Top Trolls

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2012 Sep 12, 4:50am   108,201 views  228 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Who pisses off the other users the most? Let's see.

mysql> select username, dislikes / likes as trollishness from users where dislikes > 100 order by trollishness desc limit 10;

| username        | trollishness |
| Cloud           |       4.7667 |
| Honest Abe      |       3.3540 |
| Bap33           |       2.1308 |
| CaptainShuddup  |       1.8116 |
| KILLERJANE      |       1.6750 |
| Ruki            |       1.5085 |
| AlexS           |       1.4444 |
| thomas.wong1986 |       1.4337 |
| clambo          |       1.2775 |
| robertoaribas   |       1.2278 |

mysql> select username, ignoredby from users order by ignoredby desc limit 10;

| username                       | ignoredby |
| APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich |        22 |
| PermaRenter                    |        18 |
| ArtimusMaxtor                  |        17 |
| Ruki                           |        14 |
| CaptainShuddup                 |        13 |
| repo4sale                      |        12 |
| Honest Abe                     |        12 |
| Dan8267                        |        11 |
| Bigsby                         |        11 |
| Cloud                          |        10 |

The intersection of those sets is Ruki, CaptainShuddup, Honest Abe, Cloud.

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1   curious2   2012 Sep 12, 4:51am  

AF=Shostakovich is brilliant, 22 users don't know what they're missing.

2   Patrick   2012 Sep 12, 4:55am  

curious2 says

AF=Shostakovich is brilliant, 22 users don't know what they're missing.

I agree, but I can see how some people don't get his sense of cannibal anarchy humor.

Anyway, people don't actively dislike his comments much. He's got 1,350 likes and only 47 dislikes on his comments.

3   david1   2012 Sep 12, 5:59am  

Honestly Patrick, I am going to have to come to the defense of the "most disliked" on here.

I can't help but notice the majority of these guys have a well known right leaning skew on their views and posts. Not everything these guys say is trolling.

What this means to me, honestly, is there are a bunch of liberals on here who find it neccesary to "dislike" everything posted by one of these guys. As the recipient of more than a few "dislikes" on posts that were anything but trolling, I think the method here is flawed.

Honestly, no one should be surprised that the top "disliked" posters on a left-leaning discussion board are all republicans, especially in a presidential election year.

My advice: Use the "like" & "dislike" data for what it was intended, to remove spamming or overtly offensive posts.

And fellow liberals that feel the need to "dislike" everything you disagree with and "ignore" everyone you don't agree with:

Grow a pair and embarass these guys with logical arguments supported with facts. Don't click "dislike" and feel like that shows anything.

4   edvard2   2012 Sep 12, 6:27am  

But I think that it would be perhaps a worthy experiment to at least try to consider having civil political discussions because politics seems to now be a fairly major subject on this site. People seem to take completely to their sides on all issues. Regardless of what has been said in the past I would be totally open to having honest political debates that are constructive and meaningful. If that occurred then perhaps some of these discussions would actually enlighten people versus making them automatically turned-off by whatever the other person says.

Then again that's asking for a lot because that seems to be a rare thing these days.

5   david1   2012 Sep 12, 6:51am  

AlexS says

why not issue stats on who issues the most dislikes?

While I would love to know who "disliked" what I said on a personal note, if Patrick released this data it would exacerbate the problem.

It would turn this into a "You disliked me? I'm going to dislike you" war.

Plus all of the POSTS about who disliked what and why...

It would be a nightmare.

6   Patrick   2012 Sep 12, 7:09am  

david1 says

Honestly Patrick, I am going to have to come to the defense of the "most disliked" on here.

I can't help but notice the majority of these guys have a well known right leaning skew on their views and posts. Not everything these guys say is trolling.

I noticed that too. Those top four are all right-wingers. Not everything they say is trolling, but most of it seems to be offending other users pretty effectively.

I think there's a kind of right-wing info-rabies virus spread by Fox News and AM radio that makes otherwise normal people foam at the mouth and bite anyone that gets near them. It also seems to affect their vision, causing everything to be seen in black and white rather than color or shades of grey.

7   AlexS   2012 Sep 12, 7:10am  

david1 says

It would turn this into a "You disliked me? I'm going to dislike you" war

I don't think so! I know who dislikes my posts - sometimes I get "like" email from Vicente, and notice there is no longer a Like, but a Dislike - meaning Vicente originally clicked the wrong link. It doesn't bother me.

One thing I noticed - liberals are all for respecting opinions - as long as they agree with them. Otherwise they are very vocal to destroy the dissent. They are very righteous, which is funny since most of the time they are wrong.

8   Tenpoundbass   2012 Sep 12, 7:28am  

Those top four are all right-wingers

I'm not a right winger. I just don't tow the Liberal line and jump in and sing a few bars of kumbya while Obama drives us all to Hell.

