America's doctors are overpaid

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2013 Feb 25, 9:15am   33,310 views  150 comments

by tovarichpeter   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  


American health care costs a lot because the prices Americans pay for health care services are very high. And hospitals charge those high prices for the same reason any other business would—because they can. It’s easy to see why a health care provider is almost uniquely well-positioned to bilk you. If you don’t get treatment, you or someone you love might die. It’s a high-pressure emotional situation that makes it extremely difficult to bargain, comparison shop, or just decide to cut back. Most of us, fortunately, get to outsource most of that bargaining to our insurance companies. Cold-blooded executives, not...

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106   turtledove   2013 Feb 28, 4:13am  

Just to clarify... With respect to doctors, what is your definition of "overpaid?" (Precisely, what is the dollar amount?)

107   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 4:17am  

Rin says

Likewise, let's boycott U2 shows and album/mp3 releases, shrink their fan & advertising base, since Bono, Edge, and Clayton don't deserve to be millionaires over a guy who plays out in his hometown's school gymnasium. I mean that's the essence of homeboy's argument.

What's with all the strawmen?

I never said anyone doesn't deserve their salary.

YOU said doctors don't deserve their salary.

Actually, you just refuted your OWN argument. LOL.

108   Rin   2013 Feb 28, 4:18am  

Homeboy says

what doctors make is silly when you consider that they save lives, and other people make 30 times more for playing with a ball.

Read chanakya4773's comments on the firemen, in terms of saving lives and the payscale.

As for professional sports, I'll bring up the U2 analogy ... is it not right for a private entertainment enterprise, to pay out their stakeholders, in proportion to what that business brings in, in terms of ticket sales and advertisement money? You are always free to not support U2.

On the other hand, if I publicly tell anyone, in a conference-like setting, that I'd managed by mom's diabetic condition with a mere off the shelf vitamin, most likely, I'd be charged with practicing medicine w/o a license and hence, the information stays within the circle of friends and family.

109   MMR   2013 Feb 28, 4:19am  

Situations like that made me pursue medicine instead of listening to crap perpetuated by people who are full of themselves (MD degree holding relatives working in the field) while criticizing me for being right and never having the integrity to research one iota of assertions I ever made based on researching literature and personal experimentation.

Even though I'm full of facts, not one of them has ever "seen the value" or implemented a single one of my suggestions.

My moms side of the family, on the other hand, while significantly less educated, has a number of members who I've successfully managed to lead by example.

My experience is that you can't teach drs anything because they already know it all.

As a former personal trainer, I learned that the two most impossible people to sell personal training packages to were: Doctors and Accountants. Accountants need to really know objectively that they are getting their money's worth and it is nearly impossible to guarantee success without knowing a person's commitment level. Doctors, as stated earlier, because they think they know it all.

In medical school, all I've come to realize is that you learn a lot about pathology and pathophysiology. This is in contrast to normal physiology and improving upon baseline normal physiological function, which is what exercise has been proven time and again to do (both resistance and HIIT or cardio).

Most doctors also don't know the difference between consensus and real science but claim that they practice 'evidence based medicine'.

As for the joe-schmoe IM's: when 40% of the patients are obese you'd think the average internist would have answers for them, regardless of their training. It turns out, however they do not.

One more point. A lot of people are lazy to buy efficacious supplements because their insurance won't pay for them. I made a comment about Aetna having a crappy flex spending account. This is the main reason why. Only up to 2000 dollars a year tax free and the supplements have to be prescribed by the doctor. Even with the doctors (who don't take insurance) who are knowledgeable about supplements, they prescribe supplements that they sell and filling out the paperwork is a pain in the ass.

That genius Michael Crichton said: patients too often shunned responsibility for their own health, relying on doctors as miracle workers rather than advisors.

This is the main reason why most of the threads pertaining to insurance are slightly misguided. It begs the question: What are most of the people starting threads about insurance actually doing on a consistent basis to ensure good health into old age?

