Religious ritual spreads herpes to newborns

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2014 Aug 2, 5:10pm   5,924 views  16 comments

by curious2   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   NDrLoR   2014 Aug 3, 1:08am  

First, I thought it was practiced by ALL Jews. Since it's a ritual that has endured for millenia, I should think that 11 cases are the fault of lowered standards in those particular events.

2   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 3, 3:23am  

P N Dr Lo R says

First, I thought it was practiced by ALL Jews. Since it's a ritual that has endured for millenia, I should think that 11 cases are the fault of lowered standards in those particular events.

I think there was a psychopath/child molestin' fake mohel or two that are responsible for the cases.

In any case, the procedure done by medical professionals is safer than getting your ear pierced.

3   Dan8267   2014 Aug 3, 3:27am  

curious2 says

cuts the infants foreskin and then cleanses the wound by sucking blood from it

Um, who thought that was a good idea? A pedophilic vampire?

4   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 3, 3:49am  

Dan8267 says

Um, who thought that was a good idea? A pedophilic vampire?

Probably a Priest, looking for an excuse.

5   NDrLoR   2014 Aug 3, 4:42am  

One thing is certain that on this site no religion, or specifically Judeo-Christianity, is going to receive a favorable dispensation. It's interesting how this country has switched sides with the Russia of 50-60 years ago. Half a century ago, and for the preceding 35-40 years before that, any expression of religion was not only forbidden but routinely ridiculed in Russia and Atheism was the official philosophy. With the fall of Soviet communism, the Gospel is once again freely preached in Russia and welcomed by millions. At the same time, in the 50's and 60's, practically everyone was at least associated with a Protestant or Catholic church or Jewish synagogue. Today it's more likely half the population freely adopt atheism as their creed without any kind of outside coercion and the Gospels are despised out of hand.

6   KgK one   2014 Aug 3, 5:40am  

so new born gets blowjob by rabbi? or do women suck newborn's blood

Saliva is good disinfectant so makes sense, it would be better if they peed on it.
Newborn has done gay act without even knowing.

so all new jews were sucked off by their rabbi?

7   curious2   2014 Aug 3, 7:59am  

P N Dr Lo R says

I thought it was practiced by ALL Jews.

You thought wrong, as usual; pedophile vampire circumcision is a Haredi practice, they claim to follow Leviticus literally (unlike hypocritical "Christians" who quote Leviticus to inveigh against others without even pretending to follow it themselves). As for the numbers, those are only the confirmed cases during that particular reporting period, and someone who understands the germ theory of disease can explain to "Dr" Lo that only those mohels who already have the herpes virus can transmit it. So, if your pedophile vampire mohel happens not to have herpes, or at least not to be infectious at the time you pay him to suck your little boy's wee-wee, you're safe - at least from that particular risk.

8   curious2   2014 Aug 3, 8:05am  

Devout Iraqis, showing your tax dollars at work:

An Iraqi Shi'ite Muslim child gashes his forehead with a sword during a ceremony marking Ashura in Baghdad

The most unnatural act by far is organized religion. No other species pays a subset of its members to hold forth about invisible beings and their purported will. The damage can be observed in Forthood, who is trapped in a cycle of abuse that was inflicted upon him and that he inflicts now upon himself and others.

9   Ceffer   2014 Aug 3, 8:07am  

There is a difference between herpes type 1 and herpes type 2 (type 2 is adult genital, typically).

Infants have no immunity to either, and since at least 90 percent of the population are carriers of type 1 (cold sores, fever blisters, most typically around the mouth and lips), that is probably the type they are talking about, although there is possibility of cross contamination between genital and mouth occasionally for both types. The kids would have gotten type 1 eventually, anyway, because it is pretty much endemic in the population.

Type 1 tends to persist in the trigeminal nerve/ganglia and lead to periodic outbreaks in children and adults.

Type 2 persists in the lower ganglia of the spine, and leads the the recurrent genital herpes.

No comment on the practice itself. "Who knows" what religions do that they think is OK.

