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The most direct reason for American Revolution was a drive to avoid paying taxes levied by the British crown to fund "public and social functions."
The most direct reason for the American Revolution was to avoid paying taxes passed without representation in the law making process. The tax itself, which was very low, was never the main issue, it was the passing of the tax without input into the process by the American colonies that people objected to most.
Apparently, your private school education didn't work as well as you thought. They taught "No taxation without representation" in 7th grade in my public school.
The most direct reason for the American Revolution was to avoid paying taxes passed without representation in the law making process.
The tax laws were passed with "virtual representation" as was standard practice in the British House of Commons at the time. Then after the colonists objected, real representation was offered to the colonists but rejected.
The tax itself, which was very low, was never the main issue, it was the passing of the tax without input into the process by the American colonies that people objected to most.
You are dreaming. The real issue was taxation. "Without representation" was the excuse, as the offer of representation was rejected.
Apparently, your private school education didn't work as well as you thought. They taught "No taxation without representation" in 7th grade in my public school.
Obviously your public school did not dig deeper than the sloganeering. Did you happen to know that the British government was trying to tighten money supply after the French-Indian War? In other words, the banning of colonial credit money printing and taxation were all part and parcel of an Austerity measure. That was what caused the revolt against what was essentially Bank of England's monetary policy. Read up on Bejamin Franklin's writings on the economic condition of the time.
Yet there are millions of graduates of public schools that are functionally illiterate. What does that say? Di you and your brother and your entire family get the most important aspect of education from the family, or just public schools? Don't be shy.
There are also a perhaps equally large number of students who are also illiterate who go to private schools. I can say that the same as you made your statement since you lack any data to backup that claims.Reality says
BTW, it is erroneous to take a static view of public schools: "ours is not perfect" and "Finland is #1" are all transient observations, just like once upon a time the Prussian System was thought of as the best as it pumped
You need to understand the definition of Past and Present. I wasn't talking about the past and the prussians. I was talking about present day. Hence the remainder of your response to that point is moot.Reality says
hmm, the "Old Europe" was very much governed, and over-governed. That's why many Europeans came to America, in order to escape the governments of Old Europe.
Most of " Old Europe" was not Democratic. Many of the countrys there were either still being overlorded by either monarcy, the church, or both. Hence why masses moved to the US where we ultimately adopted a representative-based democratic form of government, separated from the church. So just like your previous point, you have made none so far that have any validity since they aren't historically correct.Reality says
That is a very strange economic theory, running exactly in contrary to the very tenet of Wealth of Nations: it is the mutually willing exchanges by free individuals that create wealth, not coercion and looting
You were the one who mentioned "Looting", not I. Exactly how did you jump to that conclusion? Strange because our system uses a form of taxation. The revolution-contrary to a lot of what conservatives want everyone to believe, was not over taxes for the sake of taxes. It was over taxation without representation.
Like I said before, we are a democratic country that was founded on the principle of a shared society- meaning yes- we all pay taxes for the benefit of the whole. That's the way its always been so why this could be a surprise is confusing.
There are also a perhaps equally large number of students who are also illiterate who go to private schools. I can say that the same as you made your statement since you lack any data to backup that claims.
A satement like that only goes to show your ignorance. Just because a statement is grammatically correct doesn't mean its content has any factual basis.
You need to understand the definition of Past and Present. I wasn't talking about the past and the prussians. I was talking about present day. hence the remainder of your response to that point is moot
Past is all the guide we have to the future. The standards we use today for measuring schools may well look as silly in the future as we today think of the "standards" that made Prussian System look great. Side note: IMHO, the penchant for standard test results that many other countries excel at may well soon prove to be highly detrimental to the molding of flexible and productive new members of society.
Most of " Old Europe" was not Democratic. Many of the countrys there were either still being overlorded by either monarcy, the church, or both. Hence why masses moved to the US where we ultimately adopted a representative-based democratic form of government, separated from the church. So just like your previous point, you have made none so far that have any validity since they aren't historically
Democracy and Tyranny of the Majority were nothing new to the Old Europe. The founding fathers explicitly warned against Democracy per se.
You were the one who mentioned "Looting", not I. Exactly how did you jump to that conclusion?
Taxation and regulation fundamentally are looting and coercion.
The revolution-contrary to a lot of what conservatives want everyone to believe, was not over taxes for the sake of taxes. It was over taxation without representation
Another string match idiot. Is that what they teach in public schools nowadays? The colonists were offered representation but rejected. "Without representation" was simply an excuse for the slogan. The real objection was to taxation.
Like I said before, we are a democratic country that was founded on the principle of a shared society- meaning yes- we all pay taxes for the benefit of the whole.
Now we are talking about a new religion here. "We all pay taxes for the benefit of the whole" sounds like something King George III would have told the colonists.
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According to a conservative publication I unquestionably agree with, science has had it all wrong for untold 1000's of years: The wheel is clearly some sort of eeee-vil liberal hoax. The reality is that squares make way better wheels by far. The reason is that a bunch of liberals way back in the day complained that the ride they got from their square-wheeled ox carts was way too bumpy. Since we all know that liberals are all a bunch of whiners, of course they came up with a lame contraption shaped like a circle that gave a much smoother ride.
But of course we- the silent majority- know the truth! We all know the founding fathers rode around with horse and buggies that had square wheels because they were true patriots!
So- if any of you want to challenge me and say I'm wrong well Ha! No amount of common sense will ever convince me otherwise! So please- keep those replies comin', you liberals!