For the Married Guys (And the Guys Who Have Been Married)

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2012 Dec 28, 2:55am   166,283 views  460 comments

by BayArea   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Hi guys,

As the old adage states, "Can't live with them, can't live without them."

For the guys that are married now or have been married, I'm wondering what your experience has been and if you could give a newly engaged man (hypothetical to me since I am not engaged) any piece of advise or wisdom, what would it be?

I love my GF, but for a few minutes I'm going to zoom out and look at things from a more technical, statistical, and less emotional point of view.

To be honest, I am a bit discouraged at just how many people I know who don't seem to be too happy in their marriages. It always seems to be the same story. Things started off great. There was excitement, adventure, strong physical and emotional chemistry. Then 2-3yrs into it, those feels started to fade. Some couples moved on to the next phase of their lives and had some glue, er I mean kids which kept things fresh and exciting.

I saw a plot in the newspaper several years back that showed divorce statistics as a function of time. There is a spike early on in the marriage (first couple of years), then one at 7 years (7-year itch), and one at about year 18-20 (when the glue is all grown up). If you make it past that, you are fairly safe (not necessarily happy, but likelihood of divorce is low). Some of that is influenced by the fact that you don't have the same options at 45 or 50 as you do at 25 or 30. Sucks, but that's the truth.

I recall reading a book by psycologist Scott Peck that studied the term "Love." He argues that 100% of relationships fall out of love, usually pretty early on in the first few years. The feeling of love is not true love then. The conscious decision to love someone once you lose the "in love" feeling is what real love is all about.

Regarding statistics, 50% of couples who get married in this country wind up in divorce (To be fair, some of those aren't 1st marriages so that 50% number isn't quite as bad as it seems - The reason is that 2nd marriages have a higher divorce rate than 1st marriages and 3rd marriages have a higher divorce rate than 2nd marriages). Moving on, if 50% of couples get divorced, then 50% of couples don't get divorced. Surely those 50% that remain together aren't all happy marriages? So then let's say that half of the marriages that stay together are happy. That means that 25% of couples getting married in the first place remain happy, lol. I really don't like the odds here!

But anytime you get into this debate, you have to get into the alternative, being alone into older age. As much as I see my folks fight and bicker, I tend to think it's better than the alternative (at least for the level they fight and bicker).

A while back Patrick argued that the average person remains in their purchased home for no more than 6-7 years. He said, you might think you are different, but statistically you are not. Same thing goes for divorce. Nobody goes into marriage thinking they will get a divorce. But statistically, 1 in 2 people do in the USA.

What do you guys think?

As a side note, I am really curious about the following. What is the divorce rate assuming the following:

Both Members are devout Catholic ?
Both Members are devout Christian ?
Both Members are devout Muslim ?
Both Members are Atheist ?
Members don't share religious beliefs ?

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346   lostand confused   2013 Feb 9, 1:48pm  

MsBennet says

When a boy becomes and man, he leaves childish things behind. After all, it's
only for 18 years and you are bringing up and nuturing another human being into
this world, so you can put some of your needs aside and not be the center of
your universe for that amount of time at least.

Same for a woman. When a girl turns 18, she becomes a woman- an equal person who is responsible for herself and her decisions. Not rely on a man to take care of her for life-that is a husband, not a daddy. The laws need to change to reflect the current reality of equality.

347   Eliza   2013 Feb 10, 12:52am  

The reality of equality may not exist in the real world. When people marry, their priorities mix. If she, or he, is a lagging spouse, moving to support their spouse's career goals, then their post-divorce options are not equal. If someone stays home with the kids for a few years, perhaps because it makes financial sense within the context of the marriage, that person will most likely make less money for the rest of their life. Women are more likely to sacrifice their career goals for family, but men sometimes do it, too. It would be utterly unfair to ignore those circumstances. If someone prioritizes family and their spouse's career, then they do really need to be compensated for what they gave up.

348   Reality   2013 Feb 10, 1:36am  

Many females make a career out of roosting the nest by choice. In fact, I had to pay my ex-wife with an extra allowance to incentivise her to keep working outside the family, that's on top of hiring two full-time nannies working in two shifts so she could keep a part time consulting job in her field that paid very well.

