Why Democrats Lost

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2014 Nov 7, 11:14am   69,658 views  60 comments

by curious2   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Most Americans have not become Republicans, but gave up voting for Democrats who accomplished little other than imposing Obamacare, of which most Americans disapprove. I have given up trying to explain to Democrats the need for introspection, and the need to acknowledge the failure of a disastrous policy error. Democrats have now lost 15 seats in the Senate and 65 in the House, but still refuse to consider the possibility that they might have done something wrong, so I will simply let others do the talking:

"Seven in 10 people say Obamacare had bad or zero impact on US"

"Surprise Medical Bills: After Surgery, Surprise $117,000 Medical Bill From Doctor He Didn’t Know"

"Costs Can Go Up Fast When E.R. Is in Network but the Doctors Are Not"

"Patients’ Costs Skyrocket; Specialists’ Incomes Soar"

"Unable to Meet the Deductible or the Doctor"

"The Cost of Cancer Drugs"

"Americans Fear Being Swamped by Medical Debt"

The articles above are from 2014. The articles below describe the pre-existing condition that Democrats promised to solve but instead worsened:

"As Hospital Prices Soar, a Stitch Tops $500"

"How American Health Care Killed My Father"

"Long Term Care Insurance"


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50   curious2   2014 Nov 25, 5:18am  

Since Democrats don't listen to me on this issue, please go Dislike Democratic Senator Schumer instead:

"Democrats Erred by Acting on Health Care in 2010, Schumer Says
“Unfortunately, Democrats blew the opportunity the American people gave them” in electing Obama and a Democratic Congress in 2008 amid a recession, Schumer of New York said in a speech in Washington.
He said he opposed the timing of the health-care vote and was overruled by other party members.
“The rollout was a glaring example of government’s ineffectiveness and became the perfect anecdote for the Republicans' anti-government argument,” he said.

Partisans tend to blame the messenger rather than consider the message. Since 2009, Democrats have been saying Obamneycare would be either popular or forgotten by 2010; it's now 2014, and Grubercare continues to poll at -10. Maybe, just maybe, somebody might consider that the problem is Grubercare itself, rather than the messengers (voters) who disapprove of it.

51   curious2   2016 Apr 12, 3:37pm  

A recent comment persuaded me it's time to bump this thread by going through my 157 posts on PatNet and linking the ones that relate to Obamneycare. I count 24 that relate directly, plus eight that relate indirectly via the medical sector, total 32 out of 157. That's 20%, which happens to be the share of GDP that Americans spend on the medical sector.

CBO: Repealing Individual Mandate Would Save $30B/yr

Brian Schweitzer: Obamacare "will collapse on its own weight"

Flaws could expose Obamacare user data

You can't keep your drugs under Obamacare

Obamacare enrollees hit snags at doctor's offices

Doctor Became the Most Miserable Profession

massive prescription price hikes

SSRIs in pregnancy tied to autism, delays

Kids' Diabetes Rates Up Dramatically

Oregon gives up on troubled Obamneycare exchange, joins U.S. site

Hawaii ends Obamneycare Connector

900,000 get wrong tax info in latest Obamneycare snafu

Obamacare partly delayed

Mammograms under 60 don't reduce deaths

3 Unions: Obamacare will destroy health

Another union turns against Obamacare

Unions Wary of Obamacare, Roofers call for repeal, Republicans for more $

Obamacare question: "balance billing"

Et tu, Cepa? Et tu?

A Sale of Two Parties

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Even Mild Hits to the Head Might Harm the Brain

app as effective at testing eyesight as optician's clinic

Referendum on Obamacare?

