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They'll just funnel it through some other financial gimmick. Where do I sign up for a $5.5 billion check for failing?
They'll just funnel it through some other financial gimmick. Where do I sign up for a $5.5 billion check for failing?
The Affordable Care Act (aka: Obamacare) mainly because the original budget that was sold to Congress (which no Republican voted Yes for) was based on no delays and exemptions. Additionally it will fail because a lot of the younger voters (i.e., Obama's base) will opt out and not sign up for insurance.
So the Dems will propose the only solution to this is a single payer system (i.e., Canada). Then that will fail and the Dems will propose nationalizing the entire healthcare system such as Doctors will be paid government salaries (i.e., United Kingdom).
No bailout for Obamacare. Let me think ...
Yeah, and pigs fly too. Oh wait, I see a unicorn over there and the tooth fairy leaves $100,000. Yup, just like that.
Maybe Canada will trade their healthcare system for Obamacare, even steven.
They'll just funnel it through some other financial gimmick. Where do I sign up for a $5.5 billion check for failing?
Put me down for that, too.
Yesterday, Bloomberg News health-care reporter Alex Wayne noticed that the new White House budget includes $5.5 billion in potential payments to insurance companies that suffer losses under Obamacare—a scenario that Republicans such as Florida Senator Marco Rubio have branded a “bailout.â€