Politics and "media bias"

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2013 Feb 11, 3:08am   38,212 views  150 comments

by dublin hillz   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

It seems to me like both sides and by that I mean both sides that are far from center like to act victimized by the "media." Conservatives like to complain of "liberal media" bias. Liberals have been known to complain of slanted coverage by "corporate media" on the other hand. It seems to me like both groups are missing the point. Conservatives don't understand the common decency decorum and manners. Many media companies (with the exception of fox news) don't like to alienate and hence lose large demographics of viewers. At the same time these media companies are not likely to rock the status quo too much and alienate the advertisers who obviously rely on capitalist system to stay in business. The end result is obvious. The far right will have to stick with their talk shows on the radio and take whatever advertiser support they can get while the liberals will have to rely on listener sponsored support if they really want to present the far left point of view (such as KPFA 94.1 here in bay area). However for either side to cry "bias" is the height of arrogance and common sense and refusal to see forest for the trees.


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31   MMR   2013 Feb 11, 3:16pm  

I laugh in the face of people who watch CNN and/or Fox consistently
you have to dig deeper to get 'journalism with integrity these days'

start with propublica.org

CNN?????? FOX??????really

dublin hillz says

zzyzzx says

dublin hillz says

Many media companies (with the exception of fox news) don't like to alienate and hence lose large demographics of viewers

I've seen stuff on liberal news outlets that alienated me and others. That's why Fox News is #1 in ratings.

Fox is only #1 in ratings cause their viewers are much more likely to watch the programming consistently vs lets say CNN viewers. However, it makes absolutely no difference on election day and november 2012 was a testament to that.

32   MMR   2013 Feb 11, 3:20pm  

Dont talk that way to booby......he is a 'disenfranchised clown' who doesn't like others(Asians) competing for his med school and law school slots. Thomas, how dare you speak such blasphemy?

thomaswong.1986 says

robertoaribas says

The GOP has been on the wrong side of every social issue, AND every political issue.

like shipping Mexican citizens back to native country.. or maybe strong border controls.

these are same policies that even the Mexican/Canadian governments are enforcing.. as would every other nations government. But the US Democratic party opposes it. So how could GOP be wrong ?

33   thomaswong.1986   2013 Feb 11, 3:23pm  

MMR says

Dont talk that way to booby......he is a 'disenfranchised clown' who doesn't like others(Asians) competing for his med school and law school slots. Thomas, how dare you speak such blasphemy?

bugger,,, too bad im not asian or gone to med/law school...

34   FortWayne   2013 Feb 12, 7:51am  

Most of the media tends to be a cheer leader for whatever current administration is. Whatever their reason, I'm sure it's motivated by money.

They change how they report issues, they change their language, they change arguments... So the old adage stands "If you don't read news you are uninformed, if you read the news you are misinformed."

35   leo707   2013 Feb 12, 7:57am  

FortWayne says

"If you don't read news you are uninformed, if you read the news you are misinformed."

Actually, that only applies to FOX "news", and to MSNBC for international issues. Just about every other news outlet is a least a little bit better than no news.

36   leo707   2013 Feb 12, 7:59am  

zzyzzx says

Wow, the photograph of that NBC van with all those bumper stickers sure is damning evidence that there is a liberal bias at NBC.

37   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 8:13am  

FOX News want's to save people, from the people that want to save us from our selves.

38   Robert Sproul   2013 Feb 12, 9:58am  

robertoaribas says

The Dems on the other hand, are only about 40% wrong these days...

My take is about 75%.
95% wrong to75% wrong.
The, ever so slightly, lesser of two evils.

39   gbenson   2013 Feb 12, 10:02am  

CaptainShuddup says

FOX News want's to save people,

Let's be honest shall we? Fox just wants to make a tidy profit, and do so at the expense of a bunch of feeble minded paranoid schizophrenics who watch it.

40   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 10:34am  

Also I notice the difference in Fox viewers vs CNN viewers.
Fox viewers hate CNN, CNN viewers hate Fox viewers.
And FOX viewers are the bigots?

