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No GUNS Kill PEOPLE!FortWayne says
Guns don't kill people, people kill people
Only apologists make that argument.
Only free-will deniers make that argument.
Bullshit. Guns kill people.
I'm sure you happy with Fox's coverage of Benghazi, right!
Pathetic R'pukes, they've already gone of the cliff. Comparing car accidents with mass murder of a class of 1st grader.
Disgusting rhetoric.
Still no apology from CptEvil on politicizing these deaths from the first post onwards.
Your an evil son of bitch. Your daughters must be so proud of you.
I wonder if they know?
Still no apology from CptEvil on politicizing these deaths from the first post onwards.
Your an evil son of bitch. Your daughters must be so proud of you.
I wonder if they know?
You are not any better.
Still no apology from CptEvil on politicizing these deaths from the first post onwards.
Your an evil son of bitch. Your daughters must be so proud of you.
I wonder if they know?
You are not any better.
Bullshit. He is a vile hateful filth monger. If your backing him up your no better.
121212, has it ever occurred to you that the response Shuddup wants, the response that amuses him, is exactly the response you are making to his bs?
Anyway, the argument over guns laws will continue, but can we agree that this shit is fucked up:
Enforcing current laws beats creating new ones.
Rooemore's avatar wins at least half the argument on its own right.
I can tolerate anti-social speech but politicizing the death of a class of 1st graders for CptEvil's sense of amusement is the definition of INSANITY!
I can tolerate anti-social speech but politicizing the death of a class of 1st graders for CptEvil's sense of amusement is the definition of INSANITY!
You are the one politicizing it now.
I can tolerate anti-social speech but politicizing the death of a class of 1st graders for CptEvil's sense of amusement is the definition of INSANITY!
You are the one politicizing it now.
and mitt romney won the election!
these aren't the droids your looking for
get lost Troll
Another Liberal in a whacky blue state that hates kids.
Am I doing it right? Isn't that how it works? If this were Texas then it would be another crazy Republican that hates unions.
What the fuck is wrong with you, man?
The captain definitely misspoke. Hopefully he will come to his senses.
APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says
The NRA needs to go to Connecticut and offer free assault weapon safety classes in maternity hospitals so that parents can get the kind of education they need to teach their kids to defend themselves against the inevitability of mass murderers descending upon their schools and playgrounds. It's not Free Americans fault that parents are irresponsible.
I never liked your sarcasm. Especially on days like this. You should find better ways of communicating.
That's a really high horse you are sitting on there 121212. Feeling morally superior to the rest of us.
I can tolerate anti-social speech but politicizing the death of a class of 1st graders for CptEvil's sense of amusement is the definition of INSANITY!
Isn't that exactly what you are doing?
We all understand it's a tragedy and feel terrible for those folks. But making threads about gun control... that's just stupid. Might as well make threads about banning cars every time there is a fatal car accident involving a drunk driver.
people in cars do not commit multiple 1st degree murders with a classroom full of 1st graders in it
by making a comparison you show a core lack of understanding the arguments
He may not know it but he is no conservative, he is a fascist.
Hitler finds out that Americans are calling each other Nazi's:
Hitler finds out that Americans are calling each other Nazi's:
you don't have a video for when you call everyone communists or socialists!
I can tolerate anti-social speech but politicizing the death of a class of 1st graders for CptEvil's sense of amusement is the definition of INSANITY!
Isn't that exactly what you are doing?
We all understand it's a tragedy and feel terrible for those folks. But making threads about gun control... that's just stupid. Might as well make threads about banning cars every time there is a fatal car accident involving a drunk driver.
C'mon, there is a difference. You know how easy it is to buy assault weapons in many states? Very. No background check needed. Common sense gun laws would be passed if not for the multi-billion dollar weapons industry and it's army of lobbiests, (NRA) that do everything in their power to keep GUN SALES UP!
Common sense gun laws wont prevent all of these incidents, but it will help prevent some of them.
what kind of person posts video of another mass murderer on a thread about a poor class of 1st graders being mass murdered?
and then you "like" it yourself...
and then as the narcissistic you are "DISLIKE" mine zzyzzx?
what kind of person posts video of another mass murderer on a thread about a poor class of 1st graders being mass murdered?
and then you "like" it yourself...
and then as the narcissistic you are "DISLIKE" mine zzyzzx?
I liked his video.
Hitler parodies rock! My favorite is the one where Hitler loses his shirt in the housing bubble.
what kind of person posts video of another mass murderer on a thread about a poor class of 1st graders being mass murdered?
and then you "like" it yourself...
and then as the narcissistic you are "DISLIKE" mine zzyzzx?
I liked his video.
Hitler parodies rock! My favorite is the one where Hitler loses his shirt in the housing bubble.
My favorite one is where Hitler finds out he has CFS - epic.
So the idea is that by preventing law abiding citizens from bearing arms, that only law enforcement officers, mobsters, & non-organized criminals can have them? Isn't that a bit unbalanced? I mean didn't the cops in NYC put nine or more innocent bystanders in the hospital, by taking down one guy in midtown Manhattan, last month. Since cops only need to go to the firing range every 6 mos or so, I feel really safe that they're the only ones, legally certified to empty a cartridge into a crowd.
