Shrekgrinch = Ruki = MarsAttacks = Melmakian nuked again

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2012 Dec 13, 10:06am   23,627 views  87 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I can't believe anyone would post stuff like this in a public forum:

Conservatives: You need to start bringing your firearms to these events and start shooting these fuckers. 'Nuff said.

I hope the police contact me so I can turn over everything I know about him.

So he's nuked again, for the fourth time.

Next time he shows up, please tell me it's the same person and I'll nuke him again instantly.

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41   Dan8267   2012 Dec 14, 7:36am  

121212 says

So clearly I am not Shrek, unlike you.

Christ, that just sounds like something Shrek would say. It's a broken sentence with apparently no reasoning behind it.

42   leo707   2012 Dec 14, 7:42am  

Dan8267 says

121212 says

So clearly I am not Shrek, unlike you.

Christ, that just sounds like something Shrek would say. It's a broken sentence with apparently no reasoning behind it.


43   Dan8267   2012 Dec 14, 7:44am  

Call it Crazy says

Dan8267 says

I am very confident that Call it Crazy isn't Shrek. They are crazy in totally different ways.

Hey wait, I might be nuts but I can't come close to competing with Shrek.... he was way above my pay grade!!


44   zzyzzx   2012 Dec 14, 8:38am  

User 121212 is just as bad.

I offer this as proof:

45   Patrick   2012 Dec 14, 8:49am  

zzyzzx says

User 121212 is just as bad.

I offer this as proof:


I don't have https set up. So that URL is not going to work. You'll get some kind of certificate error. This works though, since it's just http:


46   zzyzzx   2012 Dec 14, 8:50am  

OK, how about this comment here by 121212
listen you son of bitch

47   zzyzzx   2012 Dec 14, 8:52am  

Or maybe this one by 121212:

Then 121212 complains about trollishness, but really need to look in the mirror

48   Peter P   2012 Dec 14, 8:55am  

121212 says

I started that thread, it's not trolling.

LOL! You made my day.

49   zzyzzx   2012 Dec 14, 8:56am  

I don't have https set up. So that URL is not going to work. You'll get some kind of certificate error. This works though, since it's just http:

I got tha extra S from the "Permalink"

50   Patrick   2012 Dec 14, 9:26am  

121212 says

I started that thread, it's not trolling.

May be trolling, but now that everyone is moderator of their own threads, the best thing is just not to comment on threads made by obnoxious users.

If you say anything at all on their threads, they pop back to the top of the home page and get more attention.

Just start your own competing and more reasonable thread.

51   Patrick   2012 Dec 14, 9:52am  

Philistine says

I think the problem with this feature is that it doesn't out the offensive posters because their old accounts are getting deleted and there is no memory function.

Actually, there is a separate memory of deleted IP addresses, the "nukelog" file.

I could incorporate that in the aliases function, which currently just looks at the latest IP address used for that user, but if someone is nuked, they should not be able to register under the same IP address again anyway. Unless I have a bug in that registration-blocking.

52   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 1:23am  

121212 says

Patrick, this guy should be banned. He spews hate a vitriol on every occasion.

Why don't you just "ignore" him? Why the demands to ban him from the forum? He's not threatening anyone, he's merely posting his (rather predictable) opinion. Many of 10 pound's (TPB, aka TOT, Done!, Captain Shuddup...) comments are offensive to someone. But this is a subjective call - I'm sure that there are others here who didn't find it as offensive as you did.

Remember that he didn't kill anyone nor did he incite anyone to violence. He voiced his opinion (and we all know that opinions are like assholes - everyone has one, and they all stink). If Patrick were to ban everyone that made an offensive comment none of us would be here.

Your reaction to him gave him plenty of play, and allowed his comment an extended life in multiple threads.

53   anonymous   2012 Dec 16, 1:55am  

leo707 says

bob2356 says


I think 121212=HRHMedia(sp?)=politifact(sp?)

of course she is, and i don't understand why patrick doesn't ban this mindless dolt just as quickly as her counterpart mentioned in the OP. maybe it's because, while the same level of clutter and trash, it is leftist trash, which seems to be treated a tad differently around these parts,,,,,,

54   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 2:17am  

errc says

i don't understand why patrick doesn't ban this mindless dolt just as quickly as her counterpart mentioned in the OP. maybe it's because, while the same level of clutter and trash, it is leftist trash, which seems to be treated a tad differently around these parts,,,,,,

Shrek stepped so far over the line time after time after time, attacking people and (finally) inciting violence that he was banned. I was surprised that Patrick allowed him to return so many times, but it's his forum.