I just like to come here and vent about how the politics of this country effects me. But it seems you can't do that, unless you agree with the Left political views 100% in this country.

And now since I can't even post any threads, I just found that out by trying. The usefulness of this site has expired. So long patneters, it's been fun.

Some of you may have known me as...

and now this is Captain Shuddup signing off for good.

So long everybody.

9   PockyClipsNow   2012 Sep 12, 7:50am  

Too bad we lost Capt Shaddap. As a ron paul nut job (beleiving in sound money and no bailouts=you are crazy in Obamamerica) I will miss him!

10   Patrick   2012 Sep 12, 8:14am  

I totally agree with you that we need sound money, preferably gold or silver, and no bailouts of private debt with public money, ever.

I also think that people should rise or fall based on their own hard work, not because they were born in the right or wrong neighborhood. And I think we should eliminate the mortgage interest deduction, and that people on unemployment should have to work half-time for it, and that hate speech should be protected under the 1st amendment.

Am I still a liberal?

11   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 8:15am  

Ruki says

I have noticed that people click 'dislike' on even my most innocuous of comments (yes, I do post those). Not only mine but others who are simply identified as being representatives of the right on patnet.

Yes, you are not the most offensive poster, and all be it rare I do occasionally agree with you.

However, while I am pretty sure that you have received more "dislikes" to "innocuous" comments I have received quite a few of those as well.

Also, being that the like/dislike is unlimited, and one can vote on their own posts, this system can be easily manipulated. I suspect that after this thread those trollish ratings may change significantly.

12   mell   2012 Sep 12, 8:26am  

Why couldn't they post any threads anymore? This seems weird/wrong..

13   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 8:31am  

Ruki says

Shit! SHIT!

I mean, if I am about to get my ass banished from Patnet then I don't have enough to show for it. You now the old adage, "If you are going to get blamed for something you didn't do anyway, then you might as well go ahead and do it!"


Oh, hey! hey! hey! take it easy...

Don't get me wrong you are plenty offensive.

You just need to up your game if you want to compete with posters who say things like, "The average black IQ of 85 would be considered below average compared to the average white IQ of 100...Before the 1960's it was accepted by most blacks and whites that whites were more intelligent...I believe the acceptance of blacks as equals to whites has killed many innocent white people and caused whites to suffer needlessly..."

And, you really need to limit any innocuous posting.

14   rootvg   2012 Sep 12, 8:33am  

david1 says

Honestly Patrick, I am going to have to come to the defense of the "most disliked" on here.

I can't help but notice the majority of these guys have a well known right leaning skew on their views and posts. Not everything these guys say is trolling.

I noticed that too. Those top four are all right-wingers. Not everything they say is trolling, but most of it seems to be offending other users pretty effectively.

I think there's a kind of right-wing info-rabies virus spread by Fox News and AM radio that makes otherwise normal people foam at the mouth and bite anyone that gets near them. It also seems to affect their vision, causing everything to be seen in black and white rather than color or shades of grey.

The black and white part is probably correct. I don't do shades of grey. I come from people who are the same way. Decide what you're gonna do and then do it. If it's wrong, you should figure that out before you make your decision. If you can't do that you're over your head and you shouldn't do anything at all until you have more information.

I've made a lot of money and saved myself a lot of money being this way. It works. I don't live in a place where the costs are over my head. I don't drive a car I can't afford. I didn't marry a woman with tastes I couldn't afford. I don't have hobbies or a lifestyle I can't afford.

It's called having standards and it WORKS.

15   Patrick   2012 Sep 12, 8:34am  

Ruki says

But it isn't on Patnet

Private property. Touché.

16   Shaman   2012 Sep 12, 8:35am  

Patrick said, "Am I still a liberal?"

Nope, lost your lib card buddy. Your admissions made it clear that under your skin lies a steely eyed capitalist who cares naught for the plight of the perenially disadvantaged, believes that social programs should be paid for with real money, and cannot abide the concept of equality as defined by your (former) party: that all should be equal in wealth and talent.

Now, in the old days you'd be able to stay a liberal. But times change. The party of libs is always moving toward the left, and you, my friend, have not kept pace! This is perhaps pardonable and you may yet be allowed back into the light of the Path if you denounce your heresies and cleave to party lines!

Side note: I agree that Fox news is mostly naked propaganda. But so is CNN and NBC. Even this business with the embassy bombings was possibly orchestrated by a higher political power, perhaps with the purpose of making the current administration look bad. With those kind of games in motion, we'd have to be seriously naive to believe much of anything that The News offers us as truth.

17   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 8:35am  

Ruki says

Yes. I think that the top disliked and the top dislikERs should equally be considered for official asshole status, in that case.

I think that a better solution would be to limit the number of like/dislikes that a person can use. (24 hour period?)