I'm sorry but I believe that if a person is stable, has had a complete background check, and goes to a firing range regularly, then that person was the right to defend himself, or his store, or his homestead, with a firearm. I'm not willing to leave the protection of the avg person, in the hands of a public or privatized security detail.
What worries me is that there are so many troubled souls. What can we do about them?
What worries me is that there are so many troubled souls. What can we do about them?
Not a lot. People are apes, apes that have a propensity to commit violence. Mentally ill apes or apes with abusive backgrounds or apes with generally difficult upbringings may well have a greater propensity to violence. A less individualistic society, one with less severe social equality, one with better health care - health care that is available to all and that includes better treatment and follow up care for those with mental illnesses etc. etc. would all contribute to a better functioning society, and that kind of society generally has lower overall crime rates. Not going to happen in the US though.
A less individualistic society, one with less severe social equality, one with better health care - health care that is available to all and that includes better treatment and follow up care for those with mental illnesses etc. etc. would all contribute to a better functioning society, and that kind of society generally has lower overall crime rates.
I always thought individualists are more civilized because they are less repressed.
Many coward evil-doers have abusive and/or repressive upbringings. I suspect they have a distorted moral code. They may even think they are doing the right thing. This is the scary part.
Japan has its share of crazy-man-attacks. It is NOT an individualistic society and it has good social equality.
I definitely agree that we need a single-payer universal healthcare system with a parallel private system.
I always thought individualists are more civilized because they are less repressed.
A highly individualistic, dog-eat-dog society does not make for a particularly good society in my mind. You can have free expression of ideas, creativity etc. etc. but that also needs to be couched in consideration for your fellow beings and not just what I can get for myself.
Japan has its share of crazy-man-attacks. It is NOT an individualistic society and it has good social equality.
And Japan is a much safer society with a far, far lower crime rate than the US. You can't legislate for the occasional action of a crazy or crazies but you can't tell me that Japan compares with the US in this regard. Anyway, Japan can be too oppressive in the group mentality respect - the nail that sticks up needs to be hammered down as they say. A better example would be the Scandinavian nations.
A highly individualistic, dog-eat-dog society does not make for a particularly good society in my mind. You can have free expression of ideas, creativity etc. etc. but that also needs to be couched in consideration for your fellow beings and not just what I can get for myself.
A individualistic society needs not be a dog-eat-dog one because the participants can choose to be gracious even though it is not expected of them. I think that is the beauty of it.
Bad faith can ruin any system.
And Japan is a much safer society with a far, far lower crime rate than the US. You can't legislate for the occasional action of a crazy or crazies but you can't tell me that Japan compares with the US in this regard.
The strange thing is that when people snap, it can still go very wrong even in a society like Japan. Perhaps it is about the breaking point.
But you are right, Japan is amazingly safe for a densely populated country.
A individualistic society needs not be a dog-eat-dog one because the participants can choose to be gracious even though it is not expected of them. I think that is the beauty of it.
There needs to be a better balance between individuality and the welfare of the group as a whole in the US. There are far too many people in the US who seem far too focussed on what they can get for themselves rather than what would benefit society as a whole. All this bitter refusal to even consider a pretty minor tax increase on the wealthiest by some Republicans is just one very obvious example of that.
There needs to be a better balance between individuality and the welfare of the group as a whole in the US.
I guess it is a paradox. We can have a good society only if we have great individuals. But forcing the concept of a great society will not produce good individuals. This is just human nature.
All this bitter refusal to even consider a pretty minor tax increase on the wealthiest by some Republicans is just one very obvious example of that.
That is an entirely different issue. It is a move in the wrong direction. You cannot make the society more fair by wealth re-distribution.
One thing is almost axiomatic. Whatever the herd wants must be wrong. Progressive taxation is appealing to the mass, so something must not be right.
The society will be fair only when most individuals become more aware of their surroundings and less herd-like.
There is no balance between individuality and the group. A group is comprised of individuals.
I don't want to sound like a religious person (I do not belong to any organized religion), but one possible ultimate goal of man is to be more like God. (I am deviating from Nietzsche here.)
No one forced God to do anything, yet He is gracious. I think to emulate God man must learn to be gracious as well. (I believe that God is a morally-neutral, infinitely gracious being.)
Goodness ought to be a bottom-up process.
I bet humanity will end up being a failure, but perhaps there is hope.
That is an entirely different issue. It is a move in the wrong direction. You cannot make the society more fair by wealth re-distribution.
One thing is almost axiomatic. Whatever the herd wants must be wrong. Progressive taxation is appealing to the mass, so something must not be right.
The society will be fair only when most individuals become more aware of their surroundings and less herd-like.
Of course you can. Taxation is wealth redistribution. It doesn't mean socialism. It serves the purpose of enabling a better functioning society. Better schools, better hospitals, better infrastructure, better general health care, better social services... all these things have to be paid for and that is best done with a progressive tax system. People earning $1m should be taxed at a much higher rate than those earning $86k because they are far less affected by that higher rate. The taxation system needs to be overhauled. For the life of me, I don't understand why there have to be these massive tax brackets. Why does everyone over $388k pay the same, or between 35k and 85k, or 85k and $178k? Surely in this day and age you could have a taxation system with far more tax brackets. This would raise more taxes and lessen the burden on those most vulnerable. Someone earning $10m+ a year is not exactly going to feel much of a pinch if their tax rate is a bit higher than someone earning 389k.
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WTF is wrong? This story is bothering me.