But there's a difference between personal attacks & constant trolling versus the drivel that 121212 posts. While it is clutter & trash much of the time, most of it isn't personal attacks. Okay, some of it isn't personal attacks.

If 121212 continues in this manner, he/she's gonna implode or pop a vessel.

I used to like the Cap'n. He was funny and entertaining, but something happened between 2005 and now. I skim through his posts much of the time. But, seriously, wtf does this mean?:

121212 says

Your right, considering he supports the ideals of Shrek and worse don;t expect a rational conversation about gun control.

Shrek's "ideals????" You're taking this forum wayyyyy too seriously.

55   mell   2012 Dec 16, 2:58am  

errc says

leo707 says

bob2356 says


I think 121212=HRHMedia(sp?)=politifact(sp?)

of course she is, and i don't understand why patrick doesn't ban this mindless dolt just as quickly as her counterpart mentioned in the OP. maybe it's because, while the same level of clutter and trash, it is leftist trash, which seems to be treated a tad differently around these parts,,,,,,

Have to agree with this. It is cluttering up patnet fast.

56   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 3:03am  

I'm reposting this, because I anticipate 121212 will be deleting my post in response to his/her thread about how the NBA was so stunned & saddened by the shootings 75 miles away that they had a moment of silence before a game:

elliemae jumps on her soapbox and says

Really - the NBA was stunned and saddened? The rest of the country wasn't?

This isn't news - it's a way for the media to keep the story alive. I've got the teevee in the background right now and flipped to the following stations: MSNBC, CNN, Faux News, and the networks, which this very moment are still devoting constant programming to this tragic event.

The Yahoo front page has ten (out of fifty) stories directly related to the shootings, MSN.com has devoted its entire front page to the shootings, yesterday I saw interviews with two little kids who were in the school when the shootings occurred (talk about disgusting!), 20/20 & Dateline devoted their entire evening on Friday to the shootings, and every news site is constantly updating stories related to the shootings.

Every angle is being exploited by the news. We're privy to the shooter's family issues (father/brother), his diagnosis, how he got his guns, how he might have gotten more guns, people who weren't affected because they either called in sick or took another route to work that day, how the coroner feels, how the hospital workers felt when no mass casualties arrived, how the news anchors feel about reporting the stories... ad nauseum.

This was a horrible, tragic event. Words cannot describe the horror that those victims - and by victims, I mean everyone in the school, relatives of people in the school and the surrounding community - must have felt. My heart goes out to them. An event such as this invokes sadness to everyone who hears about it. It makes us want to hug and protect our own children.

While this mass shooting is certainly newsworthy, it's now being sensationalized by the media for financial gain. The networks will use the ratings (increased viewership) over this event as means to charge higher advertising rates.

At this point, we're not learning anything new. I know that my life isn't any richer because the coroner has determined that all of the victims died of gunshot wounds. It certainly isn't enhanced by seeing the photos of the victims or knowing their names. This very personal tragedy is being used to manipulate the public consciousness.

I can tell you whose lives will be richer: advertisers, and those people who are probably making plans for the made for teevee movies and books about the ordeal. Agents, producers and writers are most certainly descending upon this hurting community.

So, please forgive me if I don't give a shit about some basketball players who had a moment of silence because there was a mass shooting 75 miles away from where they were playing.

57   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 3:52am  

121212 says

zzyzzx what kind of person posts video of another mass murderer on a thread about a poor class of 1st graders being mass murdered? whats wrong with you?

"what kind of person? what's wrong with him?" Nothing!

From another thread (with a link to an op ed piece demanding that now is the time for gun control, as well as another link to a story about an NBA game that had a moment of silence):

121212 says

"...listen you son of bitch you made the first filthy disgusting comment on that thread!"...
...Liberal naivite! You coward. Another coward....
...I'm glad you felt it was needed to question me when that filth merchant you know your friend cptEvil spews absolute horse shit...
..Stop devaluing the situation. What pissed me off was the disgusting conservative response to an entire room of 1st graders being murdered...
...Still no apology..."

I'm thinking that you're not going to get an apology, because you don't deserve one. He did nothing to you, he posted his opinion on the interwebs in the same manner that you post yours.

121212 says (in that other thread)

to those who dislike this thread, get off it.


121212 says

elimae your posts are never deleted, because infact this is the first time you have spoken with me.

1) It's "elliemae."
2) "in fact" (two words)

Your post leads one to believe that the only reason you've never deleted my posts is because I've never posted in your thread before.

