Dems 42 Pubs 24

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2012 Sep 6, 3:25am   12,417 views  30 comments

by rooemoore   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


The Background: Republicans have used today’s weak job market as a club to beat President Obama. Clinton confronted the Republican charges by claiming long-term success for the Democrats’ “we’re all in this together” philosophy, which he contrasted with what he described as the Republicans’ “you’re on your own” approach. Since 1961, Republican presidents have served for 28 years while Democrats have been in office for about 23 years. Clinton said total job growth over that period amounted to 66 million. “What’s the jobs score?” he asked the crowd in Charlotte. “Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 million!” he said. The Facts:


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1   Tenpoundbass   2012 Sep 6, 3:25am  

Pay no attention to the low wage jobs, or the pay cut behind the window.

2   justme   2012 Sep 6, 3:27am  

CaptainShuddup says

Pay no attention to the low wage jobs, or the pay cut behind the window.

Now what? You are going to claim that it was the Republicans that added the GOOD jobs? Get real.

3   rooemoore   2012 Sep 6, 3:30am  

CaptainShuddup says

Pay no attention to the low wage jobs, or the pay cut behind the window.

Which party supports minimum wage increases?

4   rooemoore   2012 Sep 6, 4:17am  

Ruki says

Last time I checked, most Republicans do not claim that Rep governments created jobs, unlike Dems who believe the bullshit that their governments actually do.

The private sector created the vast majority of those jobs, not government.

Doofus, it is ALL jobs created. The VAST majority by both parties is private sector. Is that too difficult for you to understand?

5   Tenpoundbass   2012 Sep 6, 5:01am  

rooemoore says

Which party supports minimum wage increases?

Which party focuses on minimum wage jobs.
In an adult world, your average bill owing American, can't live life behind a counter with a paper service hat, and a name badge.

Personally I'd like to see McDonald's and other typical low paying jobs.
Only have two employees behind the counter being paid an adult wage.
Rather than a 10 member team clusterfuck of people more occupied on how to make up the money gap in their monthly lay out. Rather than focusing on their job and task at had.

6   rooemoore   2012 Sep 6, 5:08am  

CaptainShuddup says

Which party focuses on minimum wage jobs.

I'm not sure what you mean. If it is which party tries to help low income folks it certainly is the dems. If it is which party wants to let the low income folks make it on their own gumption, it is the publicans.
CaptainShuddup says

In an adult world, your average bill owing American, can't live life behind a counter with a paper service hat, and a name badge.

They can if they make a living wage. Although I agree, that we should all aspire to something greater. Problem is, not everyone is smart enough for the better jobs. CaptainShuddup says

Personally I'd like to see McDonald's and other typical low paying jobs.
Only have two employees behind the counter being paid an adult wage

I agree. Problem is that without govt. intervention, robotics will allow for 2 people behind the counter, but they won't be paid an "adult" wage.

7   Ceffer   2012 Sep 6, 5:14am  

I thought Clinton said Dems 42 Pubes 24.

8   anonymous   2012 Sep 6, 5:16am  

How does the minimum wage (and raising it) help anyone?

9   Tenpoundbass   2012 Sep 6, 5:20am  

rooemoore says

. Problem is, not everyone is smart enough for the better jobs.

That is the resounding tone of the Liberal party.

Um what about software engineers? I think we're smart enough. I was enjoying 55 and 60 an hour jobs on average, just 4 years ago. Now I'm lucky if I get calls for 35 - 45 an hour.

Obama gloated over the 85,000 jobs McDonalds created last year, like he sent a man to the Moon. Of course he didn't tell us that Mickey D's got a truck load of that QE money to create jobs for people they didn't need.
Of course Obama could have overhauled the Small business administration, like he promised in his campaign Rhetoric, and gave that money to real Job creators. Entrepreneurs that actually needs skilled workers and 14hr ++ office, warehouse, or factory jobs.

I guess it's just easier to have the Clown wheel burrowing piles of cash out of the treasuries back door, while he and Michelle are on the White house steps talking smack about fast food, chastising Americans for eating what their wallets dictate, rather than the over priced fresh food. That this administration has allowed to be so overly commiditized by index funds and traded by folks that add zero benefit in the delivery of the commodities.

But the truth is we need more fat people to point our fingers at, and blame for your diabetes. So the Healthcare scam can be crammed through.

Wake me when this nightmare is over.

10   Homeboy   2012 Sep 6, 5:31am  

Ruki says

When Clinton says "we're all in this together" he really means, "Get on your knees and give me a Lewinsky!"

He even got impeached over that, remember?

Is there some connection between the president's sex life and the state of the economy? I am not aware of one.

