Who Knows

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2013 Jan 23, 1:26am   72,282 views  171 comments

by GonzoReal   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 1:30am  

The Professor says

I like capshudup even though he is the most disliked on Patnet. He probably got most of his dislikes from bad spelling.

Sorry, no. He got most of his dislikes from being a hateful bigot and a racist.

It's terrific you find so much in common with such a hateful individual.

It has been pointed out many times he only cares for himself and his own demographic.

His opinions stem from a overblown incorrect sense of high morality. They are misguided and unruly.

Should we count you as one?

2   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 1:32am  

The Professor says

conservatives with strong opinions are not well liked around here.

They are devoid of reality, hence they are disliked.

3   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 1:33am  

The Professor says

Like ‘em or not you have to appreciate all of the characters on Patnet!

Your forgot Forthood, Bap33, SoftShell/Ruki

These conservative bigots never stop.

4   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 23, 1:48am  

The Professor says

He probably got most of his dislikes from bad spelling.

121212 has special privileges on Patnet, he's the only guy that resort to name calling and not be deleted or called out on it. He can also ware one moniker's welcome out, and create a new account, then use mulitple accounts to like him self while he dislike others. I really don't give a shit some dink with nothing better to do because he has so much time on his hands but to run around with 5 accounts disliking everyone he disagrees with. I sleep the same at night.

If I were to concerned about likes I'd join Facebook where at least you make the news for your number of likes.

5   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 1:51am  

CaptainShuddup says

The Professor says

He probably got most of his dislikes from bad spelling.

121212 has special privileges on Patnet, he's the only guy that resort to name calling and not be deleted or called out on it. He can also ware one moniker's welcome out, and create a new account, then use mulitple accounts to like him self while he dislike others. I really don't give a shit some dink with nothing better to do because he has so much time on his hands but to run around with 5 accounts disliking everyone he disagrees with. I sleep the same at night.

If I were to concerned about likes I'd join Facebook where at least you make the news for your number of likes.

Stay here where you are "THE" most "HATED" and "DISLIKED" pile of shit in existence. You could go over to NEWSBUSTERS or THEBLAZE

you will not.

So stay and be hated.

CptIdiot you are and always will be a racist and disgusting bigot.

The moment I find out where you work will be the day your boss receives the link to your profile here on Patnet.

Your filth needs to be exposed.

6   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 23, 2:00am  

Thedaytoday says

The moment I find out where you work will be the day your boss receives the link to your profile here on Patnet.

You do realize that there's a 50/50 percent chance I would get a raise for it?
Not everyone is a race baiting, censoring intolerable insufferable miserable whinny Liberal.
If you told a Conservative about half the shit I post, it would just make their day.
I don't work for people that worry about my political views. I am TPB where ever I go, and what ever I do 24/7. In other words, they knew all about me the day I was hired. Do you think for one minute I'd work with a bunch of sniveling liberal snot whistles Like YOU?

I'm not the Chief of police, or a fireman and this isn't Fakebook.

7   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:02am  

CaptainShuddup says

You do realize that there's a 50/50 percent chance I will get a raise for it?

I know your a piece of shit a liar a disgusting racist and a bigot.

Your a filthy fuck. Your reprehensible views have no place in the USA.

Move to the Vatican with the child molesters, they think like you.

8   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 23, 2:04am  

Nice Forum you're running here Patrick.

9   elliemae   2013 Jan 23, 2:27am  

Thedaytoday says

I know your a piece of shit a liar a disgusting racist and a bigot.

Your a filthy fuck. Your reprehensible views have no place in the USA.

Move to the Vatican with the child molesters, they think like you.

That post is so unbelievably offensive that I can't fathom why anyone would write it. If you are so angry, why don't you place him on your "ignore" list? Why would you allow your anger to elevate to the point that you want to report him to his employer? You have the power here - you might want to use it.

I might add that I find some of TPB's posts to be offensive, but others to be interesting. If I don't like what he says, I blow it off.

The Professor says

Elliemae in the top ten of most disliked? She seems like such a sweet person?

Seems like lately there's someone who "dislikes" every single post I make. That's what elevates me. That's too bad, because that means some crazy dude out there is going out of his way to stalk me on patnet. I suspect it's 12x3 and his multiple personalities.