That being said, I don't find it especially objectionable to have the divorce laws somewhat tilted in favor of women: women have much shorter marketable shelf life. When a man and a woman get married in their mid to late 20's, the woman's market value on average is much higher than the man's simply due to her youth and sex appeal (another way of saying how the male population is hard wired). After 10 years of marriage, by the time of their late 30's, the woman's shelf life will have nearly expired as far as finding life time mates is concerned whereas the man is still quite marketable, perhaps even more marketable than 10 years earlier if he has made something of himself.

Back to the original poster: if you want the marriage to last, spoil her on little things but always let her know who's in charge on important decisions in your lives. Despite all the talks of gender equality, women want men whom they can look up to. It's hard to do when your ages are really close, but try to remember that she will get bored and leave you when you suplicate her too much and let her be in control of you (and yes she will try instinctively without even intentionally doing it). Haven't you noticed how many women want little puppies and kitties? They always want a new one after having had the old one for a few years. Don't become one of her house broken pets. Otherwise, you might be the nicest man in the world, but people only appreciate that which they have lost . . . that applies to woman as well as to man.

Eliza says

The reality of equality may not exist in the real world. When people marry, their priorities mix. If she, or he, is a lagging spouse, moving to support their spouse's career goals, then their post-divorce options are not equal. If someone stays home with the kids for a few years, perhaps because it makes financial sense within the context of the marriage, that person will most likely make less money for the rest of their life. Women are more likely to sacrifice their career goals for family, but men sometimes do it, too. It would be utterly unfair to ignore those circumstances. If someone prioritizes family and their spouse's career, then they do really need to be compensated for what they gave up.

349   lostand confused   2013 Feb 10, 1:48am  

Eliza says

The reality of equality may not exist in the real world. When people marry, their priorities mix. If she, or he, is a lagging spouse, moving to support their spouse's career goals, then their post-divorce options are not equal. If someone stays home with the kids for a few years, perhaps because it makes financial sense within the context of the marriage, that person will most likely make less money for the rest of their life. Women are more likely to sacrifice their career goals for family, but men sometimes do it, too. It would be utterly unfair to ignore those circumstances. If someone prioritizes family and their spouse's career, then they do really need to be compensated for what they gave up.

That is a choice. I work mostly in IT and have worked in many parts of the country. For some reason, I have had more women bosses than men-very capabale women with kids and families, who have managed to juggle everything and still rise. Yes some were divorced and remarried, others took a lower level job for a while till the kids grew up and then climbed back. If they can do it, then the ones who choose to stay at home are making a choice and should not be rewarded for that. In today's world, you have washing machines, vacuum cleaners, cars, ready made food, clothes, 24/7 electricity and maybe 1 or 2 kids. It is not like back then when you popped 13 kids, had to gather firewood, milk the cows, tend to the harvest, keep enough food stored for the winter , cook and clean and take care of all 13 kids.

You asked for equality and got it-now act like an equal. Can't have your cake and eat it too. Today's divorce and bizarre child support laws does not encourage women to be independendant. There is great dignity in working for yourself and earning your own money and contributing equally.

350   Dr Strangelove   2013 Feb 10, 4:18am  

"First thing you must remember, You will never be her first priority. Her children are (or will be) "

In response to the above, I would suggest ANY Male considering marriage to take a long, careful look at the woman they're thinking of marrying and ask themselves the following critically important question...

Does this woman feel having children is part of our relationship together, or is our relationship (to her) part of us having children?

Just my .02


351   anonymous   2013 Feb 10, 4:46am  

There are so many disturbed and uninformed comments in this thread that I barely know where to start.

Here's one: divorce rate for 1st marriages between 2 that are highly educated and marry later in life is fairly low. Something like 20%, though happy to see the real stat.Factor in 2 that came from intact families and it improves even more.

To me that points to more success with marriages of equals, more mature than the typical couple, and people that have evidence that marriage has ups and downs but usually works when the deck is stacked correctly.

Marriage with someone from a third world is only successful because the woman had few other options and is making the best of it.

352   anonymous   2013 Feb 10, 4:58am  

Denying women are raped and abused at rates far greater than men smacks of fox news reporting during the election.

Because it is so hard to prove, it is rarely reported or prosecuted, especially in other countries. Haven't you been reading about India this past month?

353   anonymous   2013 Feb 10, 5:02am  

And children need to be someone's priority after they are born. They don't raise themselves.

