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APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
It was as clear then as it is now the extreme-ing of weather is what will take the first lives.
Too bad the government won't get out of the way, and let the private sector handle the research and find the most efficient solution here.
global temperature will likely be 3.5 degrees to 7.5 degrees Fahrenheit higher in 2100 than in 1900
Conservatives will still be saying it's a hoax at that point. Same in 2200 and 2300.
By 2400, with 97% of species extinct, conservatives will admit that something has happened, but will mock liberal straw-men for their ineffectiveness at stopping it, ignoring the overwhelming conservative obstructionism over several hundred years.
Charles Koch XVII and Ziphoid Bush-Kardashian will co-fund thousands of think-tank publications and editorials condemning utter bankruptcy of the liberals to stop a threat known since 1985. Angry old men will inveigh against liberal weakness and failure, citing the climate disaster as final proof of the utter worthlessness of government action.
Too bad the government won't get out of the way, and let the private sector handle the research and find the most efficient solution here.
He tries, but he's a commie pinko incompetent democrat. I guess we need a republican to get credit for any government progress on this, if it's ever going to happen.
Another good speech that the "liberal" media pretty much ignored.
Ziphoid Bush-Kardashian
That was good for a lol.
‘Neglected Topic’ Winner: Climate Change