The main difference between doctors who take insurance vs those who don't at the primary care level: one is indifferent to your lifestyle other than paying lip service and the other demands 'skin in the game'

Rin says

In fact, I'm pretty sure that if I'd publicly stated, in a live meeting of people, that I'd helped manage my mom's Type 2 diabetes w/o a consulting physician recommending R-LA, that he'd have me charged for practicing medicine w/o a license despite the fact that my mother's IM physicians did little for her.

110   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 4:19am  

turtledove says

Just to clarify... With respect to doctors, what is your definition of "overpaid?" (Precisely, what is the dollar amount?)

Shhh.... don't confuse them by asking for actual facts. It makes them angry.

111   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 4:21am  

Rin says

Read chanakya4773's comments on the firemen, in terms of saving lives and the payscale.

Oh, I see. You acknowledge the validity of the argument when it's used by someone you agree with, but claim it's an invalid argument when I use it. Nice....

112   Rin   2013 Feb 28, 4:21am  

Homeboy, are you a moron? You don't have to support U2. You can support your local band.

I can't tell anyone to take R-LA for type 2 diabetes w/o being charged for practicing medicine w/o a license. Can't you see the difference?

Please, point out the strawman above.

113   Rin   2013 Feb 28, 4:23am  

Homeboy says

Rin says

Read chanakya4773's comments on the firemen, in terms of saving lives and the payscale.

Oh, I see. You acknowledge the validity of the argument when it's used by someone you agree with, but claim it's an invalid argument when I use it. Nice....

OK, so how many firemen do you know, who earn from $200K to $300K? Yes, I'm now using your argument concerning payscale.

114   Rin   2013 Feb 28, 4:24am  

chanakya4773 says

Very easy to fix it..lets create a third party which will put all these requirements for firefighters given the nature of their work.

1) 10 years over-training with 400K per year tuition ( only one school will be allowed in the whole country to train them to create "high quality" firefighters. only 100 seats will be available.)

2) Need to be 6 feet tall or more

3) should be able to jump 6 feet or more

4) Is insensitive to heat.

Now , when you are stuck in a fire in your house, the firefighter will demand 1 million dollars to save you because he had to do 1) 2) 3) and 4) and also because he is "SAVING LIVES"

you will not have any choice but to pay the million dollars.

Excellent, now you see where I'm coming from.

115   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 4:27am  

Rin says

Homeboy, are you a moron? You don't have to support U2. You can support your local band.

I can't tell anyone to take R-LA for type 2 diabetes w/o being charged for practicing medicine w/o a license. Can't you see the difference?

Please, point out the strawman above.

It's ALL strawman.

What are you, a fucking troll? Still going with the strawman, but you added ad hominem and misdirection for the trifecta!

116   Rin   2013 Feb 28, 4:31am  

Homeboy says

What are you, a fucking troll? Still going with the strawman, but you added ad hominem and misdirection for the trifecta!

Yah, you've completely lost it. No one's been posting strawmen. You just can't win an argument ... no examples, no line of reasoning, zippo.

Anyways, everyone's already collapsing on you.

117   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 4:35am  

Rin says

OK, so how many firemen do you know, who earn from $200K to $300K?

How many physicians do you know who only have a high school education?

118   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 4:36am  

Rin says

Yah, you've completely lost it. No one's been posting strawmen. You just can't win an argument ... no examples, no line of reasoning, zippo.

Anyways, everyone's already collapsing on you.

Sure, whatever you say, troll.

Here's a song for you, strawman:


119   Rin   2013 Feb 28, 4:37am  

Homeboy says

Rin says

OK, so how many firemen do you know, who earn from $200K to $300K?

How many physicians do you know who only have a high school education?

You've already heard all the jazz about education in the above threads.

120   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 28, 4:51am  

Quit saying Doctors earn their money.

The last time I checked we got a $1200 dollar bill just for the Doctor to tell us what we already knew and give my wife a glorified aspirin. He was in the room for a grand total of 10 minutes. After a three hour wait in the split back gown.

121   MMR   2013 Feb 28, 4:51am  

That's the spirit

Rin says

Yes, when (not if) I become a doctor, I will never get online and tell ppl that doctors are a gem of society. Instead, I'll say that unlike some (whose names I won't mention), I've done the best that I could. And if that basically turns me into an adjunct physical therapist or nutritionist then so be it. I'm sure I could survive on my earnings from the HF work for some time.

