
United States, joined 2011 Jun 23   Has 1 follower.   Is following 0.
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threads pinned by HydroCabron
authored 8,563 comments and 265 threads

HydroCabron's threads

Hillary Gave Speeches To Greedy Money-Lending Sheriffs
by HydroCabron on 4 Jul 2016   4 comments, latest 6 years ago
The Donald has tied Hillary to the most despised group in America: hook-nosed usurious sheriffs who killed Jesus. Trump has brilliantly pigeonholed Hillary as the deputy she is. Will ...

Liar Groper Cleveland: "The election is rigged" (Fat Birther fucking idiot)
by HydroCabron on 15 Oct 2016   6 comments, latest 6 years ago

Did Pantsuit Pazuzu collude with Chester Molester to cheat Fat Birther?
by HydroCabron on 30 Sep 2016   4 comments, latest 6 years ago
Earlier during our initial review of the debate we identified something that looked entirely suspicious because it is only evidenced for one specific candidate, and one specific lectern. We ...

Woman Beaten For Drawing The Prophet
by HydroCabron on 3 May 2016   38 comments, latest 6 years ago
The artist who shot to fame after painting a nude portrait of Donald Trump claims she was assaulted near her home by one of the US Republican front-runner's supporters. ...

57% of Republicans support making Christianity the national religion
by HydroCabron on 17 Nov 2015   58 comments, latest 6 years ago
A majority of Republicans nationally support establishing Christianity as the national religion, according to a new Public Policy Polling survey released Tuesday. The poll by the Democratic-leaning firm found ...

Hill of Orange Flesh Adopts Turbine Symbol For Environmental Initiatives
by HydroCabron on 4 Jul 2016   5 comments, latest 6 years ago
In a stunning end-run around Crooked Hillary (hiss!) Fat Orange Messiah has adopted a turbine symbol for the Trump Environmental Luxury Tower and Golf Course Campaign Event, declaring a ...

Fat Birther to Appoint Fellow Hillary Donor and Goldman Sachs Banker
by HydroCabron on 19 Jul 2016   4 comments, latest 8 years ago
IOKIYAR! Donald Trump has told prospective donors that, if elected president, he plans to nominate former Goldman Sachs banker Steve Mnuchin for U.S. Treasury Secretary. That’s according to Anthony ...

Ameirca corurpt assnation? Sholud Fat Brither sprourters boyctot leection?
by HydroCabron on 6 Nov 2016   1 comment, latest 8 years ago
After the attempted assination of Dnaold Trupm lsat night, mnay Meircans ask: "Sholud I vtoe? Why legtimize croruption?" Yoru thoguts?

Was a Fat Birther Server Communicating With Russia?
by HydroCabron on 31 Oct 2016   19 comments, latest 8 years ago
Since Comey ruled out announcing the FBI investigation into Trump's Russian ties - on account of it being too close to the election to do so - we are ...

Bankruptcy time for Fat Birther the Pro-Wrestling Fascist
by HydroCabron on 3 Nov 2016   3 comments, latest 8 years ago
Lieu-seur! Douche. Bag. Paris Hilton has managed her wealth better. The 65-story Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto has all the glitz and ambition of the luxury-brand businessman with his ...

Fat Birther receives first national newspaper endorsement
by HydroCabron on 1 Nov 2016   20 comments, latest 8 years ago
Among the small number of American newspapers that have embraced Donald Trump's campaign, there is one, in particular, that stands out. It's called the The Crusader — and it's ...

I was wrong: I have decided to vote for Trump
by HydroCabron on 1 Nov 2016   41 comments, latest 8 years ago
Clinton is an irredeemable piece of shit. Read through some of the emails, and this one finally threw my switch: Young girls are for dating - not for handouts ...

Vicious wingnut Comey may get his just deserts - abuse of power
by HydroCabron on 31 Oct 2016   2 comments, latest 8 years ago
Are we approaching peak wingnut? Will Comey, haven previously broken precedent by overstepping the bounds of editorializing on the subject of investigation, be purged from the FBI? The Office ...

Fat Birther in arrears to pollster (but He loves me, will keep promises)
by HydroCabron on 31 Oct 2016   3 comments, latest 8 years ago
Amazing: there are still suckers who will work for the cheeto-faced shitgibbon. Even though he was hired in May, the campaign did not make any payments to Fabrizio until ...

Pantsuit Pazuzu email leaked - see you at the Trump inauguration
by HydroCabron on 31 Oct 2016   4 comments, latest 8 years ago
Holy shit.

Birther, big boned & pleasantly plump, ordered henchmen to destroy documents
by HydroCabron on 31 Oct 2016   1 comment, latest 8 years ago
More cognitive dissonance for wingnuts to ignore: Over the course of decades, Donald Trump’s companies have systematically destroyed or hidden thousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded ...

Fat Birther exploits children with AIDS - lowest form of filth
by HydroCabron on 30 Oct 2016   7 comments, latest 8 years ago
Disgusting piece of shit. In the fall of 1996, a charity called the Association to Benefit Children held a ribbon-cutting in Manhattan for a new nursery school serving children ...

Trump staffer: Nate Silvers results have been similar to ours
by HydroCabron on 27 Oct 2016   8 comments, latest 8 years ago
If you wanted to know why Kellyanne Conway admitted last weekend that Trump is behind, here you go. It’s because he is, according to the campaign’ own data. Ya ...

Chairman Fat Birther Love America Long Time
by HydroCabron on 24 Oct 2016   2 comments, latest 8 years ago
[S]ought to channel $2 million from a Chinese donor into the campaign to elect the billionaire despite laws prohibiting donations from foreigners. In return, undercover reporters purporting to represent ...