I think I'm sweet, too. And my dog likes me. So some random person not liking me doesn't bother me - unless they become a nuisance in the real world.

Thedaytoday says

CptIdiot you are and always will be a racist and disgusting bigot. The moment I find out where you work will be the day your boss receives the link to your profile here on Patnet. Your filth needs to be exposed.

Like that. Wow - ignore him, dude!

10   leo707   2013 Jan 23, 2:30am  

The Professor says

I like capshudup even though he is the most disliked on Patnet. He probably got most of his dislikes from bad spelling.

I for one do not like Shuddup. I am a pretty tolerant person, but for me he/she crossed a line when he--when they were still counting the dead--politicized the mass murder of children, and then promised to continue to politicize and make fun of future mass murders of children.

CaptainShuddup says

Here's the future tragedies that zzy...and I will lampoon...

Boy brings 5 44 Magnums to school and takes out 30 students....Or Boy plows 79 Buick through a crowded preschool playground.

11   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:32am  

CaptainShuddup says

Nice Forum you're running here Patrick.

You should know you polluted it enough over the years with your filth.

Go find your strawman elsewhere CpTBIGOT!

12   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:32am  

leo707 says

I for one do not like Shuddup. I am a pretty tolerant person, but for me he/she crossed a line when he--when they were still counting the dead--politicized the mass murder of children, and then promised to continue to politicize and make fun of future mass murders of children.

Thedaytoday says

CaptainShuddup says

Nice Forum you're running here Patrick.

You see how stupid and delusional you are CPTBigot!

Do you get it?

13   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:34am  

elliemae says

That post is so unbelievably offensive that I can't fathom why anyone would write it. If you are so angry, why don't you place him on your "ignore" list? Why would you allow your anger to elevate to the point that you want to report him to his employer? You have the power here - you might want to use it.

Go take your fake outrage elsewhere.

The Cpt gets exactly what he deserves.

He is disgusting.

14   leo707   2013 Jan 23, 2:35am  

CaptainShuddup says

Nice Forum you're running here Patrick.

Yes, I am sure that you do appreciate a forum in which you can use to politicize and joke about murdered children, and applaud when others *cough*--zzyzzx--*cough* make jokes about the murdered children being molested.

I am not a fan of the overboard insults dealt out by Thedaytoday, but he/she is a model of class and civility compared to the writings of you and zzyzzx. You two truly disgust me to the core.

15   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:35am  

leo707 says

CaptainShuddup says

Here's the future tragedies that zzy...and I will lampoon...

Boy brings 5 44 Magnums to school and takes out 30 students....Or Boy plows 79 Buick through a crowded preschool playground.

Defend this garbage EllieMAE

16   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:36am  

Ellie you should pick your friends a little better.

17   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:36am  


Check this thread it's full of classic homophobic reactions from CptBigot

18   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:41am  

elliemae says

I think I'm sweet, too

If by sweet you mean you defend the indefensible hatred being spewed from idiots and bigots on this forum that would define you.

Far too often on this site you side with the hate here.

Also for all the grammar and spelling nazis here you can stuff it, no one cares!

19   leo707   2013 Jan 23, 2:42am  

The Professor says

Capshudup fourth most liked. I have liked him on many occasions but I am not sure he should be encouraged.

Yes, I used to "like" Shuddup from time to time as well. However, he/she has lost all his/her charm for me, and currently I would not miss him/her a bit if he/she were to stop posting all together.

20   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 23, 2:44am  

Uh OH here comes fake rage in octaves.

Leo you're full of Shit, I have never applauded a post about molesting murdered children. Get over your self.

21   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:44am  

leo707 says

The Professor says

Capshudup fourth most liked. I have liked him on many occasions but I am not sure he should be encouraged.

Yes, I used to "like" Shuddup from time to time as well. However, he/she has lost all his/her charm for me, and currently I would not miss him/her a bit if he/she were to stop posting all together.

Finally support for not letting slide his hateful intolerance towards anything that is not the same as himself

22   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:45am  

Cpt, get lost! Your not welcome here.

23   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:46am  

CaptainShuddup says

Uh OH here comes fake rage in octaves.

Oh fool its not fake. Your views are disgusting, fuck off.



24   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 23, 2:50am  

Yeah and you're so popular every thread you post goes down the drink with out one damn comment other than your own.