You want your wife to continue to treat you as her priority? You get what you give.

354   anonymous   2013 Feb 10, 5:05am  

Denying facts doesnt make them any less true. I'm done arguing with an uneducated troll.

355   lostand confused   2013 Feb 10, 5:12am  

anon595 says

Marriage with someone from a third world is only successful because the woman
had few other options and is making the best of it.

Rubbish. Third world women have to pull their weight. Many are working and taking care of their families. Many times, their men may go off to far off lands to do physical labor, so they can bring back enough money to buy a house or land etc. Women run the show and are quite valued. Here everything is automated and a housewife -especially the upper income ones do nothing and want the moon in a divorce-just because the law allows it. Tiger Woods had to give 100 million dollars for a few years of marraige-how bizarre.

It is not women who are at fault, but the laws which have gone haywire.

anon595 says

Denying facts doesnt make them any less true. I'm done arguing with an
uneducated troll.

Typical response from an ideologue who has no answers and so throws a temper tantrum-I am right and that is the only position there is in the world.

356   Reality   2013 Feb 10, 6:23am  

Gents, haven't you thought that, perhaps the tilted divorce laws are there to prevent a glut of available mature established gentlemen on the dating scene so that the young men have a chance at all?

It was not until after divorce at the end of a decade-long marriage that I realized why the hot chicks in their early to mid-20's were so hard to find when I had been that age.

Consider divorce as a balloon payment or disposition fee on a leased car that you couldn't possibly afford buying when you are young, so you are now free to get a new sporty model. Knowing the "expensive" divorce at the end now, would I have married back then? Absolutely! The first half decade were very happy years, worth every penny. Where else would you be getting off? Renting on a daily basis would have been far more expensive than the long-term lease, not to mention risking blackmail if doing anything in violation of the letter of the law. The kids are much more fun to play with than dogs and cats, and live much longer; just let them know which side of their bread gets buttered.

For the original poster: it's actually not a bad idea to treat her like a lease property that you can not possibly afford buying. Regardless what's said at the altar, the reality is that you do not own her, so do not make investments in her according to ownership of her and thereby having specific expectations on her bending her ways to your liking. At any time she may decide to leave you, and you should consider that as a blessing too as you will be opened to a vast green pasture. That live-and-let-live attitude actually might let the marriage last longer, hopefully your whole life time ;-)

357   lostand confused   2013 Feb 10, 8:42am  

New Renter says

Go ahead but averting your eyes won't make it go away

So you are saying consenting sex is rape, just because the woman changes her mind the next day and calls it rape??

358   lostand confused   2013 Feb 10, 8:49am  

And here is a poor young man freed from prison after his "victim" confessed it wasn't rape. He spent six years in prison and lord knows how many times he was raped there. Of course his victim and her mother sued and got 1.5 million dollars.


Even after this, they didn't have to return the money and do not face criminal charges either. How many such men are there?

359   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Feb 10, 1:58pm  

Well Patrick that's what your website has morphed into. If I am interested in such raunch I would find it elsewhere.

It's been fun.

361   zzyzzx   2013 Feb 11, 3:23am  

Valentines Day law firm special - free divorce contest:

362   dublin hillz   2013 Feb 11, 3:27am  

While we can improve on dynamics of man/woman relationships in america, I think that the countries where the man is solely measured by his paycheck and the woman is solely expected to be an obedient homemaker is the ultimate form of bastardly degradation.

363   curious2   2013 Feb 11, 5:19am  

New Renter says

each encounter should be required by law to be videotaped by an independent witness

There's an app for that!

It's also reportedly a hidden feature of many hotels.

364   New Renter   2013 Feb 11, 5:21am  

curious2 says

New Renter says

each encounter should be required by law to be videotaped by an independent witness

There's an app for that!

It's also reportedly a hidden feature of many hotels.

Well whadda know!

366   BRP001   2013 Feb 11, 12:37pm  

Oxygen says

Free divorce for Valentine's Day

Here’s my analysis of the link you posted: Don’t be a rung on someone else’s climb on the social ladder. Guard your heart carefully. Don’t trust beyond your ability to survive betrayals cost. Most will use you to better themselves and discard you when temptation surpasses their ability to control their own greed.