11   rooemoore   2012 Sep 6, 5:32am  

CaptainShuddup says

Um what about software engineers? I think we're smart enough. I was enjoying 55 and 60 an hour jobs on average, just 4 years ago. Now I'm lucky if I get calls for 35 - 45 an hour.

Global competition is a bitch, I agree. Obama, or any president, is mostly a cheerleader. What's he supposed to say, "we created shit jobs". He's not stupid, but the problem is bigger than he or Romney could possibly deal with.

Your partisan take that only liberals believe that some are not intelligent for higher paying jobs is silly for at least 2 reasons.

1. Obama has been ridiculed for his suggestion that EVERYONE go to college. That caused a shit storm on Fox news.

2. Most folks don't have the IQ of a software engineer. That is just reality. The jobs these folks used to have - good paying union jobs in factories for example - are nearly all gone due to robotics.

Republican and Democrats have to deal with this fact. I feel the Democrats solution makes a little more sense, but I think the Republicans have a lot of good ideas too.

12   Homeboy   2012 Sep 6, 5:34am  

CaptainShuddup says

Pay no attention to the low wage jobs, or the pay cut behind the window.

Personally I'd like to see McDonald's and other typical low paying jobs.

Wow, only 5 posts went by, and you already contradicted yourself.


13   rooemoore   2012 Sep 6, 5:41am  

Homeboy says

CaptainShuddup says

Pay no attention to the low wage jobs, or the pay cut behind the window.

Personally I'd like to see McDonald's and other typical low paying jobs.

Wow, only 5 posts went by, and you already contradicted yourself.


I think he accidentally put a period in. I thought he meant that typical low paying industries should have fewer employees and pay better. Seems reasonable.

14   thomaswong.1986   2012 Sep 6, 5:44am  

rooemoore says

Since 1961,

what happened to "post war" which was used far more often...

16   Tenpoundbass   2012 Sep 6, 5:48am  

rooemoore says

1. Obama has been ridiculed for his suggestion that EVERYONE go to college. That caused a shit storm on Fox news.

Well yeah, when you considered he stood there and watched with folded arms as tuition spiked through the roof on his watch.
A far better use of that QE 1 and 2 money would have been to bring every school in America up to par with the "Good Schools" and created a scholar ship program for every kid with an average above B, and adult that could pass the entry exam.

But then that would suck, then that would make spending 700K to live in a 1200 sqft house in the Bay area, seem like a really stupid idea. If Cletus Williams and Ray Ray Johnson could get the same education living in a trailer park and housing projects. We might even end up with a disproportionately percentage of educated republicans, then that would really suck to be a Liberal elite. To have to debate Gomer about Jesus, in a Global Warming debate. And you can't have the final say by calling him stupid.

17   Tenpoundbass   2012 Sep 6, 5:50am  

Homeboy says

Personally I'd like to see McDonald's and other typical low paying jobs.

Wow, only 5 posts went by, and you already contradicted yourself.


CaptainShuddup says

Only have two employees behind the counter being paid an adult wage.

Liberals because out of context... It all makes sense.

18   thomaswong.1986   2012 Sep 6, 5:53am  

Most memorable Clinton comment..

"The old economy (and jobs) are gone, they wont be coming back"

and they he rolled into his plan of new so called green industries and re-education.

Is this the same jobs Clinton spoke about back in 1990s that the private industry built.. for the next millennium,

God knows, he came down to Silicon Valley when we were booming half a dozen times asking for handouts.. So they vanished over the last decade... This was the jobs he takes credit for ?..

Plus.. since he wrote these same jobs off, there is no point in what Obama spoke about brining back mfg / r&d back to the US.

19   thomaswong.1986   2012 Sep 6, 5:56am  

rooemoore says

Dems 42 Pubs 24

and how many were shipped to India, China, and Mexico ?

lets NET that down shall we... after all, they wont be coming back..

Highly Highly inflated if you ask me...

20   rooemoore   2012 Sep 6, 6:08am  

CaptainShuddup says

Well yeah, when you considered he stood there and watched with folded arms as tuition spiked through the roof on his watch.
A far better use of that QE 1 and 2 money would have been to bring every school in America up to par with the "Good Schools" and created a scholar ship program for every kid with an average above B, and adult that could pass the entry exam.

The stimulus had to stimulate immediately. I agree making education more affordable is a good idea, but the fucking ship was sinking at the time.

I agree with you that education has gotten too expensive. Don't think you can blame this on either party - mostly just a way for banks to make more money through loans.

Don't fret too much about higher education costs. Technology will bring those down FAST.

