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Iow...you tivo patnet and ff the commercials..
Worthwhile thoughts emerge nested between the mindlessness, but not as well. With the simple abusers and the reliably inept removed from one's display the patnet read takes on a better character; without the likes of CaptainShuddup, Call it Crazy, SoftShell, indigenous, and Strategist, there is still plenty of entertainment here.
How come bgamall4 is not on any list? it must be a Yingyang twins err Zionist conspiracy!
My favorite poster on Pat.net remains the guy that ignores you, but sees your posting before he signs in and in a complete lack of emotional control is compelled to post in response.
That's marcus, and (s)he uses a separate browser to stalk Users (s)he pretends to Ignore. I suspect "jazz music" may be an Alias of marcus, because it's the only way I can explain the combination of absurdly partisan distortions with an apparently identical agenda, similar advocacy of the Ignore function, similar trollishness scores, and apparent inability or refusal to grasp even basic logic and mathematics.
I also think that people should rise or fall based on their own hard work, not because they were born in the right or wrong neighborhood.
This suggests that somehow people would be born into the world with equal levels of family and financial support. Is there a way to do that other than Brave New World?
People who say everyone should work their way up don't understand just how bad an environment into which a person can be born. Pretty tough problem to solve as it involves so many complicated combinations of societal and genetic elements.
Yeah...but why settle for 'plenty' when you can have it all!!!
With the simple abusers and the reliably inept removed from one's display the patnet read takes on a better character; without the likes of CaptainShuddup, Call it Crazy, SoftShell, indigenous, and Strategist, there is still plenty of entertainment here.
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Who pisses off the other users the most? Let's see.
mysql> select username, dislikes / likes as trollishness from users where dislikes > 100 order by trollishness desc limit 10;
mysql> select username, ignoredby from users order by ignoredby desc limit 10;
The intersection of those sets is Ruki, CaptainShuddup, Honest Abe, Cloud.