Ideas for 2016 GOP Platform

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2014 Mar 22, 9:23am   1,910 views  8 comments

by Bellingham Bill   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


1. Rename Labor Day to Free Enterprise Day

2. . . .

ah, Poe's Law hits


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1   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 22, 12:12pm  

Ideas for 2016. anyone is better than this...

There's actually a precedence, so enjoy your shit sandwich.

2   Homeboy   2014 Mar 22, 4:02pm  

13. Propose a law requiring that all women be raped and then forced to carry the child to term.

14. Death penalty for gays.

15. All people with brown skin immediately deported to Mexico, whether U.S. citizens or not.

16. All U.S. parks and forest reserves should be given to the 10 richest men in America so they can plunder the land for their own financial gain.

17. All U.S. residents required to vow complete allegiance to Jesus or be summarily executed.

18. Abolish minimum wage.

19. Reinstitute child labor.

3   HEY YOU   2014 Mar 22, 4:50pm  

Maybe they could just STFU,NOW.

4   marcus   2014 Mar 22, 9:02pm  

20. Outlaw Marijuana, but make prescription medications mandatory.

21. Finally define marriage in clear detail before the liberals start marrying animals.

22. Initiate new legislation guaranteeing that the 1% get 90% of GDP.

23. Bring back slavery.

24. Declare Pi to be equal to exactly 3, and outlaw global warming. Better still decree and make law that global warming is a natural phenomenon that has always occurred and that Man can have no impact on.

26. Bring back the gold standard and outlaw inflation except rising oil, stock and precious metals prices are fine.

27. MAke semi-automatic gun ownership mandatory for all citizens.

5   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 23, 1:25am  

Rand Paul is better is this!

...nuff said...

6   marcus   2014 Mar 23, 6:25am  

28. Declare Christianity to be our national religion and end the so called "separation of church and state."

29. Close all public schools and replace them all with private, preferably Christian schools.

30. Make it open season on shooting children of color, that is if they are seen wearing fashion that indicates they are obviously criminals or may eventually be criminals. In others words, make Florida's gun laws national.

31. Repeal all EPA laws, and end the EPA for that matter. God gave us our environment to destroy as we please (since good Christians all know that rapture will occur before we finish using up the world anyway).

32. Declare ignorance to be good and facts to be the devils work. Set up special police units to hunt down those who spread facts that have not been sanctioned as true by the GOP. Schools will have list of acceptable facts to teach, and schools risk losing their accreditation if they don't teach that evolution is false and that God created our world 6000 years ago.

33. End Net neutrality. It's too dangerous to have it open and free, and too costly to chase down all the fact peddlers if the internet stays open as it is now.

34. Make Fox News the ministry of News and information. They will be the arbiters of what is fact and what is not. That is, it will become official.

7   Homeboy   2014 Mar 23, 6:34am  

marcus says

34. Make Fox News the ministry of News and information.

I thought it was.

8   Ceffer   2014 Mar 23, 11:18am  

40. Mandate that MillXYers, even with Phds and massive amounts of student debt, can only get jobs as golf cart mechanics and changing diapers for baby boomers.

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