
United States, joined 2007 Aug 24   Has 3 followers.   Is following 1.
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threads pinned by elliemae
authored 8,040 comments and 501 threads

elliemae's threads

America's Worst Charities
by elliemae on 23 Apr 2014   11 comments, latest 2 months ago
http://www.tampabay.com/americ Every year, Kids Wish Network raises millions of dollars in donations in the name of dying children and their families. Every year, it squanders almost every penny. The ...

Citi Mastercard now 29.99%
by elliemae on 3 Nov 2009   14 comments, latest 6 months ago
Citibank just raised my interest rate to 29.99%. Yep, now I'll have to pay it off and keep the card for just in case... I don't deserve the increase, ...

by elliemae on 13 Apr 2020   54 comments, latest 4 years ago
Been on a break.... but I'm back. Anyone miss me?

Losing Weight Makes You A Pedophile!
by elliemae on 19 Nov 2015   32 comments, latest 7 years ago
http://nypost.com/2015/11/19/s There's no evidence I know that he molested a child," Bradford said by phone. Asked about Fogle's sex with 16- and 17-year-old minors, Bradford said, "16- or 17-year-olds ...

Dyson products are a scam
by elliemae on 21 Nov 2010   40 comments, latest 7 years ago
Dyson just came out with a pet hair attachment for their vacuums. I find it ironic, because my vacuum recently started sucking hair & debris into the belt compartment. ...

It takes some balls.
by elliemae on 1 Jan 2012   58 comments, latest 7 years ago
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ This guy has scrotal lymphodema, and is hoping to raise 1 million for surgery. Wow.

Time Magazine: Men are Obsolete
by elliemae on 5 Jan 2014   87 comments, latest 8 years ago
http://ideas.time.com/2014/01/ This story is a crock of shit. Seriously, with comments such as: "Are men literally obsolete? Of course not, and if we had to prove that we could ...

Score One for the (Confused) Little Guy
by elliemae on 14 Apr 2012   6 comments, latest 8 years ago
Long-term care insurance company tried to cut off benefits for a woman with Alzheimer's Disease who required 24 hour care: http://consumerist.com/2012/04 Unfortunately, there's a $10 million cap on these ...

EllieMae gots herself a new gig
by elliemae on 29 Jun 2016   15 comments, latest 8 years ago
So, I was laid off my job after five years. Went to work at a healthcare facility owned by the same corporation, which touts itself as the largest healthcare ...

Trump Makes Water Plentiful Again
by elliemae on 28 May 2016   15 comments, latest 8 years ago
Ain't no drought in California! Drink all you want, fill your pools, plant lawns everywhere. Hell, turn your sprinklers on just cuz you fucking well can. http://www.usatoday.com/story/ I can't ...

Josh Duggar, Ashley Madison Customer
by elliemae on 20 Aug 2015   9 comments, latest 8 years ago
http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/ce Josh Duggar, the oldest son of the media whores who birthed 19 kids and got themselves a teevee show outta it, was a customer of Ashley Madison. Not ...

Begging for Dollars
by elliemae on 3 May 2016   2 comments, latest 8 years ago
So, there's this pub in Salt Lake City that shows movies while serving alcohol. But there's this archaic Utah liquor law that prohibits serving alcohol during movies that simulate ...

Why does Microsoft want me to windows 10 so badly?
by elliemae on 31 Dec 2015   39 comments, latest 8 years ago
freakin' popups spamming me, Microsoft desperately wants me to upgrade to windows 10. why? what to do? I currently have windows 8, freaking hate it and use the windows ...

Fidelity Investments Sucks
by elliemae on 16 Sep 2011   16 comments, latest 8 years ago
I work for a company that recently decided to force its workers to save for retirement. They auto signed everyone up for a 401(k) to which they don't contribute ...

I Almost Died The Other Day
by elliemae on 10 Feb 2016   20 comments, latest 8 years ago
I commute to work on the interstate, have driven this road since I can remember. I've had a few near-misses, especially with road-raging assholes, But I do believe that ...

Great Movie Names
by elliemae on 25 Jan 2016   3 comments, latest 9 years ago
On Cinemax tonight: College Coeds vs. Zombie Housewives. (Isn't that basically all housewives?) Lifetime Movie Channel: Mother, May I sleep with Danger? (Tori Spelling's finest work!)

Where do you store your drugs?
by elliemae on 25 Jan 2016   8 comments, latest 9 years ago
The medicine cabinet, the garage, a cookie jar, a hidden drawer, in a coffee can in the backyard, in a shed where you manufacture meth.... Lotsa places.... But this ...

Children found legally responsible for parent's nursing home bill
by elliemae on 18 Sep 2010   54 comments, latest 9 years ago
http://michiganelderlawinfo.wo So - in Connecticut, a woman was placed into a nursing home and her son signed the admission paperwork as her power of attorney. He didn't accept personal ...

Certificate of Purity
by elliemae on 20 Oct 2015   2 comments, latest 9 years ago
"“If one person has made a decision to wait until marriage or decide to stop & wait we have done our job,” she wrote on another photo. “Let’s make ...