41   curious2   2013 Feb 12, 11:09am  

CaptainShuddup says

FOX News want's to save people, from the people that want to save us from our selves.

I wish that were true. Faux News touts every war from the drug war to the Iraq war. The drug war is at best, according to its supporters about saving us from ourselves. (In reality, it's about more money and power for the politicians and their patronage networks, including especially lobbyists and ALEC members.) I'd love to see Fox or any other commercially sponsored newscast expose the drug war for what it is. Instead, they all just keep beating the drum, and collecting ad revenue from PhRMA, so that you can overpay for fraudulently marketed OxyContin (Rush Limbaugh's little addiction) which is rightly called hillbilly heroin because it's nearly the same thing at a much higher price. (Bob pointed out that OxyContin is a time release version, possibly more convenient and better tolerated than ordinary opium, but it's the same active ingredient and time release versions cost only pennies to make.) Commercial newscasts work for their commercial sponsors and parent companies, anything about saving people is purely incidental.

42   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 12, 10:36pm  

Has Obama addressed the "War on Drugs"?
Has he NOT done everything in his power to circumvent the will of the American people to end the War on Drugs?
Isn't Obama the same asshole that kept the truth from coming out about what really happened in the Fast and the Furious?
Did he NOT tell States that Medical MJ was not his concern, only to then turn around and raid most dispensaries a few years back?

43   FortWayne   2013 Feb 13, 1:24am  

leo707 says

FortWayne says

"If you don't read news you are uninformed, if you read the news you are misinformed."

Actually, that only applies to FOX "news", and to MSNBC for international issues. Just about every other news outlet is a least a little bit better than no news.

I think it applies to all of them Leo. Every single one, all are motivated by money, every article has to be approved by higher ups who generally answer to the executives who are concerned about bottom line. And when they tell you they are objective they are lying, because we are all humans and have our biases.

Press's #1 job is to rock the boat, which government never approves of as it gets in their way. And we should not fall into the trap put out for us to believe that media that criticizes is bad and media that supports status quo is good. In fact media that supports status quo should be examined a lot more closely by the public for their support of the regime.

Real quality reporting is a rarity, remember Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather or even Ruben Salazar?


44   FortWayne   2013 Feb 13, 1:25am  

CaptainShuddup says

Has Obama addressed the "War on Drugs"?

Has he NOT done everything in his power to circumvent the will of the American people to end the War on Drugs?

Isn't Obama the same asshole that kept the truth from coming out about what really happened in the Fast and the Furious?

Did he NOT tell States that Medical MJ was not his concern, only to then turn around and raid most dispensaries a few years back?

At least someone on this site is willing to question this administration and not just bend over on a whim of the president.

45   leo707   2013 Feb 13, 1:39am  

FortWayne says

At least someone on this site is willing to question this administration and not just bend over on a whim of the president.

There is quite a lot of criticism of Obama on this site, a lot of people are not happy with his performance. Unfortunately the most vocal criticism is often unfounded, already proven wrong, irrelevant noise, etc. (e.g. Birthers). Dan, for example, has posted extensively on this topic.

46   leo707   2013 Feb 13, 1:54am  

FortWayne says

Every single one, all are motivated by money, every article has to be approved by higher ups who generally answer to the executives who are concerned about bottom line.


FortWayne says

And when they tell you they are objective they are lying, because we are all humans and have our biases.

Yes, all humans have their bias and as organizations created and run by humans news services have bias as well. However, not all bias is not a binary function. Show me 10 news organizations and I will show you 10 different levels of bias (well, if both FOX and the Chinese Government News Service were on the list they would probably show the same level of bias). Even NPR, which when studied, consistently shows the lowest level of news bias does have slight biases. News bias has been discussed extensively on Pnet.

FortWayne says

I think [if you read the news you are misinformed] applies to all of them Leo.

Actually, it does not. FOX "news" viewers are indeed the worst informed of the news viewers even worse than had they watched no news. MSNBC is not far behind FOX. It was discussed extensively in this thread:

47   Y   2013 Feb 13, 2:04am  

You were doing well, until you just could not help yourself and suddenly lost credibility...
leo707 says

Show me 10 news organizations and I will show you 10 different levels of bias (well, if both FOX and the Chinese Government News Service were on the list they would probably show the same level of bias).