122   Rin   2013 Feb 28, 5:02am  

chanakya4773 says


For a while there, I was beginning to think that I was the only one really fired up about this topic :-)

123   curious2   2013 Feb 28, 6:26am  

turtledove says

Just to clarify... With respect to doctors, what is your definition of "overpaid?" (Precisely, what is the dollar amount?)

Respectfully, I look at the issue in a different way. I never bothered much about whether bankers were overpaid until they bankrupted their banks and got bailed out by TARP/QE/ZIRP. Prior to that, their argument was the same as Meccos: they were smart and worked very hard and sacrificed with long hours, so they "deserved" all that the market would pay them. Since TARP/QE/ZIRP, I say they were overpaid and still are, because obviously all their "knowledge" and "work" didn't add up to running a bank successfully, and their "sacrifice" of long hours (that I never asked for anyway) doesn't give them a claim to government bailouts.

With Obamacare's mandatory insurance, doctors are now in the same position.

TARP bankers, muggers, and now alas doctors are overpaid because they (or your own government) put a gun to your head and demand "all your money" (or in the case of Obamacare, "all you can afford") whether you agree or not. At least muggers don't pretend to deserve it, and they are the lowest paid on the list.

Meccos has made several very defensive and aggressive posts about how if you don't like doctors you can always see a shaman. Lately the line has been blurring, e.g. Homefool's SSRIs, but that isn't the only problem. Another problem is bundling and tying, which in retail can be illegal but in medicine is common practice. The Rx mandate prohibits you from buying any medicine without first paying a doctor for permission, and most doctors don't even tell you in advance what they will charge so you can't know if it's worthwhile, and besides there are a million different prices depending on which insurance you're using, and if you don't use insurance they are required by their insurance contracts to overcharge you most of all.

Less than a century ago, doctors made house calls, stated honest prices and stuck to them, worked for their patients, and made a good living. Those doctors were not overpaid, even though of course people complain about having to pay any expense, even options like cable TV. BTW house calls are often the best general medicine, because a doctor looking at your house and the people you live with can see many clues about what's wrong with you, which helps a lot in diagnosis and the best treatment might be to look in your kitchen and tell you which foods to stop buying and what to buy instead. Dr Oz and Matthew Roizen did a great TV series on this, they said they'd saved more lives visiting people's kitchens than operating on their hearts.

Most of today's doctors work for hospital corporations, insurance companies, and/or large corporate networks. They have lost their independence, they charge outrageous fees that they don't even know let alone control, and they have a monopoly on the entire medical formulary. In Germany, where aspirin was invented, you can't even buy aspirin without an Rx. In America, you can't buy morphine, but doctors will happily prescribe you fraudulently marketed OxyContin at 20x the price. To say they are overpaid isn't so much about the numbers, in fact some life-saving doctors don't even make as much as Homefool's pushers; rather, doctors are mispaid, because the amount they make has little to do with the value of the service they provide, and the public are forced to pay whether we want them or not.

We live in an era of lemon socialism, with Fed bankers and the medical industrial complex harvesting Americans like CAFO cattle. If a mugger gets away with $1, he is overpaid. If a dermatologist makes $1 million honestly, quoting prices up front, doing good work, and building up a reputation so that movie stars seek her out, she is not overpaid. The AMA represents less than 20% of doctors, but makes $ on billing codes that nobody can understand and that will be mandatory via Obamacare, so the AMA endorsed Obamacare. In doing that, the AMA abandoned the honest doctors, and cast its lot with the TARP/ZIRP/QE muggers. Muggers are, by definition, overpaid.

124   CL   2013 Feb 28, 6:30am  

Homeboy says

There seems to be an epidemic of missing the point in this thread. Shall we review?

I'm barely in this argument, but I mentioned that only because it seems like ball players are actually paid fairly. People think they live luxurious lifestyles, and sure, some do. But the ones that do don't do so for long, unless they invest wisely. Otherwise, it's a short career with lots of physical damage for an extremely elite group of folks.

