I got lucky the last decade.
Sold Extra Real Estate in 2006
Bought Gold and Silver for 300 and 6 respectively then sold most at 2000 and 35.
Nothing other good investments as of lately cept a small house in the bay area that appreciated. Stocks have not done much and I think are over bought for now.
My best lifetime buy was Bank of Italy.
Was wondering what readers here think is the next big/good investment on the horizon! Any Suggestions...
I got lucky the last decade.
Sold Extra Real Estate in 2006
Bought Gold and Silver for 300 and 6 respectively then sold most at 2000 and 35.
Nothing other good investments as of lately cept a small house in the bay area that appreciated. Stocks have not done much and I think are over bought for now.
My best lifetime buy was Bank of Italy.
Was wondering what readers here think is the next big/good investment on the horizon! Any Suggestions...