New Greek government already making good on its anti-austerity promises

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2015 Jan 29, 4:24am   37,927 views  101 comments

by darlag   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

As promised, the new Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras and his SYRIZA government are rolling back fees, raising the minimum wage, re-hiring some of the public workers who were laid-off by the previous administration and officially announcing other changes and reforms to come.

At what can only be called lightening speed, many of the the so-called “reforms” put in place by the former Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, imposed on Greece by the EU lenders, the Troika, are quickly being repealed or reversed as the new government coalition starts to make good on its election campaign promises to back away from “austerity”.


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97   indigenous   2015 Feb 2, 1:04pm  

What Heraclitusstudent fails to realize is the culture is not the problem.

With a current account surplus some other country has a deficit to balance the trade.

If Greece agrees to take loans from Germany or Goldman or whoever they are forced to be the deficit country.

The only real solution if for them to simply quit taking the cheap money.

But to not think Germany is not complicit in this is absurd.

98   Heraclitusstudent   2015 Feb 2, 2:17pm  

indigenous says

If Greece agrees to take loans from Germany or Goldman or whoever they are forced to be the deficit country.

The loans are balancing what remains of the deficit after the Greek are forced to take tough actions toward re-balancing and cutting the deficit.

Saying they are "forced to run a deficit" fails to describe the reality.

99   indigenous   2015 Feb 2, 2:35pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Saying they are "forced to run a deficit" fails to describe the reality.

OK they were seduced, like Rin is seduced by his partners.

100   bob2356   2015 Feb 2, 6:31pm  

indigenous says

bob2356 says

Well that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt you have no idea of any kind what keynes ideas were.

Bullshit, the practical reality is exactly what I said.

I have not read general theory, but that does not mean I can not empirically see the affects Krugman has on the US economy and the Japanese economy.

If you don't know what his ideas are then how in the world do you know his ideas are being implemented? Do you actually read what you write. What does krugman have to do with it?

101   indigenous   2015 Feb 2, 6:41pm  

bob2356 says

If you don't know what his ideas are then how in the world do you know his ideas are being implemented? Do you actually read what you write. What does krugman have to do with it?

I just listen to what Krugman says, a self described Keynesian, he is the master mind behind Abenomics. Krugman has everthing to do with it, how can you not know that?

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