012 Sep 12, 4:55pm  

Truth Seeker says

Oh, and let's not forget perhaps the most incredible claim of all - that 3 buildings could be COMPLETELY destroyed (in the exact same manner as a controlled demolition), but using ONLY 2 AIRPLANES(!) This alone stretches credulity far beyond any semblance of rational possibility. And then, if you can somehow wrap your mind around all of that, there are STILL MANY other problems and unexplained inconsistencies with the "official story".

So I guess it would be funny if it weren't so painfully sad that your line of thinking is apparently what's passing for 'American education' and critical thinking these days... Unbelievable!

First, the buildings were not destroyed in "the exact manner of a controlled demolition". In fact, it wasn't anything like a controlled demolition at all. Feel free to view my earlier link to a video explaining the difference. Somehow I don't think you'll watch it, because it's not part of your religion of Richard Gage worship.

As for WTC7 falling without being hit by an airplane - it was hit by debris from the tower, which started fires in multiple areas, which burned unarrested for some time. And there WAS a difference. Since WTC7 didn't have vital structural members knocked out by airplanes, it did NOT fall at the speed of gravity. It fell considerably slower than that, despite Richard Gage's lies to the contrary. Now, if I were going to believe some convoluted theory to the contrary, I would need a really good reason. You have not provided a good reason. Just SAYING something does not make it true. If you want me to believe that what happened in the footage I saw did not happen, you need to PROVE it, which you have not done.

I do agree with you on one thing, though. What's passing for critical thinking is quite alarming. When people like you get all your information from one website, and refuses to listen to anyone else, it's a sad day for America.

181   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 12, 5:07pm  

Homeboy says

The idea is preposterous.

Oh REALLY? Preposterous??? In my mind, you have just completely disqualified yourself from this discussion with that ignorant suggestion Homeboy.

The quote you mention includes at least one fatal error, specifically the conclusion that "This makes it [thermite] an unlikely substance for achieving a controlled demolition."

On the contrary, you need to watch the excellent documentary, '911 Mysteries' as it clearly shows how the building security systems were taken off line (and bomb sniffing dogs removed) to allow for the systematic preparations with explosives that happened for WEEKS prior to "showtime" on 9/11/01. That event was nothing more than a sophisticated deception using controlled demolition and you apparently are one of the many who actually fell for it.

Far from being "preposterous", it is actually HIGHLY PROBABLE that thermite (or nano thermite) was used to cut through the steel support beams.

Nothing else could possibly account for:

- the extremely high temperatures (molten steel) that lasted for WEEKS at the base of the towers.

- the visible, burning metallic dust that video evidence clearly shows falling from the buildings prior to the actual descent.

- the pyroclastic shock waves from each of the buildings (strongly indicative of thermite-induced, *VERY* high temperatures that reams of video footage show obviously engulfing pedestrians, vehicles and everything in it's path.

Yet in spite of your "preposterous" claims to the contrary, there is a growing, critical mass of people who are not afraid of looking at the truth, people who are slowly coming around to the understanding that 9/11 was designed to elicit U.S. support for the OBSCENELY EXPENSIVE, multi-$$TRILLION dollar wars in the Middle East. (again, follow the money!)

So you can make your outlandish claims and bury your head in the sand all you want Homeboy. But in the end, the TRUTH WILL PREVAIL !!

182   Bigsby   2012 Sep 12, 5:24pm  

Truth Seeker says

Bigsby, it's not about ego - just the FACTS which are conveniently overlooked by the press/MSM. Somehow you can't seem to find the forest for the trees and have refused to answer my direct questions based SOLELY ON THE FACTS.

Once again, if you're so damned smart and blindly follow everything you read in the newspapers, why don't you try to articulately answer each of the points brought up in the following website (if you even think you can)?


Knock yourself out buddy!


Why would I refute them? Last time I checked my postgrad degree wasn't in a related field. I suggest that you find your rebuttals from experts - the internet is awash with them, but you obviously have chosen to ignore that glaring fact.

183   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 12, 5:55pm  

Homeboy says

Truth Seeker says

Actually Homeboy, I don't believe that I've ever even bothered to look at 911truth.org. There are just so many other terrific and informative websites, books and documentaries about what REALLY happened on 9/11 (there is NO shortage of material or controversy) that I guess I haven't ever felt the need to visit that one. But maybe I'll take your suggestion and look into it.