367   BRP001   2013 Feb 11, 1:58pm  

Here's one that requires deep, deep metaphorical analysis by all who dare to read further (don't read this). On the surface, it sounds so very simple, but in the end (no pun intended), can be most cleansing:

“He who eats too many prunes will sit on toilet for many moons.”

After reading the above quote, one must ask, “What is my prune and where is my toilet?”

The next quote is near and dear to my heart. This one I especially love. It drives me to be a better individual:

“That which we hate most is within us.”

368   BRP001   2013 Feb 11, 3:43pm  

This is a link to two things I most hold dear in life. It is these things that I find make life most worth living.


370   Oxygen   2013 Oct 19, 9:58am  

Maintenance Often Costs More Than Purchase
Avoid horses, boats, airplanes, wives, kids, co-ops, time-shares, and country clubs.


371   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Oct 19, 12:22pm  

Confucius once said "for a man, love is 95% horniness and 5% weakness" so that's enough said about love.

divorce rates in California are higher than the nation average. and yes there is a 75% of unhappiness if you choose to get married.

marrying a mail-order bride has only 20% divorce rate.

if you must marry American, choose one that makes at least as much money as you do because chances are you will get used, abused, cheated on, divorced but at least you won't lose any money.

372   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Oct 19, 12:39pm  

Buster says

Religion % have been divorced

Jews 30%

Born-again Christians 27%

Other Christians 24%

Atheists, Agnostics 21%

this makes perfect sense. you can only give so much "love" so the more you love "God" then the less you love your spouse.

373   Vicente   2013 Oct 19, 2:05pm  

Oxygen says

Maintenance Often Costs More Than Purchase

Avoid horses, boats, airplanes, wives, kids, co-ops, time-shares, and country clubs.

Too long-winded.


Happily married since 2005. She's careful with money like me, so a good match. Maybe you end up with a bad one, maybe a good one. As my 5 year old says "you'll never know, until you go!". People too afraid to give commitment a shot are losers IMO.

374   everything   2013 Oct 20, 12:43am  


Married people like yourself, who view singles as losers are pathetic, and I can tell .. your snide comment is directed .. mostly at men. You a feminist fer sure now.

375   New Renter   2013 Oct 20, 3:31am  

Vicente says

People too afraid to give commitment a shot are losers IMO.

So go buy another house already!

Or are you a commitment shy loser?

377   Vicente   2013 Oct 21, 4:43am  

everything says

Married people like yourself, who view singles as losers are pathetic, and I can tell .. your snide comment is directed .. mostly at men. You a feminist fer sure now.

I have a bevy of friends who FEAR commitment of any sort however, endlessly trying out new mates and finding each of them wanting and discarding them. At a certain point it's the Princess and the Pea story. I recently demoted some of my pre-marriage friends this last year. The aging Lothario trying to chat up the 20-year old waitress is eventually just unpleasant to watch.

I have nothing against single people at all. If you are happy that way fine. However some of them aren't actually happy, they are constantly searching for something after all, if they are dating. At some point you should dive in.

378   BayArea   2014 Apr 25, 11:03am  

It's been a while since I've come back here but I have to thank all of you for sharing your insight and experiences. That was a very educational and entertaining read folks.

379   hrhjuliet   2014 Apr 25, 11:37am  

I know this wasn't addressed to us girls, but as I think you all know, that is an open invitation for a women to read it. :-)

The key to a healthy relationship is work. Yes, you have to remember what you appreciated about the person the first year you knew them. It's true, it's not as easy to keep passion alive when you go to the bathroom and get sick in the space. When the chase is over and realize that the other person is also just a person with faults -boom-, it gets harder. But it also gets easier, because you realize new things you love about them too. Love does grow and blossom, if you make sure to nurture it.

I'm still in love with my husband after 25 years. We still argue, but we know that we are not going anywhere, so it's safe to disagree. We have learned to take care not to make each other's family the enemy, which is often too easy to do. We also don't make finances the center of our world. We both know that dirt poor or rich would not make a difference to our bond, just our ease of life. Too many people (especially women) make too big a deal about money in a relationship; if a man can help buy her a car, house, a ring, etc. And too many people are too hung up on youth and appearances (especially men) which is another issue because everyone gets old, and no one should feel like they will be ignored when they get there. Avoid people who can't get over these two trappings; they are not ready for a committed relationship.

