In other words, union leaders are beginning to see Obamacare will increase costs, so a few want repeal but more want subsidies; meanwhile, Republicans see an opportunity to increase spending where Democrats can't say no. Both sides agree: borrow and spend every possible penny until the whole thing collapses.
In case anyone doubted Obamacare's purpose and effect were to increase mandatory spending, three reports today should clarify it for you:
"A labor union representing roofers is reversing course and calling for repeal of" Obamacare, while other unions "say many of the law's requirements will drive up the costs for their health-care plans and make unionized workers less competitive... To offset that, the nation's largest labor groups want their lower-paid members to be able to get federal insurance subsidies while remaining on their plans."
Meanwhile, "House Republicans are trying to pump an extra $4 billion into ObamaCare."
In other words, union leaders are beginning to see Obamacare will increase costs, so a few want repeal but more want subsidies; meanwhile, Republicans see an opportunity to increase spending where Democrats can't say no. Both sides agree: borrow and spend every possible penny until the whole thing collapses.