Ha, ha - sure, whatever you say. You just happen to parrot everything on that website. You're not fooling anyone here. We know you got all your conspiracy nonsense from Richard Gage's stupid video that has been debunked god knows how many times. There is no controversy; only a few nutballs dedicated to their silly conspiracy theory. You take Gage's word as gospel, and reject all other evidence. You are the epitome of narrow-mindedness.

OK, I can clearly see the problem Homeboy, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE F*CK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT !!!

Over multiple postings on this thread you keep ERRONEOUSLY attributing Richard Gage to "911truth.org". Actually, Homeboy, he is associated with "ae911truth.org" and THEY ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WEBSITES !!


Furthermore, since you don't really have any actual FACTS to disclaim ANY of Gage's assertions, you instead resort to painting him with a very broad brush by tossing out baseless claims that he has somehow been discredited.

NOTHING could be further from the truth!
NOTHING Gage says has EVER been disproven!
NOTHING Gage says has EVER been "debunked god knows how many times" (that one is completely laughable!)

Folks, HOMEBOY is transparently attempting to smear good people like Richard Gage (anyone who dares to bring up those inconvenient truths) while offering absolutely NO PROOF of his own whatsoever!!

Lacking any sort of credible evidence to the contrary, HOMEBOY resorts to just 'shooting the messenger' while completely IGNORING all of very inconvenient FACTS brought up on ae911Truth.org !!

This is classic troll behavior and very clear evidence that Homeboy is ideologically bankrupt!

184   Bigsby   2012 Sep 12, 6:16pm  

Zlxr says

Truth Seeker - Bigsby and a few others really just want to kick someone's ass but they can't for some reason - so they pick fights and push buttons.

We aren't the ones on here pushing the conspiracy theories, so who exactly is it that's looking for attention?
Zlxr says

Could be the Gov't even hired him to prevent the spread of the truth. They really do like to hire dumb asses.

Good grief, and you talk about us looking for a fight? Yes, yes , the government obviously hired us to come onto Patrick.net to refute the cobblers that you and your ilk are spouting. Of course, it's so obvious. Damn, at least your posts are good for a laugh.

185   Bigsby   2012 Sep 12, 6:40pm  

Truth Seeker says

Over multiple postings on this thread you keep ERRONEOUSLY attributing Richard Gage to "911truth.org". Actually, Homeboy, he is associated with "ae911truth.org" and THEY ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WEBSITES !!


Hilarious. You couldn't make it up. Well, I suppose YOU could.

186   Homeboy   2012 Sep 12, 6:52pm  

Truth Seeker says

OK, I can clearly see the problem Homeboy, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE F*CK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT !!!

Over multiple postings on this thread you keep ERRONEOUSLY attributing Richard Gage to "911truth.org". Actually, Homeboy, he is associated with "ae911truth.org" and THEY ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WEBSITES !!


Wow, you are truly clueless. I know those are 2 different sites. I don't care. They both contain the same stupid theories advanced by Gage. You are regurgitating the same nonsense as all the other brain dead conspiracy nutcases.

187   Homeboy   2012 Sep 12, 6:58pm  

Truth Seeker says

NOTHING could be further from the truth!
NOTHING Gage says has EVER been disproven!
NOTHING Gage says has EVER been "debunked god knows how many times" (that one is completely laughable!)

Folks, HOMEBOY is transparently attempting to smear good people like Richard Gage (anyone who dares to bring up those inconvenient truths) while offering absolutely NO PROOF of his own whatsoever!!

And here is proof of exactly what I was saying. Gage is your god. You unquestioningly believe everything he says, and dismiss out-of-hand all evidence to the contrary.

And since you obviously don't understand logic or science, let me explain this to you. If you are going to present outlandish claims that you got from Gage's video, it is contingent on YOU to prove them. A theory is not true by default until disproven. You seem to be confusing science with religion.

188   Homeboy   2012 Sep 12, 7:23pm  

Truth Seeker says

Folks, HOMEBOY is transparently attempting to smear good people like Richard Gage (anyone who dares to bring up those inconvenient truths) while offering absolutely NO PROOF of his own whatsoever!!

Proof of what? We all saw videos of planes flying into the buildings and then the buildings falling. That's pretty good evidence that some terrorists flew planes into buildings and caused them to fall down.