I'd rather be an Executive than a ballplayer. Executives (and the Bush administration) tend to fail upwards. And they're knees are in better shape.

125   MMR   2013 Feb 28, 6:50am  

In recent years, I thought this was a good idea. But this is something I didn't even think about.

curious2 says

BTW house calls are often the best general medicine, because a doctor looking at your house and the people you live with can see many clues about what's wrong with you, which helps a lot in diagnosis and the best treatment might be to look in your kitchen and tell you which foods to stop buying and what to buy instead. Dr Oz and Matthew Roizen did a great TV series on this, they said they'd saved more lives visiting people's kitchens than operating on their hearts.

126   MMR   2013 Feb 28, 6:55am  

I may be incorrect about this but while traditionally, Emergency medicine docs didn't make the big bucks, they are doing significantly better nowadays. It's stressful, but a lot of people working in Emergency medicine like the work schedule. Many places, it is one week on/one week off.

On average, I think that ER docs are doing better than Psych docs. It is certainly more competitive to get an ER residency than a psych residency.

In places like New Jersey where there is a "shortage" of Psych docs, those guys are doing quite well by not taking insurance.

curious2 says

To say they are overpaid isn't so much about the numbers, in fact emergency doctors don't make nearly as much as Homefool's pushers; rather, doctors are mispaid, because the amount they make has little to do with the value of the service they provide, and the public are forced to pay whether we want them or not.

127   curious2   2013 Feb 28, 7:25am  

MMR says

On average, I think that ER docs are doing better than Psych docs. It is certainly more competitive to get an ER residency than a psych residency.

Thanks - I hadn't updated recently, and I see now that current numbers corroborate your opinion. This site shows current starting salaries for both critical care and psych around $200k, with psych being slightly lower:


So, I'll stop saying that emergency doctors make less than Homefool's pushers. It used to be true, but the numbers have apparently changed recently. I continue though to believe that Homefool's SSRI pushers are overpaid because we are all required to pay them even when they confer no value, e.g. the cost of his disproved SSRI coverage must be shifted onto all of us because he can't afford it on his own, nevermind that it does no good for anyone.

BTW, in terms of medical practice areas, you might want to consider sports medicine or even the military. The patients tend to be highly functional, they might need help with specific problems but they aren't generally self-destructive. I would worry about Lance Armstrong situations though, even at the teenage level kids are trying to bulk up with steroids etc. Otherwise much of current medicine consists of managing self-destructive people as profitably as possible: every complaint results in another test and every test results in another prescription, no time to listen, etc.

128   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 9:48am  

Rin says

You've already heard all the jazz about education in the above threads.

That's your argument? Lame.

129   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 9:55am  

CL says

I'm barely in this argument, but I mentioned that only because it seems like ball players are actually paid fairly.

Fair's got nothing to do with this, but since you brought it up, if you think $5 million a year (average NBA salary) is "fair" for someone to throw a ball around, but $200,000 (average doctor salary) isn't fair for someone to save lives, then you need to have your head examined. I would suggest seeing a doctor. ;)

CL says

People think they live luxurious lifestyles, and sure, some do. But the ones that do don't do so for long, unless they invest wisely. Otherwise, it's a short career with lots of physical damage for an extremely elite group of folks.

They make more money in a single year than most people make in their ENTIRE LIFE. Then, on top of that, they retire with a pension. If you can't survive on that amount of money, you're a complete fucking moron. What part of that don't you understand?

130   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 9:57am  

CaptainShuddup says

Quit saying Doctors earn their money.

The last time I checked we got a $1200 dollar bill just for the Doctor to tell us what we already knew and give my wife a glorified aspirin. He was in the room for a grand total of 10 minutes.

The doctor didn't MAKE $1200 in that 10 minutes. That's what the healthcare company BILLED you.

By the way, next year, when everyone gets insurance under ACA, it will probably cost you about $20 for the co-pay. Hmmm.... $20 or $1200. Which is better?

CaptainShuddup says

After a three hour wait in the split back gown.

Ugh - didn't need that visual.

