Some women buying used pregnancy tests to entrap men

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2014 May 18, 2:32pm   39,554 views  112 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

An unmarried and undecided man is on his way home when he receives a phone call from his girlfriend. They've been dating on and off for many months now; she wants a commitment. He's undecided. When he hears her voice come through the line, it's unsteady, but giddy with excitement. For a month now, she has thought of ways to make him want a more committed relationship -- hoping he'd propose. Instead, he's been nonchalant.

This has made her feel unwanted, especially when he goes out for the weekend without her. Desperate to end the tug-of-war game, she's thought up a way to corner him. She is hoping that the big news of a baby on the way will make him think more about their future together.

There's only one way to find out... Her voice comes through the phone a little nervous, yet excited, saying "I'm pregnant." He pauses, as the unexpected news fills his ears.

Little does he know, she had found a positive pregnancy test for sale online... Little does he know, his own girlfriend went behind his back to con him into believing she is pregnant...

Women buying positive pregnancy tests online, coercing their boyfriends
As CBS 2's Alice Gainer reports, this is a growing trend in relationships today. More women are buying up positive pregnancy tests online to entrap their boyfriends into thinking they are expecting a baby. In hopes of cornering their man into a more committed relationship, women are coercing their men with these faked tests. In fact, used positive pregnancy tests can be found all over the internet, at places like Craigslist, up for sale for $20 to $40 apiece.

An unidentified mother from Dallas, Texas, is actually hoping women buy her positive pregnancy tests. One of her buyers even talked openly about her plot to entrap her boyfriend.

"She wanted to trick him into thinking she was pregnant, so he would drop everything so I gave her two tests," the Dallas seller said. "Ninety-five percent of the girls just want to lie to get a man."

Another ad on Craigslist from New Jersey stated up front, "I am pregnant and will sell you a positive pregnancy test. These will be taken right before you're ready to pick them up. Wanna get your boyfriend to finally pop the question? Play a trick on mom, dad or one of your friends? I really don't care what you use it for."

One woman from Buffalo got into business selling positive pregnancy tests after several people she knew requested buying them from her: "Ever since I became pregnant, I have been asked numerous times for a positive test, so I decided to start charging for it! I will test the same day you want to pick it up! I don't care what you use it for, not my business!"

Women acting on impulses destroy what their heart really wants
Using a phony pregnancy test to entrap a man into a more committed relationship is destined to spell disaster down the long haul, reaping mistrust. Women who act in desperation in this way are thinking impulsively and are actually acting out in a counterproductive manner. Their hasty trap may ultimately deprive them of what they really want down the road -- a stable, long-lasting relationship.

Relationship expert Dr. Jane Greer spoke out about the relationship tactic, stating that this method of coercion is a bad sign for the future.

"If you're buying one of these, it really is a statement that you're not on solid ground with the person you are in a relationship," Greer said.

Tests used for blackmail
Other reasons for selling positive pregnancy tests can be practically harmless or even more sinister.
"One girl said she just wanted to play a trick on her mom," said the Dallas seller.

But in other cases, authorities warn of jealous, home-wrecking scenarios.

An Overland Park, Kansas, police officer, Gary Mason, spoke with CBS 2: "For example, if a married man is having an affair and he tried to break it off with the girl, and she became upset and decided to present this fake pregnancy test and demand money, otherwise she would tell the spouse. That would be a level of blackmail."


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26   Ceffer   2014 May 19, 2:58am  

Men are designed to keep as many women as possible brimming with sperm at at all times.

The fact that the women have the audacity to become pregnant is, well, unnatural.

27   clambo   2014 May 19, 3:05am  

One of the illegal alien females I know had a fight with her boyfriend. So, she had a one time fling with a guy from the gummy bear factory on the west side to get "revenge".

The poor slob knocked her up. So he's paying her $400 per month on his gummy bear factory job. I bet he's depressed.

So this guy's one time experience with the "hot tamale" will cost him $86,400 at least.

I don't get it, the proper technique is shown in numerous educational videos called "porn". He should have watched "Cream Rinse" first.

