Does the 2nd Amendment apply to black people?

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2014 Aug 13, 9:07am   28,014 views  61 comments

by Vicente   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Picture a young black man (or men) walking down the street in open carry. Tell me what happens next.

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44   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Aug 16, 7:09am  

The millenials truly are fucked. This is what too much late nigh Jon Stewart does to you.

Hint - Stewart(and Lewis Black) are acting. It's satire, not a lifestyle to be emulated. There no real danger they'll ever have a coronary on stage.

45   Strategist   2014 Aug 16, 8:26am  

Peter P says

Strategist says

The question is why and how do we fix it?

It has more to do with the environment. Mind you, the wealthiest black men do not live in America.

The richest African American is a woman. I love Oprah, by the way.

I think as a person she is nice. Don't care much for her kinda shows.
My question is what are Black Celebrities doing to stop the rioting. Oprah, LeBron, Kobe and a dozen others should go on TV and order the thugs to stop rioting. Not Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, the crooks even Obama ignores.

46   Strategist   2014 Aug 16, 8:29am  

dodgerfanjohn says

I was taught that when a cop lights you up, you pull over, turn the stereo off, roll down the window, keep your hands on the steering wheel, and do what the cop says.

Anyone deviating from the above is either a criminal or an idiot.

I didn't know that, but I would definitely obey the cop. Would I still be categorized as an idiot?

47   Strategist   2014 Aug 16, 8:33am  

Bellingham Bill says

Strategist says

The question is why and how do we fix it?

"Why" is obvious if you have a room temperature IQ or above.

How we fix it is the difficult thing. Will the unrestrained invisible hand of the free market want to invest in tens of millions of Americans? (that's the GOP plan allegedly)

I don't think that's the reason. Prior to 1995 they were just as bad. I think it's the culture, dumb parents, and leaders like Jessie and Al who always attach racism to every problem.

48   Bellingham Bill   2014 Aug 16, 3:55pm  

Strategist says

Prior to 1995 they were just as bad. I think it's the culture, dumb parents, and leaders like Jessie and Al who always attach racism to every problem.

We ignore the actual problems at our peril. It's very self-serving to just blame black people for their problems since it frees you to wash your hands of any responsibility. The factors you cite of course exist; but the reason things are fucked is not just that.

Pruitt Igoe failed in the 1970s already.


As I say, the rich have a million ways to beat money out of poor people. The poors only have two in response, and one of those is a felony.

49   lostand confused   2014 Aug 16, 4:41pm  

I wonder if it has to do with the welfare culture? If folks were forced to work in undesirable jobs, then they would have to move, work for a living and take pride in their community. With welfare, you get just enough to live comfortably, but then drugs and other easy money aspects draw you in and destroy the society?

If folks were forced to take the jobs that illegals do, then would there be this much crime? people would be too busy working , instead of doing all sorts of crime.

50   Strategist   2014 Aug 17, 12:58am  

lostand confused says

I wonder if it has to do with the welfare culture? If folks were forced to work in undesirable jobs, then they would have to move, work for a living and take pride in their community. With welfare, you get just enough to live comfortably, but then drugs and other easy money aspects draw you in and destroy the society?

If folks were forced to take the jobs that illegals do, then would there be this much crime? people would be too busy working , instead of doing all sorts of crime.

I think you are right. Young men with raging testosterone and nothing to do spells trouble. "An empty mind, is a devil's workshop"
Keeping them busy and productive is the solution.....but how?

51   Strategist   2014 Aug 17, 1:00am  

Bellingham Bill says

As I say, the rich have a million ways to beat money out of poor people. The poors only have two in response, and one of those is a felony.

Wrong attitude. This is part of the problem.

52   Dan8267   2014 Aug 17, 3:44am  

FortWayne says

Liberals who haven't seen the ghettos, think that blacks are being wronged. But these liberals are wrong as usual.

Family of woman killed in botched drug raid to receive $4.9 million

FortWayne, explain to me exactly how Kathryn Johnston, a 92-year-old woman killed in a "no-knock" raid of her house based on fraudulent d paperwork stating that illegal drugs were present in the home, was not wronged. Especially after the police tried to cover-up the crime.

Luckily, her family will be able to move away from Atlanta with the settlement, but it won't bring back Kathryn.

For ever time the courts actually acknowledge the police have committed a crime, there's a thousand police crimes that go prosecuted.

53   Dan8267   2014 Aug 17, 3:47am  

Vicente says

Does the 2nd Amendment apply to black people?

I think Feguson, MO answers that question.

