For sale: Small South Dakota town, bar included

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2014 Jun 29, 1:29pm   4,777 views  19 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) — A businessman looking to invest more time in his traveling concession business is seeking a buyer for his rural, southwestern South Dakota town — for the price of $400,000.

Lance Benson is the sole owner of Swett, an unincorporated hamlet in Bennett County about two hours southeast of Rapid City. Benson — who bought the town in 1998, gave it to his ex-wife in their divorce and reclaimed it in 2012 — put the town on the market last week, according he told the Rapid City Journal (http://bit.ly/THGUQ7).


Comments 1 - 19 of 19        Search these comments

1   Strategist   2014 Jun 29, 1:44pm  


In the 1940s, the town had a population of 40 people, along with a post office, some houses and a grocery store. Over the years, ownership of the town concentrated to a single person until it wound up in Benson's hands about 16 years ago. Now, what remains is a bar, workshop, three trailers and a house, where Benson and his current wife live.

A bar without a bartender is not much use. I'll pass.

2   turtledove   2014 Jun 29, 1:59pm  

Yeah, but you could elect yourself the supreme leader and make up all your own ordinances. And the price per square foot blows away what you'll find here in CA.

3   Strategist   2014 Jun 29, 2:06pm  

turtledove says

Yeah, but you could elect yourself the supreme leader and make up all your own ordinances. And the price per square foot blows away what you'll find here in CA.

Don't I need slaves or something to be supreme leader? It's so hard to get slaves these days. They want minimum wages, can you believe that?
The condos I have in Ladera Ranch are worth more. Oh well. I think I'll stick around here and enjoy the weather. I go hiking everyday with my dog, don't think we could handle the snow.
I guess you get what you pay for.

4   lostand confused   2014 Jun 29, 4:25pm  

Hmm, I can buy the town, make myself Sheriff, make the speed limit 10mph and give speeding tickets to passerbys? 1000 speeding tickets at 100 bucks a month will net me 100k a month. Lots of Podunk towns do that anyways.

5   New Renter   2014 Jun 30, 1:28am  

lostand confused says

Hmm, I can buy the town, make myself Sheriff, make the speed limit 10mph and give speeding tickets to passerbys? 1000 speeding tickets at 100 bucks a month will net me 100k a month. Lots of Podunk towns do that anyways.

Sounds great until you get shot by a pissed off motorist. No backup, no emergency medical response.

Bye bye sheriff!

Strategist says


In the 1940s, the town had a population of 40 people, along with a post office, some houses and a grocery store. Over the years, ownership of the town concentrated to a single person until it wound up in Benson's hands about 16 years ago. Now, what remains is a bar, workshop, three trailers and a house, where Benson and his current wife live.


A bar without a bartender is not much use. I'll pass.

Easy solution, put one of these behind the bar:


If you want conversation set it up with a high speed link to a Mumbai call center.

Strategist says

Don't I need slaves or something to be supreme leader? It's so hard to get slaves these days. They want minimum wages, can you believe that?

Populate the town with robots. Rename the town Solaria


6   turtledove   2014 Jun 30, 2:45am  

New Renter says

Sounds great until you get shot by a pissed off motorist. No backup, no emergency medical response.

That's why you have to make your town super-cool, so you attract lots of like-minded individuals.

7   Strategist   2014 Jun 30, 2:57am  

turtledove says

New Renter says

Sounds great until you get shot by a pissed off motorist. No backup, no emergency medical response.

That's why you have to make your town super-cool, so you attract lots of like-minded individuals.

How about a nudist town? A whole town walking around naked. It would become a tourist hub.

8   lostand confused   2014 Jun 30, 3:21am  

Strategist says

turtledove says

New Renter says

Sounds great until you get shot by a pissed off motorist. No backup, no emergency medical response.

That's why you have to make your town super-cool, so you attract lots of like-minded individuals.

How about a nudist town? A whole town walking around naked. It would become a tourist hub.

In a South Dakota winter-that might be a bit tough to pull off.

9   lostand confused   2014 Jun 30, 3:21am  

New Renter says

Sounds great until you get shot by a pissed off motorist. No backup, no
emergency medical response.

Bye bye sheriff!

With that kinda payoff-maybe can get a few "deputies".