28   corntrollio   2014 May 19, 3:17am  

clambo says

I don't get it, the proper technique is shown in numerous educational videos

In this day and age, when people are paying 5-figures to get pregnant, most people getting pregnant accidentally must be morons. It's really not that hard or expensive to avoid, and it's the people who can afford it the least who are not thinking long-term about this.

There is a cultural divide here between low income/uneducated people and higher income/higher educated people on children. The high income/education group thinks of child-raising as a larger burden, that children are for when you settle down, that the child must be raised properly or not at all, and that having a child may require a sacrifice to other parts of your life. The low income/educated people don't see children as an impediment to their life and think they only need to get married when they "settle down," but you can have children before you settle down -- hence all the unmarried parents. This split attitude towards children only makes the rich richer and the poor poorer, all from their own doing.

By the way, for those of you in relationships where you've already had one kid that's currently being breast-fed, don't trust the minipill as birth control -- failure rate is huge.

turtledove says

In this country, we pretty much pad child support so that it's tax-free alimony that's flown under the flag of child support.

The way to avoid it is joint custody in some states, actually. One way to get fake pregnancy women to back off is to say that you won't marry her and that you will seek joint custody of the child so that they get no child support.

Btw, if you are dating a nurse, they may be able to get a fake ultrasound too -- actual story I heard. That guy actually threatened to seek full custody while not marrying her.

29   turtledove   2014 May 19, 3:22am  

thunderlips11 says

Do men get primary custody 50% of the time? Do men get a 50% of the vote in whether to keep, adopt out, or have an abortion?

If support were limited to needs, of which both parents were responsible for providing half, none of this would be such an issue. The rest would boil down to making good partner choices. Unfortunately, it's about providing a lot more than needs and the responsibility falls on the party with no rights to self-determine the outcome unless he sterilizes himself. You guys were blindsided by laws that are stacked squarely against you.

Can you imagine if women were faced with such a choice....? Sterilize themselves OR be forced to have a child they don't want and assume all financial responsibility, while someone else decides how the money is to be used -- in the child's best interest? Women would be screaming in the streets if that were the case.

It's very wrong and profoundly unfair. So why aren't you guys fighting harder? Women would be. I suppose when all our sons are of reproductive age, more women will lend you their support. Watch out, though. It could just as easily become law that you are also on the hook for your son's mistakes. Remember, it's in the best interests of the child to have support from those with the greatest ability to pay. Our newest crop of young men don't have the ability to pay. But you might. Consider yourselves warned! :)

30   Strategist   2014 May 19, 3:35am  

turtledove says

It's very wrong and profoundly unfair. So why aren't you guys fighting harder? Women would be. I suppose when all our sons are of reproductive age, more women will lend you their support. Watch out, though. It could just as easily become law that you are also on the hook for your son's mistakes. Remember, it's in the best interests of the child to have support from those with the greatest ability to pay. Our newest crop of young men don't have the ability to pay. But you might. Consider yourselves warned! :)

No doubt the child comes first. It is your flesh and blood, and not wanting the baby is not the baby's fault. This baby deserves a full time father, but you will probably not be able to deliver on that. The least you can do is to pay your fair share.

31   anonymous   2014 May 19, 3:48am  

Men should be given the choice to foot half the bill for an abortion, or be absolved of any potential future costs. Have those desires notarized, and if some piece of shit worthless judge, with the prison and probate system waiting in the wings for their windfall, stakes claim otherwise,,,,,prepare your gaitling gun

32   clambo   2014 May 19, 3:56am  

So what country would you buy citizenship to in order to escape paying child support?

Enquiring minds want to know.

It's not "personal", I wanna know in case I need to become a "Clairian" of planet Claire also.

Let me guess: Haiti or Bangladesh?

After all, a "man with money" should protect himself at all times, ha ha, you're too much.
Oh, now it's just murder like Blake did? That's not financially wise, lawyers cost more than the child support.

Keep giving us the benefit of your wisdom, we are all ears.

33   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 May 19, 4:06am  

turtledove says

So why aren't you guys fighting harder?

I dunno.

My guess is that middle class white guys don't see themselves as victims, and guys like to be seen as "in control". There are MRAs, but some of them are the male equivalent of Rad Fems, just at the other extreme.