Are you qualified to be the next Speaker?
by elliemae on 20 Oct 2015   1 comment, latest 9 years ago

Woman sues 8 year-old boy after hug gone bad
by elliemae on 13 Oct 2015   6 comments, latest 9 years ago
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/ A jury has ruled against a New York woman who sued her nephew for hugging her too hard on his eighth birthday. In a case that suddenly burst ...

Trump Boycotts Faux News
by elliemae on 23 Sep 2015   1 comment, latest 9 years ago

15 Women & Children Dead In Southern Utah/Northern Arizona
by elliemae on 15 Sep 2015   4 comments, latest 9 years ago
http://news.yahoo.com/least-se Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, AZ are two small towns that straddle the state lines. The approximately 3,000 people who live there are members of the Fundamentalist LDS ...

Darwin Awards Nominee
by elliemae on 15 Sep 2015   1 comment, latest 9 years ago
http://worldduh.com/2015/09/14 "Paul Neaverson, 61, walked in to a branch of NatWest in Rainham and held a knife to the cashier’s neck. However he was caught out when he asked ...

Jared Fogel, Subway Spokesman/Child Porn Enthusiast
by elliemae on 19 Aug 2015   17 comments, latest 9 years ago
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/ What a despicable piece of shit. 5-12 years in prison for the same thing that less affluent people get to spend more time in prison for. #crime

Man Accidentally Sends Naked Selfie To HR Manager After Job Offer
by elliemae on 4 Sep 2015   32 comments, latest 9 years ago
http://worldduh.com/2015/09/02 While scantily clad selfies may have helped heighten the profiles of social media marvels like Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian, theyre probably not the best career move when ...

Rape and the Post Modern Woman
by elliemae on 4 Sep 2015   7 comments, latest 9 years ago
“If you don’t want to entice a rapist, don’t wear high heels so you can’t run from him.” -Chrissy Hynde 2015 http://www.msn.com/en-us/music

Local Arrest Blog
by elliemae on 4 Jun 2015   6 comments, latest 9 years ago
Washington County Utah; nothing much exciting happens here so we read the local arrest blogs. The photos are awesome:

BB King's Daughters Think He Was Poisoned
by elliemae on 26 May 2015   10 comments, latest 9 years ago
http://www.usatoday.com/story/ His daughters have hired an attorney because they say that his medications were locked away from them to see, that he was given two drops of an unknown ...

It's Okay To Cover Up Child Molestation - If You're Christian
by elliemae on 22 May 2015   47 comments, latest 9 years ago
The Duggar family, the one with 19 kids who are all over your TV sets, had a teeny family secret. It seems that their oldest son molested a few ...

Obamacare hater blames Obama when he gets sick, wants free care
by elliemae on 13 May 2015   25 comments, latest 9 years ago
http://www.rawstory.com/2015/0 Now the self-admittedly non-compliant uncontrolled diabetic smoker has got himself a gofundme page. By the way, he says that his doctor refused to discount his care due to ...

My Favorite Letterman Top Ten LIst
by elliemae on 8 May 2015   2 comments, latest 9 years ago
Years ago - in the 80's - on Late Night with David Letterman, they had my favorite top ten list of all time. It was "Top Ten Body Parts ...

Bruce Jenner
by elliemae on 25 Apr 2015   15 comments, latest 9 years ago
Oh my gawd! I get that the guy is transgendered, and am surprised that this is a story. Between his plastic surgeries, effeminate demeanor and the rumors, this really ...

Crazy Utah Lawyer Thinks Gay Marriage Will End The World
by elliemae on 22 Apr 2015   Posted 9 years ago
http://www.reviewjournal.com/t A group of conservative lawyers and academics filed a Supreme Court brief arguing that the legalization of same sex marriage would result in 900,000 abortions over the next ...

by elliemae on 24 Mar 2015   2 comments, latest 9 years ago
According to the telemarketers who have called my friend (with whom I'm staying for a few days): 1) They're my Windows Service Provider and they've received error messages from ...

My Medical Bills
by elliemae on 13 Mar 2015   51 comments, latest 9 years ago
Recent surgery, Billed amount $44,000.00. Aetna approved: $2,800.00. My share: $800.00. Didn't include extras: Anesthesiologist ($500 Aetna, $250 me), Surgeon ($1,000 Aetna,$500 me), and various extras such as labs, ...

The high cost of doing biz, HCA style
by elliemae on 11 Nov 2014   17 comments, latest 10 years ago
I recently had a procedure at an HCA hospital. I received the following statement from my insurance (amounts rounded): 1) Billed Charges $13,000 2) Approved Charges $1,200 3) Duplicate ...

Super Bad Video
by elliemae on 5 Nov 2014   7 comments, latest 10 years ago

Talk About Bat Shit Crazy
by elliemae on 14 Oct 2014   16 comments, latest 10 years ago
http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/n Courtesy of Susanne Nilsson An email to Utah State University threatened "the deadliest school shooting in American history" if the school did not cancel a lecture by a ...

by elliemae on 6 Oct 2014   15 comments, latest 10 years ago
I went to Albertson's to fill my prescriptions and was pleasantly surprised to find that they increased the cost of one of my medications 700%. Now, the obamahaters (you ...
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