Also, keep in mind that your spouse is not your enemy. Too many husbands and wives go into competition with each other to see who is the "better" or more loving partner. Don't go there.

That all said, the most important thing to remember is no one is perfect, so you love them with all your heart, imperfections and all. Make an effort to appreciate each other and say it too. Be grateful. Say a prayer, or affirmation of gratitude in your heart for them. Stop, hug and grab each other's hand. These are difficult times, we are all tired and we all need love and appreciation. All of us; liberals, conservatives, bears and bulls, all of us.

I love being married to my husband and I adore our glue. :-) I could never get through this world without his love.

380   BayArea   2014 Apr 25, 11:50am  

hrhjuliet, refreshing to sometimes get a real woman's perspective who understands it's not about money and appearances. Thank you as well.

You also made an interesting point about men being more caught up on appearances and women more on money (if you have to choose a sex).

My 33yrs of experience has been a little different living in the Bay Area. You are spot on about women caring about a man's wallet more than a man caring about a woman's, in general.

But when it comes to appearances, it's a coin toss as to which sex is generally shallower in that regard... I've encountered just as many shallow women as men when it comes to the appearances dept. Imagine what it would be if women didn't have a biological clock...

381   hrhjuliet   2014 Apr 25, 11:58am  

BayArea says

hrhjuliet, refreshing to sometimes get a real woman's perspective who understands it's not about money and appearances. Thank you as well.

You also made an interesting point about men being more caught up on appearances and women more on money (if you have to choose a sex).

My 33yrs of experience has been a little different living in the Bay Area. You are spot on about women caring about a man's wallet more than a man caring about a woman's, in general.

But when it comes to appearances, it's a coin toss as to which sex is generally shallower in that regard... I've encountered just as many shallow women as men when it comes to the appearances dept.

True, especially about height and eye color, which is terribly shallow and stupid. When I met my husband we were the same height (I am 5.6) but he ended up 6.2. I remember telling one of my height obsessed girlfriends that I couldn't remember him miraculously becoming a better man at 6.2 - seemed to be the same exact guy.

I've met a lot of guys in the Bay who won't date a girl who can't help him put a down payment on a house, so you are right, it goes both ways.

Still, both should be signs the other person isn't ready for a committed relationship.

382   hrhjuliet   2014 Apr 25, 12:02pm  

Also, I used to joke in my early twenties that the bigger the diamond she required the shorter the duration of the marriage. Sad thing is: it's been true.

383   BayArea   2014 Apr 25, 12:15pm  

hrhjuliet says

True, especially about height and eye color, which is terribly shallow and stupid. When I met my husband we were the same height (I am 5.6) but he ended up 6.2. I remember telling one of height obsessed girlfriends that I couldn't remember him miraculously becoming a better man at 6.2 - seemed to be the same exact guy.

I've met a lot of guys in the Bay who won't date a girl who can't help him put a down payment on a house, so you are right, it goes both ways.

Still, both should be signs the other person isn't ready for a committed relationship.

Exactly my point.

I don't know any guys that have a height cut-off for a girl. The MAJORITY of girls I know do have a height cut-off for guys.

It seems like 5'8" is that threshold that I keep hearing from girls. It can be made up for by personality and/or money, but not always easily as it can be tough to get that chance to show what you else can offer. Kinda sad, but that's how our world works.

And I agree with you on the diamond comment... Size of required diamond is inversely proportional to the length of the marriage. Has anyone here ever actually got married to a girl that specified a diamond size requirement? Good gawd, lol.

Haven't heard of eye color, but how's green sounding ;-)

384   Shaman   2014 Apr 25, 12:24pm  

I'd heard of the diamond size thing too, so I bought a nice ring with a very modest diamond for my sweetie. She was still thrilled to be marrying me, which proved to me that she was definitely the one.
For our five year anniversary I surprised her by "upgrading" it to a really nice rock she can be proud of in front of her more materialistic friends. Turns out the larger stone was a good investment too. I think it's value has gone up 50% since.

385   BayArea   2014 Apr 25, 12:26pm  

I've heard that the tradition of placing an aged piece of cut carbon on girl's finger to prove your genuine intentions to marry her is something that was invented about 90yrs ago.


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