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"(Obamacare) falls of its own weight if basically the cost becomes more than we can absorb," Manchin said on CNN's "State of the Union."
It's a false flag, Obamacare is being detonated at the base by fake terrorists and will collapse symmetrically.
It's a false flag....
I wonder if Obamacare could be redirected to Iraq? Reportedly, they need healthcare, and were promised American help. It would be interesting to see what would happen if we sent them Obamacare, instead.
It's a false flag....
I wonder if Obamacare could be redirected to Iraq? Reportedly, they need healthcare, and were promised American help. It would be interesting to see what would happen if we sent them Obamacare, instead.
I didn't think you were so heartless.
Maybe Obamacare can be incorporated at Guantanamo as part of their interrogation procedures.
So REP/CON/TEA's loved ones,especially children & grandchildren, can't get pre-existing coverage.Free market,Citizens United,Corporations are people too health insurance companies should not be forced by Big Govt.regulation to cover this crap.
These assholes should not have gotten sick. If they are sick they can pay cash like True Patriots.