"Eagle Cam": Aerial View of London via Video Camera Attached to an Eagle

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2014 Nov 22, 7:31am   1,073 views  5 comments

by Mish   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

"Eagle Cam": Aerial View of London via Video Camera Attached to an Eagle

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1   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 22, 7:38am  

Meh as long as it's in the name of Science.

On a slower news day, this would have been reported as an animal abuse story.

2   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 22, 10:28am  

Why is that stupid bird allowed to live? Animals should all be extinct, so that Republican pundits can earn an honest living on Fox telling us it's not a problem.

That river is a waste of perfectly good fracking water, by the way.

3   Ceffer   2014 Nov 22, 10:56am  

I want to see the bird-splat cam, that has an infrared detector and telescopic lens that let's you see the ejection and splat radius of the bird's victims.

Old ladies with blue hair SPLAT! Skateboarders SPLAT! People in outdoor restaurant yards enjoying a Chardonnay SPLAT! Guy washing his Porsche SPLAT!

You will see birds for the fiendish dinosaurs they really are and pray for another comet extinction.

4   indigenous   2014 Nov 22, 12:08pm  

Oh no, we have to hold all life on the earth as sacred, except of course humans, this is why we must eliminate DDT so as to stop the potential possibility of thinner eggs in predatory birds, of course that will mean the death of millions due to malaria that DDT could easily end to, but that is just the price we have to pay.

5   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 23, 5:23am  

And those damned wind turbines turned out to be nothing more than poultry puree shooters. There's not one damn bird 100 miles of the solar generators in the desert. The steam coming from the vents lure them to their death.

and indigestion we wouldn't have to be eating GMO crops if we were still using DDT.

The point is, man was put on this earth to eat stuff. We can't even try NOT to eat stuff with out killing other things. Like a picture on the wall that just wont right. Move it a little this way, and there goes a whole ecosystem, move it a little back this way, we're breeding a single food supply source, that has the capability of catching a virus that could kill us all. With double jeopardy, kill them off then we starve, let the virus mutate and spread to humans we would cut our population to just 20% or less. The right bug gets loose.

We have to kill and eat as many animals as we can or risk being killed by a mutated bovine-swine-avian super polystrand.

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