I guess that's why you litter everyone else's threads with "Oh how I loathe thee, let me count the ways".

You know Hussein, usually a cobbler is the most in need of a new pair of Shoes. What I can't figure out, is since you were fired from job being a political schill is why you're now doing it for free.

I'm not here for admiration.
But you WILL read every damn thing I have to say and be moved by it one way or the other.
I just skip over 90% your bullshit, like it never happened.

25   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 2:51am  

CaptainShuddup says

Yeah and you're so popular every thread you post goes down the drink with out one damn comment other than your own.

I guess that's why you litter everyone else's threads with "Oh how I loathe thee, let me count the ways".

You know Hussein, usually a cobbler is the most in need of a new pair of Shoes. What I can't figure out, is since you were fired from job being a political schill is why you're now doing it for free.

You are the most hated and disliked vile fuckwit on Patnet. Fuckoff fool.

Take your bigotry , racism and hatred with you.

26   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 23, 2:52am  

I'm not here for admiration.
But you WILL read every damn thing I have to say and be moved by it one way or the other.
I just skip over 90% your bullshit, like it never happened.

27   leo707   2013 Jan 23, 2:59am  

CaptainShuddup says

Uh OH here comes fake rage in octaves.

I can understand how someone--such as yourself--with such a twisted sense of morality sees rage over the jokes and politicization of mass murdered children as "fake."

CaptainShuddup says

Leo you're full of Shit, I have never applauded a post about molesting murdered children. Get over your self.

In a thread that you were participating in, on 4:12pm Mon 17 Dec 2012 zzyzzx jokes about the Sandy Hook kids getting molested:

zzyzzx says

It's been several days and I still can't find any Sandy Hook Shooting related Pedobear pics. You people are disappointing me.

Then in a later thread you promise that you will continue to make fun of the deaths of children along with your buddy zzyzzx.

CaptainShuddup says

Here's the future tragedies that zzy... uh the Catlady[zzyzzx]( just a nickname I'm not being gender specific) and I will lampoon to show the Liberal policy failings.

Knowing that zzyzzx's future "lampooning" of murdered children will probably be similar to his past "lampoon" that included the molestation of the children it is only reasonable to assume that you are "applauding" zzyzzx's molestation comments.

CaptainShuddup says

But if you feel better scorning the Catlady[zzyzzx] and me over this adminsitrations failings, and the moral filth in the entertainment industry marketed to kids and preteens. Then go ahead, but I'll call the future headlines and there's nothing you can do about stopping them coming into fruition. Not while you're turning a blind eye to the moral decay inhibitor.

I do feel like scorning you and zzyzzx over your own moral failings. Especially when you choose to not only turn a blind eye to zzyzzx's foul morals, but encourage more of the same.

28   dublin hillz   2013 Jan 23, 3:00am  

I have no problem with people having different opinions about economics or politics compared to mine. It would be boring if everyone thought the same. What I don't like is humourless nonesense - there are 2 individuals on both politics and real estate forum that fit the profile - they add nothing to discussion and throw ridiculous tatrums that bring down the quality of threads - they have made it on my ignore list.

29   elliemae   2013 Jan 23, 3:01am  

Thedaytoday says

If by sweet you mean you defend the indefensible hatred being spewed from idiots and bigots on this forum that would define you.

Far too often on this site you side with the hate here.

So ignore him. I don't "side" with the hate; occasionally he says something funny or interesting. He has become more right wing over the years, but I just ignore it and move one. I didn't read the offensive posts about the mass murder of children - had I read it, I wouldn't have liked it at all.

The thing is, you have the power here - the power to ignore. If you choose not to use it, that's on you. You are feeding him with your personal attacks, and are wayyyyyyyy too invested in what he says. You need to take a chill pill.

Thedaytoday says

Go take your fake outrage elsewhere.

So, if I say that TPB is offensive, I'm fine. But if I post my opinion that your personal attacks are over the line, I'm not?

Thedaytoday says

hateful bigot and a racist...It's terrific you find so much in common with such a hateful individual...Stay here where you are "THE" most "HATED" and "DISLIKED" pile of shit in existence...I know your a piece of shit a liar a disgusting racist and a bigot...Your a filthy fuck. Your reprehensible views have no place in the USA....Move to the Vatican with the child molesters, they think like you...You should know you polluted it enough over the years with your filth...You see how stupid and delusional you are CPTBigot!...