That way they are not going to waste them on innocuous posts.

18   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 8:40am  

Ruki says

david1 says

It would turn this into a "You disliked me? I'm going to dislike you" war.

Plus all of the POSTS about who disliked what and why...

It would be a nightmare.

How so? I would not know who disliked ME and when and on what comment out of that list any more than I know who disliked me or who ignored me on the lists Patrick has provided so far.

As for a like/dislike war...that is clearly already happening.

Well, currently it is a like/dislike cold war. Being having no privacy on the dislikes would heat things up a bit.

19   mell   2012 Sep 12, 8:43am  

Ruki says

mell says

Why couldn't they post any threads anymore? This seems weird/wrong..

My guess is that my last thread really, REALLY pissed the Left off big time and they bitched like crazy to Patrick. But that is only a guess. I noticed the clamp down started almost immediately after I posted that one.

Here's my last thread: http://patrick.net/?p=1216368

Romney Is Only Going To Win Because Obama Fucked Up

Ah, I didn't see that. Yeah I am somewhere in between in most of these issues, that's why I get spared ;) I think the US has no business meddling in the middle east and telling other countries what to do and not to do - that being said I totally advocate a strong position defending the constitution and core values inside your own country which was built on free speech and there you have a point. Politicians job should be defending free speech and not give their opinions (at least not in their role of a public official) on films or any art. Voltaire has come out of fashion (prob forgotten), sorry, bro ;)

20   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 8:47am  

Ruki says

It's just that my very first thought was, "But there will be people who WILL waste them on innocous posts anyway -- they hate me THAT much -- then w/o any further outlet, they will bitch to Patrick even more than they do now."

Well, if the limit is 5-10 (even more?) a day then I am sure your offensive postings will more than fill the appetite for flagging dislikes.

21   Bap33   2012 Sep 12, 8:48am  

what percentage of the trolls listed are posters that would be considered conservative in nature?

22   Rightswingtrader   2012 Sep 12, 8:49am  

These aren't your parents Democrats
These aren't your parents Republicans
or visa versa..

FOX is certainly biased
MSNBC , CNN , CBS , NBC , ABC and NPR are certainly biased.

I live in the western suburbs of Chicago and I certainly think Rahm is doing a decent job. And when I lived in the City I voted for Daley.
Am I not an inspiration for all ?

I still believe I'd get along with 99% of the people on the internet blogs in person.

Please don't dislike me I just want to be liked :)

23   rootvg   2012 Sep 12, 8:50am  

We meddle over there for several reasons: (1) to give Israel the security blanket it desperately needs (2) to protect Europe's access to oil and (3) to protect our access to oil. I placed us behind the Europeans for a reason, because they don't have their own oil outside of what's under the North Sea. If the shit really hit the fan here, yeah...our gas would go up to about seven or eight bucks a gallon but we could damn well start drilling off the California coastline. If it came down to survival, things would change here in a VERY big hurry.

24   Rightswingtrader   2012 Sep 12, 8:52am  

Last thing

I know this is a left leaning blog. I've learned that you can't sway anybody with intelligent or ignorant discussions when it comes to politics.
I come here for the chicks .

25   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 8:56am  

rootvg says

If the shit really hit the fan here, yeah...our gas would go up to about seven or eight bucks a gallon but we could damn well start drilling off the California coastline. If it came down to survival, things would change here in a VERY big hurry.

That is actually one of the reasons why I think it is a very bad idea to drill into US reserves now.

26   rootvg   2012 Sep 12, 9:01am  

leo707 says

rootvg says

If the shit really hit the fan here, yeah...our gas would go up to about seven or eight bucks a gallon but we could damn well start drilling off the California coastline. If it came down to survival, things would change here in a VERY big hurry.

That is actually one of the reasons why I think it is a very bad idea to drill into US reserves now.

I talk to people back east every day and all hear is how important fracking has become to the economy in Appalachia. God knows what it's gonna do to the ground water but those people have to eat and many of them aren't educated or skilled (or interested in) anything but blue collar so that's just how it's gonna be.

Me? I'm gonna buy a clean diesel for my next vehicle. I'm already looking at them.

27   Goran_K   2012 Sep 12, 9:04am  

Who the heck is cloud? Does he/she even post in the real estate forum?

28   Patrick   2012 Sep 12, 9:05am  

Goran_K says

Who the heck is cloud? Does he/she even post in the real estate forum?

See http://patrick.net/?author=22805

29   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 9:06am  

Goran_K says

Who the heck is cloud? Does he/she even post in the real estate forum?

I am not sure if cloud uses the real estate forum at all, but he/she posts very heavily in the politics and religion forums.

30   Goran_K   2012 Sep 12, 9:23am  

leo707 says

I am not sure if cloud uses the real estate forum at all, but he/she posts very heavily in the politics and religion forums.

