Who dunnit? Who benefits? How did those towers come down?

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2012 Sep 3, 1:23am   298,408 views  820 comments

by coriacci1   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


Congress rolled over for the White House(again), and did not preform it's Constitutional Duty. 11 years ago we were hoodwinked by the NeoCons and the Controlled Media. You can't cover up the fact that Explosives were used on all 3 buildings that collapsed on September 11. Many people still do not Realize Building 7 dropped in a free fall demolition at 5 thirty in the Afternoon in a classic Controlled Fashion. It is way past time to reconcile the Lies. The Tide will turn our way now as the Financial and Political Systems implode like building 7. This is what

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672   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 5:54am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

So are you saying that you have no evidence to post?

No, I'm saying you don't.

673   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 5:55am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

bob2356 says

Comparing Galileo to 911 truthers is just pathetic.

He was comparing people that don't want to look at the evidence to flat earthers.

Which of course has nothing to do with Galileo.

674   Homeboy   2012 Oct 7, 5:57am  

BuilderMike says

Homeboy, I speak for myself. I work with engineers and architects. They don't go out on a limb easily. The video had a number of engineers and architects provide their opinions about the inconsistencies in the official 9/11 conspiracy theory.

How convenient that you joined patrick.net just in time to post in this thread to support Squatting as a so-called "expert", and your only 3 posts are in this thread. That is just an amazing stroke of luck, eh?

675   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 6:02am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Bigsby says

My facts? I take it that the evidence of the overwhelming majority of respected specialists in the related fields are not of interest then.

Can you give us links to these "respected specialists" evidence against the CD of WTC7?

Why would they spend their time supplying evidence against an outlandish conspiracy theory? Their job is to explain what happened based on investigation, not to refute every nut job theory that pops up on the internet. What happened was researched and the conclusions run contrary to your theory, and is therefore... Oh, you work it out.

676   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 6:06am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Bigsby says

Squatting in East CoCo says

So are you saying that you have no evidence to post?

No, I'm saying you don't.

OK. I guess we are done here. Thank you for your contribution.

I wish I could say the same to you, but unfortunately you've just run around in circles posting the same comments repeatedly and avoided addressing the problems raised. You are the one peddling the conspiracy. The onus is squarely on you to prove it, not for us to disprove it.

677   tatupu70   2012 Oct 7, 7:04am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

You say you have evidence and when we ask for it you say you have none.

How about eyewitness accounts, video evidence of airplanes being flown into the twin towers? How about airplane wreckage found in the debris? How about the identities of Al Queda members being on the planes that crashed?

Because there is no denying the fact that airplanes full of jet fuel crashed in to the towers. And that Al Queda was behind it. Once you accept that, then you are now saying the conspiracy involved the US working together with Bin Laden. Is that what you are saying? If so, please provide the evidence.

And before you write your standard 4 lines:

Thermite doesn't explode. So are you saying that thermit was used or that you heard explosions? Because those two statements are at odds with each other.

678   Bap33   2012 Oct 7, 8:05am  

tatupu70 says

How about the identities of Al Queda members being on the planes that crashed?

that sure seems like it would be hard to find ... a piece of paper, or seven. Especially after a huge explosion, then either drifitin down and being blown about the area, landing several blocks away, or floaing down and then having all of the debris and dust cover it after the final fall. Or, sitting at the burning floors level for an hour, deposited there when the cockpit vaporized, and then riding the collapse to the ground, then having the upper floors collapse on top of the paper too, and then the whole mess piles into a big pit that burns for a month at a temp so high it keeps workmen back. That is a very lucky find, in my opinion.

Does anyone have odds on finding those ID's? Just wondering.

679   bob2356   2012 Oct 7, 9:01am  

Bap33 says

Does anyone have odds on finding those ID's? Just wondering.

Believe it or not airlines keep passenger lists and they don't even store them on paper in 7wtc without any other copies like everyone else apparently did.

680   bob2356   2012 Oct 7, 9:06am  

Zlxr says

And if perchance what I and many others believe is also incorrect - it's just spreading because no one is willing to let us find out the truth.

What's stopping you, ae911truth is raking in almost 500 big a year? That buys a lot of research or lots of nice toys for gage. I wonder which?

681   bob2356   2012 Oct 7, 9:12am  

Homeboy says

BuilderMike says

Homeboy, I speak for myself. I work with engineers and architects. They don't go out on a limb easily. The video had a number of engineers and architects provide their opinions about the inconsistencies in the official 9/11 conspiracy theory.

