New Greek government already making good on its anti-austerity promises

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2015 Jan 29, 4:24am   37,943 views  101 comments

by darlag   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

As promised, the new Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras and his SYRIZA government are rolling back fees, raising the minimum wage, re-hiring some of the public workers who were laid-off by the previous administration and officially announcing other changes and reforms to come.

At what can only be called lightening speed, many of the the so-called “reforms” put in place by the former Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, imposed on Greece by the EU lenders, the Troika, are quickly being repealed or reversed as the new government coalition starts to make good on its election campaign promises to back away from “austerity”.


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92   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Feb 2, 9:39am  

Heraclitusstudent says

If someone spends more than they earn, borrowing money every year to spend, you wouldn't call that person 'austere'. You wouldn't say their problem is that they are not consuming enough (generating end-demand).

Organizations spend more than they earn all the time. Almost every large enterprise spends more money than it takes in at some point. Many organizations spend down their entire revenue and then some at times. Why should the government act differently?

Aggregate Demand Theory states that just because somebody produces it, doesn't mean it'll be sold, whatever Austrians might claim. It also observes that in a Recession, there's a propensity to save and not invest, but hold on to the money, further weakening the economy and demand. Therefore, it is stupid to cut government spending in the face of a recession: Not only will the economy struggle with finding new demand to feed the producers, it'll face an onslaught of laid off government employees and less public spending on top of it.

Indigenous' attempt to claim Aggregate Demand Theory doesn't fly and the notion that production precedes demand isn't doing well on this thread.

Furthermore, countries like Greece depend on Tourism and Ag exports, which are already suboptimal due to the high value of the Euro, so it's difficult for them to begin to "produce". Creating something like an R&D or high tech manufacturing hub would require vast outlays of investment and take years (decades, really) to come to fruition. Then they'd have to grow these businesses in the face of already existing concerns within the Eurozone AND abroad, somehow finding customers with less accumulated knowledge to produce cheaply and in quantity.

As discussed on another thread, "Lucky" or "Hard Working" countries like Germany got all kinds of deals the Greeks never got. Cancellation of half their war rebuilding debt in 1953, outright grants, the spending of countless Allied soldiers for years bringing money and demand and thus jobs into the country (how did the Beatles start?) - not to mention local contracts for catering, barracks construction, fuel storage facilities, and so on. Technology Transfers from US and UK Companies, directed investment, directed contracts for the express purpose of building up West German industry AND keeping unemployment low to reduce the appeal of Communism and Socialism.

Germany was allowed to violate Maastricht requirements on deficits and spending to incorporate East Germany.

Greece never got those things. Greece got itself bombed by Churchill until it accepted the same parties that collaborated with the Nazis and brought their widely despised hated King back. Then a military coup a few decades later. Greece got nothing like the German treatment.

Spain went into the recession with the lowest deficit spending in Europe, around 33%, much less than the US or Germany (about half).

93   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Feb 2, 10:14am  

indigenous says

I have not read general theory, but that does not mean I can not empirically see the affects Krugman has on the US economy and the Japanese economy.

What official position does Krugman hold in the US Government since the Recession began?

94   indigenous   2015 Feb 2, 12:48pm  

thunderlips11 says

What official position does Krugman hold in the US Government since the Recession began?

He is the official spewer of meme...

95   Heraclitusstudent   2015 Feb 2, 12:54pm  

thunderlips11 says

Organizations spend more than they earn all the time.

There is a difference between going in debt to invest in new productive endeavors that will bring new revenues in the future, and going in debt to finance your life style: on-going expenses, pensions, etc... Companies that do the later fragilize their positions and will eventually go bankrupt unless they change their ways.

thunderlips11 says

Aggregate Demand Theory states that just because somebody produces it, doesn't mean it'll be sold

The theory is that if you have idle production capacity this can be used if you have more spending, and spending can be created arbitrarily by government spending. This ignores what happens when production capacity is outside the country. You can't simply spend more and hope it will do much good to your economy if you just buy more Chinese stuff. It's not like this would by itself create factory jobs in Greece. It wouldn't. (unless of course quitting global trade).

After a spending boom, when you spent far more than you earned, you need to go back to reality and align what you spend with what you earn. This means an economic contraction, which in the case of Greece was severe, but this is normal and expected. It just highlight how artificial the boom was.

thunderlips11 says

countries like Greece depend on Tourism and Ag exports, which are already suboptimal due to the high value of the Euro, so it's difficult for them to begin to "produce".

The real economy is independent of the currency value. Prices adjust both ways. People adjust how much they ask to align with what they can get.

The key point seldom discussed in the US, it that this is not just about tight government spending. A lot of German requirements are move to modernize the country's economy. If don't even have a tax collection department, then maybe you ought to have one, and people don't like to pay taxes but maybe they should. Maybe they need to take steps to make companies more efficient. A lot of the "pain" in Greece is precisely being forced to change old bad habits. Without it Greece will never be able to prosper.

This is where monetary stimulus is just masking the bad structures. It just allows the country to not change, not adjust to reality, never do anything to become more efficient. It remove all incentives for change. Yes you can print money and spend it. And yes that is "demand" (for the Chinese). But no country ever prospered out of this in the long term. You are far better off by confronting your problems and adjusting to the reality.

96   Heraclitusstudent   2015 Feb 2, 12:58pm  

thunderlips11 says

As discussed on another thread, "Lucky" or "Hard Working" countries like Germany got all kinds of deals the Greeks never got.

[Shrug] You can debate endlessly about who had it tougher in the past.
To God, all things are good.

I would also remind that in the 2000's Germany took tough steps to moderate wage growth and improve its competitiveness, and was considered "the sick man of Europe", while other countries were spending debt money and having it easy. So there is a time for others to adjust.

Also remember Greece is getting help amounting to a Marshall plan. It already had a good chunk of its debt cancelled. It's not like other countries are just killing Greece. They are also helping it.

97   indigenous   2015 Feb 2, 1:04pm  

What Heraclitusstudent fails to realize is the culture is not the problem.

With a current account surplus some other country has a deficit to balance the trade.

If Greece agrees to take loans from Germany or Goldman or whoever they are forced to be the deficit country.

The only real solution if for them to simply quit taking the cheap money.

But to not think Germany is not complicit in this is absurd.

98   Heraclitusstudent   2015 Feb 2, 2:17pm  

indigenous says

If Greece agrees to take loans from Germany or Goldman or whoever they are forced to be the deficit country.

The loans are balancing what remains of the deficit after the Greek are forced to take tough actions toward re-balancing and cutting the deficit.

Saying they are "forced to run a deficit" fails to describe the reality.

99   indigenous   2015 Feb 2, 2:35pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Saying they are "forced to run a deficit" fails to describe the reality.

OK they were seduced, like Rin is seduced by his partners.

100   bob2356   2015 Feb 2, 6:31pm  

indigenous says

bob2356 says

Well that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt you have no idea of any kind what keynes ideas were.

Bullshit, the practical reality is exactly what I said.

I have not read general theory, but that does not mean I can not empirically see the affects Krugman has on the US economy and the Japanese economy.

If you don't know what his ideas are then how in the world do you know his ideas are being implemented? Do you actually read what you write. What does krugman have to do with it?

101   indigenous   2015 Feb 2, 6:41pm  

bob2356 says

If you don't know what his ideas are then how in the world do you know his ideas are being implemented? Do you actually read what you write. What does krugman have to do with it?

I just listen to what Krugman says, a self described Keynesian, he is the master mind behind Abenomics. Krugman has everthing to do with it, how can you not know that?

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