At least it's not as bad as Britain in the 19th Century. There was a time when the head of household was responsible for his unwed sisters actions AND debts, so an alcoholic spinster could gamble away the family's entire fortune, and his kids and wife and he himself would end up in the Workhouse. He could neither restrain his alcoholic sister financially, physically, etc. but had to pay for all the mistakes and debts.

34   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 May 19, 4:10am  

turtledove says

My husband has paid three-quarter's of a million dollars in court-ordered child support for two kids over the last twelve years. When the oldest started college two years ago, she told him there was no money.

We could make child support based on reimbursements, rather than a set fee the woman has total control of.

"$300 for hair coloring at Wonder Day Spa? Janet is only 9 years old!"
"That was me. My new boyfriend and I---."
"I'm not paying for that. This is child support, not adult support."


"$300 for hair coloring at Wonder Day Spa?"
"Janet's Prom, she's 17 you know"
"*SIGH* Fine."

35   turtledove   2014 May 19, 4:17am  

clambo says

Turtledove's story is amazing.

You realize that I am NOT the ex-wife, right? If I had received the money she had, I'm pretty sure I'd have two dimes to rub together to contribute to my child's education.

clambo says

Did he pay for your "premium" Patrick account or did you?

I know, I know. $5/month... I'm like a princess!

36   Heraclitusstudent   2014 May 19, 4:25am  

turtledove says

So why aren't you guys fighting harder? Women would be.

We don't like to whine (except anonymously online).

We should recruit deprived second wives to do it for us.

37   NDrLoR   2014 May 19, 4:29am  

SoftShell says

The story loses it's 'funnyness' when you realize the guy is just porking a piece of meat, no love involved.

A sad legacy of the now 45 year old sexual revolution.

38   turtledove   2014 May 19, 4:32am  

thunderlips11 says

We could make child support based on reimbursements, rather than a set fee the woman has total control of.

We tried so hard to include expense accounting in the new law. I think the issue is the practicality of having to treat each and every child support case as a unique situation. With standard rates, you simplify the cases a bit. Even though the amounts were reduced, you still had padding. For example, 7% of the GA support amount was for activities. This gets back to needs v. wants. Activities for children shouldn't be a part of the c/s calculation. It's just not a need. Do we force parents in intact marriages to pay a set amount for activities? Of course not. But when it comes to c/s, there is a portion that is allotted for such things.... whether the custodial parent chooses to spend it on activities for the kids, or not.

39   Y   2014 May 19, 4:46am  

Enjoy your watermelon.

P N Dr Lo R says

SoftShell says

The story loses it's 'funnyness' when you realize the guy is just porking a piece of meat, no love involved.

A sad legacy of the now 45 year old sexual revolution.

40   dublin hillz   2014 May 19, 4:51am  

All I can say is that I am fortunate to have met my wife back when I was in college back in my early 20s. The things I hear about the dating scene from the people in their 30s and 40s are sickening to say the least. It's like gangsta rap - "watch your back or u might get smoked!"

41   anonymous   2014 May 19, 5:02am  

dublin hillz says

All I can say is that I am fortunate to have met my wife back when I was in college back in my early 20s. The things I hear about the dating scene from the people in their 30s and 40s are sickening to say the least. It's like gangsta rap - "watch your back or u might get smoked!"

Better to get smoked, than burnt,,,nigga!

42   anonymous   2014 May 19, 5:03am  

If a woman pulls this stunt, and the man reacts with a swift kick to her uterus, destroying the fetus, could he claim financial self defense

43   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 May 19, 6:36am  

dublin hillz says

It's like gangsta rap - "watch your back or u might get smoked!"

I heard at that point, people are searching for a "Nurse with a Purse"

44   Dan8267   2014 May 19, 6:47am  

ah, your fallacy there is the assumption that women are turned on by stable and reliable companions. they are not. such men may be the best economic choice, but it's not just about economics.

Agreed. I was speaking in terms of what criteria women should use to select mates, not what they actually use.

The problem is that we're all still running Cromag v 1.0, which was fine in the Stone Age when there were no laws and dominate men would simply kill their sexual competition and take the women they want by force or not.

The thing is, we now live in the Information Age. And that changes what makes a good male mate, but not what makes a good female mate.