How convenient that you joined patrick.net just in time to post in this thread to support Squatting as a so-called "expert", and your only 3 posts are in this thread. That is just an amazing stroke of luck, eh?

I wonder how many identities squatting actually has on patnet? I wonder how many people have read his posts and have at least looked at 911truth? I wonder what squatting's connection to 911truth is and if it pays? Follow the money. The only truth to 911truth is it's raking in a pile of money.

682   Bap33   2012 Oct 7, 9:23am  

bob2356 says

Bap33 says

Does anyone have odds on finding those ID's? Just wondering.

Believe it or not airlines keep passenger lists and they don't even store them on paper in 7wtc without any other copies like everyone else apparently did.

my mistake, I thought tatupu was talking about IDs found in the rubble off of the badguys on the planes. Like, something they had with them at the time of the attack. If that is not what was meant, then my comment makes very little sense! lol

683   tatupu70   2012 Oct 7, 9:40am  

Bap33 says

my mistake, I thought tatupu was talking about IDs found in the rubble off of the badguys on the planes

No--just meant that the identities are well known and that constitutes evidence in my mind. They even have security camera footage of some of them in the airport.

There is OVERWHELMING evidence that Al Queda members hijacked planes, flew them into the towers, and the resulting explosion and fire caused the buildings to collapse.

The only thing that the conspiracy buffs have is that no other building has collapsed in the same way before.

That's not evidence. That's an observation.

684   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 11:53am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Bigsby says

And what does 'deny(ing)' evidence mean?

Ignoring it? Doubting it?

Well, if it's the kind of 'evidence' you've been posting...

685   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 12:03pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

You say you have evidence and when we ask for it you say you have none.

I say no such thing. The evidence is there for everyone to see. Just bloody Google it. Just look at the videos you post up. What about that one with no audio and multiple shots of WTC7 coming down. How the hell is that evidence for what you claim? You are asking for evidence to disprove the claims that YOU are making, but what you are showing isn't evidence in the first place.
And what evidence am I supposed to produce to disprove your claims of a controlled demolition for example? The only people who see any evidence of a CD are conspiracy theorists, so how are people supposed to respond to that? You can't disprove something that doesn't exist in the first place to those that have chosen to believe - you just post up another video and say look at this one. We are looking and they aren't evidence. Just like religion, you make extraordinary claims. And just like religion, you fail to provide extraordinary evidence. And then just like with religious people, you demand that we prove that your 'evidence' is wrong. Like I said before, it is you making the claims and for you to prove those claims. You can't, so instead you flail around repeating the same points over and over again and then demand we disprove those points. When that is done, you just ignore what people have said and move on to the same point but with a different video. That is not evidence.

686   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 12:10pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

At this point the incredible conspiracy story is under the title of the NIST report and you cannot back it's conclusions with evidence.

What? The NIST report involved actual investigation. You cut and paste stuff from conspiracy websites and post up Youtube videos that either show nothing of what you claim or else torture the facts to breaking point. Explain to me why we should believe the latter over the former.

687   Bap33   2012 Oct 7, 12:18pm  

tatupu70 says

That's not evidence. That's an observation.

that is true. Does the WTC #7 building falling get your attention, or peak any interest at all? Just wonder what you think about that one.

688   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 12:32pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

"Furthermore, beyond falling for the straw man arguments that don't address real issues, the doubters are also fooled by the outright false official explanations, plus the plethora of false arguments put up by the 911 truth 'Debunking' (disinformation) fraternity, that do 'address' the real issues.

In this instance the key 911 truth 'Debunker' rebuttals rely upon many unsubstantiated explanations and false analogies. They pretend to adequately cover the highly relevant issues at hand, like freefall collapse rates and molten steel, but don't. Unfortunately the honest 911 truth doubters fall for these deceptions rather than thinking twice about what is being put to them - even after it is has been pointed out by the 911 truthers."

Do you actually have anything of your own to say? Any personal observations? All you ever seem to do is post up other people's remarks or videos. For someone who claims to be a professor, you are remarkably adverse to any personal input on this matter. Why is that?

689   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 12:33pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Argue with my ideas not my identity.

They aren't your ideas. You just post up others.

690   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 1:19pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

I have sifted through the information and post what I find relevant to the discussion. A video is worth a thousand worlds and there are many people that have expressed MY thoughts more eloquently than me.

Your videos aren't worth a thousand words. You aren't applying any critical analysis to what you post up and I'm afraid the eloquence of those you do quote must have passed me by. If you think your (others) arguments occupy the middle ground on this matter, then you are clearly mistaken. And how many times have you posted that video now? It doesn't get any more convincing the more times you post it up.