58   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 4:13am  

121212 says

you can stop polluting this thread now.

So, is everyone who disagrees with you "polluting the thread?" I ask this because you've got quite the fan club growing.

I'm being facetious, btw.

59   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 4:38am  

121212 says

and yet your first thought, first post ranting against me was one that clearly stated
"I'm reposting this, because I anticipate 121212 will be deleting my post in response " You outright claim a falsehood.

I'm not sure that you understand what a "falsehood" (or perhaps a better word would be a "lie") would be. I stated my opinion that you would probably delete my comment, and since I truly believed that you would (based on your comments such as "to those who dislike this thread, get off it."), my comment wouldn't be a falsehood, or "lie."

121212 says

it's amazing to me elliemae that you spent so long trolling through posts to find something to say, then copy and paste my opinions and responses all the while adding nothing to the conversation.

It took no time at all. You see, there was a link to that particular thread (actually one of those specific comments). I'm glad that you think I'm amazing, although not surprised in the least. A lot of people do. (fyi, that's my opinion, so again - not a "falsehood.")

121212 says

ellie, no, but your welcome to chat with me on a thread with a relationship to our conversation , unlike this one!

"your" welcome to understand that we aren't chatting. We are posting concurrently on an internet forum.

60   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 4:41am  

Call it Crazy says

Elliemae, you must REALLY be bored today to continue dialog with him...

It's snowing, and I'm having fun.

61   anonymous   2012 Dec 16, 5:01am  

Patrick, if I ignore someone, does it also ignore all the threads they start?

For instance, if I put 121212 on ignore, I wouldn't see any of her posts or threads?

I like the forums where everyone posts as anonymous, and the community can like, dislike, and maybe even vote to hide comment,,,than the users can use an unhide function if they want to read the hidden comments

62   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 5:14am  

Errc, try it and let us know. You can always go back on your profile and unignore them. Everything comes back if you do.

63   Patrick   2012 Dec 16, 5:23am  

Call it Crazy says

Yes, you wouldn't see any threads they start.


errc says

I like the forums where everyone posts as anonymous, and the community can like, dislike, and maybe even vote to hide comment

This is a new idea for me. So you're saying that comments that get disliked by users with a good reputation would become invisible to all users, unless they click some special "show all" link?

64   121212   2012 Dec 16, 5:59am  

elliemae says

I'm not sure that you understand what a "falsehood" (or perhaps a better word would be a "lie") would be. I stated my opinion that you would probably delete my comment, and since I truly believed that you would (based on your comments such as "to those who dislike this thread, get off it."), my comment wouldn't be a falsehood, or "lie."

I'm not sure you understand what your saying. I clearly had no intention of deleting your post. You made a stink out of nothing and continue to do so over absolutely Nothing!

I delete Trolls, are you a troll?

65   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 6:07am  

121212 says

I delete Trolls

...and yet you remain here. Hmmmm...

66   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 6:21am  

121212 says

elliemae says
I'm not sure that you understand what a "falsehood" (or perhaps a better word would be a "lie") would be. I stated my opinion that you would probably delete my comment, and since I truly believed that you would (based on your comments such as "to those who dislike this thread, get off it."), my comment wouldn't be a falsehood, or "lie."

I'm not sure you understand what your saying.

I actually do understand what I'm saying, and am able to say it and spell it correctly. Let me try this one again so you can understand it:

It's not a lie if I voice my opinion. It's a lie (or falsehood, as you called it) if I say something that is untrue. I really can't dummy it down any further for you and suggest you get someone to help you understand it.

121212 says

I love it when you make it so personal and continue to ignore my rebuttals. Hmmmm

I knew it - you like me! Right now, you really like me!

Just curious - why is it that when you personally attack people here, it's okay - but when someone calls you on them, you're the victim?

This has been fun but I've got to go for awhile. Please continue arguing with yourself - I'll be back.

67   121212   2012 Dec 16, 6:25am  

elliemae says

It's not a lie if I voice my opinion.

No it's lie to insinuate something you know to be untrue.

Like that fact you claimed I would delete your post based on NOTHING!

68   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 6:38am  

121212 says

No it's lie to insinuate something you know to be untrue.

The part that you obviously don't seem to understand is that it would only have been a lie had I known it to be untrue. But I actually believed that you would delete the post. I based that on the many outrageous statements that you have made. Or, almost made, given your command of the English language.

121212 says

Like that fact you claimed I would delete your post based on NOTHING!