In the Stone Age, aggressive alpha males ruled. But today, they end up in prison. The ability to write a web service is far more valuable than the ability to run down an antelope. But women still have the same preferences as their Stone Age ancestors, but those preferences are bad today.

Men also want in a female mate what their Stone Age ancestors wanted, but these things are just as good today as they were back then. Men want women who are: young, fertile, faithful, and nurturing to children. All those things are as important now as they were in the Stone Age.

45   Dan8267   2014 May 19, 6:50am  

Heraclitusstudent says

Women are biologically wired to look for resourceful men.

I have no problem with that. That is a good instinct because children, even today, are expensive. They require lots of resources to raise.

But the instinct to look for a bad boy is highly counterproductive today.

And I agree that the family court system has become corrupt and anti-male, and I submit that this is the real reason heterosexual marriage rates have declined dramatically. It's not the gays; it's the divorce lawyers.

46   turtledove   2014 May 19, 6:58am  

I always found smart, competent guys to be the most attractive. You have to be smart to be funny. And a razor sharp sense of humor is an extremely attractive quality in a man.

47   Heraclitusstudent   2014 May 19, 7:28am  

Dan8267 says

But the instinct to look for a bad boy is highly counterproductive today.

So you say: High Testosterone men still perform better on many tasks, including athletic but also some intellectual tasks:



They are generally more effective leaders:

They must have a better immune system to survive:

Of course they may be prone to cheating and so not as good fathers.

You can't blame women for liking them. Evolution is an on-going process.

48   Reality   2014 May 19, 7:32am  

Am I missing something? The average child support payment in this country is only $350/mo. Sucks for the idiot moms who get themselves pregnant by slackers, and more importantly pity the lives of their spawn. Legally mandated support for one child tops out around $2000/mo even if you make more than 10 times that amount. That's not a lot of money. I voluntarily pay my ex wife more than double the court mandate. If some pretty young thing wants to get pregnant in exchange for a $2k/mo tax free cash subsidy, send me your number, and let's talk.

49   Sam1000   2014 May 19, 7:42am  

am I missing something here? how can a woman "entrap" a man by buying a positive test? Wouldn't the man find out in a few months that she lied? When he does she and her false commitment that she extracted will be out with the trash...

50   Shaman   2014 May 19, 7:52am  

My sister makes more money than her ex, and so she pays him support of like $1200 a month. That's for two kids, and she has 50% custody.
It does go both ways. She wasn't one of those ladies looking for a man with a good job, someone who can support himself and more. So she got a loser who she had to support. Took her a while to wise up, but her next husband makes more than I do.
1) don't marry a loser, male or female
2) child support is figured equally, and the least part of a parent's responsibility to their offspring .
3) alimony is criminal, I don't support that at all.

51   corntrollio   2014 May 19, 7:55am  

Sam1000 says

am I missing something here? how can a woman "entrap" a man by buying a positive test? Wouldn't the man find out in a few months that she lied?

Depends. For example, it could induce marriage. She could also have a fake miscarriage, which happens in a large number of pregnancies anyway. Also, maybe they stop using any sort of birth control because "she's already knocked up" so then she really does get pregnant and has a "late-arriving" baby.

The reality is that the type of women who do this are probably low income/low educated types who are also dating similar men. Think Jerry Springer stuff. They may not be able to afford a lot of prenatal care anyway, so it's not like they are going to 2-3 ultrasounds or anything before the kid is born.

The other option is that the man they are dating does have money, and they are just trying to extort money from the situation -- e.g. give me 20 grand to go away. Or give me $10K to have an abortion and deal with the trauma. Still done by gold digger trash, of course. The ruse isn't particularly sophisticated because the people engaging in it aren't particularly sophisticated.

52   Reality   2014 May 19, 8:48am  

Yes, the general rules should be:

1. If you can't afford to pay child support out of your after - tax income, don't screw around;

2. If state child support formula applied to the given prospect is inadequate for you to live as single parent, find a better prospect before putting out.

Fairly simple concepts for safety put options before plunging into the positions.