131   Philistine   2013 Feb 28, 10:00am  

curious2 says

even at the teenage level kids are trying to bulk up with steroids etc

When I was in high school, there was a kid on the weight lifting team that doped so much steroids that he wasn't even aware of his body's own limitations anymore. Result: he snatched (or was it a clean and jerk?) 750 pounds and blew his large intestine partially out of his anus.

132   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 10:06am  

Anyone notice how Rin and MMR say pretty much exactly the same things in exactly the same way?


133   curious2   2013 Feb 28, 10:12am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

If they got better money kicking you to death in front of your spouse and kids....

Have you seen chemotherapy? Why risk injuring yourself kicking the patient, when you can prescribe drugs and have the nurse administer them, then enjoy watching the patient puke his guts out all over the place. W said it's hard to put food on your family, but probably he never tried projectile vomiting.

134   JodyChunder   2013 Feb 28, 10:31am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

If they got better money kicking you to death in front of your spouse and kids, they'd take it.

Mild hip dysplasia would be the only thing keeping me from inquiring...

135   Rin   2013 Feb 28, 10:34am  

Homeboy says

Anyone notice how Rin and MMR say pretty much exactly the same things in exactly the same way?


I knew that that was the best that you could do. How lame.

It only indicates that your reading comprehension skills of an intelligent conversation is limited.

Ask Patrick if we have the same IPs, if you want to play Dick Tracy, you troll.

BTW, I'm done responding to you, ignore is activated.

136   MMR   2013 Feb 28, 12:04pm  

I hadn't thought of the military. It's an intriguing choice Younger guys especially might be more willing to listen and most have some concept of exercise. As long as it was a job in Coastal California, I'd strongly consider it. I personally don't want to live anywhere else, even if no one is willing to offer me partnership in an insurance mill.

Sports medicine is a possibility as is endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism, with emphasis on exercise/nutrition.

Regarding the Lance Armstrong situations, I think about that stuff in passing every single day and some days more than others. It's almost as if you read my mind or something.

When you get a chance an good movie (you prob saw it but just in case). Good discussion on the latter topic. Won award at 2008 Sundance Film Festival


curious2 says

BTW, in terms of medical practice areas, you might want to consider sports medicine or even the military. The patients tend to be highly functional, they might need help with specific problems but they aren't generally self-destructive. I would worry about Lance Armstrong situations though, even at the teenage level kids are trying to bulk up with steroids etc. Otherwise much of current medicine consists of managing self-destructive people as profitably as possible: every complaint results in another test and every test results in another prescription, no time to listen, etc.

137   MMR   2013 Feb 28, 12:05pm  

Thank you

Rin says

Homeboy says

Anyone notice how Rin and MMR say pretty much exactly the same things in exactly the same way?


I knew that that was the best that you could do. How lame.

It only indicates that your reading comprehension skills of an intelligent conversation is limited.

Ask Patrick if we have the same IPs, if you want to play Dick Tracy, you troll.

BTW, I'm done responding to you, ignore is activated.

138   elliemae   2013 Feb 28, 12:09pm  

yawn. Attacking people for their opinions is boring for the rest of us to read.

139   Dan8267   2013 Feb 28, 1:41pm  

elliemae says

yawn. Attacking people for their opinions is boring for the rest of us to read.

But what if their opinion DIFFERS from mine?!?!? I don't think I could live in such a world.

140   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 2:00pm  

Rin says

I knew that that was the best that you could do. How lame.

It only indicates that your reading comprehension skills of an intelligent conversation is limited.

Ask Patrick if we have the same IPs, if you want to play Dick Tracy, you troll.

BTW, I'm done responding to you, ignore is activated.

Yeah, you're right - you probably ARE too stupid to figure out how to change your IP iddress.

Gee, sorry I can't "comprehend" your "intelligent conversation". What was your last "intelligent" argument? Oh yeah:

"You've already heard all the jazz about education in the above threads."

Yeah, that was a really deep and meaningful argument. I can't believe I didn't "comprehend" it. Fucking troll.

141   Homeboy   2013 Feb 28, 2:02pm  

elliemae says

Attacking people for their opinions is boring for the rest of us to read.

