Some criminal bank executives should go to jail

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2014 Jul 21, 11:38pm   1,438 views  6 comments

by golfplan18   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


Punishing shareholders with corporate fines does little to deter bad behavior among corporate executives. Some of them need to go to jail.

If I had to narrow my list down to the people most responsible for the housing bubble, Anthony Mozilo would be near the top of the list.

The Option ARM loan was the primary loan product that inflated the housing bubble. Using negative amortization and teaser interest rates, people were able to borrow more than twice the amount than they could afford with a conventional 30-year fixed-rate amortizing mortgage. Once the Option ARM imploded and lending retreated to conventional mortgages, prices needed to fall significantly to rebalance affordability. The Option ARM was the Ponzi virus that caused the debilitating financial disease that inflated the housing bubble and created the current economic morass still plaguing the country.

The only person perhaps more responsible for the housing bubble is Alan Greenspan. If he hadn’t let the Ponzi virus out of its vial, and if he didn’t allow unregulated insurance “swaps” to encourage dumb money to flow into what they thought were riskless transactions, the air that inflated the housing bubble would not have found its way into Option ARM loans being peddled by Mozilo. Greenspan and Mozilo are my nominees for the fools most responsible for the housing bubble.

Source: http://ochousingnews.com/blog/criminal-bank-executives-go-jail/#ixzz38Cj9d9z6


Comments 1 - 6 of 6        Search these comments

1   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 22, 2:19am  

its not just the bank executives.

what lies at the heart of the problem is federal and state debt that is mainly tied up in pension programs and the like. yes Boomers- YOU are the problem.

2   Peter P   2014 Jul 22, 2:34am  

The Original Bankster says

Boomers- YOU are the problem

It was Hitler's fault! If he did not start WW2 there would be no "boomers."

3   Peter P   2014 Jul 22, 2:59am  

The Professor says

golfplan18 says

Some criminal bank executives should go to jail

ALL criminals should go to PRISON!

So, speeding drivers should go to prison too?

4   Strategist   2014 Jul 22, 3:01am  

Peter P says

The Professor says

golfplan18 says

Some criminal bank executives should go to jail

ALL criminals should go to PRISON!

So, speeding drivers should go to prison too?

They aren't criminals. They are just regular people.

5   mell   2014 Jul 22, 3:02am  

Peter P says

The Professor says

golfplan18 says

Some criminal bank executives should go to jail

ALL criminals should go to PRISON!

So, speeding drivers should go to prison too?

No, but people engaging in clear cut fraud should, plus clawback of some their executive salaries.

6   New Renter   2014 Jul 22, 3:13am  

Peter P says

The Professor says

golfplan18 says

Some criminal bank executives should go to jail

ALL criminals should go to PRISON!

So, speeding drivers should go to prison too?

That depends. If the speeding is an infraction (violation) its not a crime.

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