53   turtledove   2014 May 19, 8:49am  

Reality says

Am I missing something? The average child support payment in this country is only $350/mo. Sucks for the idiot moms who get themselves pregnant by slackers, and more importantly pity the lives of their spawn. Legally mandated support for one child tops out around $2000/mo even if you make more than 10 times that amount. That's not a lot of money. I voluntarily pay my ex wife more than double the court mandate. If some pretty young thing wants to get pregnant in exchange for a $2k/mo tax free cash subsidy, send me your number, and let's talk.

Yes, you're missing a couple of things. First, child support varies from state to state. It is false to say that child support tops out at any particular number. Even if the tables only go so high, extraordinary income will also be factored in. For a man making $100k/year, paying $500/month for family health insurance, with two children and an ex-wife who doesn't work, selected states calculate as follows:

California: $2,112
Georgia: Between $1955 and $2380
Florida: $1737

Now let's see what happens when you make $200k/year:

Florida: $2664
Georgia: between $3841 and $4676

These calculations are from the alllaw calculator:


Extraordinary income which is typically anything above $250-300k depending on the state is handled at the discretion of the judge. In my experience, they aren't particularly kind.

Saying that the average child support payment is $350 is like saying the average house in the US costs $150k. It doesn't mean much.

54   Reality   2014 May 19, 8:58am  

The difference in numbers was due to my assumption of one child, and your calculation using two children. I presumed that a guy unwillingly made a father once by a woman (as in the con job illustrated in the title post) would not allow that to happen again with the same woman. Twin births are rare.

55   turtledove   2014 May 19, 9:40am  

Reality says

The difference in numbers was due to my assumption of one child, and your calculation using two children.

Okay, we can assume one child, $100k/year income, and $500/month for family health insurance paid by non-custodial parent. You might be surprised to learn that the support amounts aren't half.

California: $1375
Florida: $1121
Georgia: between $1445 and $1955

Now, let's look at $200k/year in salary:

California: $2047
Florida: $1747
Georgia: between $2839 and $3841

The better a job you have the tougher it is when it comes to non-payment. You guys with good jobs are a Child Support Enforcement agent's favorite kind. For the dollars they collect, they can get federal matching funds... So they like to go after the guys with solid jobs because you are easy to find and your income is easily garnished.

56   storm1   2014 May 19, 9:42am  

Reality says

Hypothetical question: if your dear husband had an extramarital affair and produced a child, would you prefer paying that other woman $2000/mo to make them go away, or fight to have your husband be the custodial parent and probably you adopting the child yourself . . . Or take a really sharp knife and castrate the ducky? LOL. Assuming the third option is not available, I'd be curious about the answer from the both of you. I divorced my ex wife because I did not wish to potentially put her up to the dilemma while we were still married. So a divorce would free me up to pursue girls half my age, and her having flings with guys too.

I would appreciate the opportunity to fight for the right to have our household assume the care and custody of the minor child. No castration option would be considered!
I think most American women would divorce their husband under your hypo, though. So I admit that I am different than a lot of women this way.

57   corntrollio   2014 May 19, 9:59am  

turtledove says

The better a job you have the tougher it is when it comes to non-payment. You guys with good jobs are a Child Support Enforcement agent's favorite kind. For the dollars they collect, they can get federal matching funds... So they like to go after the guys with solid jobs because you are easy to find and your income is easily garnished.

That's generally true in the collections business. A collections agency is more likely to go after $300 from a doctor than $3000 from a guy who works at Starbucks.

58   corntrollio   2014 May 19, 10:04am  

turtledove says

We tried so hard to include expense accounting in the new law. I think the issue is the practicality of having to treat each and every child support case as a unique situation. With standard rates, you simplify the cases a bit. Even though the amounts were reduced, you still had padding. For example, 7% of the GA support amount was for activities.

I agree that this lack of expense accounting and the lack of individuality is rather lazy on the part of family courts. Child support should be treated as if it were a trust account for a child. If the money were in an actual trust, the trustee would be liable if the money was not used according to the terms of the trust, i.e. for the best interest of the child and for the basic needs of the child. The trustee, the custodial parent in this case, should be liable for any misspent funds and should have to account for all expenses spent on the child, just like they would if this were a trust fund.

The current system doesn't make sense, and it's because family courts are too lazy and incompetent to do it right.