Now, if YOU are claiming some sort of extremely complicated, mysterious secret conspiracy that involved planting explosives in a secure building without anyone involved ever talking about, and deliberately making the buildings fall down in an allegedly "controlled" fashion ("controlled" as opposed to what never being made clear, and why they would want it to look controlled I guess being a mystery), and then having planes fly into them (again raising the question of why they would want to do this if they already planned on blowing them up with explosives), you can be damn well sure that YOU need to prove it if you expect anyone to disregard the obvious visual evidence and the opinions of countless experts.

189   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 13, 3:22am  

Homeboy says

Truth Seeker says

Oh, and let's not forget perhaps the most incredible claim of all - that 3 buildings could be COMPLETELY destroyed (in the exact same manner as a controlled demolition), but using ONLY 2 AIRPLANES(!) This alone stretches credulity far beyond any semblance of rational possibility. And then, if you can somehow wrap your mind around all of that, there are STILL MANY other problems and unexplained inconsistencies with the "official story".

So I guess it would be funny if it weren't so painfully sad that your line of thinking is apparently what's passing for 'American education' and critical thinking these days... Unbelievable!

First, the buildings were not destroyed in "the exact manner of a controlled demolition". In fact, it wasn't anything like a controlled demolition at all. Feel free to view my earlier link to a video explaining the difference. Somehow I don't think you'll watch it, because it's not part of your religion of Richard Gage worship.

Wrong again Homeboy!! Quite frankly, I had never even heard of Richard Gage prior to this discussion. You are so completely off the beam with your "worship" comment that it's obvious that it is YOU who is fixated on him.

But now that I've been introduced to the guy, let's give credit where credit is due! He has apparently been the organizing force behind the 'Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth' site which I was familiar with. Yet his organization has steadily grown to over 1700 PROFESSIONAL educated EXPERTS who are willing to put their jobs and reputations on the line in the search for truth.

To me, that speaks volumes and their HIGHLY ARTICULATE MESSAGE says MUCH more than any motley collection of PR guys hired to produce propaganda videos in a desperate attempt to try to shoot down the truth.

190   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 13, 3:30am  

Homeboy says

OK, I can clearly see the problem Homeboy, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE F*CK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT !!!

Over multiple postings on this thread you keep ERRONEOUSLY attributing Richard Gage to "911truth.org". Actually, Homeboy, he is associated with "ae911truth.org" and THEY ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WEBSITES !!


Wow, you are truly clueless. I know those are 2 different sites. I don't care. They both contain the same stupid theories advanced by Gage. You are regurgitating the same nonsense as all the other brain dead conspiracy nutcases.

Apparently, Homeboy, you "don't care" because the word CLUELESS actually describes YOU, yet that word doesn't even begin to cover it in your case! You're a JOKE! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

191   Bigsby   2012 Sep 13, 3:34am  

Truth Seeker says

Wrong again Homeboy!! Quite frankly, I had never even heard of Richard Gage prior to this discussion. You are so completely off the beam with your "worship" comment that it's obvious that it is YOU who is fixated on him.

But now that I've been introduced to the guy, let's give credit where credit is due! He has apparently been the organizing force behind the 'Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth' site which I was familiar with. Yet his organization has steadily grown to over 1700 PROFESSIONAL educated EXPERTS who are willing to put their jobs and reputations on the line in the search for truth.

So let me get this straight, you've gone from never having heard of him to indignant defence of everything he's said in the space of a handful of posts on this thread. Why do I think you're telling porkie pies?

192   Bigsby   2012 Sep 13, 3:35am  

Truth Seeker says

Apparently, Homeboy, you "don't care" because the word CLUELESS actually describes YOU, yet that word doesn't even begin to cover it in your case! You're a JOKE! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Says Mr. Irate Conspiracy Theorist.

193   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 13, 3:44am  

Bigsby says

Truth Seeker says

Over multiple postings on this thread you keep ERRONEOUSLY attributing Richard Gage to "911truth.org". Actually, Homeboy, he is associated with "ae911truth.org" and THEY ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WEBSITES !!


Hilarious. You couldn't make it up. Well, I suppose YOU could.

Come now Bigsby. Your aren't seriously trying to tell me that 911Truth.org and ae911Truth.org are the SAME website are you??

That is exactly what Homeboy was trying to say, yet he has proven to be utterly clueless and just DEAD WRONG with his facts, subsequently resorting to ranting, raving and transparently trying to attack the messengers.

If you are delusional enough to somehow be in agreement with him, then you are actually proving my point that only the most feeble-minded are the ones that are willing to swallow the fairytale about what really happened on 9/11.