10   curious2   2014 Aug 3, 8:16am  

Ceffer says

percent of the population

...who carry HSV varies inversely with prosperity. The global poor, who tend to be more religious, are also much more likely to be infected with HSV. Better off populations have significantly lower rates of infection. This latest CDC report may provide one clue as to why.

11   NDrLoR   2014 Aug 3, 2:19pm  

curious2 says

The most unnatural act by far is organized religion.

Actually there is no more unnatural act than organized atheism which committed untold millions of murders in the 20th century alone in the various utopias established in its name. No other species sets up the proposition that government bureaucracy can produce heaven on earth, or kill millions in the process who were purported to stand in the way. This still continues today in such places as Cuba, North Korea and China. Long after Nazism was defeated in Germany, the purges continued in the Soviet Union well into the 50's, even as star-struck progressives made pilgrimages to the USSR and came back rhapsodizing about the New Man. And when you consider such atrocities outside the 20th century as the French Revolution, the numbers are incalcuable.

In America, Jews and Christians operate the benevolencies, both corporately and indvidually, the homeless shelters, soup kitchens, halfway houses and battered womens' shelters. There's hardly a city that doesn't have a large hospital named after one of the four Gospels or St. Paul. Their missions and services are so ubiquitous and commonplace as to be taken for granted until you need one of them. The same can't be said for atheism which is after all just a big zero.

12   Y   2014 Aug 3, 2:24pm  

All liberals were born in a synagogue so it's not genetic after all...

KgK one says

so new born gets blowjob by rabbi? or do women suck newborn's blood

Saliva is good disinfectant so makes sense, it would be better if they peed on it.

Newborn has done gay act without even knowing.

13   curious2   2014 Aug 4, 4:12am  

P N Dr Lo R says

atheism which

The simplest answer to your illogical fallacy has already been stated: "With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion." The parents entrusting their newborns to vampire pedophiles are not necessarily bad people, but they are trapped in a religiously bad system that substitutes dogma for evidence. "Dr" Lo, I can only hope that you do not practice medicine, because I have seen repeatedly that you substitute religious assumptions for evidence based decision making, and I would fear for any patient who has the misfortune to fall into your practice.

P N Dr Lo R says

In America...

the most generous philanthropists are agnostic (e.g., Warren Buffett) or atheist (e.g., Bill Gates), and they achieved their wealth primarily themselves. In contrast, the most religious donors tend to have inherited most of their money and use it to fund unfair and wrong political initiatives, e.g. the unconstitutional Prop H8 which the Attorney General (and current Governor) at the time called indefensible and the then-Governor called "a waste of time." While Catholic "Charities" get 90% of their funding from government, "Christian" crusaders abandon their purported belief in "the power of prayer" and instead attempt to subvert government to persecute anyone who does not share their beliefs. You seem really to have no logical idea how your statements might or might not be connected to reality; that test does not even appear to be part of your process, instead you simply spew 'this side good, that side witchcraft' without further reasoning of any kind.

14   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 4, 4:29am  

P N Dr Lo R says

The same can't be said for atheism which is after all just a big zero.

Atheist Lefties created Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, AFDC, Subsidized Education, etc. that did a whole lot more for poor people than Religion ever did.

Hitler was a lapsed Catholic. He founded the Deutsche Christian Church and a lavish Cathedral in honor of Martin Luther. I have posted proof of Nazi Christian Belief over and over and over again. Everywhere fascism took root in Europe by itself (ie not a foreign created puppet regime like Quisling in Norway whose party polled in the low single digits), one particular religion was dominant.

Stalin, real name Ioseb Besarionis Dze Jugashvili, trained for the Eastern Orthodox Priesthood in Seminary School as a young man. He was Georgian, not Russian.

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 4, 4:37am  

By the way, von Mises' worked as an economist for the Austrofascist government.

Nazi Military Chaplain

Deutsche Christen Badge

Benedictine Monastery Swastika

16   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 4, 4:43am  

One of Hitler's Paintings


A woodside shrine

And of course,

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