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Exodus is absolutely fictional.
Pyramids were built by corvee labor, not slaves. There is no evidence that Hebrews were ever slaves in Egypt in any numbers. The first Hebrew communities we find in Egypt did not happen until the time of the Ptolemies. Hebrews have always lived in Israel (and did not always worship one God, and many worshipped Ba'al who was the brother of Yahweh, along with his wife, Asterah, the fertility Goddess).
There is no evidence of a 40 year wandering in the Desert, and yeah, satellites have the power to track movement over the Sinai thousands of years in the past; if a large group had constantly tracked around the desert, there would be evidence.
In 1967 when Israel conquered the Sinai, there was a 6 year period where Begin told the entire staff of Israel's archeaology departments to start digging : Israel was desperate to find some evidence that the Sinai had been occupied in the past by Hebrews. They found nothing.
Exodus is a BS story concocted to make the history of the Hebrews seem impressive (ie "We REALLY were the ones who built the pyramids our neighboring superpower claims). Compared to the Egyptians, the Hebrews were nothing. It's like comparing Shitville, Alabama to San Francisco in terms of GDP, population, etc.
Was the Exodus natural or supernatural, fact or fiction?
I have always had a problem with the notion that God would have hardened Pharaoh’s soft heart and pave the way for him to kill/murder the first born of Egypt. For God to do so would have been evil indeed.
Do you think that science has explained the purported miracles as natural phenomena?
From what I can see, the Jews who wrote the story did not take it literally.
Should Christians recognize the O T stories as natural or supernatural, fact or fiction?