It is indeed a fact that I insinuated that you would delete my post. You get credit for getting that right. However, it certainly wasn't based on "nothing," as referenced by my statement above.

But, once again, I do have to go now although I will return later. Feel free to carry on without me.

69   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 7:22am  

121212 says

Why do you continue to personally insult me?

You actually are personally insulting yourself. Therein lies the rub.

121212 says

You have no reason to think I would delete regular conversation, it's pure speculation and ultimately you lied. I delete trolls and people who insult me.
You keep insulting me and so I will delete your comments.

Well, then, even in your definition of the word, I didn't lie, now did I?

This has been a lovely afternoon. But I refuse to continue this battle of wits because you are unarmed.

70   Scagnetti   2012 Dec 16, 8:50am  

I had to "ignore" 121212 myself. I don't mind opposing opinions, someone proving me wrong, or even someone calling me a dumbass, but everytime you disagree with 121212, he either 1) deletes your post or 2) spews his nonsensical and meaningless diarrhea of the mouth. Post after post after post of inane ramblings. Basically he has to silence others opinions because he can't support his own. That shit is RIDICULOUS!!!!

Unfortunately he has a few popular threads going now and I'm interested in what the more logical posters have to say. Oh well, I guess I'll have to start my own threads, and hope others do the same.

71   Scagnetti   2012 Dec 16, 8:55am  

Call it Crazy says

Yes, you wouldn't see any threads they start.


errc says

I like the forums where everyone posts as anonymous, and the community can like, dislike, and maybe even vote to hide comment

This is a new idea for me. So you're saying that comments that get disliked by users with a good reputation would become invisible to all users, unless they click some special "show all" link?

Featured articles on yahoo.com have comments that are hidden depending on how many dislikes they have. It is automatically hidden, but you can "unhide" the comment to read it if you want to. Check it out. You may have to search a little bit to find one of 121212's comments on there that has been hidden.


72   Patrick   2012 Dec 16, 9:52am  

Thanks, but I don't see the "unhide" link. Is it called "unhide" or something else?

73   Scagnetti   2012 Dec 16, 10:01am  

Thanks, but I don't see the "unhide" link. Is it called "unhide" or something else?

A picture is worth a thousand words...Note Beth's comment

74   Scagnetti   2012 Dec 16, 10:02am  

After clicking "show comment"

75   Y   2012 Dec 16, 2:04pm  

121212 is Ruki...ditch his ass...
Case Closed.

"121212 said: " It’s unclear what Fox News was expecting from Pulitizer Prize winning journalist Tom Ricks when they brought him on to discuss Benghazi but it’s clear they did not pre-interview him in the slightest. If they had, it’s safe to say this wouldn’t have happened:
121212 says

SoftShell is Shrek/Ruki if I remember rightly, it was hard to keep count of all his accounts..

76   Y   2012 Dec 16, 2:05pm  

Only Ruki would delete normal posts.
121212 does it with regularity.
that's enough proof for me he/she's Ruki...
Ditch them.
Case Closed.

77   Y   2012 Dec 16, 2:10pm  

You must be talking about the Occupy Wall Street people in Oakland....
Oh wait..I forgot...they are Liberals...

leo707 says

Peter P says

Yep. When someone incites violence he crosses the line.

This is not the first time I have seen "conservatives" on this site advocate for murder and/or torture as a solution to something they perceive as a problem

78   elliemae   2012 Dec 16, 2:13pm  

Scagnetti says

I had to "ignore" 121212 myself.

I should have stopped fucking with her (him?), but it was like a train wreck and I couldn't look away. I should know better - but it entertained me while the snow fell.

79   Scagnetti   2012 Dec 16, 6:52pm  

elliemae says

but it entertained me while the snow fell.

kissing in the snow is better...

80   Tenpoundbass   2012 Dec 16, 11:36pm  

121212 says

he actually called himself that first, i was quoting him

121212 says

CaptainShuddup says

That no good son of a bitch captainshuddup politicized the event, by pointing out the double standards of how the collective Patnet perceives these stories based on GEO location.

Now the Iatola 121212 is bent out of shape with his manufactured outrage, he's forgotten why he was so upset in the first place.

So he posted this gem. Libs do as them say not as them do!

listen you son of bitch you made the first filthy disgusting comment on that thread!

Really so where's the original post, anyone can put anything they want in quotes. I can't seem to find where I said that anywhere.
I thought we're not supposed to call people names Patrick?
Or does that only apply to "THEM"?

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