
United States, joined 2008 Apr 12   Has 1 follower.   Is following 0.
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threads pinned by bob2356
authored 11,123 comments and 27 threads

bob2356's threads

Draining the swamp continues
by bob2356 on 3 Nov 2017   2 comments, latest a month ago
#politics# Great political move by Pruitt. Really slick. Make all the academic grant research scientists ineligible to sit on EPA's boards and replace them with industry paid scientists. After all ...

by bob2356 on 7 Sep 2018   60 comments, latest 6 years ago
Nike online sales up 31% since the Kaepernick ad. Magically all the Nike is going to die threads disappeared from patnet. Strange coincidence. What happened to all the all the ...

Vacationing in S??thole countries
by bob2356 on 26 Aug 2018   52 comments, latest 6 years ago
Took the tykes out for a summer vacation of windsurfing,kietsurfng, surfing, wakeboarding (sense a water theme?), horseback, etc, etc. etc. Did a house swap with a buddy for the first ...

Trump is finally honest
by bob2356 on 15 Jun 2018   9 comments, latest 6 years ago
about what he really wants. To be like Kim. "Hey, he is the head of a country and I mean he is the strong head," Mr. Trump told Fox News' ...

Let's play a game. Call it hypocrites are us.
by bob2356 on 27 May 2018   8 comments, latest 6 years ago
Anyone want to take a shot at what would have been said by the republican congress, right wing echo chamber, and patnets own legion of trumpets if Obama had singled ...

The truth about the tax cut
by bob2356 on 11 Apr 2018   111 comments, latest 6 years ago
Straight from a very wealth mouth. In selling you their trickle-down tax plan, President Trump and congressional Republicans promised you a $4,000 pay raise. "This change, along with a ...

Shocking. who would have thunk it.
by bob2356 on 28 Feb 2018   4 comments, latest 7 years ago
So the projections are in for the first quarter under our brand new shiny tax cut. Investments are up 6.8%. That's the best since 2014 when the schwartza was running ...

Not grasping the concept scaramucci style. The charlie foxtrot continues
by bob2356 on 28 Jul 2017   Posted 7 years ago
Tough day at the office. The new white house comm director doesn't know that reporters report what you say unless they agree to off the record. Dude that's why ...

Thunderdome version - Warning: Banning people may cause them to get triggered
by bob2356 on 24 Jun 2017   3 comments, latest 7 years ago
Dan287 OP says: Warning: I don't give a shit. Don't waste our time with trolling or deliberate misinformation, if you want to have a real discussion or debate. Any ...

The Charlie Foxtrot continues
by bob2356 on 23 Jun 2017   1 comment, latest 7 years ago
Amazing. Nothing like knowing what you are talking about. This is just plain embarrassing for trump and the idiots that gave him a standing ovation.

Where is CIC?
by bob2356 on 23 Dec 2015   21 comments, latest 8 years ago
Travelled a lot around NH and VT last week. Amazing. One week before christmas and there are green lawns, green fields, ferns growing along hiking trails, people walking around ...

Between a rock and a hard place
by bob2356 on 7 Mar 2017   15 comments, latest 8 years ago
Loved trumps weekend tweetstorm that he was wiretapped. He managed to blow his two biggest news problems, sessions and health care, out of the news cycle for at least ...

Charlie Foxtrot continues. The entertainment never stops.
by bob2356 on 6 Feb 2017   3 comments, latest 8 years ago
Having trump as president is more fun than playing crisco twister with nude supermodels. Our first orange president says that any negative polls are "fake news" The usual ...

Draft Bernie
by bob2356 on 9 Oct 2016   3 comments, latest 8 years ago
After trump drops out the RNC should draft bernie. He is an independent and has proven he can mobilize a base. Just think how the never trumps combined with ...

Saudis are both the arsonists and the firefighters
by bob2356 on 26 Aug 2016   13 comments, latest 8 years ago Holy crap, someone gave the NYT a clue. Now if the rest of the country could get it at least to the point where the president doesn't suck ...

The new trump campaign.
by bob2356 on 18 Aug 2016   7 comments, latest 8 years ago
So now we have Trump, Breitbart Bannon, and former Fox Ailes. Wow. America has hit the make shit up trifecta. Can anyone explain the strategy here? Did Trump somehow ...

It's time to reform policing.
by bob2356 on 7 Jul 2016   35 comments, latest 8 years ago "We can no longer operate under this militarized, quota-driven, heavy-handed enforcement model." "It's time to reform policing and incorporate some really serious public safety, public service, community-based models," ...

Great new book-Black Flags by Joby Warrick
by bob2356 on 29 Apr 2016   Posted 8 years ago
Far and away the best book on the Iraq insurgency and how it led to the rise of ISIS I've read so far. The amount of research and depth ...

Do as we say.
by bob2356 on 31 Jan 2016   1 comment, latest 9 years ago
The US government forces every government and bank on the planet to be unpaid irs agents to look for "money laundering" even though 90% of money laundering is done ...

by bob2356 on 19 Jan 2016   16 comments, latest 9 years ago
Darkest film ever made. I can now think of films like clockwork orange, sophie's choice, they shoot horses don't they, and elephant man as feel good films. The academy ...

Dog named Trigger shoots owner during waterfowl hunt
by bob2356 on 26 Oct 2015   6 comments, latest 9 years ago
NORTH WEBSTER, Ind. -- Authorities say a northern Indiana woman is recovering after being shot in the foot by her dog. And the dog's name? Trigger. Indiana Conservation Officer ...

The government can use secret evidence you can't see to seize your passport.
by bob2356 on 1 Aug 2015   24 comments, latest 9 years ago
Republican Representative Ted Poe of Texas sponsored the Foreign Terrorist Organization Passport Revocation Act. The bill was passed July 28 after only 15 minutes of debate and is currently ...

Snow glorious snow
by bob2356 on 9 Apr 2015   1 comment, latest 10 years ago
Over 6" of freshies and snowing like a bat out of hell. Heading for the big K for another awesome day of riding and sliding. Day 76 with 6 ...

The goalposts are moving
by bob2356 on 13 Mar 2015   35 comments, latest 10 years ago The US is pissed that Britain has joined the Chinese alternative to the US controlled IMF and World Bank. Some (but not all) members are China, India, Indonesia, ...

Obama hates the press
by bob2356 on 23 May 2013   3 comments, latest 11 years ago
The president who's administration has pursued more leaks than every other president combined has stepped over the line once more. Naming a reporter a co-conspirator for receiving classified info ...

Has anyone else read any of wikileaks?
by bob2356 on 3 Dec 2010   3 comments, latest 14 years ago
I've been reading the wikileaks Iraq documents for a while now and have spent a lot of time looking at the newly released state department stuff . I can ...

Think this is going to end well?
by bob2356 on 31 Oct 2009   12 comments, latest 15 years ago
I like the part about the totally bankrupt FDIC being in on it. I am sure that business owners will be much more willing to pay off underwater mortgages ...
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