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Social Security doesn't even cover the cost of diapers any more.
Increase Social Security by 300 percent retroactive to the year 2000!
Time for boomers to sell and move on?
Time for boomers to sell DIE and move on (to the next life)?
There, fixed it for you
What kind of person wishes a very large group of Americans with average age in the mid to late 50s would just die ?
What kind of person wishes a very large group of Americans with average age in the mid to late 50s would just die ?
I can't think of a downside. Boomers are spared the misery of a hardscrabble existence as seniors, and everyone else is spared supporting them.
It's not like the average boomer would survive the canibal anarchy anyway.
I'm at the tail end of the boomers and I love my life.
Went for the physical, and Dr. Scott made me bend over and shoved the dreaded finger up my ass. He asked if I had trouble getting an erection? LOL, I get too many too easily.
You wants a good life....
1. Lots of sex.
2. Eat healthy.
3. Exercise daily.
4. Drink red wine.
5. Meditate to reduce stress - it works.
6. Travel.
7. Work.
I can't think of a downside
Why am I not surprised ?
Is this what it means to be a good American these days ? Wishing an entire huge group would just fuck off and die ?
Are you by any chance a republican ?
He asked if I had trouble getting an erection?
He was trying to make his Viagra/Levitra Rx quota to get comped a fully paid Bermuda vacation by Big Pharma.
You and your hard ons are just party poopers.
Is this what it means to be a good American these days ?
Sadly, I believe you mean it. What a hateful little sad excuse for a human you are.
Me thinks that it is going to change in unexpected ways and all your whining is going to be for not. Your future is created by YOU, blame is absurd.
And when it does go broke I will say its not my problem and i will tell people its not their problem either. Because as you pointed out it is the future they created for themselves and if they should have planned ahead.
Unexpected is a two way street, if you think that only the boomers are gong to be adversely affected think again.
wow u simple fuck never heard of cremation?
jojo says
Hahahaha! Its a race against time.... To be in the ground before the system collapses.
You are fucked up.
If you have this much time to spend whining and spend this much time away from work you would do well to quit blaming and start working.
"Boomers have nothing to fear: we own you; we'll mortgage you and you'll let us because you're such victims it makes sense to you. You're like the beggars who really take their craft to heart, and mutilate their faces and lie face up in the sun, making themselves as grotesque as possible. But beyond that (which you've already undertaken, obviously) you should turn your attention to exploiting the generation that follows you. Eventually, and it will take longer with dim bulbs like you, the light will dawn and you'll become us. The longer you wait the more wretched you become. We'll watch. It's entertaining. In the meantime, I'm rich and it sucks to be you."
Awesome! How more self-incriminating could a boomer be? Why are you rich? You think you worked harder than other generations, don't you? You think you deserve what you got. You were smarter, faster, more motivated, more dedicated, yada, yada, yada... All the crap the boomers tell themselves when they can't reconcile why they did so well in their lives, and other generations all around them (younger and older), seem to be having a harder time of it.
In boomerland: Let me just take power of attorney for my parents, they really don't need all that wealth or property in that old folks home anyway -- I deserve it! And my children don't need any help from me either-- if they can't make it, it just means they are lazy and stupid. I didn't get help from my parents, so I refuse to help my kids now. And that means: Woohoo! I am a rich Boomer! I am so smart and deserving!
That is a defining attribute of your world: bitterness
Why do you think Gen Xers are bitter? Do you think we just woke up one day and the entire generation decided to be bitter? No, it is because we got screwed in the arse by the preceding generation!
Reconciliation is not for losers, it is for people who care about each other. I am not surprised you do not understand this. A self-absorbed, self-centered generation never thinks about reconciliation.
You will not understand the beef the Gen X generation has with the Boomers. You are in the mentality of "I pulled myself up by own bootstraps, so you need to do the same", no matter the contradicting evidence that you worked no harder, no longer, no smarter than the Gen Xer beside you.
I am writing this not just to vent my frustrations with the boomers not taking a shred of responsibility for the mess they've created after being handed life on a silver platter, but for all in my generation who are F#\*+= over.
