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That stupid left-winger vs right-winger meme used by the rulers to divide and conquer the sheep is getting really old. Focus on issues, not on party-lines or religious affiliation.
That stupid left-winger vs right-winger meme used by the rulers to divide and conquer the sheep is getting really old. Focus on issues, not on party-lines or religious affiliation.
Party lines and Religious affiliations are issues.
Obama vows more Translucency in his second term.
And right wingers promise more Trans-Lunacy.
You do realize Cpt'BIGOT! member of the TRANSLUNACY PARTY those were promises made to people who VOTED FOR HIM TWICE!!
Perhaps if the lunatic party on the right was a little more stable and taking it's lithium you would be able to make some substantiative arguments against his administration. But you can't your all bat shit crazy.
You neither care about his administration or pay it any respect.
Stick to your birther arguments.
And right wingers promise more Trans-Lunacy.
Yeah they are looney and we know it.
With liberals they are behind the curtain, you can sorta see what they are doing, you just can't tell who they are doing to, or with.
"Is that David Caradine in a top hat, or Uncle Sam getting his salad tossed"
I voted for Barack, but would be less than thrilled if hillary was the nominee for the next election. First of all, she strikes me as a career calculating politician - she does not exactly project trust or any genuiness whatsoever. Also with each passing day she is looking more and more like a soviet school teacher. Hopefully we can nominate someone who looks like Erin Burnett up there!
I voted for Barack, but would be less than thrilled if hillary was the nominee for the next election. First of all, she strikes me as a career calculating politician
She is the best choice if she runs. She will win, that's all that matters while the right are this crazy!
Also what about her concussion? She may develop that degenerative brain desease that NFL players get. Can't have that at a presidential level - too much at stake! Hopefully the dems can nominate someone better . . . like Erin Burnett!
She may develop that degenerative brain desease that NFL players get. Can't have that at a presidential level - too much at stake!
It seemed to work OK for Regan.
Just as Obama leaves office and your birther bullshit fails you will have to deal with Hillary Clinton as the next president. Bwaahaaa!