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What do you [finehoe] do in DC, work for a lobbyist....
That was my guess too. Obamacare has pumped $1bn+ of lobbying $ into DC and it's easy $ for shills who are connected and have a credential that might seem superficially persuasive, e.g. an Ivy B.A. that means you played lax with the right people for 4 years and made the right connections. The whole strategy of that legislation is to elevate teamwork above logic, and the faux compassion melts away in the heat of the exchange below:
silly bitch.... wog
Certain countries are shitholes for a reason....
Thanks finehoe for those racist & sexist comments showing your true nature, it makes me feel better about disagreeing with you. W referred to "the soft bigotry of low expectations;" Obamacare sells people down a river of chemical enslavement to PhRMA and AHA executives.
I think that they key to asian academic and eventual career success is that the children and teenagers believe that studying hard is their job. And you find this even in families without "tiger parenting." If white and oftentimes jewish parents try to inculcate this belief in their offspring...
...their mileage will vary depending on when they start. Until the age of 7 or 8, children tend to believe what their parents tell them. After 8, they start increasingly making their own judgments. If you want a child to believe a crazy religion, you need to start young. It's the same with practical and logical beliefs like 'we're going to help you as a child and you're going to learn everything you can so you can support us when we're old, or because there are outsiders who have been persecuting our tribe for thousands of years." You have to build trust when you can. In Asian countries that lack "Social Security" and Medicaid, parents' futures depend on their children and they invest time right from the start in building up sturdy kids. Likewise Hebrew schools require young children to learn a difficult foreign language and warn them about a long history of terrible persecution so they have to be smart and strong to survive. In contrast, American TV commercial culture induces profitable dependence on PhRMA pills and prescribers, and pseudo-deities like Justin Bieber, and the parents are warned endlessly that their children are as fragile as porcelain dolls. Witness the panic that occurs if children see anything bad. The best "tiger mom" comment I've read was from an Asian mom who wrote about pushing her daughter to learn piano: in her family they know children are as hardy as weeds, and if her daughter started to get fat the mom would tease her to make her exercise more or eat less; American moms assume their children are terribly fragile and weak, and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Obamacare has pumped $1bn+ of lobbying $ into DC
Obamacare sells people down a river
What the hell does Obamacare have to do with Cornel West?
What the hell does Obamacare have to do with Cornel West?
That's a good question, and I'm glad to see you discover at last the value of keeping in mind the topic of the thread, which wasn't a priority before when the thread didn't suit your purposes. The best way to answer your question may be to turn it around: what does Cornel West have to do with Obamacare? The answer seems to be, as little as possible, although if he chooses not to be sold down that particular river then his "mental activity" will subject him to penalty. No problem for you apparently, but a problem for most people. Cornel West thinks for himself, isn't always "a team player," and that's no longer allowed.
wasn't a priority before when the thread didn't suit your purposes
My goodness, you've been stewing over my takedown of your moronic point for over three months?
At least I explained to you why I brought up the point I did, which is more than you've done with your gratuitous reference to the Affordable Care Act.
you've been stewing over my takedown of your moronic point for over three months?
LOL - Not at all, you didn't take down anything and I don't even think of you except when I happen to see one of your posts, but I am most curious how your name-calling and denigration of whole countries relates to the topic of the thread.
I'll be in Baltimore in a few weeks. Maybe you could drive up from DC and say it to my face you little twat.
I don't have a cushy-ass do nothing job schmoozing with Beltway types, so I ask you to bring your big, bad ass to Baltimore and show me who's boss.
Maybe we could meet up over a coffee, or an MMA studio.
I found this MMA gym near Baltimore. We can just do a workout together. I won't even hit you. We can do a workout together and you can see if you can hang with a lowly, subservient wog.
Let's see how tough you are in person.
Let me know if you want to exchange emails and set up a face to face.
LOL. Simmer down, girl!
I'll take that as a 'no' ....as in 'no' you don't want to meet up. Chicken shit can't fight his own battles now. He needs an anemic 60 year old black man to serve as cover, a person nearly my father's age. In wog culture, wogs respect their elders. Since you're so tight with Cornel West, go ahead and ask him if he refers to Indians as wogs. If he wants to call me that to my face, I'll put aside my rule of respecting my elders and spit on his face.
How does it feel to be owned by a wog? Albeit, one with limited MMA skills.
There you have it: Finehoe is a keyboard warrior who is nothing more than a weak coward when confronted by a subservient, lowly wog.
Offer still stands. Let me know if you want to bring your lazy ass to Baltimore. Like I said, we can exchange emails and set a date. Making you my bitch online simply isn't as satisfying as doing it in person.
Can I bring Cornel West with me?
Yes, especially with obstructionists like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Cornel West
These three fully understand your point of view about African immigrants versus black American culture, far better than you comprehend their point of view or what they are all about.
You seem to be one of those black and white authoritarian thinkers that like to boil everything down to simple (and not so useful) answers.
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