48   Y   2013 Feb 13, 2:05am  

Fox routinely covers stories that MSNBC ignores, and vice versa, both pandering to their base.
"informed" is in the eye of the beholder....

leo707 says

FOX "news" viewers are indeed the worst informed of the news viewers even worse than had they watched no news

49   leo707   2013 Feb 13, 3:29am  

SoftShell says

Fox routinely covers stories that MSNBC ignores, and vice versa, both pandering to their base.

"informed" is in the eye of the beholder....

leo707 says

FOX "news" viewers are indeed the worst informed of the news viewers even worse than had they watched no news

Yes, great examples. FOX along with MSNBC are both the worst news channels one can watch if one wants to be informed by facts other than misinformation.

Sure, right...FOX covers "news" that others ignore, just ask them. Like when FOX said that NBC was not reporting anything on the drone strikes memo. Remember that? The only problem was that FOX (in its usual fashion) was full of shit and NBC actually broke the story.

SoftShell says

"informed" is in the eye of the beholder....

No, actually a misinformed audience can be quantified pretty well, and categorically FOX "news" does a pretty good job at misinforming their loyal watchers.

50   leo707   2013 Feb 13, 3:40am  

KarlRoveIsScum says

While MSNBC viewers are very well informed.

I don't think I would call MSNBC viewers "well informed." Christ, the Joke news on the Daily Show keeps people better informed than almost every major "serious" news outlet. NPR consumers are among the best informed.

Here is a link to the study:

51   CL   2013 Feb 13, 4:06am  

MSNBC went into great detail slamming GE for avoiding paying corporate taxes. Has Fox, FoxBusiness, or any other Murdoch enterprise done the same to him?

GE did what businesses can legally do in America, scummy though it is. Murdoch is the head of a criminal enterprise, here and abroad.

He surrounds himself with greasy Hannity-job sycophants, whereas MSNBC is filled with PHDs, Rhodes Scholars (Maddow), and the politically experienced LOD and Matthews.

There are no bleach-blond talking heads on MSNBC. False equivalence.

52   Y   2013 Feb 13, 5:09am  

Your just providing an example of what I declared below.
Now go find an MSNBC example....
Thanks for doing the legwork.....

leo707 says

SoftShell says

Fox routinely covers stories that MSNBC ignores, and vice versa, both pandering to their base.

"informed" is in the eye of the beholder....

leo707 says

FOX "news" viewers are indeed the worst informed of the news viewers even worse than had they watched no news

Yes, great examples. FOX along with MSNBC are both the worst news channels one can watch if one wants to be informed by facts other than misinformation.

Sure, right...FOX covers "news" that others ignore, just ask them. Like when FOX said that NBC was not reporting anything on the drone strikes memo. Remember that? The only problem was that FOX (in its usual fashion) was full of shit and NBC actually broke the story.

53   Y   2013 Feb 13, 5:11am  

Yes. O'Reilly was slamming him nightly during the race....
The reason you are ignorant of this fact is because you don't watch.

CL says

MSNBC went into great detail slamming GE for avoiding paying corporate taxes. Has Fox, FoxBusiness, or any other Murdoch enterprise done the same to him?

54   Y   2013 Feb 13, 5:17am  

I think we need to separate "news" shows from "opinion" shows.
O'reilly, maddow, o'donnell, MrEd are opinion shows.
That is what I based my comments on.
I don't watch any major broadcast stations's 'News' show.

For news, I go to cnn (mostly unbiased) and AP Online app (raw news)....

leo707 says

No, actually a misinformed audience can be quantified pretty well, and categorically FOX "news" does a pretty good job at misinforming their loyal watchers.

55   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 13, 5:20am  

SoftShell says

I go to cnn (mostly unbiased)


If you can call CNN news they used to be.
Now they only serve to reinforce what ever popular agenda is the flavor of the day. There is no news reporting going on at that station. That's not to say, that I think FOX is reporting the news. CNN is FOX inverted.

