Should God the Father adore man for teaching him better morals and ethics than what he has taught man?
Does God the Father have any moral responsibility to his children?
I think so. God the Father’s first responsibility to his children is to insure that they live. God the Father does not do so. Is God the Father moral or immoral for this sin of omission?
Human Fathers have as their first moral responsibility the protection of their children and a strong duty to insure that they live. Our laws make parents morally and legally responsible for the wellbeing of their children. If God the Father were just one of many Gods in a God society that society would demand that he take responsibility in the same way human society has decided that a human child’s parent must take responsibilities.
I believe that if a God the Father’s society were real, they would demand this of God as care/harm and reciprocity are the corner stones of all moral systems and because man, a moral creature, demands that of himself and others and that should be the universal standard.
The fact that God the Father punishes or rewards us seems to indicate that he at least thinks that he has some moral responsibility to his children. If not, he could not morally retain the right to punish or reward. That being the case, it would be immoral for God to passively and negligently allow any of his children to die or take any active part in killing them.
God is doing these immoral, unethical and satanic things constantly.
Man seems to have developed a better moral code than God the Father.
What a game for your God the Father to play!
Create a place for eternal bliss on earth and heaven as well as a place for eternal suffering or death. Then he creates beings that he loves dearly and watches over. And in the end, decide which to consider "trash" and "throw away" into the place for eternal suffering or death and which to cling to and love in the place of eternal bliss. Even man, with all his faults, is greater and more responsible, moral and ethical to his children than God the Father is to his.
Is man more moral, ethical, responsible and loving than God the Father?
Should God the Father adore man for teaching him better morals and ethics than what he has taught man?
Should man adore God for teaching us what not to do by his immoral, unethical, irresponsible and unloving example?
Should God the Father adore man for teaching him better morals and ethics than what he has taught man?
Does God the Father have any moral responsibility to his children?
I think so. God the Father’s first responsibility to his children is to insure that they live. God the Father does not do so. Is God the Father moral or immoral for this sin of omission?
Human Fathers have as their first moral responsibility the protection of their children and a strong duty to insure that they live. Our laws make parents morally and legally responsible for the wellbeing of their children. If God the Father were just one of many Gods in a God society that society would demand that he take responsibility in the same way human society has decided that a human child’s parent must take responsibilities.
I believe that if a God the Father’s society were real, they would demand this of God as care/harm and reciprocity are the corner stones of all moral systems and because man, a moral creature, demands that of himself and others and that should be the universal standard.
The fact that God the Father punishes or rewards us seems to indicate that he at least thinks that he has some moral responsibility to his children. If not, he could not morally retain the right to punish or reward. That being the case, it would be immoral for God to passively and negligently allow any of his children to die or take any active part in killing them.
God is doing these immoral, unethical and satanic things constantly.
Man seems to have developed a better moral code than God the Father.
What a game for your God the Father to play!
Create a place for eternal bliss on earth and heaven as well as a place for eternal suffering or death. Then he creates beings that he loves dearly and watches over. And in the end, decide which to consider "trash" and "throw away" into the place for eternal suffering or death and which to cling to and love in the place of eternal bliss. Even man, with all his faults, is greater and more responsible, moral and ethical to his children than God the Father is to his.
Is man more moral, ethical, responsible and loving than God the Father?
Should God the Father adore man for teaching him better morals and ethics than what he has taught man?
Should man adore God for teaching us what not to do by his immoral, unethical, irresponsible and unloving example?