FuckTheMainstreamMedia's threads

What happened to the great drought?
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 12 Nov 2022   30 comments, latest 2 months ago
I mean just like that, completely out of the news coverage. This was supposed to be horrible…like civilization ending. What happened?

Questions about neighbors smoking weed.
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 12 Aug 2018   24 comments, latest 3 months ago
This is a serious question and I'm not sure anyone will know the answer but its worth a shot.... I have a neighbor who smokes weed. I don't get most ...

Fuck you Gavin Newsome
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 13 Jul 2020   105 comments, latest 3 months ago
You asshole. You allow protests and violent riots to go forward, clearly spreading Covid 19. And all for some fucking bullshit...that is protesting exactly what? 8...fucking 8 unarmed black men ...

Trump will select Tulsi Gabbard as VP.
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 22 Mar 2024   19 comments, latest 4 months ago
He won’t temper Republican votes and may just truly conquer the independent vote. Just watched Tulsi Gabbard on FOX. She dodged the VP question. She also said the Dems are ...

So the lying propagandists at Wikipedia made a change to the definition of Critical Race Theory
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 25 Jun 2021   13 comments, latest 4 months ago
Up until two days ago, the wiki entry for Critical Race Theory stated that there were three elements of CRT and that acceptance that white supremacy exists was one of ...

Snopes -what a load of crap
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 14 Jun 2020   19 comments, latest 6 months ago
https://www.snopes.com/news/20 So it’s just way too long to quote. Essentially the claim that snopes attempts to debunk is that George Floyd was a criminal. In the debunking, they state that ...

How in the hell did we elect a bumbling idiot President?
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 8 Jul 2023   10 comments, latest 8 months ago
Yea yeah, more you tube. Don’t care. https://youtu.be/daaDmi_erYU Roger Daltrey is months away from 80. A year and a half younger than Joe Biden. He has to remember song lyrics, ...

The Sparkle Creed
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 13 Sep 2023   1 comment, latest 10 months ago
So now it’s just making stuff up as we go. Who are these idiots? https://youtube.com/shorts/e14

Alice Cooper won’t back down
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 27 Aug 2023   2 comments, latest a year ago
At least I can’t imagine so. You don’t become the type of person he is by caving into pressure. In an interview with Stereogum, Cooper was asked about other rock ...

The most effective President ever still paying dividends- SCOTUS ends college discrimination
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 29 Jun 2023   85 comments, latest a year ago
Another great ruling by Trumps Supreme Court: https://www.yahoo.com/news/new June 29 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday struck down race-conscious student admissions programs currently used at Harvard University and ...

King lord god of all cucks
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 29 Jun 2023   5 comments, latest a year ago
Fucking millenial white people. Ya ya I know YouTube. I promise the payoff is worth it. https://youtu.be/hni03I002Vc

And now California public schools have gone completely off the rails
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 5 Jun 2023   Posted a year ago
https://rumble.com/v2rliho-sch original link

Voting for Democrats has consequences - the Denver poop edition
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 13 Nov 2019   6 comments, latest a year ago
https://www.dailywire.com/news Bazyar says that he has had to repeatedly call law enforcement, sometimes up to several times a day, to get some of these people off of his business property ...

CNN Goes full retard and then doubles down on the retard
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 17 Apr 2020   22 comments, latest a year ago
https://www.google.com/amp/s/a Shortly after the dramatic announcement, Musk said in a tweet: "China had an oversupply, so we bought 1255 FDA-approved ResMed, Philips & Medtronic ventilators on Friday night & airshipped ...

Meanwhile in non-occupied America
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 17 Jan 2023   1 comment, latest 2 years ago
https://wyoleg.gov/Legislation A JOINT RESOLUTION expressing support for phasing out the sale of new electric vehicles in Wyoming by 2035. WHEREAS, oil and gas production has long been one of Wyoming's ...

Merry Christmas to everyone! Gentiles and heathens, God’s grace is for everyone.
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 25 Dec 2022   2 comments, latest 2 years ago
original link

So who is directing the leftists?
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 27 Jun 2021   40 comments, latest 2 years ago
I’ve been posting a lot on social media in threads created by Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ben Shapiro, and Dennis Prager. More than in the past, a lot of posters ...

This is how damn corrupt Democrats are
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 9 Jul 2022   8 comments, latest 2 years ago
https://abc7.com/amp/villanuev Note that the anger some of the board of supervisors have is related to Villanueva actively pursuing the improvement of quality of life issues including FORCING the hand of ...

The Democrat lie of Republican redistricting
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 10 Nov 2022   8 comments, latest 2 years ago
With a five point edge in voting, how the hell did we barely win? The only explanation is Dems engaging in favorable redistricting and then projecting and howling like banshees…. ...