56   Y   2013 Feb 13, 5:26am  

I watch o'reilly and o'donnell regularly for comedy/entertainment/cleavage shots

rarely.. maddow when i want to see a speed freak in action....

rarely MrEd when....when.....well, probably never...

57   Y   2013 Feb 13, 5:28am  

well, not nearly as good as AP Online...direct news feed....
but cnn usually at least has close to an equal amount of certified repubs/demos
and the set colors are vibrant!

CaptainShuddup says

SoftShell says

I go to cnn (mostly unbiased)


If you can call CNN news they used to be.

Now they only serve to reinforce what ever popular agenda is the flavor of the day. There is no news reporting going on at that station. That's not to say, that I think FOX is reporting the news. CNN is FOX inverted.

58   Y   2013 Feb 13, 5:30am  

I should clarify .....
I mean www.cnn.com
not TV cnn......

CaptainShuddup says

SoftShell says

I go to cnn (mostly unbiased)


If you can call CNN news they used to be.

Now they only serve to reinforce what ever popular agenda is the flavor of the day. There is no news reporting going on at that station. That's not to say, that I think FOX is reporting the news. CNN is FOX inverted.

59   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 13, 5:33am  


60   CL   2013 Feb 13, 5:41am  

SoftShell says

Yes. O'Reilly was slamming him nightly during the race....

The reason you are ignorant of this fact is because you don't watch.

Define "Slam". I am all ears.

61   Y   2013 Feb 13, 5:50am  

if your looking for a quick, dumbed-down version of the day's events...it does the job.. quantity versus quality..

CaptainShuddup says


62   Y   2013 Feb 13, 5:55am  

slam =

CL says

SoftShell says

Yes. O'Reilly was slamming him nightly during the race....

The reason you are ignorant of this fact is because you don't watch.

Define "Slam". I am all ears.

63   Y   2013 Feb 13, 6:08am  

so...how those 'ears' doin??

CL says

Define "Slam". I am all ears.

64   CL   2013 Feb 13, 8:15am  

SoftShell says

slam =


CL says

SoftShell says

Yes. O'Reilly was slamming him nightly during the race....

The reason you are ignorant of this fact is because you don't watch.

Define "Slam". I am all ears.

This is about GE, MSNBC's parent company.

I was asking if the intrepid "reporters" at Faux news have ever done an expose on Murdoch, their evil father.

Or Ailes, their wicked step-father.

GE is widely assumed to be a liberal company by the right. Therefore, it's not surprising that they would take a potshot at their "opponent".

Much was made about the Ground Zero "mosque". Did Fox elaborate on Murdoch's ties to the Imam?

No, because it doesn't fit the narrative they want to shove in your piehole.

65   Y   2013 Feb 13, 11:52am  

And O'reilly SLAMMED GE.
You lose.
Case Closed.

CL says

SoftShell says

slam =


CL says

SoftShell says

Yes. O'Reilly was slamming him nightly during the race....

The reason you are ignorant of this fact is because you don't watch.

Define "Slam". I am all ears.

This is about GE, MSNBC's parent company.

66   CL   2013 Feb 14, 4:00am  

SoftShell says


And O'reilly SLAMMED GE.

You lose.

Case Closed.

Re-read it, please. Fox has NEVER found fault with its parent company. That's because it is a horseshit organization. Unless you find Bill Ohreally criticizing Murdoch, the case is very much open.

67   Dan8267   2013 Feb 14, 5:44am  

The only real news outlets are:
Daily Show
Colbert Report
RT News
and The Newsroom (US)

and three of them don't even call themselves real news.

69   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 14, 5:48am  

Dan8267 says

The only real news outlets are:

Daily Show

Colbert Report

But people say they are comedians, when you call them out on their failings as honest journalists.

70   Dan8267   2013 Feb 14, 5:53am  

CaptainShuddup says

But people say they are comedians, when you call them out on their failings as honest journalists.

Feel free to provide specific examples of when either show stated something false or deliberately misled the public. We live in the information age, this should be trivially easy to do if you are correct. Case in point, people show exactly these kinds of examples regarding Fox News.

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