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Someone's going to be holding the bag for the inflated yuan funding the exodus.
Let's hope they are as inefficient as we were after the mortgage collapse, that millions of Mortgages got lost. Maybe that will erase a few trillion of debt right there. By time the Revolution is over.
The Chinese real estate bubble has burst. Land sales through Soufun are down 22 percent for the year and still dropping.
The fiat wealth that the Chinese government had hoped to generate in the USA's image turned out not to be a magic mirror after all. I suspect someone just did a blowfish on the steamed-up glass in the bathroom and they had been asking it questions about the future thinking it was the ghost of John Keynes.
The discontent in Hong Kong will spread to mainland China regardless of the government's reactions to the civil disobedience in HK. It will simply spread more quickly if the government resorts to violence to restore order. Feeling as impotent as they must be at the moment, cognitive dissonance will likely drive them to that very predictable reaction.
Prepare for large real estate sales drop-offs from Chinese nationals beginning probably in Australia, but eventually leading to all of the US West Coast hot spots.