No matter what TPB says, your comments stand alone as hateful, spiteful and are an example of the personal attacks that are extremely offensive. Please don't misconstrue my "outrage" as "fake." You are perpetuating the problem and giving TPB play that otherwise would be overlooked.

30   leo707   2013 Jan 23, 3:03am  

The Professor says

Elliemae in the top ten of most disliked? She seems like such a sweet person?

elliemae says

Seems like lately there's someone who "dislikes" every single post I make. That's what elevates me. That's too bad, because that means some crazy dude out there is going out of his way to stalk me on patnet. I suspect it's 12x3 and his multiple personalities.

Everyone else in the top ten I can understand why, but I don't get elliemae's level of dislikes.

31   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 23, 3:05am  

You've been watching to much of "The View".

What you failed to grasp was my innate ability to touch every politicized talking point from the left and the right in my thread with minutes after the tragedy, long before FOX or MSNBC even cranked up their live on the scene generators. You're just frustrated so you took small bits of what I posted and are now using it out of context, as Liberals often do. So I'm not surprised. Read the whole thread again, then look at the political arguments that came out of them. If you misunderstood my intent, then what can I say. Perhaps my style is an acquired taste.

32   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 23, 3:06am  

FTR I've never disliked Ellie ever!

33   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 3:06am  

CaptainShuddup says

I'm not here for admiration.

No your here to hate on everything that you fear

34   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 3:07am  

leo707 says

I do feel like scorning you and zzyzzx over your own moral failings. Especially when you choose to not only turn a blind eye to zzyzzx's foul morals, but encourage more of the same.

How can you not! They are evil fucks!

35   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 3:08am  

CaptainShuddup says

I just skip over 90% your bullshit, like it never happened.

Your a hateful Bigot so ignore this.

36   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 3:08am  

Thedaytoday says

CaptainShuddup says

Uh OH here comes fake rage in octaves.

Oh fool its not fake. Your views are disgusting, fuck off.




37   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 3:09am  

CaptainShuddup says

If you misunderstood my intent, then what can I say. Perhaps my style is an acquired taste.

No , your an evil bigoted hateful fuck! Simple.

Taste, please!!! You have none. You spew shit from every orifice.

38   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 3:14am  

leo707 says

CaptainShuddup says

Nice Forum you're running here Patrick.

Yes, I am sure that you do appreciate a forum in which you can use to politicize and joke about murdered children, and applaud when others *cough*--zzyzzx--*cough* make jokes about the murdered children being molested.

I am not a fan of the overboard insults dealt out by Thedaytoday, but he/she is a model of class and civility compared to the writings of you and zzyzzx. You two truly disgust me to the core.

Thank you.

39   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 23, 3:16am  

I am sick of playing nice with these hateful individuals.

Forthood,Bap33, zzxyzz, CptIdiot, Softshell,CallHIMCrazy and others.

40   leo707   2013 Jan 23, 3:18am  

CaptainShuddup says

You're just frustrated so you took small bits of what I posted and are now using it out of context, as Liberals often do.

CaptainShuddup says

If you misunderstood my intent, then what can I say. Perhaps my style is an acquired taste.

Oh, I understood your intent. Unlike you who seem to have acquired a taste for jokes about molesting dead children, I will never have a taste for the joking and politicization of mass murdered children.

CaptainShuddup says

You're just frustrated so you took small bits of what I posted and are now using it out of context, as Liberals often do.

Oh, OK here is the very first post in the tread on Sandy Hook.

CaptainShuddup says

Another Liberal in a whacky blue state that hates kids.

Am I doing it right? Isn't that how it works? If this were Texas then it would be another crazy Republican that hates unions.

You posted this as the bodies were still being counted. Please, do tell in what context it was this OK to post? What was the greater context of the thread--with zero posts at that point--that I am missing? In what reality was it OK to politicize the tragedy before it was even over? I don't think that even FOX news was that classless.

Me thinks that you are just getting a bit frustrated because you said something incredibly crass and stupid, then you choose to back someone who made child molestation jokes about the kids murdered. Don't blame others for your own moral failings.

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