194   Bigsby   2012 Sep 13, 3:47am  

Truth Seeker says

Come now Bigsby. Your aren't seriously trying to tell me that 911Truth.org and ae911Truth.org are the SAME website are you??

I'm not telling you that. I'm laughing at your hysterical response to what he said... and over two websites that basically have the same name and peddle the same stuff. Just ridiculous.

195   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 13, 3:52am  

Bigsby says

Truth Seeker says

Wrong again Homeboy!! Quite frankly, I had never even heard of Richard Gage prior to this discussion. You are so completely off the beam with your "worship" comment that it's obvious that it is YOU who is fixated on him.

But now that I've been introduced to the guy, let's give credit where credit is due! He has apparently been the organizing force behind the 'Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth' site which I was familiar with. Yet his organization has steadily grown to over 1700 PROFESSIONAL educated EXPERTS who are willing to put their jobs and reputations on the line in the search for truth.

So let me get this straight, you've gone from never having heard of him to indignant defence of everything he's said in the space of a handful of posts on this thread. Why do I think you're telling porkie pies?

Believe whatever you want clown! Just because I sequentially defended Gage's positions prior to revealing that I had formerly never even heard of the man actually says that I'm more interested in getting down to the truth (positions), rather than simply engaging in a tit for tat flame war with a bunch of ideologically bankrupt trolls.

But I guess that when idiots are out of good ideas, that's exactly what they resort to.

So truly, I think it's obvious that the only ones swallowing big "porkie pies" are guys like you! (and Homeboy, of course! - LOL)

196   coriacci1   2012 Sep 13, 3:52am  

haven't seen this one yet, has anyone else?


197   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 13, 3:55am  

Bigsby says

Truth Seeker says

Come now Bigsby. Your aren't seriously trying to tell me that 911Truth.org and ae911Truth.org are the SAME website are you??

I'm not telling you that. I'm laughing at your hysterical response to what he said... and over two websites that basically have the same name and peddle the same stuff. Just ridiculous.

Believe me Bigsby, your positions about 9/11 are what is truly hilarious, and very, very sad that supposed grownups can actually somehow swallow that whole "official story" with a straight face.

198   Bigsby   2012 Sep 13, 3:57am  

Truth Seeker says

Believe me Bigsby, your positions about 9/11 are what is truly hilarious, and very, very sad that supposed grownups can actually somehow swallow that whole "official story" with a straight face.

Yes, yes, my position of believing experts rather than frothing loons is hilarious.

199   Bigsby   2012 Sep 13, 4:03am  

Truth Seeker says

Believe whatever you want clown! Just because I sequentially defended Gage's positions prior to revealing that I had formerly never even heard of the man actually says that I'm more interested in getting down to the truth (positions), rather than simply engaging in a tit for tat flame war with a bunch of ideologically bankrupt trolls.

But I guess that when idiots are out of good ideas, that's exactly what they resort to.

So truly, I think it's obvious that the only ones swallowing big "porkie pies" are guys like you! (and Homeboy, of course! - LOL)

Ah now, you're very hostile, aren't you? You do understand that you're the conspiracy theorist. That you are in the minority. That a vast body of evidence contradicts what you're arguing. And yet, here you are, posting what you post. I guess it takes all sorts.

200   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 13, 4:14am  

Bigsby says

Truth Seeker says

Believe me Bigsby, your positions about 9/11 are what is truly hilarious, and very, very sad that supposed grownups can actually somehow swallow that whole "official story" with a straight face.

Yes, yes, my position of believing experts rather than frothing loons is hilarious.

Well Bigsby, those so-called "experts" are the ones who would try to get you to believe that WTC7, a massive 47 story building, somehow came completely down due to "fires" that were supposedly "raging". Yet there is NO VIDEO EVIDENCE of any fires in that building prior to approx. 12pm!

Also, those supposedly "raging" fires actually appeared to be low on fuel and relatively benign by the time that the building actually came down at 5:20pm.

Yet, this is the stuff that fairy tales are made of Bigsby!

201   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 13, 4:23am  

Bigsby says

Truth Seeker says

Believe whatever you want clown! Just because I sequentially defended Gage's positions prior to revealing that I had formerly never even heard of the man actually says that I'm more interested in getting down to the truth (positions), rather than simply engaging in a tit for tat flame war with a bunch of ideologically bankrupt trolls.

But I guess that when idiots are out of good ideas, that's exactly what they resort to.