59   Ceffer   2014 May 19, 10:34am  

Family law is run in the best interests of the lawyers. Plunder the marital estate and turn it into outlandish legal fees, make sure the divorce goes on forever to keep up the fee generator, get the parties to hate each other forever, and use the kids and the ex as a permanent boot lock on somebodies income.

60   Patrick   2014 May 19, 11:20am  

i can see that it's fair to support your own biological progeny if it was your choice/irresponsibility to create them and they are provably yours.

the part of our law that really horrifies me is that men can be forced to pay child support for children their wives conceive while cheating on them.

61   turtledove   2014 May 19, 11:40am  

corntrollio says

Child support should be treated as if it were a trust account for a child. If the money were in an actual trust, the trustee would be liable if the money was not used according to the terms of the trust, i.e. for the best interest of the child and for the basic needs of the child. The trustee, the custodial parent in this case, should be liable for any misspent funds and should have to account for all expenses spent on the child, just like they would if this were a trust fund.

Especially when they use specific expenses to justify additional dollars. In our case, she argued that she wanted to make sure that she had enough money so she could save for college. You would think that this would go nowhere, because it's a backdoor way of collecting post-majority support in a case where post-majority support was never court ordered. She got up on the stand and cried that she wasn't able to save for college. Of the three times she tried to get increases that was the only time her argument worked. You can imagine our genuine surprise when she tells her son, ten years later, that she doesn't have any money to give him for college. Oh the temptation to order a court transcript and give it to the son....

the part of our law that really horrifies me is that men can be forced to pay child support for children their wives conceive while cheating on them.

The presumption of paternity is horrifying. In my days of working on child support reform, I heard many horror stories, including guys who had paid for years, learned that they weren't the father and were still required to pay child support even though the child wasn't theirs. If the court decides it's in the child's best interest then you will continue to pay. Here I'm thinking you should be entitled to damages from the lying, cheating ex. Shows what I know.

62   turtledove   2014 May 19, 11:57am  

corntrollio says

The reality is that the type of women who do this are probably low income/low educated types who are also dating similar men.

And the smart ones will target guys like you. You are educated, you have good jobs, most of you are reasonably decent people... I can see how a young woman with a tough situation could see you as her meal ticket. She buys a positive test, tells you she's pregnant, gets you to marry her quickly, suffers a "miscarriage," and then gets pregnant for real. She treats you well enough so you don't suspect that you were the victim of anything.

Of course, crazy is hard to hide for very long. Eventually you divorce, and she is set for a long time. Certainly she's in a much better situation than she was before she met you. And don't worry, she'll be lining up her next meal ticket as soon as possible. Because she now has some money to throw around, she should be able to marry-up the second time around.

63   dublin hillz   2014 May 20, 2:15am  

turtledove says

I can see how a young woman with a tough situation could see you as her meal

You gotta wonder about the lack of thinking on the part of the dudes who are established that will get with chicks who are in a "tough situatiion." Social darwinism at work....

64   corntrollio   2014 May 20, 5:23am  

turtledove says

I can see how a young woman with a tough situation could see you as her meal ticket. She buys a positive test, tells you she's pregnant, gets you to marry her quickly, suffers a "miscarriage," and then gets pregnant for real. She treats you well enough so you don't suspect that you were the victim of anything.

Yes, this is why you have to verify things (again, see my anecdote of the resourceful nurse who managed to get a fake ultrasound), and why you should have more anal sex and less banal sex with women you don't trust.

Just as a practical matter, there's no reason to get married today just to have a kid with someone you don't know, and there's very little reason you can't wait a few months anyway. My old apartment building was right near a spot that was commonly used for wedding pictures, and you would see brides in all stages of pregnancy, including some that looked like their water might break during the photos. To be honest, some of them may have also gotten pregnant in that location in the first place.

65   Heraclitusstudent   2014 May 20, 8:17am  

If you are a lawmaker and you look at this problem, you realize a large part of young women are too silly to take their pills consistently, and as a result, children will be born in bad conditions.

So next you look at who is going to get stuck paying for this, and young (or not so young) men, innocent or not, are the perfect targets.

Crazy bitches are just unintended consequences.

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