CaptainShuddup says

If Cletus Williams and Ray Ray Johnson could get the same education living in a trailer park and housing projects. We might even end up with a disproportionately percentage of educated republicans, then that would really suck to be a Liberal elite.

That's funny. But as you already know, education enlightens most people and helps them analyze the best solution to a problem. This is why I smile when some Republicans mock the "liberal, highly educated elite". It is why Obama wants everyone to go to college and Republicans like Rick Santorum don't. Both sides know more education = more progressives.

21   rooemoore   2012 Sep 6, 6:09am  

thomaswong.1986 says

and how many were shipped to India, China, and Mexico ?

I think Mitt Romney has those numbers for you.

22   thomaswong.1986   2012 Sep 6, 6:17am  

rooemoore says

I think Mitt Romney has those numbers for you.

Actually, Obama big supporter Michael Moritz would have that.

Obamas shifting such blame toward Romney isnt supported by facts.

Obamas friend(s) are the Pioneers of moving jobs overseas .. not Romney.


Member, Board of Directors
24/7 Customer

Privately Held; 5001-10,000 employees; Computer Software industry

July 2003 – Present (9 years 3 months)

24/7 Customer is a leading provider of outsourced contact center and BPO services to Global 500 companies.

Member, Board of Directors

Public Company; 10,001+ employees; FLEX; Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry

1993 – 2005 (12 years)

Flextronics helps companies design, build, ship, and service electronics products through a network of facilities in over 30 countries on five continents.


He was a prominent supporter of President Barack Obama's candidacy.

23   rooemoore   2012 Sep 6, 6:21am  

thomaswong.1986 says

Obamas friend(s) are the Pioneers of moving jobs overseas .. not Romney.

Are you saying that moving jobs overseas is a problem?

24   thomaswong.1986   2012 Sep 6, 6:21am  

You can bet both Obama and Slick Willy are good friends

with the Pioneers of moving jobs overseas.. as some call Outsourcing..

25   thomaswong.1986   2012 Sep 6, 6:23am  

rooemoore says

Are you saying that moving jobs overseas is a problem?

If it isnt a problem.. why does Obama have a plan to move them back...

no wait.. Clinton just said (like so many Dems and media ) those jobs

arent coming back...

so is Obama making a promise has no intention of delivering.

26   thomaswong.1986   2012 Sep 6, 6:26am  

If your priority is save the Earth ...

it certainly isnt about getting jobs back to Americans.


27   rooemoore   2012 Sep 6, 6:28am  

thomaswong.1986 says

rooemoore says

Are you saying that moving jobs overseas is a problem?

If it isnt a problem.. why does Obama have a plan to move them back...

no wait.. Clinton just said (like so many Dems and media ) those jobs

arent coming back...

so is Obama making a promise has no intention of delivering.

In other words, you don't have an opinion. Here is your leaders take.
Read it and then you can post your answer.

28   thomaswong.1986   2012 Sep 6, 6:34am  

rooemoore says

Here is your leaders take.

from the link...

Rush: Take a look at the trillions of dollars the government is handing to certain people and certain businesses. They don't even have to earn it.

Why do you think clinton was doing here in Silicon valley back through out the 90s.

He kept asking.. "What can Govt do for you ?" translate $$$$$$

As it was reported many times in the media back then... he kept being told from the likes of Republican and Libertarian CEOs they werent interested in any political ties to govt.

We didnt have the cronyism in the 70-80 and mid 90s aswe see today... around 1997-98 with the influx east coast liberals.. Looking for their Gold Boom.. things certainly changed.

29   rooemoore   2012 Sep 6, 6:49am  

thomaswong.1986 says

rooemoore says

Here is your leaders take.

from the link...

Rush: Take a look at the trillions of dollars the government is handing to certain people and certain businesses. They don't even have to earn it.

Why do you think clinton was doing here in Silicon valley back through out the 90s.

He kept asking.. "What can Govt do for you ?" translate $$$$$$

As it was reported many times in the media back then... he kept being told from the likes of Republican and Libertarian CEOs they werent interested in any political ties to govt.

We didnt have the cronyism in the 70-80 and mid 90s aswe see today... around 1997-98 with the influx east coast liberals.. things certainly changed.

Christ, I didn't think you'd fall for it. P.T. Barnum was right.

30   thomaswong.1986   2012 Sep 6, 6:51am  

rooemoore says

Christ, I didn't think you'd fall for it. P.T. Barnum was right.

Welcome to the New Silicon Valley, Obama style !

With FaceBook valued at $100 Billion.. Its the Biggest Show on Earth !

Its not your dad's Diode anymore ...

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