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threads pinned by finehoe
authored 670 comments and 49 threads

finehoe's threads

Hong Kong Basic Law
by finehoe on 3 Jul 2020   17 comments, latest 4 years ago
What do PatNetters think the US reaction should be (if any) to China's abrogation of "one country, two systems" ?

Hillary Clinton: Criminal Mastermind
by finehoe on 9 Jan 2020   9 comments, latest 4 years ago
Boy, that Hillary. She is a criminal mastermind. After 28 years of endless investigations and the expenditure of god only knows how many millions of taxpayer dollars, they still can't ...

American Brownshirts
by finehoe on 31 Oct 2019   5 comments, latest 5 years ago
President Donald Trump on Monday said the Justice Department is preparing to launch a sweeping crackdown on crime that he named “the surge,” a term commonly associated with the George ...

Republicans Decide Private Devices Okay
by finehoe on 10 Oct 2019   3 comments, latest 5 years ago
More than four years after a squad of House Republicans led a charge against then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her handling of sensitive diplomatic information, the State Department is ...

Hall of Hypocrites
by finehoe on 21 Apr 2019   7 comments, latest 5 years ago
Trump tampered with witnesses. These Senate Republicans voted to oust Bill Clinton for doing just that: Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Rob Portman, Ohio Chuck Grassley, Iowa Roger Wicker, Mississippi Lindsey Graham, ...

Trump a Total Failure
by finehoe on 23 Mar 2019   6 comments, latest 5 years ago
Every day, the evidence piles up that Trump’s presidency is a failure on its own terms, let alone anyone else’s. Let us count the ways. On trade, we have a ...

With the arrest of the MAGAbomber...
by finehoe on 26 Oct 2018   17 comments, latest 6 years ago

Finehoe's Predictions
by finehoe on 21 Dec 2016   7 comments, latest 8 years ago
The experience of Kansas over the last several years is what the country as a whole has to look forward to now that Republicans control all branches of the ...

How Goldman Sachs Became the Overlord of the Trump Administration
by finehoe on 9 Jan 2017   2 comments, latest 8 years ago
How did a candidate who repeatedly demonized Goldman Sachs as the poster child for a corrupt establishment that owned Washington end up with Goldman Sachs’ progeny filling every post ...

First Amendment Defense Act
by finehoe on 22 Dec 2016   Posted 8 years ago
The so-called First Amendment Defense Act, or FADA, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person on the basis that such person believes or acts in ...

Krudblow for Council of Economic Advisors
by finehoe on 16 Dec 2016   4 comments, latest 8 years ago
Nincompoop television commentator Larry Kudlow is a leading candidate to chair President-elect Donald Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers, which is usually run by one of the nation’s most prestigious ...

Terrorist Attack in DC
by finehoe on 5 Dec 2016   Posted 8 years ago
A North Carolina man was arrested Sunday after he walked into a popular pizza restaurant in Northwest Washington carrying an assault rifle and fired one or more shots, D.C. ...

Bankers Celebrate the Dawn of the Trump Era
by finehoe on 18 Nov 2016   4 comments, latest 8 years ago
Christmas has arrived early for Wall Street in the early days of the Donald Trump era. A populist candidate who railed against shady financial interests on the campaign trail ...

Wall Street Can Now Run Wild
by finehoe on 15 Nov 2016   6 comments, latest 8 years ago
Mary Jo White, the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, on Monday announced that she would step down two years before the end of her term, clearing the ...

Trump Right, Election Rigged
by finehoe on 9 Nov 2016   30 comments, latest 8 years ago
Donald Trump 47% 59,399,248 Hillary Clinton 48% 59,606,287

Trump Foundation lacks certification needed to raise funds
by finehoe on 30 Sep 2016   6 comments, latest 8 years ago
The foundation never obtained the registration that New York requires to solicit money from the public, state officials said. #LibbiesSuckBigCock

Deputy Burns Genitals Of 3-Year Old Boy
by finehoe on 26 Jul 2016   9 comments, latest 8 years ago
The Deputy was charged with child abuse and neglect for repeatedly burning a 3 year old boy with a hair dryer. A Hernando County Deputy was recently sentenced to ...

When Kansas cut taxes and California hiked them
by finehoe on 17 Jun 2016   15 comments, latest 8 years ago
In 2012, voters in California approved a measure to raise taxes on millionaires, bringing their top state income tax rate to 13.3 percent, the highest in the nation. Conservative ...

The Long, Tragic History of Violence at LGBTQ Bars and Clubs in America
by finehoe on 14 Jun 2016   1 comment, latest 8 years ago
The mass shooting at Orlando’s LGBT nightclub Pulse, which left at least 50 dead, is only the latest chapter in a long history of violence at LGBTQ bars and ...

Half-wit Rubio Goes Full-on Laffer
by finehoe on 7 Oct 2015   61 comments, latest 9 years ago
Why Marco Rubio is insisting that his massive tax cuts will pay for themselves, explained: On Tuesday, Marco Rubio told CNBC's John Harwood that his massive tax cuts — ...

