Why do able bodied spouses with jobs need alimony??

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2012 Dec 17, 7:01am   2,019 views  4 comments

by lostand confused   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

While unrelated to the CT shooting,it appears the mother and shooting victim of the killer was receiving 250k a year in alimony and this year was slated to receive over 280k in alimony. Now, she was fully employed as a teacher and judging by the look of their house in such a nice area, he probbaly gave that to her too. But I don't understand why people can be ordered to pay such obscene amounts of alimony in the days of equality. If you are a housewife/husband, your partner pays all expenses for you. If you are married to a drunk unemployed person, you probably contribute far more to the marraige, then someone like this who probably had access to nannies, vacations, superb cars.

How did alimony and even child support laws get so off kilter. That ex wife of Charlie sheen Brooke Mueller-who has been awarded custody of his kids-gets 55k a month in tax free "child support" and she has been to drug rehab 19 times. While he has not been a great role model-at least he can bring in income .

The bad thing is that, this thing is considered acceptable by the general public. The rules are simply preposterous. For example Russell Brand who was married to Katie Perry for a year or so, was entitled to 20 million dollars-but he choose not to take it. The honorable thing-but the law is just plain dumb-especially since it is the age of equality, where both spouses are equal and responsible for their lives.


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2   theoakman   2018 Oct 1, 6:17pm  

The woman who lived next door to my parents divorced her husband. She got custody of the 4 kids, the 800k McMansion, and 100k in alimony yearly. Her boyfriend moved in 6 months later. It's been 10 years now. She has yet to remarry, but the boyfriend still lives there.
3   HeadSet   2018 Oct 2, 7:34am  

theoakman says
The woman who lived next door to my parents divorced her husband. She got custody of the 4 kids, the 800k McMansion, and 100k in alimony yearly. Her boyfriend moved in 6 months later. It's been 10 years now. She has yet to remarry, but the boyfriend still lives there.

Too bad that "boyfreind" cannot be declared a "common law husband" and let the ex-husband off the hook for alimony.
4   GNL   2018 Oct 2, 9:14am  

I have a cousin that won't divorce her husband even though she moved in with a boyfriend over 10 years ago. She doesn't want to give up her share of her husbands government pension.

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