10   Ceffer   2014 Jun 30, 3:23am  

If you buy the town, then abolish real estate taxes, how can you become a public servant to steal from yourself?

The only thing that can save this town is gun running, smuggling, hookers and drugs. Maybe an amnesty town for Canadian refugees.

Hmm, there are no Canadian refugees, you would have to turn North America upside down.

11   turtledove   2014 Jun 30, 3:25am  

Strategist says

How about a nudist town? A whole town walking around naked. It would become a tourist hub.

That might hurt the family market... and you'd have to institute age limits and physical specifications, as no one wants to see the effects of 60+ years of gravity on the human body. Some things you just can't un-see. My vote is for keeping the clothes on.

However, we could make it so that in order to become a resident, you have to pass an IQ test with a minimum score of 120. Churches would be limited to those based on what can be proven using scientific methods and everyone's foremost right to freedom from religion... We could have a prisonless system... You're either violent, and we have ourselves a hangin... Or you're non-violent and you have to perform some kind of community service... (we'll have to bring back bills of attainder). And there's always exile and forfeiture of lands for the more stubborn non-violent criminals.

These are just off the top of my head.

12   Ceffer   2014 Jun 30, 3:34am  

Rename the town Deadwood and bring in some vicious cowboy thugs for a true west reality show.

13   FortWayne   2014 Jun 30, 3:57am  

turtledove says

Yeah, but you could elect yourself the supreme leader and make up all your own ordinances. And the price per square foot blows away what you'll find here in CA.

I hear in middle east you can just start your own country that way.

14   New Renter   2014 Jun 30, 4:46am  

turtledove says

Strategist says

How about a nudist town? A whole town walking around naked. It would become a tourist hub.

That might hurt the family market... and you'd have to institute age limits and physical specifications, as no one wants to see the effects of 60+ years of gravity on the human body. Some things you just can't un-see. My vote is for keeping the clothes on.

As a kid I spent time on the beaches in Northern Europe. There were a lot more grannies than hotties. I'm still traumatized.

turtledove says

However, we could make it so that in order to become a resident, you have to pass an IQ test with a minimum score of 120. Churches would be limited to those based on what can be proven using scientific methods and everyone's foremost right to freedom from religion... We could have a prisonless system... You're either violent, and we have ourselves a hangin... Or you're non-violent and you have to perform some kind of community service... (we'll have to bring back bills of attainder). And there's always exile and forfeiture of lands for the more stubborn non-violent criminals.

You'll get slapped with a string of expensive lawsuits by disability and nutty religious rights activist organizations

15   turtledove   2014 Jun 30, 5:50am  

New Renter says

You'll get slapped with a string of expensive lawsuits by disability and nutty religious rights activist organizations

I forgot to mention... No lawyers allowed. We'll just dismiss all cases and refuse all requests for changes of venue.

16   Strategist   2014 Jun 30, 7:10am  

turtledove says

However, we could make it so that in order to become a resident, you have to pass an IQ test with a minimum score of 120. Churches would be limited to those based on what can be proven using scientific methods and everyone's foremost right to freedom from religion... We could have a prisonless system... You're either violent, and we have ourselves a hangin... Or you're non-violent and you have to perform some kind of community service... (we'll have to bring back bills of attainder). And there's always exile and forfeiture of lands for the more stubborn non-violent criminals.

These are just off the top of my head.

We should apply these to the whole country. Do you realize you may have a solution to all our problems. Immigration, crime, economy, lack of skills, fanaticism. And no lawyers. Now we're really solving problems.
Ever thought of running for Congress, TurtleDove?

17   Strategist   2014 Jun 30, 7:17am  

New Renter says

Easy solution, put one of these behind the bar:


I'd rather have boobs eager to jump out and land on my drink.
Here, pick a couple. Can you imagine the business a bar with these would do?


18   Ceffer   2014 Jun 30, 8:02am  

Female "bartender boobs", a common medical ailment, from being shaken and stirred one time too many.

19   New Renter   2014 Jun 30, 9:15am  

turtledove says

New Renter says

You'll get slapped with a string of expensive lawsuits by disability and nutty religious rights activist organizations

I forgot to mention... No lawyers allowed. We'll just dismiss all cases and refuse all requests for changes of venue.

So back to trial by combat eh?


That'll quickly become the main revenue stream for the town, televise the proceedings and there will be no need for taxes.

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