Hucksterbee Comes Out as Transgender
by finehoe on 2 Jun 2015   1 comment, latest 9 years ago
“Now I wish that someone told me that when I was in high school that I could have felt like a woman when it came time to take showers ...

Havana Real Estate
by finehoe on 26 May 2015   1 comment, latest 9 years ago
New investors are transforming tattered properties into boutique hotels before an American tourist surge hits. Significant restrictions remain. Cubans are limited to one property in the city and one ...

China & India Overtake Mexico for Inflow of Foreign-Born US Residents
by finehoe on 13 May 2015   Posted 9 years ago
In 2013, China became the top sending country for immigrants to the United States, replacing Mexico. This followed a decade where immigration from China increased while immigration from Mexico ...

Where Homes Are Moving Fastest
by finehoe on 20 Apr 2015   Posted 9 years ago
California may indeed be the Golden State. Eight of the 10 fastest-moving housing markets are there, and homes are selling much faster than in the Northeast, South, and Midwest. ...

Government Debt Too Low
by finehoe on 10 Apr 2015   7 comments, latest 9 years ago
Brad DeLong argues that governments have historically not had enough debt, and should have more. Why? Because, he says, r-g — the difference between the real rate of interest ...

Rand Paul Dumps Libertarianism to Court Religious Nut Vote
by finehoe on 6 Apr 2015   13 comments, latest 9 years ago
Paul has been trying to find common cause with evangelical Christian voters, who have been skeptical of and even hostile toward the energized libertarian element of the GOP. “The ...

Jeb Bush Assembles Hack Economic Team
by finehoe on 1 Apr 2015   3 comments, latest 9 years ago
According to Reuters, Bush is leaning on Glenn Hubbard and Kevin Warsh. Hubbard was a paid witness for Countrywide — years after the abuses of subprime lending had become ...

Republicans Admit Benghazi Fake "Scandal"
by finehoe on 22 Nov 2014   9 comments, latest 10 years ago
An investigation by the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee has concluded that the CIA and U.S. military responded appropriately to the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012, ...

Sick People and the Innocent Insurance Companies They Defraud
by finehoe on 6 Dec 2013   1 comment, latest 11 years ago
Georgia Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens is no friend of the Affordable Care Act, and he recently opened up a new front of attack on an aspect of the law ...

Teabagger Districts Poorer with More Unemployment
by finehoe on 29 Oct 2013   17 comments, latest 11 years ago
On average, the economy in the districts those Republicans represent is significantly worse than it is in the nation at large. The median income in those districts last year ...

Republicans are delusional about US spending and deficits
by finehoe on 16 Oct 2013   201 comments, latest 11 years ago
The story of out-of-control debts and deficits is just plain wrong. Less polite people would call it a lie, but it stands at the center of the public debate ...

Teabagger Insult Generator
by finehoe on 18 Oct 2013   3 comments, latest 11 years ago
From actual insults posted on John Boner's Facebook wall.

The Truth About the Deficit
by finehoe on 17 Oct 2013   Posted 11 years ago
If you are truly concerned about deficit, then what you must do is (eventually) raise taxes and cut spending — that is how you balance the budget. Current deficit ...

Obamacare Isnt Causing an Increase in Part-Time Employment, in One Chart
by finehoe on 6 Oct 2013   1 comment, latest 11 years ago #politics

Understanding Today's GOP
by finehoe on 4 Oct 2013   8 comments, latest 11 years ago
You have to see the bigger cultural and religious picture when analyzing what has happened to American conservatism these past two decades or so. The bewildering economic and social ...

CEO Frauds
by finehoe on 31 Aug 2013   Posted 11 years ago
How Highly Paid CEOs Rip Off Their Companies and the Public Via Fraud and Walk Away With Their Pockets Bulging Just one example of a corporate culture that rewards ...

Turnaround in D.C. area
by finehoe on 31 Aug 2013   Posted 11 years ago
For Washington area, real estate market turnaround is in full swing Five years after the housing market collapsed, sending the economy tumbling with it, here’s what recovery in the ...

Classy Conservatives
by finehoe on 20 Aug 2013   94 comments, latest 11 years ago
Gay Vet Who Lost His Leg In Iraq Is Booed For Supporting San Antonio Nondiscrimination Bill Eric Alva, a gay Marine veteran who lost a leg while serving in ...

GAO: U.S. Corporate Tax Rate is 12.6%
by finehoe on 1 Jul 2013   Posted 11 years ago
"Profitable U.S. corporations paid an average federal effective tax rate of 12.6 percent in 2010, less than half the statutory rate of 35 percent, according to a study released ...

Home prices post biggest increase in 7 years
by finehoe on 28 May 2013   1 comment, latest 11 years ago
Home prices increased at the fastest rate in seven years, jumping 10.9 percent in March, according to data released Tuesday, as buyers continued to compete for a limited supply ...
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