These don't mention Obamneycare directly, but relate to the larger system that Obamneycare took over and promised to "reform" by empowering the entrenched industry players with infinite revenue that they can use to finance political patronage networks and crush innovation that might disrupt their revenue models:

Hospital chain allegedly admitted patients fraudulently to make more $$$

Hackers steal millions' data via hospital computers

Avoid American Hospitals especially in July

Labs settle unnecessary testing claims

12 million Americans misdiagnosed each year

1/4 of CA foster kids on psychotropic Rx drugs

Depression therapies overrated

Parkinson's Disease research

52   curious2   2016 May 15, 3:18pm  

"Obamacare's 2017 Insurer Rate Requests Are Starting to Stream in, and the Figures Are Scary
UnitedHealth Group (NYSE:UNH), the largest insurer in the U.S., recently announced that it would be vacating a majority of the 34 states it's currently operating in beginning in 2017... Also, more than half of all of Obamacare's approved healthcare cooperatives closed up shop heading into 2016 due to unsustainable losses and an insufficiently funded risk corridor, which was designed to protect money-losing insurers by taking money from insurers that were raking in the dough hand over fist.
Recently, two states -- Virginia and Oregon -- lifted the covers on preliminary rate requests from insurers in 2017. Note the emphasis on "preliminary", as double-digit percentage rate hike requests will need to be approved by each state's respective Office of the Insurance Commissioner.
Virginia's rate request data is still trickling in, and it very well could change many times over prior to the start of open enrollment -- but according to Obamacare data aggregators ACASignUps.net, the weighted average of the 13 received rate requests is nearly 18%.
Oregon...released proposed health insurance rate requests earlier this month...three health plans comprise practically three-quarters of all enrollees in Oregon's individual Obamacare marketplace, implying a weighted average increase per ACASignUps.net of 27%!"

Obamneycare boosters chanted talking points about "double-digit" annual increases from a decade ago, claiming Obamneycare would end that. In reality, the legislation was designed to increase prices, and it is operating as designed. "Winning!"

53   zzyzzx   2016 May 15, 5:47pm  

curious2 says

etter results for people, including better value for money, would be possible if even one of the two major parties prioritized that. Neither does

Trump does:

54   curious2   2016 May 15, 7:38pm  

jazz music says


1) Please learn the difference between "it's" and "its"
2) Free market reforms could help enormously for everything other than vaccines and true emergencies, which add up to less than 10% of annual medical spending. What I don't see in Donald Trump's proposal is how to handle vaccines and true emergencies, where we tend to see market failure because (a) vaccines are mostly a public good, like national defense, and (b) true emergencies don't allow time to shop around.

I would really like to see an honest debate between serious candidates proposing real solutions, but instead we get political theater more like reality TV than actual reality. Candidates campaign on reality TV and, if elected, govern in actual reality. Donald Trump's reality TV background helped him get the nomination, but pretending he's nothing other than "a rich guy" or a reality TV star doesn't help. The real question is, what would he do about vaccines and true emergencies? We've experienced Hillary's Plan, and we've heard Bernie's (arguably better but more expensive), but what would Donald's plan be? If it's only "free market," then that probably won't work in those two areas.

Also, his tax deductions (aka tax subsidies) for "insurance" remind me of the mortgage interest deduction (MID), which mainly enables sellers to charge higher prices, especially in markets where supply is restricted. If legislators can continue to tack on an endless list of disproven chronic treatments for "health maintenance" that insurance must cover, then their corporate sponsors will continue to capture the benefit of the deduction (aka tax subsidy). Even if we allow insurance companies to sell true insurance, i.e. coverage against true emergencies, their corporate sponsors will continue to capture any "benefit" from the tax deduction (aka tax subsidy) as long as they can continue to charge unlimited prices for emergencies. I would like to see that issue debated as well, though I doubt that will happen, because neither side would dare question the MID.

58   curious2   2016 Nov 9, 12:36am  

In 2008, Americans elected Democrats to control both houses of Congress and the White House. In 2010, Democrats enacted this disaster. Now, Democrats have lost everything.

I feel truly sorry to have failed to persuade Democrats to reconsider. In my defense, we live in a partisan era of "safe zones," where people recite their preferred partisan narrative and ignore facts that might "trigger" them.

Republicans campaigned on repealing this legislation, and won. Democrats campaigned on keeping it, and lost.

We will see what America loses along with it.

59   RC2006   2016 Nov 9, 3:11am  

Hillary was the worse possible candidate period. Nobody wanted another Bush or Clinton. She reeked of corruption.

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