What's your opinion Chiropractors?

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2012 Oct 13, 3:26pm   27,844 views  58 comments

by Michael Cooke   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I believe they are quacks practicing pseudoscience.

Once upon a time I was severely injured by a Chiropractor in Venice Beach. It cost me thousands of dollars out of pocket and exasperated the problem with each visit. This guy ruined my life. Once I stopped going I started to vastly improved.

Years later I got insurance and decided I wanted to see the extent of the healing. I needed a letter for an MRI and my insurance company forced me to get a letter before they would allow it. A "consultation" for the letter was $75.00. I show up in Downtown Long Beach and totally refused to let this guy perform any work. I told him I'm just here for the letter.

Later I see there are $400.00 in charges against my insurance for various work that was never performed. I called and demanded he explain. You would not believe the lies and bullshit that came out of this guys mouth. He literally "don't worry about it there's no reason to be concerned because you have insurance and they will pay". I reported him and it was later rescinded.

I used to be a lifelong surfer. So I dealt with many chiropractors. Never again. Not a single one did anything except crack my back and charge me $200.00. Not only that most of them made it worse. And the problems always went away when I took matters into my own hands and did the OPPOSITE of their advise which was "bed rest" and "relaxing". Instead I decided on swimming, yoga, jogging, mind-body meditations etc.

Chiropractors are quacks. What do you think?


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36   Dr Paul   2012 Nov 28, 5:15am  

This to the MD's who bash chiropractic.
I am tired of hearing you call us quacks. Although I regret becoming a chiropractor due to the struggles that we go through getting decent insurance reimbursement, considered alternative, and people like yourselves that bash our profession - I still think it is a very good healing art. There are some bad apples in our profession as there are in yours. By stereotyping you show your ignorance. I myself realize the ridiculousness of attributing all causes of disease to misalignments in the spine, although you as an MD will have to agree that distortions to spinal nerves can affect conditions other than just causing back pain such as paresthesias and other things - as published in your own medical journals. Also many chiropractors work with nutrition and natural healing methods, a thing that most MD's gave up long ago due to the corrupt influence of the pharmaceutical industry. What ever happened to - you are what you eat, an apple a day, a teaspoon of cod liver oil ? Have you guys sold your soul to the devil or something. The pharmaceutical industry is like witches and warlocks conjuring up evil potions that merely treat symptoms with all kinds of horrible side effects. It is the body that heals itself, not your medicines. God gave us what we needed on this planet for healing, however the distortion of nature to make medicines fueled by the root of all evil (money and the pharmaceutical industry has merely played on the weaknesses of peoples lack of discipline to eat right, exercise, etc. Or is it still more sinister than that - yes I think it is. Since birth we are inundated with television commercials promoting medicine for each and every possible symptom. Symptoms are warning signs from the body that something is wrong. Don't cover them up thinking you have fixed the problem. C'mon, take your head out of your asses MD's. If you paid attention in school, you know that medicine is hard on the liver, and our bodies can only take so much, then the kidneys go, etc, etc. Whatever happened to your hippocratic oath "first do no harm" oh, I know, you thought it meant to be hypocrites. I myself come from a country where the average life expectancy is in the 90's, most people never get sick, and live long healthy lives - a country where so called alternative medicine and the medical field work together to achieve the best results possible. Here our healthcare system is a disgrace, and is money driven instead of results driven. There is a place for medicine, but not as a first line. Benefits should outweigh the risks, and if there is a safer more natural way, then that should be explored first. The trouble is that you are not educated in these areas ever since the money grubbing big pharma took over. In conclusion, I think it is many (not all) the MD's in this country that are the quacks working like legalized drug pushers using potions and concoctions made by satan and his minions. What a wonder that the medical symbol is a snake. Just like Satan, you give something to entice (treatment of symptoms) for the weak and unsuspecting victims to enjoy, but it is full of horrible side effects. The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US. (By contrast, the number of deaths attributable to heart disease in 2001 was 699,697, while the number of deaths attributable to cancer was 553,251.5) I honestly don't know how you can sleep at night. I will pray for you all, and your victims.

37   Homeboy   2012 Nov 28, 3:59pm  

Dr. Paul, you sound like a quack. If I got syphilis, I would go get some penicillin, not some fucking ground up herbs or apples or whatever nonsense you guys are peddling. And if my appendix blows up, I'm gonna have a real doctor cut it out of me, not go meditate on a mountain and hope my body "heals itself".

38   anotheraccount   2012 Nov 28, 4:51pm  

Earlier this year I read a Stanford magazine article about John Ioannidis's study of medical studies. According to his research, about 40% of medical studies are biased and therefore are not true. That means that medical doctors of all professions are working with about 60% correct information. I would say that it's about right.

I've gone to three chiropractors over 15 years. 2 were pretty bad and one is great. Yes, for certain problems and injuries he is ineffective, but for some he can really help. It's important to recognize the limitations of the provider.