Nice to see that little Bitch ass Punk is still at it, making friends and influencing people.
JoJo must have been a baby when his brothers were in their 20's and 30's. They resented him, because their parents no longer had any resources to bail them out of their 20 and 30 year old life's crisis.
By time he was like 12 and ten, he'd cry out loud every time a sibling said or did something he didn't like, and would initiate the mighty rage of his doting parents down on the siblings to throw them out during the Thanksgiving dinner.
There is a difference between sitting in unknown victimhood or being too afraid to speak out, and knowing you are victim and exactly who victimized you, then calling them out.
I am calling a spade a spade. Everyone needs to know where the Boomer generation has failed subsequent generations. Are they 100% percent to blame? Of course not. Many corrupt systems were already set into place before your generation was a twinkle in your post WWII parent's eyes.
What irks me is how the boomer generation sits there on their piles, insisting they deserved it more than the other generations and whenever confronted defensive and blaming.
All I feel entitled to is Boomers getting out of defensive-blaming (you deserve your poverty, -- you must not be working hard enough!) mode and start to change things! Work with the gen x and millennials. You've got this huge big segment of the population entirely focused on their own needs but you can start to care about your kids and future grand kids. For ex. Why aren't Boomers out en masse fighting high house prices, demanding that their children have a chance to also purchase a home to live in?
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
They'll never sell for less than 10x. They're *owed* for sitting around their shacks and looking out the window for years and beating off.
That doesn't pay so well these days,,,,lemme tell you
Sure, we all work hard and try to better ourselves but don't believe for a second that a large part of that (better than 50%) is not luck. Otherwise, you are giving yourself way too much credit.
If you think "luck" is going to get you to the promise land, you better go out and load up on lottery tickets...
Luck DIDN'T get me to where I am now... I can guarantee I've put in twice as many hours working then you and INDY combined!! The same goes for my wife, we've busted our asses to get to this point, something your generation REFUSES to do, you just want it handed to you..
Your generation does a great job of whining about it, instead of "grabbing the bootstraps" and making it happen...
That's the difference between the Boomers and Gen X and Y..
Just because you and your wife wasted your lives over working, and under parenting, has resulted in your kids being whiny little turds, doesn't mean that's the same story for everyone else
Where's my "Welcome to Walmart", and "Have a nice day" Grandpa?
"What will you do if I never apologize for or undertake to reconcile the past? That's the only question that matters, because that's the only condition on which your volition bears. Stop asking things, anything of me. Just stop it, and set upon yourself a course of action. Ignore me. Ask yourself: what is to be done. If you can do that you won't have to even speak to me."
I actually find your comment quite amusing. You actually think this is all about you! How very Boomer-like!
Sorry SBH, this is not about you, nor is this about me. We are merely the proxies for our generation. This is about waking people up from a deep sleep.
I can't believe the "fuck you, I'm not going to war; here try this joint; I fucking LOVE coke; I'm not paying taxes; gas is too expensive lets bomb some brown people; I can't believe he got a blowjob; shit mom and dad are dying and the government is taking too much of their shit from ME; fuck you, you are going to war; help me, my 401(k) is crashing; these fucking kids elected this black guy - lets burn this fucker down; hell no queers can't get married" generation hasn't turned into the "my bad, let me get out of the way and let you kids run things" generation yet.
Really shocking.
Enjoy Alzheimer's dipshits.
You have power enough to save your wretched skin, but it's down to you. It starts with you ceasing to look at anyone but yourself for a plan.
Excuse me. Everyday I work my ass off to save my skin from Boomers like you.
So why didn't you make enough babies?
How can you not know this?
Two reasons:
Both women and men are working to survive -- not enough time or energy.
Children are expensive and unaffordable.
Personal example: My Gen X friend is obsessed with playing the state lottery so she can have a 2nd baby if she wins. Both her and her husband are full-time professionals - she is a public school teacher and he works in TV. No lottery win=no baby.
There you go... Typical Gen-X mentality.... Want somebody else to provide for them (lottery) instead of doing it themselves...
Right...did you your generation have to have two college educated full-time working parents to afford to have one child? And not be able to afford a second child?