What do losers tell themselves?
by HydroCabron on 4 Aug 2016   11 comments, latest 8 years ago
I CNN is biased against my side! II Jesus died to save me from my sins! III I can't get a job, but so what: I'm going to graduate ...

Sex offender registries: Do they make a difference?
by HydroCabron on 23 Oct 2016   2 comments, latest 8 years ago
On the 20th anniversary of Megan's Law, the pros and cons of registries are still debated Some lawyers and civil rights activists warned of a lynch mob mentality and ...

The email scandal that just won't go away
by HydroCabron on 23 Oct 2016   Posted 8 years ago
Most troubling, researchers found a suspicious pattern in the White House email system blackouts, including periods when there were no emails available from the office of Vice President Dick ...

Can someone stop Jill Stein? (Non-whacko 3rd-party candidates, please)
by HydroCabron on 23 Oct 2016   10 comments, latest 8 years ago
In keeping with Green Party and Libertarian Party tradition, Jill Stein is a conspiracy-theory loon. It's sad, watching some confused American voters run after yet another poor choice without ...

Ameirca's aobut assination! (Hoemage 2 Tenpoundass)
by HydroCabron on 11 Oct 2016   13 comments, latest 8 years ago
Ameirca's prospects are improving The scary estalbishment creeps that endorsed Trump are now backing out. I personally can't think of a more possitive thing about this election post Donald ...

Fat Birther, Raw Hamburger no longer on speaking terms
by HydroCabron on 19 Oct 2016   6 comments, latest 8 years ago
“Ailes camp said Ailes learned that Trump couldn’t focus—sur surprise— that advising him was a waste of time,” Sherman said. “These debate prep sessions weren’t going anywhere.” FB is ...

Libtard Orwellian Nazis Destroying Western Culture - Leftist Hysterics
by HydroCabron on 19 Oct 2016   Posted 8 years ago
Jerry Falwell Jr. Axed Anti-Trump Story from Liberty Universityâ€Ȓ School Newspaper Joel Schmieg says he doesn’t know exactly what he wrote that made Jerry Falwell Jr. cut his article ...

Fat Birther Orders Cletus to Watch Polls - Mr. Brexit's Republican Guard
by HydroCabron on 18 Oct 2016   Posted 8 years ago
“Iâ&# look for . . . well, it’s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who can’t speak American,” he said. “Iâ&# going to go right up behind them. I’ll ...

Fat Birther's post-2012-election meltdown: Give him the nuclear codes fer shure
by HydroCabron on 15 Oct 2016   Posted 8 years ago

Tips for Filthy Slatterns and Strumpets: How to Fend off Fictitious Sex Assault
by HydroCabron on 14 Oct 2016   2 comments, latest 8 years ago
These never really happen - if you're outside, you're just a whooer who gets what she deserves, but here's what you bawdy, wanton she-devils should do if groped. #IronmoronSad

Melania Trump is not Eva Braun. So what is her exit strategy?
by HydroCabron on 19 Jun 2016   9 comments, latest 8 years ago
I don't see her committing suicide in the bunker once the elites call in the debts of their little puppet. Trump depends on the perception that he's a winner ...

Fat Birther: "Make America Rape Again!"
by HydroCabron on 12 Oct 2016   2 comments, latest 8 years ago
If you've assaulted a bunch of women over the past 3 decades, you shouldn't claim "I've never committed sexual assault" in front of a television audience of 65 million ...

Malaria "Squinty" Trump has barely said anything - is she not allowed to speak?
by HydroCabron on 8 Oct 2016   11 comments, latest 8 years ago
Only says we shouldn't believe Fat Birther's words represent him. So much for the legend of the plain-speaking anti-PC hero! "The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive ...

Fat Draft-Dodging Birther offers his insights into combat stress
by HydroCabron on 3 Oct 2016   16 comments, latest 8 years ago
“When people come back from war and combat and they see maybe what the people in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can ...

Canadian whips out raccoon during McDonald's fight
by HydroCabron on 3 Oct 2016   5 comments, latest 8 years ago
This is why I don't pick fights up north - it's at 0:38. www.youtube.com/embed/R4qAgh1O

#TrumpWon hashtag starting location
by HydroCabron on 27 Sep 2016   14 comments, latest 8 years ago

Is FB qualified to be president?
by HydroCabron on 26 Sep 2016   2 comments, latest 8 years ago
Trump has repeatedly flubbed tests of his basic understanding of domestic and foreign affairs — apparently he wasn’t aware Russia had annexed Crimea until George Stephanopoulos informed him recently. ...

Ferret-Wearing Shitgibbon Rapist backs off Gennifer Flowers invite: LOL JK!
by HydroCabron on 25 Sep 2016   7 comments, latest 8 years ago
Noted fuckstick and ignorant, smelly rapist Fat Birther has decided not to invite Gennifer Flowers to the presidential debate. Cluck cluck! Chikenshit old trust-fund rapist. Trump's vice presidential running ...

Sanders campaign bulletin/update, 9/25: Where things stand
by HydroCabron on 25 Sep 2016   2 comments, latest 8 years ago
He lost. Get over it. Further updates as situation evolves. #MoronBitch

Eerily realistic debate simulations: Do they give Hillary an edge?
by HydroCabron on 23 Sep 2016   8 comments, latest 8 years ago
Another added that her preparation this year “is more style than substance. They’re trying to prepare her for the different Trumps that might show up.” Several Democrats who have ...

Fat Birther advocates nationwide stop-&-frisk: constitutionalists outraged!
by HydroCabron on 21 Sep 2016   3 comments, latest 8 years ago
Donald Trump on Wednesday called for the controversial “stop-and- policing practice to be instituted nationwide as a means of combating violent crime in America’s inner cities. In a pre-taped ...
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