A topic started by Cloud:

"You Libs Are F'd"


31   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 9:29am  

Goran_K says

A topic started by Cloud:

"You Libs Are F'd"


Ah, ha yes. The ever efficient and creative cloud streamlining the title of a previous topic:

"You Libs are F'd up"

Why say something in 5 words when it can be said in 4.

32   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 9:41am  

Ruki says

Which can be argued to be factually true,

Yes, the truthiness of cloud's facts are undeniable.

33   Goran_K   2012 Sep 12, 9:44am  

I think Roberto is the only guy who actually post in the real estate forum who made the Top 10 troll list.

Yeah Roberto, represent!

34   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 9:45am  

Goran_K says

I think Roberto is the only guy who actually post in the real estate forum who made the Top 10 troll list.

Yeah Roberto, represent!

Yeah, and while Roberto can get a little hot under the collar, I would not call him a troll.

35   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 9:53am  

Ruki says

I will be upfront and have to say that even if I post this with the most ass-kissing of language with regards to liberal 'sensitivities',


Shrek, I am sorry that this is the way you choose to phrase a willingness to speak to others in a polite and civil tone.

Ruki says

I can't guarrantee that they still won't go nuclear simply because it is news they increasingly are intolerant of even seeing as the election gets closer.


Nuclear about this?

Ruki says

new poll showing Romney leading Obama amongst likely independent voters 54 - 40 percent?

Umm...this poll show Obama winning while Romney is probably close to the max "swing" votes his is going to get.

It seems to me like Democrats would take this as good news.

36   Dan8267   2012 Sep 12, 10:10am  

Ruki says

It sickens my stomach that people who don't bother to become informed about the issues -- and even are proud of it -- call the shots. But, that's reality.

Maybe their getting their news from Paul Ryan speeches.

37   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 10:16am  

Ruki says

No, the article refers to TWO polls. That one that shows he's winning (a general poll) while the other is LIKELY indy voters.

Yes two are referenced in the article. All numbers for the first pole quoted are "LIKELY" voters. It does not say if the second pole is likely voters or not, but it probably is.

"The CNN/ORC International poll of registered and likely voters released Tuesday shows likely voters favoring Obama by 52 percent to 46 percent over Romney -- evidence, pundits said, of a post-convention bump for the president.

But a figure buried in the report shows Romney leading Obama among likely independent voters, 54 percent to 40 percent."

This pole shows Obama winning with likely voters, but when looking at "a figure buried" it shows Romney leading with independents.

Then it mentions this pole as well:
"A poll conducted two weeks ago by Democracy Corps showed Romney with a 15-point lead among independents, 53 percent to 38 percent."

Ruki says

Obama won in 2008 with 52% of the likely indy vote.

Right, and when Romney has 53% of the likely indy vote he still looses overall. Well, according to this pole.

At 53ish% he probably is not likely to get more likely voters on his side.

38   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 10:18am  

Ruki says

Let me put it this way: I think that the one thing a die hard conservative and die hard liberal can agree on and even cooperate about would be to pull an indy in a back alley and switch turns with one holding him down while the other beats the shit out of him. :)


I don't think that I am die hard enough to agree with this.

39   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 10:26am  

Cloud says

Ruki, I call banishment being "shreked" I was surprised when Shrek was actually bounced from Patrick.net. His comments were no more offensive than the (10 to 1) liberals consistently "ganging" up on him. He could take a punch and landed some.

Towards the end shrek's rants were becoming more aggressive and unstable. I seemed like shrek was starting to take things on the forum very personally.

In spite of the ban being well earned by shrek, he/she also really needed to step back and take a break from the forum.

Soon after we were graced by the presense of MarsAttacks! who was shrek's real life "friend", but much more even tempered and a lot less vitriolic.

See, he was MarsAttacks! talking about his pal shrek:
Ruki says

Shrekgrinch was the one who got me to start reading Patrick.net.

MarsAttacks! then changed his/her name to Ruki and began denying any knowledge of shrek.

40   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 10:35am  

Ruki says

leo707 says

MarsAttacks! then changed his/her name to Ruki and began denying any knowledge of shrek.

Um, the link to that 'quote' doesn't work. You sure about this?

Romney Is Only Going To Win Because Obama Fucked Up And Banning Ruki Won't Change That Fugly Fact

I think that this is the third or fourth thread that I have referenced that quote in. I am surprised that it took you so long to delete the comment.

Yes, several months ago I suggested to you to delete your posting history:
leo707 says

"Ruki", your memory getting any better now?

You may want to go back and start deleting old posts before you assume a new identity.

Good, work finally getting to it. Your claims that you are not shrek are so much more believable now.

Are you sure you cleaned all the "MarsAttacks!" comments that refer to your "friend" shrek?


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