Good diet, mild stretching, tai chi, walking or similar exercises are essential to good orthopedic health.

39   Homeboy   2012 Nov 28, 6:07pm  

treatmentreport says

Earlier this year I read a Stanford magazine article about John Ioannidis's study of medical studies. According to his research, about 40% of medical studies are biased and therefore are not true. That means that medical doctors of all professions are working with about 60% correct information. I would say that it's about right.

Researchers generally try to duplicate findings in multiple studies. This corrects for mistakes. If a study finds a particular result, but that result cannot be duplicated, then it tends to cast doubt on the study. You build up a body of evidence, and when that body of evidence is large enough, you can be fairly certain of your conclusions.

You can criticize the scientific method if you like, but what is the alternative? Just guessing? Blind faith? Science is the most reliable method we have of discovering the truth. Even if it were only 60% reliable (which is false, of course), it still would be better than 0% reliable. People who believe in nonsense "alternative" medicine fear the scientific method, because deep down they know their beliefs won't stand up to scrutiny.

40   Homeboy   2012 Nov 28, 6:13pm  

Stretching does nothing and can actually be harmful. Waste of time.

Diet and exercise? Of course it's beneficial. You don't need any b.s. "alternative" sources to learn that. ANY doctor will tell you that.

41   anotheraccount   2012 Nov 29, 5:28am  


I am not criticizing the scientific method. What I am saying is that if 40% of the medical studies are biased, then doctors should not rely on them to give medical advise. Bias is many times intentional to get the desired results.

42   anotheraccount   2012 Nov 29, 5:29am  

Mild stretching is good. I agree that most people don't stretch correctly and probably harm themselves in the process.

43   leo707   2012 Nov 29, 5:39am  

treatmentreport says

I am not criticizing the scientific method. What I am saying is that if 40% of the medical studies are biased, then doctors should not rely on them to give medical advise.

Perhaps, but 100% of "evidence" provided by chiropractors, acupuncturists, homeopathic doctors, astrologers, etc. is bias. Yes, I agree that they should not be relying on that evidence to provide advice, medical or otherwise.

OK, maybe 100% was a little harsh as they do sometimes cite actual scientific studies. So, it is more like 98% biased information.

WAIT! no, it is 100% bias, because they only pick the studies that supported their preconceived notions and ignore anything contrary.

44   anotheraccount   2012 Nov 29, 5:46am  


please read some of the research that John has done http://med.stanford.edu/profiles/John_Ioannidis before you hyperbole the argument back to homeopaths.

45   Homeboy   2012 Nov 29, 11:49am  

treatmentreport says


I am not criticizing the scientific method. What I am saying is that if 40% of the medical studies are biased, then doctors should not rely on them to give medical advise. Bias is many times intentional to get the desired results.

That makes no sense. Of course you are criticizing the scientific method. You just claimed that 40% of medical studies are wrong and that doctors should ignore them.

Again I will ask you: If not scientific studies, then what? How do you propose people should obtain knowledge about medicine, without using scientific studies?

46   Homeboy   2012 Nov 29, 11:52am  

treatmentreport says

Mild stretching is good

I don't stretch, and I have never had to visit a chiropractor. You stretch, and you have had to visit chiropractors multiple times. What is your evidence for believing stretching is good?

47   ducsingle5313   2012 Nov 29, 12:16pm  

I think most suck for many reasons, most of which have been discussed above. The good ones will not claim to be able to cure the common cold, do not pressure you to visit them on a regular basis, spend a substantial amount of time with their patients, and recommend other methods - - - yoga, pilates, swimming, etc. Unfortunately, the good ones are hard to find.

There are plenty of crappy "real" doctors out there too. My brother is an anesthesiologist, and he says he wouldn't let some of the surgeons he works with anywhere near him if he needed surgery.

48   Indiana Jones   2012 Nov 29, 1:07pm  

Homeboy says

I don't stretch, and I have never had to visit a chiropractor. You stretch, and you have had to visit chiropractors multiple times. What is your evidence for believing stretching is good?

Stretching is good because if FEELS good to do it. What more "evidence" do you need than what your body is telling you? Have you never stretched in the morning after waking up? It feels great to stretch! It is a natural, human thing to do. Everyone stretches! Animals stretch. You feel less tense after stretching. You feel more relaxed.

This is one of the many issues with Allopathic or western medicine: It promotes the disconnection of the mind from the body, such that you get people who don't stretch, and actually believe that stretching hurts you. Unbelievable.

49   Homeboy   2012 Nov 29, 1:28pm  

Indiana Jones says

Stretching is good because if FEELS good to do it. What more "evidence" do you need than what your body is telling you?