So truly, I think it's obvious that the only ones swallowing big "porkie pies" are guys like you! (and Homeboy, of course! - LOL)

Ah now, you're very hostile, aren't you? You do understand that you're the conspiracy theorist. That you are in the minority. That a vast body of evidence contradicts what you're arguing. And yet, here you are, posting what you post. I guess it takes all sorts.

Actually Bigsby, polls have been showing for a long time now that a MAJORITY of Americans believe that there is something wrong with the "official version" of 9/11. Concomitantly, there is a steadily growing body of people that flat out REJECTS those fairy tales.

If these current trends continue, it won't be terribly long before some sort of a "tipping point" occurs and pressure will be enormous to re-open the investigation to consider some of the key, critical evidence that was blatantly "overlooked".

202   Bigsby   2012 Sep 13, 4:30am  

Truth Seeker says

Well Bigsby, those so-called "experts" are the ones who would try to get you to believe that WTC7, a massive 47 story building, somehow came completely down due to "fires" that were supposedly "raging". Yet there is NO VIDEO EVIDENCE of any fires in that building prior to approx. 12pm!

What exactly are you trying to say? That there were no major fires inside the building? Is that really what you are trying to imply?

Truth Seeker says

Actually Bigsby, polls have been showing for a long time now that a MAJORITY of Americans believe that there is something wrong with the "official version" of 9/11. Concomitantly, there is a steadily growing body of people that flat out REJECTS those fairy tales.

Er, those polls aren't asking if people believe that the government blew up the buildings, are they, so you are being incredibly disingenuous. And yes, many uninformed people do enjoy conspiracy theories, alien abduction stories etc. etc., so what?

203   mdovell   2012 Sep 13, 4:43am  

Truth Seeker says

Oh, and let's not forget perhaps the most incredible claim of all - that 3 buildings could be COMPLETELY destroyed (in the exact same manner as a controlled demolition), but using ONLY 2 AIRPLANES(!)

On the same note the Oklahoma City bombing actually damaged an addition 347 buildings and 16 of them had to be torn down. Twenty blocks of the city had to be cordoned off Some of the other buildings had to be torn down although they were not directly in the blast site. If you roll things back the only thing to compare them to would be the marine barracks bombing in and in all due regards Beruit is much more urban than OKC.

So your argument that two planes could not take down three buildings is false.


"22. Were any of the buildings in the area damaged?
The bomb damaged 347 buildings in the immediate area. Thirty buildings were heavily damaged and approximately 16 have since been torn down. Twenty blocks of downtown OKC had to be cordoned off due to the bomb’s extent."

So how could one bomb damage 348 buildings pretty much take out one, heavily damage 30 and 16 had to be torn down..

If you can do that with a Ryder rental truck I'm pretty sure two 747's could take down three buildings. You can site all the conspiracy related materials you want but frankly you aren't getting to a real point.

If everything has to have video evidence then it is hard to prove anything prior to the 50's or 60's...heck the first films were what...1890's?

You cannot logically replace one item with some half agnostic/schroders cat concept here. What specifically is your point? Once I had a conversation with a person that thought a missile hit the pentagon. OK so where did the hijacked plane go..um then claims it landed at some military base...um..ok so where did the people go? Then there's some that claim it was holograms that hit the towers which again is impossible because you wouldn't be able to see it from all angles.

To note it is a weak argument to simply ask someone else to google or search and read though someone elses material.

Eventually conspiracy like claims form a concept of mass panic and gradually get debunked because frankly there is little evidence. We went though this stuff in the 1980's with the so called satanic ritual abuse. Here's a link to a debunked book largely made for some cash. In a nutshell non of this persons story was true once it was investigated. But at the time the presumption of innocence made it believable. Now adays with the economy it is no wonder why some 9/11 "truth" groups sprout up..they simply want cash and fame (albeit limited)

204   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 13, 4:45am  

Bigsby says

Well Bigsby, those so-called "experts" are the ones who would try to get you to believe that WTC7, a massive 47 story building, somehow came completely down due to "fires" that were supposedly "raging". Yet there is NO VIDEO EVIDENCE of any fires in that building prior to approx. 12pm!

What exactly are you trying to say? That there were no major fires inside the building? Is that really what you are trying to imply?

The fires that supposedly brought down WTC7 apparently did not even start until after 12pm. LONG after the North Tower fell and damaged the building. Doesn't that strike you as somewhat odd??