And your qualifications don't sound like those of a professor. A school teacher perhaps.

691   Homeboy   2012 Oct 7, 3:33pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

According to the NIST report, the official story on WTC 7 collapse, over 400 structural steel connections failed PER SECOND!!

Please cite your source.

692   Homeboy   2012 Oct 7, 4:05pm  

"Caused by the collapse of the towers"? I thought you said it was impossible for a building to fall unless it's CD'd. Oh, guess you were wrong, AGAIN.

693   bob2356   2012 Oct 7, 4:58pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Probably because I have a technical education. I have most of an associates degree in electronics, 3/4 of my bachelors in math, a bachelors in computer science, and a masters in education.

and I'm tinkerbell.

Squatting in East CoCo says

I also worked on nuclear subs and learned a lot about metal.

Perfect, a submariner. My father was career navy in the silent service so I know a lot, actually a hell of a lot, about this subject. What boats did you serve on?

694   Homeboy   2012 Oct 7, 5:08pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

I also worked on nuclear subs and learned a lot about metal.

Apparently you didn't learn that molten aluminum glows.

695   coriacci1   2012 Oct 8, 1:23am  

tatupu70 says

There is OVERWHELMING evidence that Al Queda members hijacked planes, flew them into the towers, and the resulting explosion and fire caused the buildings to collapse.

does a planted intact passport constitute overwhelming evidence?

The only thing that the conspiracy buffs have is that no other building has collapsed in the same way before.

then there's that little inconvient wtc7 building collapse that needs some 'splainin.

696   tatupu70   2012 Oct 8, 1:51am  

coriacci1 says

does a planted intact passport constitute overwhelming evidence?

Nope. If that were the sum total of the evidence, then you might have a point.

coriacci1 says

then there's that little inconvient wtc7 building collapse that needs some 'splainin.

Again--the fact that an event happens in a way that is unusual is NOT evidence of anything. Especially because there is really no other similar event that can be used as comparison.

697   tatupu70   2012 Oct 8, 2:41am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Never happened before, never happened since.

How many times do we have to go over this--what happened on 9/11 had never happened before, and has never happened since.

698   Homeboy   2012 Oct 8, 4:55am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Squatting in East CoCo says

The damage caused to WTC 3 caused by the collapse of the towers.

Between the falling towers and WTC7 it did NOT fall down in a steaming pile of rubble like WTC7.

Um, it's not "steaming" because it wasn't on fire all day like WTC7 was, genius. And you can see the collapsed tower next to it is still standing higher than WTC 3. So yes, WTC3 fell down in a "pile of rubble" exactly like the other so-called "controlled demolitions". So what point are you trying to make, exactly?

699   Homeboy   2012 Oct 8, 4:57am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

I helped overhaul fast attack subs for the DoD. I was a marine machinery mechanic apprentice right out of high school. We refurbished all the mechanical systems on the boats. I specifically worked with the watertight doors & hatches (a lot of exotic alloys) and the freshwater systems crews.

So how do you not know that molten aluminum glows?

700   coriacci1   2012 Oct 8, 4:59am  

does a planted intact passport constitute overwhelming evidence?

just that passport and the fact that there was no scrambling of the wayward airplanes is enough “evidence" to order a new independent investigation of what really happened on 9/11.

no interception by norad before the towers were hit, was the very first indicator for me that something was gravely amiss on that beautiful sept 9th ny morning.

also, i remember saying out loud “ where the f is the cia? why weren’t they on the ball? what do they do with all that taxpayer money?, and finally,” looks like the mosad could be involved, otherwise who would directly, immediately, benefit from such a catastrophe but the fascist state of israel and her aipac, pnac and zionist supporters here in the us.

after the fact, i heard that willy brown was advised to not take his plane to ny that morning, that the israelis had advised their 400 or so workers to stay home that day and finally, the curious fashion the towers themselves came down, brought back to memory all the grand old hotels in atlantic city which were brought down or “pulled” by controlled demolition.

701   bob2356   2012 Oct 8, 5:09am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

I helped overhaul fast attack subs for the DoD. I was a marine machinery mechanic apprentice right out of high school. We refurbished all the mechanical systems on the boats. I specifically worked with the watertight doors & hatches (a lot of exotic alloys) and the freshwater systems crews.

So you learned metallurgy overhauling doors as an apprentice mechanic? Why not, it fits in with everything else you posted. So you are saying you don't know any more about metals than anyone else in all reality.