It feels good to fart, but it wouldn't make me any healthier to pump air up my ass all day just so I can fart more. Doing stretches beyond what your body naturally does when you have been immobile for a long period does NOT feel good. You have just convinced yourself that it does because a long time ago someone came up with a theory that you would injure muscles if you didn't stretch them first. Problem is, there is zero evidence to support that theory.

Have you never stretched in the morning after waking up? It feels great to stretch! It is a natural, human thing to do. Everyone stretches! Animals stretch. You feel less tense after stretching. You feel more relaxed.

This is one of the many issues with Allopathic or western medicine: It promotes the disconnection of the mind from the body, such that you get people who don't stretch, and actually believe that stretching hurts you. Unbelievable.

This is the problem I have with the "alternative medicine" crowd. You can't discuss anything without throwing in jargon and nonsense talking points you memorized.

I said stretching CAN hurt you, and treatment report agreed, so that's 2 opinions against your one. Studies have shown that stretching doesn't do any good, and can cause harm if done wrong. What's your basis for your belief that stretching makes you healthier? Because you "feel" that it does? Sounds more like religion than medicine.

50   Indiana Jones   2012 Nov 29, 1:35pm  

Homeboy says

Again I will ask you: If not scientific studies, then what? How do you propose people should obtain knowledge about medicine, without using scientific studies?

Look up Model-Based Inquiry as a step in the right direction away from the traditional Scientific Method.

51   Homeboy   2012 Nov 29, 1:39pm  

Indiana Jones says

Homeboy says

Again I will ask you: If not scientific studies, then what? How do you propose people should obtain knowledge about medicine, without using scientific studies?

Look up Model-Based Inquiry as a step in the right direction away from the traditional Scientific Method.

I didn't ask you. Also, if you have a point to make, then make it. I'm not going to "look up" anything for you.

52   Indiana Jones   2012 Nov 29, 1:43pm  

Homeboy says

Studies have shown that stretching doesn't do any good, and can cause harm if done wrong. What's your basis for your belief that stretching makes you healthier? Because you "feel" that it does? Sounds more like religion than medicine.

How is feeling something in my body religious? This is a very practical matter. Stretching (when I find time to do it), helps my body to feel better. This is based on my own, direct experience and awareness of what makes my body feel better, or worse.

Maybe stretching for you makes your body feel worse. That is your personal experience. This does not mean that for anyone else, stretching in itself is a "waste of time", or that if you stretch, this means you will need to go see a chiropractor.

53   Indiana Jones   2012 Nov 29, 1:47pm  

Homeboy says

I didn't ask you. Also, if you have a point to make, then make it. I'm not going to "look up" anything for you.

I didn't write that for your benefit.

54   Homeboy   2012 Nov 29, 1:50pm  

Indiana Jones says

This does not mean that for anyone else, stretching in itself is a "waste of time", or that if you stretch, this means you will need to go see a chiropractor.

Strawman. I did not stretching will make you need to see a chiroprator. You twisted my words around.

Two people here suggested that it is healthy for EVERYONE to stretch. Therefore, it is contingent on those making the claim to support it with evidence. The fact that something makes you "feel good" does not mean it is making you healthier. Eating ice cream makes me feel good, but if I did it constantly it could have a bad effect on my health.

Besides, I don't believe that stretching intrinsically makes people "feel good"; Perhaps it does for you, or perhaps you have convinced yourself that it does because you want to believe that. Either way, it doesn't make it true for everyone.

55   Homeboy   2012 Nov 29, 1:53pm  

Indiana Jones says

I didn't write that for your benefit.

You quoted me and responded directly. If you want to play games, please go somewhere else.

56   Indiana Jones   2012 Nov 29, 2:39pm  

Homeboy says

You quoted me and responded directly. If you want to play games, please go somewhere else.

This is no game. This is a very public forum. All comments will be read by many others. In some instances I am responding directly to you as you are also directing your comments to me. Other times, it is just general information for anyone to read. I sometimes quote a comment to help others to link the line of thought. Many of the posts on this forum are not directed toward anyone in particular.

57   Homeboy   2012 Nov 29, 3:23pm  

Indiana Jones says

This is no game. This is a very public forum. All comments will be read by many others. In some instances I am responding directly to you as you are also directing your comments to me. Other times, it is just general information for anyone to read. I sometimes quote a comment to help others to link the line of thought. Many of the posts on this forum are not directed toward anyone in particular.

Dodging my question, I see. Nice chatting with you. *yawn*

58   Homeboy   2012 Nov 29, 3:34pm  

robertoaribas says

failed studies provide important statistical infomation, and hiding them is tantamount to research fraud. ALL accuratly performed studies should have to have their results entered into a database, so that as a scientific society we could have the best information.

Absolutely. Studies should be repeated, and if the results cannot be duplicated, those conclusions should be discarded. If researchers are not correctly following the scientific method, we should strive to correct that. But under no circumstances should we discard science altogether and subscribe to non-scientific , so called "alternative" belief systems.

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