So is making up strawmen and arguing for the sake of argument.

142   Meccos   2013 Feb 28, 4:39pm  

Rin says

Actually Meccos, it looks like that I'm gaining more adherents over time than you. Just read all the responses above.

Im glad you think this is a popularity contest and you think you are winning. Kudos to you...

Rin says

You thought that you could make me look sophomoric but it appears that that moniker is slowly fitting you rather well with your pomposity.

Never tried to make you look sophomoric, however if you did, its your own fault. I do love how you turn this around and accuse me of being pompous because I chose to argue against your insane claims...
Do not forget you are the same person who claims to have made 700k a year working in a hedge fund, but you have the audacity to scream out loud that physician are overpaid. Your entire posts have been attacks on physicians and the profession and yet when someone rebuttals your arguments, you and simpletons like chankaya claim I am being pompous and disrespectful of other profession (to which I made no condescending comments about). Its quite comical actually.

Rin says

Yes, when (not if) I become a doctor, I will never get online and tell ppl that doctors are a gem of society. Instead, I'll say that unlike some (whose names I won't mention), I've done the best that I could. And if that basically turns me into an adjunct physical therapist or nutritionist then so be it. I'm sure I could survive on my earnings from the HF work for some time.

Ok,... "when" you do become a doctor... perhaps you can share your experiences about how easy it is and how you should get paid way less. Until you have actually experienced it do you think it is wise to speak as if you had volumes of knowledge on the subject matter? Furthermore, will you include yourself among those in the very profession in which you have ridiculed as being incompetent, overpaid, manipulative, etc in your earlier posts?

143   Meccos   2013 Feb 28, 4:43pm  

Rin says

Homeboy says

Rin says

Read chanakya4773's comments on the firemen, in terms of saving lives and the payscale.

Oh, I see. You acknowledge the validity of the argument when it's used by someone you agree with, but claim it's an invalid argument when I use it. Nice....

OK, so how many firemen do you know, who earn from $200K to $300K? Yes, I'm now using your argument concerning payscale.


144   Meccos   2013 Feb 28, 4:47pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Quit saying Doctors earn their money.

The last time I checked we got a $1200 dollar bill just for the Doctor to tell us what we already knew and give my wife a glorified aspirin. He was in the room for a grand total of 10 minutes. After a three hour wait in the split back gown.

This is the problem. Everyone thinks it is just this simple but it is not. People see the doctor... they get charged 1200, they assume the doctor charged 1200 and he got it all. Guess again...

145   Meccos   2013 Apr 6, 3:24am  

chanakya4773 says

You tell the firefighter who has to dive in to FIRE to save your precious little life when your house blows up in fire. Tell him why you need to get paid many times more than him because you are going to do a run of the mill surgery in which you personally have zero risk and the rate of success is just another statics.

First of all firefighters make tons of money. They require very little training. And in all honestly (at the sake of being bashed for being politically incorrect..since you cant even bash police and fire) when was the last time you saw a fire? The OVERWHELMING majority of fire fighter calls are for medical emergencies, where they do not risk their lives.
BTW just because you do not place yourself in physical danger does not mean you do not have any "personal" risk. I would argue that every surgery a surgeon performs puts him at risk... risk of needle sticks leading to hepb/C/HIV, risk of lawsuits, risk of being away from family. If by your implication that the risk of physical harm should pay more, then the common taxi driver should get paid more than doctors and firemen.

chanakya4773 says

You seem to believe that a neuro surgeon needs nerves of steel but a firefighter or a soldier does not

Nope never said that... but thanks for trying to put words into my mouth and trying to make this about doctors versus others. Im simply providing the counterargument that doctors are "overpaid". chanakya4773 says

chanakya4773 says

All hard working people contribute to the world in one way or the other.

WHen did i ever say that other people dont contribute???? Wow stop putting words into my mouth and actually read what i wrote.

You seem to be ok when Rin states that the job of the physician is indistinct from other professions, but take so much offense when I simply point out that it is very distinct. There is no condescending tone here, but simply the truth. The jobs are very different.

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