Squatting in East CoCo says

So you work as a fairy sprinkling magic dust?

Damn right. Beats spreading bullshit which seems to be your area of specialization.

702   tatupu70   2012 Oct 8, 5:10am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

On 9/11 three steel framed buildings were completely destroyed in a manner that defied the physics of structural engineering

OK. Now we're getting somewhere. Specifically, please outline how the destruction defied the structural engineering physics.

703   Homeboy   2012 Oct 8, 5:11am  

People with schizophrenia are often detached from reality, experiencing bouts of hallucinations and delusions all at the same time. The complexity of their thought processes can manifest on their handwriting as most graphologists have been able to identify characteristics unique of schizophrenic handwriting. Aside from being illegible, schizophrenic patients often use multiple languages or multiple writing styles within a single paragraph. Sentences that they create don’t jive together and capital letters are written in a way that doesn’t make sense. They sometimes write sensible sentences but within a few minutes or so, they go back to their usual writing style.


704   tatupu70   2012 Oct 8, 6:18am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Go check out ae911truth.org they have lots of answers.
Also check out that video I have posted several times.
If that does not make sense let me know and I will post more evidence to help clear your misunderstanding.

That's not what I was asking. YOU made a statement that the collapse defied the physics of structural engineering. I'm wondering what, specifically, led you to that conclusion.

I don't want a link or a video. I'm looking for more for calculations and logical deductions.

705   Bap33   2012 Oct 8, 12:16pm  

bob2356 says

So you learned metallurgy overhauling doors as an apprentice mechanic? Why not, it fits in with everything else you posted. So you are saying you don't know any more about metals than anyone else in all reality.

lol .. dude, you said you know about NAVY because your dad was NAVY ... see any irony in this? lol

706   Bap33   2012 Oct 8, 12:18pm  

Bap33 says

tatupu70 says

That's not evidence. That's an observation.

Bap33 says

that is true. Does the WTC #7 building falling get your attention, or peak any interest at all? Just wonder what you think about that one.

I just reposed it because I think you just missed it due to the volume of posting.

707   Homeboy   2012 Oct 8, 1:46pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Here you go. it is a video, but it is from a high school physics teacher who goes into the math and shows why the official report defies the laws of physics.

So according to this loser, the collapse doesn't start when you can clearly see the building begin to collapse; it starts when HE says it starts.


708   bob2356   2012 Oct 9, 5:39am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Attack my evidence, produce your own, and convince me with ideas.

signed, The professor

Can't be done when you don't have a clue what the word evidence means.

709   Bigsby   2012 Oct 9, 11:50am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

"More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll.

The national survey of 1,010 adults also found that anger against the federal government is at record levels, with 54 percent saying they "personally are more angry" at the government than they used to be."


Wow, people are more angry with their government after the Bush presidency, two failed wars, and a massive recession. I'm shocked.
It still doesn't say that a third believe in your bullshit controlled demolition theory though, does it?

710   Bigsby   2012 Oct 9, 2:20pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

It still doesn't say that a third believe in your bullshit controlled demolition theory though, does it?

It is more than a third, Gadsby:


You keep saying things that are not true in between saying nothing. I think you are a conspiracy.

Do you have a problem with reading comprehension? That doesn't say more than a third believe in your CD nonsense, does it? Try reading it again. Slowly.
And the survey means nothing in terms of the actual facts. Plenty of people are angry at the government for one reason or another and lap up all sorts of conspiracy theories peddled on the internet without having the vaguest idea of what actually happened. Rather like when some people feel qualified to deny global warming. Or evolution. Or...

711   Bigsby   2012 Oct 9, 4:57pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Bigsby says

Do you have a problem with reading comprehension? That doesn't say more than a third believe in your CD nonsense, does it? Try reading it again. Slowly.

And the survey means nothing in terms of the actual facts. Plenty of people are angry at the government for one reason or another and lap up all sorts of conspiracy theories peddled on the internet without having the vaguest idea of what actually happened. Rather like when some people feel qualified to deny global warming. Or evolution. Or...

Yeah bgamall, learn to read, and your spelling is attroshus!! And yYOUR GRAMMER Don't get me started on your GRANMMER!!!


There really is evidence of a controlled demolition of WTC7.

Then show it. And no, as a 'professor' you should know that the 'evidence' you produce wouldn't pass muster in a kindergarten, which of course makes us (non-conspiracists) doubt your claims both on 9/11 and to be a 'professor.'

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