There is an important distinction between good deflation caused by excess supply and bad deflation created by deficient demand. Good deflation is the result of new technologies that power productivity and output as the economy grows rapidly and as supply outpaces demand. The bad kind stems from financial crises and deep recessions, which increase unemployment and depress demand below the level of supply. The Industrial Revolution began in the late 1700s.But in the U.S. it didnt achieve sufficient scope to drive the economy until after the Civil War.Value added in manufacturing and mining leaped.As bottle machines replaced glass blowers, the...
There is a serious critique of current economic policy. Deficits and debt monetization are terribly inflationary. Weakening the bargaining power of labor results in wages failing to keep up with inflation. These policies tend to produce stagflation, malaise, and widespread misery.
Unfortunately, current media tend to obsess over whether somebody might have allegedly paid money to a porn star.