This is how quickly the democrats shifted gears
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 6 Nov 2022   1 comment, latest 2 years ago
And shows the lack of intelligence possessed by many Democrats. It’s You tube so some of you may want to pass and I’ll summarize. Sesame Street has Shari Lewis and ...

Follow me here.
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 29 Sep 2022   Posted 2 years ago

Gov Brown shuts down dangerous free speech hating imbecile
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 27 Sep 2018   4 comments, latest 2 years ago
I can’t stand Jerry Brown but he did the right thing here, vetoing a bill introduced by the 1st Ammemdment hating fascist imbecille Richard Pan and passed by the corrupt ...

Lebron James is a bigot
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 26 Aug 2020   28 comments, latest 2 years ago
https://www.outkick.com/whitlo “I know people get tired of hearing me say it, but we are scared as black people in America,” James said. “Black men, black women, black kids, we are ...

Years after he is out of office, Trump just keeps on winning
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 27 Jun 2022   4 comments, latest 2 years ago
https://www.dailywire.com/news “Here, a government entity sought to punish an individual for engaging in a brief, quiet, personal religious observance doubly protected by the Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of ...

I’m officially an old man
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 12 Apr 2022   11 comments, latest 2 years ago
I’m not even 50 yet, but I’m most definitely that “get off my lawn” guy. First time flying in a few years(Wookie, I have no idea how you do it). ...

Our moron of a President and the imbecile liberals who follow him like lemmings
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 25 Feb 2022   12 comments, latest 2 years ago
Biden said, "If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons." https://www.google.com/amp/s/w SVIATOSLAV ...

So Ted Cruz has apparently abandoned all intent of ever running for President
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 15 Apr 2021   7 comments, latest 3 years ago
But I’m digging his brutal honesty of late. If that’s all he does, I’m happy to have him as a Senator. We need as many pro constitution pro independant Senators ...

Stupid lies that people believe
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 2 Jan 2022   13 comments, latest 3 years ago
January 6 was an insurrection

A new year
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 25 Dec 2021   2 comments, latest 3 years ago
I live in LA County. LA City in particular has onerous restrictions including requiring business to verify customer vaccine status. It’s dumb and born entirely out of mouth breathing nanny ...

Which one of you is Kid Rock?
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 16 Dec 2021   9 comments, latest 3 years ago

You can’t cancel me
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 7 Nov 2021   3 comments, latest 3 years ago
Kyle Larson was an up and coming driver in NASCARS major leagues….the Cup Series…he had won some races, was sponsored by Target, and on a major team. And then the ...

Disgusting LA Times
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 20 Aug 2021   5 comments, latest 3 years ago
“He is a danger, a clear and present danger,” said Melina Abdullah, cofounder of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles. It’s not just that Elder would be a Trump fanboy ...

Lol Silent Joe
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 15 Aug 2021   Posted 3 years ago
I’m certain that’s his nickname from his days battling Corn Pop at the community recreation center The timing of Psaki's time off comes as Biden has faced criticism for remaining ...

What a buffoon looks like
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 5 Aug 2021   7 comments, latest 3 years ago
https://www.foxnews.com/us/st- Now, records show her office has been dropping felony cases at a rate more than double the years before she took office. Records from the clerk of the ...

Am I the only one?
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 7 Jul 2021   3 comments, latest 3 years ago
Another fantastic song… If you don’t know who Aaron Lewis is, you should. He was lead singer of the band Staind which had some huge albums in the early 2000’s, ...

When woke consumes your brain.
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 8 Jul 2021   8 comments, latest 3 years ago
Apparently not content with holier than thou, this cuck wishes to be crowned woker than thou and will willingly sacrifice his family in pursuit of it. original link

Biden’s a feeble old man who has lost his mind
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 6 Jul 2021   7 comments, latest 3 years ago
And a majority of Americans agree https://thetrafalgargroup.org/

What going woke can do
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 5 Jul 2021   4 comments, latest 3 years ago
The concert business is a bit crazy, having havoc wreaked on it by Covid - 19 and the ensuing government craziness. One massive change is that ticket prices have gone ...

This songs hard to listen to
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 4 Jul 2021   Posted 3 years ago
But I’m glad someone fairly high profile is willing to speak the truth… link:https://video.foxnews.com

At least Mazie Hirono would no longer be the stupidest member of the Senate
by FuckTheMainstreamMedia on 1 Jul 2021   1 comment, latest 3 years ago
https://www.yahoo.com/news/hot President Joe Biden encouraged California Rep. Maxine Waters to run for Senate during a bill signing event at the White House, which produced a series of hot microphone moments ...
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