54   Dan8267   2014 Aug 17, 3:49am  

Strategist says

I didn't know that, but I would definitely obey the cop. Would I still be categorized as an idiot?


Henry Davis, 52, was arrested in Ferguson, Missouri, on September 20, 2009
Police had mistaken him for a man of the same name with an outstanding warrant
Davis claims police realized their mistake but still locked him up
He was allegedly beaten by a group of four officers
He was held for several days before being charged with four counts of property damage

Police in Ferguson had mistakenly arrested a man before the Michael Brown shooting and, after realizing, proceeded to beat him up in a holding cell and then charge him with destruction of property for bleeding on their uniforms, it has been claimed.

If you don't shoot an officer on sight, you are forfeiting your life.

55   anonymous   2014 Aug 17, 4:13am  

Bellingham Bill says

As I say, the rich have a million ways to beat money out of poor people. The poors only have two in response, and one of those is a felony.

That is ridiculous. This country provides so many opportunities for poor kids to pull themselves out of the ghetto or poverty; so many just choose not to. I'm sick of people pushing wealth redistribution as the answer to everything...I came from a dirt poor family and worked my ass off in school, got a scholarship, put myself through college, and worked my way up to senior management through my own blood, sweat and tears. I went to school with inner city kids in the LA Unified School District, and they had every opportunity to study and work hard that I had; in fact, non-whites had more of an advantage than I did due to affirmative action. Giving them money is NOT the answer...all that does is enable weakness. We need to change the welfare culture so that more people have a fire lit under their ass to wholly take care of themselves.

56   AverageBear   2014 Aug 17, 5:03am  

Does the 2nd Amendment apply to ANYONE in Massachusetts? (or blacks in MA for that matter?)... NOPE...

I laughed at this thread initially, because unless you know the Chief of Police of your MA town/city, more often than not, you are not going to be afforded your 2nd amendment rights in Massachusetts.

That's right Martha. You want a gun to keep in your house to defend your property/family/home? You need to go to your town's Chief of Police and BEG. If he doesn't like you, doesn't know you, (pick any excuse), he can pretty much deny your 2nd amendment right to buy/keep a gun. And that's that..... And you can thank a liberal for this denial of our 2nd amendment in Massachusetts.

57   RWSGFY   2014 Aug 18, 10:19am  

AverageBear says

Does the 2nd Amendment apply to ANYONE in Massachusetts? (or blacks in MA for that matter?)... NOPE...

I laughed at this thread initially, because unless you know the Chief of Police of your MA town/city, more often than not, you are not going to be afforded your 2nd amendment rights in Massachusetts.

That's right Martha. You want a gun to keep in your house to defend your property/family/home? You need to go to your town's Chief of Police and BEG. If he doesn't like you, doesn't know you, (pick any excuse), he can pretty much deny your 2nd amendment right to buy/keep a gun. And that's that..... And you can thank a liberal for this denial of our 2nd amendment in Massachusetts.

After Heller and McDonald? It can't be.

58   lakermania   2014 Aug 18, 10:54am  

Straw Man says

After Heller and McDonald? It can't be.

Yeah I kind of doubt that too. From what I understand, in MA, the police chief can choose to deny you a license to buy firearms if you have a mental or criminal history background, but barring that you will be approved. And their governor, a few days ago, signed into law a bill that says a police chief cannot deny you a concealed weapons permit for no reason. He/she must indicate the reason you are being denied a CCW in writing, and you now have the ability to appeal a denial.

59   AverageBear   2014 Aug 18, 8:56pm  

lakermania says

Straw Man says

After Heller and McDonald? It can't be.

Yeah I kind of doubt that too. From what I understand, in MA, the police chief can choose to deny you a license to buy firearms if you have a mental or criminal history background, but barring that you will be approved. And their governor, a few days ago, signed into law a bill that says a police chief cannot deny you a concealed weapons permit for no reason. He/she must indicate the reason you are being denied a CCW in writing, and you now have the ability to appeal a denial.

Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. If MA is so "gun friendly", why all the lawsuits?

60   RWSGFY   2014 Aug 19, 2:43am  

AverageBear says

If MA is so "gun friendly", why all the lawsuits?

To beat them into compliance.

61   RWSGFY   2014 Aug 19, 8:06am  

Call it Crazy says

lakermania says

From what I understand, in MA, the police chief can choose to deny you a license to buy firearms if you have a mental or criminal history background, but barring that you will be approved.

It's the same way in NJ. The police chief holds all the cards on approval, so we have to buy him lots of doughnuts to sweeten him up!

Won't last long, if not already ended. Everybody will move to "shall-issue" or will be beaten into pulp by courts.

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