Best real estate within drive from bay area?

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2013 May 20, 2:20am   16,821 views  51 comments

by SJ   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


I work in Santa Clara and finishing up my pilot license and want to buy a home outside of bay area that is within a 3-4 hour drive to work once a week. I can fly within 20 minutes but sometimes will need to drive into work when the plane is having annual maintenance. Ideas? I've looked at Sacramento area which is a lot cheaper than bay area.


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41   rufita11   2013 May 26, 9:13am  

curious2 says

rufita11 says

I've been looking in SCM for years. It's not easy finding the perfect secluded spot with cable internet.

What about satellite, e.g. HughesNet?

I have to have minimum 3MB up and down. Satellite is spotty and cannot guarantee that speed.

42   SJ   2013 May 27, 12:29am  

@BACAH sure ping me offline and we can chat some more.

43   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 May 27, 3:03am  

Hm, looks like I have to pay to do that. Pick a time and a place during a lunch break, most likely I can be there.

44   SJ   2013 May 28, 1:21am  

@BACAH tell ya what. I will buy you a coffee or beer or whatever to get your feedback and experience on this. I've been thinking and planning this out for a while so would appreciate your thoughts. I know some of the counter arguments like your medical could expire, plane out for week or two due to annual maintenance, weather, etc.

45   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 May 28, 3:53pm  

I don't mind paying for the coffee or even lunch, but I don't wanna sign up for the premium service to get the emails.

Well it sounds like you considered some of the impracticality.

Some people have a passion for flying. For them, it's not about the money it costs to fly, nor the tradeoffs of paying for flying versus other living costs like the housing. Heck, when I was in college I even knew a kid who was so ape-sh*t for flying that he had more passion for flying than for sex, at least that's what he told me. And he was a rich kid, too. Imagine that.

If you have a passion for flying, you won't be flying to reduce your housing costs. If you don't have a passion for flying, your scheme will take on a life of its own and soon enough become a burden and a hassle. Good luck selling the plane when that happens.

So maybe we don't need to meet up since you thought about counter arguments. But if you want to discuss, we can meet up during lunch break some time like a Starbucks or City Lights Expresso or Sweet Tomatoes.

Do you own an aircraft now? Do you hang around with people who do?

46   sjenner   2013 May 29, 2:47am  

@BACAH, I love flying so I would kill two birds with one stone. I am planning to buy a plane sometime this year along with an airpark home. Work remote most of the time and have occasional fly-in to work. That is the game plan. I hang with pilots and folks at the local airports. Lets grab some coffee at City Lights Espresso. Have not been there before. You can email me at master85@hotmail.com since I also don't have premium service.

47   FortWayne   2013 May 29, 3:03am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

Set up a big cannon in the front yard and have spouse shoot you out of it on work days.

Oh that's just too funny! Thanks for the laugh AF.

48   FortWayne   2013 May 29, 3:08am  

SJ says

If you fly 1 hour once a week to bay area fuel would cost 50-100 a week.

Plane costs 50-100k

Home: 200k

Aircraft Maintenance: 5-10k a year on plane

Bay area home: too much $$$$$$

You are forgetting the cost of a parachute and medical when it fails to open. How else are you going to get to the office? I bet there aren't a whole lot of places to land a private plane out in the bay area.

49   sjenner   2013 May 31, 2:33am  

Helicopter would be helpful to land anyplace anytime.
Agree about faster plane like a turbo aircraft to fly high and with ice protection. South Lake Tahoe especially on Nevada side looks attractive no state taxes, etc.

50   varmint   2013 May 31, 3:13am  

mdiablo says

I'd look at going north. Cloverdale, Hopland, Ukiah, Willits area. Never lived there but some parts seem kind of nice, if you're into more of a rural lifestyle.

I like Healdsburg a lot but not sure how expensive it is. They do have an airport I believe.

51   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Jun 12, 12:00pm  

Hi SJ, I dunno if you're still interested in meeting up, but if you are, I sent you a hotmail awhile ago.

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