205   Bigsby   2012 Sep 13, 4:54am  

Truth Seeker says

The fires that supposedly brought down WTC7 apparently did not even start until after 12pm. LONG after the North Tower fell and damaged the building. Doesn't that strike you as somewhat odd??

I thought your whole argument was that the building was brought down by explosives, so why does the timing of the fire concern you? Oh, and here's a link to a video of the fire in WTC7. Not out of control at all:


206   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 13, 5:01am  

Homeboy says

Truth Seeker says

Oh, and let's not forget perhaps the most incredible claim of all - that 3

buildings could be COMPLETELY destroyed (in the exact same manner as a controlled demolition), but using ONLY 2 AIRPLANES(!) This alone stretches credulity far beyond any semblance of rational possibility. And then, if you can somehow wrap your mind around all of that, there are STILL MANY other problems and unexplained inconsistencies with the "official story".

So I guess it would be funny if it weren't so painfully sad that your line of thinking is apparently what's passing for 'American education' and critical thinking these days... Unbelievable!

First, the buildings were not destroyed in "the exact manner of a controlled

demolition". In fact, it wasn't anything like a controlled demolition at all.

Though WTC1 & WTC2 were not 'classic' examples of "controlled demolitions" , they were nevertheless both brought down via "controlled demolitions". The primary difference was that the perpetrators used a much more sophisticated, top-down demolition scheme in an attempt to deceive the public about the true nature of the buildings' collapse.

WTC7 was an example of a more 'classic' "controlled demolition", complete with the traditional bottom floor collapse.

207   Homeboy   2012 Sep 13, 5:06am  

Truth Seeker says

The fires that supposedly brought down WTC7 apparently did not even start until after 12pm. LONG after the North Tower fell and damaged the building. Doesn't that strike you as somewhat odd??

What's your point? Do you believe that someone went into the building at 12:00 and set some fires for no reason, then blew up the building? Does that really make any kind of sense to you?

208   Homeboy   2012 Sep 13, 5:09am  

Truth Seeker says

WTC7 was an example of a more 'classic' "controlled demolition", complete with the traditional bottom floor collapse.

No, it wasn't anything like a controlled demolition. You're just saying that because that's what your god Richard Gage said. Please view the video I posted earlier showing that it in no way resembled a controlled demolition. Are you afraid to look at the video? Does it threaten your "religion"?

209   bob2356   2012 Sep 13, 5:19am  

Truth Seeker says

Though WTC1 & WTC2 were not 'classic' examples of "controlled demolitions" , they were nevertheless both brought down via "controlled demolitions". The primary difference was that the perpetrators used a much more sophisticated, top-down demolition scheme in an attempt to deceive the public about the true nature of the buildings' collapse.

WTC7 was an example of a more 'classic' "controlled demolition", complete with the traditional bottom floor collapse.

Very sophisticated these unknown demolition people who set charges weeks/months/years before convincing arabs to conveniently fly planes into the building to cover up for the demolitions. So 1&2 wt were set to demolish from the top down so that people would believe that the planes actually did it, but 7 wt was set to demolish from the bottom to that people would believe???

One would think that the number of people that good with demolition would be pretty small. Pretty easy to check out. Hmmm wonder why no one has done that?

So what happened to the tagging of the explosives? All explosives are tagged. Oh I forgot they humped in a couple of tons of thermite in backpacks. I see it's all clear now.

210   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 13, 5:22am  

Homeboy says

Feel free to view my earlier link to a video explaining the difference. Somehow I don't think you'll watch it, because it's not part of your religion of Richard Gage worship.

Again Homeboy, YOU are the one who first introduced me to Richard Gage. But he's obviously a very smart guy.

What's the matter? You seem to be highly intimidated by his superior analytical skills and can't seem to cough up a point-by-point rebuttal to his excellent, very articulate points. (yes, we're still waiting for that from you Homeboy)

But then again, what would we expect from an intellectual lightweight like you who mistakenly claims that multiple, uniquely different websites are somehow "the same" while believing and parroting everything he sees and hears on Fox News :-)

211   Truth Seeker   2012 Sep 13, 5:26am  

Truth Seeker says

Homeboy says

Feel free to view my earlier link to a video explaining the difference. Somehow I don't think you'll watch it, because it's not part of your religion of Richard Gage worship.

And yes, I watched the video you posted, though I was decidedly UNIMPRESSED. I'll post some comments separately about that.

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