An Antidote To Corporate Media

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2015 Feb 9, 7:43am   720,015 views  613 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Patrick.net is an online forum, a bit like Twitter or Reddit, but with much more freedom of speech than either of those. Almost anything goes, but a few things don't, such as deliberately personally insulting another user, or deliberately misrepresenting what another user said.

I got the patrick.net domain name back in 1995 when I was one day too late for patrick.com. Missing the .com name turned out to be fine. I prefer the .net name now because life is all about human networks. This site was just my personal blog from 1995 to 2004.

In 2004 I started writing about the housing bubble, which catapulted the site to national fame for a while. I was interviewed on NPR, on Nightline on TV, and in other corporate media that I have since learned to recognize as poison. Here are my original the articles about the housing bubble (the dates on them are much later because I updated them):


The big housing bubble popped in 2008, and traffic fell, since it was no longer controversial to assert that we really had had a housing bubble.

About then, I decided to just let the public discuss other topics with each other and wrote my own forum software. I'm a programmer, so that was fun. At first I was kind of disturbed at the number of conservatives on the site, but as I discussed things with them and saw San Francisco literally turn to shit under far-left Democrat extremists, I changed my thinking.

And yet I didn't change my thinking all that much, because once again, I'm opposing corruption of government by the oligarchy. Before, my enemy was the NAR (National Association of Realtors) and I still think the NAR is nothing but institutionalized crime, but there are bigger fish to fry now, especially since the worldwide campaign to inject every human with a dangerous and ineffective genetic experiment, which was never approved by the FDA. (They approved "Comirnaty", which is not available, to deceive the public.)


It’s like Pharma just backed a truck up to the Progressive Values Factory; stole everything; modified core values in order to maim people, make money, and implement global totalitarianism; and the left is just out there smoking a cigarette on the loading dock saying, “Sounds good to me.” What!? What the heck happened to the left? Is there no one remaining in that tribe who is capable of logic and reason!? Quite literally the worst industry in the world stole the left’s most cherished values and no one on the left is the slightest bit offended by this (even though they are offended by everything else)!? We live in the bizarro upside down world.

I could go on, but you'll get the idea by reading the site.

I have a platform of ideas for improving America: https://patrick.net/post/1303173/2017-02-19-patrick-s-platform

And an explanation for how we got to this point.

Site Rules

1. Do not deliberately insult the other users personally.
2. Do not deliberately insult the site. It's free to use and does not even have ads.
3. Do not misquote people.
4. Do not post porn except in the tits thread. No actual sex and no homo porn please.
5. If you feel you must post racist or anti-semitic jokes, please put them in the political incorrectness thread.
6. Do not post illegal content, unless the US law making the content illegal is itself clearly unconstitutional. In that case, please do post it!
7. Do not threaten another user with violence or you will be quickly and permanently banned.
8. Do not post spam.
9. Do not promote the obviously ineffective and very dangerous toxxine. Millions have died from it, far more than from the virus.

If you're wondering why your comment was flagged, please click the "edit" link on it. It should be pretty obvious when you read your own words again. If you think there was a mistake about the content being flagged, please write p@patrick.net When you edit and save your own flagged comment, it will go back into moderation where it will get reviewed by a moderator again.

If you're suspicious that comments are flagged for political reasons, note that you can actually see any flagged comment in the html source of that page. Use "View Source" in your browser. Yes, it's inconvenient, but that's deliberate, to keep those comments out of the conversation stream.

Please use this effective debate technique:
1. State your opponent's position so that he agrees with it 100%. This is so that you argue against what your opponent is really saying.
2. State points of agreement, and anything you learned from your opponent.
3. Give your reasoning for why your opponent is mistaken.
4. Make it clear that you are attacking only the point and not the person.

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There is a thread for each zip code in the US. You can have local discussions there about anything, or you can post things for sale, etc. To find the thread for a zip code, just do a search for the town name or zip code.

I also have a list of all US Congressmen as separate threads, where you are encouraged to comment on how good of a job you think they're doing:


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473   Patrick   2019 Nov 22, 7:23am  

There are backups every night at 3am California time. If it was from today after the backup then it's really gone.

From the date in the url it looks like it was from today. Sorry about that.

Maybe I should make deletions work differently.
474   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 22, 11:12am  

Dammit @Patrick, I did it again with the Trans Thread I had on Chicago PS 211. Maybe I gotta reposition my mouse and keyboard.
475   Patrick   2019 Nov 23, 12:31pm  

Ah, it really is a bug! Thanks for bringing my attention to it.

There should be a popup confirmation that you really want to delete. I will fix that.
476   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 23, 1:14pm  

Thanks Pat!
477   Patrick   2019 Nov 30, 6:00pm  


OK, if you hold down the shift key and reload, the new javascript should give you a popup confirmation before you delete a post.

Let me know if it doesn't work. Sorry for the delay.
478   mell   2019 Dec 3, 11:48am  

@Patrick another minor bug is that if you are reading a thread and a comment from an ignored person comes in then you will see that comment added by the dynamic refresh.
480   Patrick   2020 Jan 21, 7:51pm  

@OccasionalCortex yes, this is true. You must be logged in to see any pictures.

This is because I was threatened by a copyright-troll lawyer, so I really can't make them visible anymore, at least not yet.

I do need to fix the emails so that actual users can see them though. I will work on that.
481   WookieMan   2020 Feb 5, 8:05am  

I'm sure I've brought this up before, but can't remember the discussion. If someone ignores me, why do I still see their comments? I'm fine seeing them as I'm not that petty, but sometimes I waste time replying to something that I don't know if the user has me on ignore or not, and therefore won't see my comment unless quoted by another user not on their ignore list.

I know it creates infighting and makes it about the users, but I think it would be nice to know who's ignoring you so you don't waste time responding to their comments. OR if someone ignores you, you no longer see their comments or posts at all. Basically they erase themselves from you outside of being quoted by another user.

I have a rough idea of who has me on ignore, but I really am not certain. Either I have really good points they're too afraid to rebuke or they have me on ignore.

@Patrick - Another quick suggestion. Could be stupid, but I think it's brilliant if you truly want to live by the "freedom to offend" mantra. Make it so you cannot ignore a user until they've marked a comment personal from the person they want to ignore and a moderator agrees it was personally directed (moderators cannot decide on their own flagged posts/comments).

The ignore function makes sense if someone is being personal towards another user. But if you are simply ignoring people because you don't agree with their thoughts, isn't that the opposite of freedom to offend? I've got 5 ignores, of which probably 3-4 are simply because someone doesn't like my point of view. I've made personal comments to maybe 2 people on this site that were actual users at one time or another. And those we generally in response to personal comments made towards me.

Basically I kind of dislike the blanket ignore policy with no justifiable reasoning. Feel like there needs to be a reason that you ignore someone, not just feelings or disagreement during a cordial argument. As long as people aren't attacking each other, there's no reason not to hear another persons point of view. There are other bubbles people can go to on the web and get their confirmation bias.
482   Patrick   2020 Feb 5, 8:09am  

Thanks @WookieMan

What do you think of my simply eliminating the ignore function? It's kind of a pain to get right technically, and if people are not being personal, you're right that there's no reason not to hear from them.
483   HeadSet   2020 Feb 5, 8:51am  

What do you think of my simply eliminating the ignore function?

Or at least be able to see who has you on ignore. No point in wasting time responding to a post from someone who has you on ignore.
484   WookieMan   2020 Feb 5, 8:59am  

HeadSet says
What do you think of my simply eliminating the ignore function?

Or at least be able to see who has you on ignore. No point in wasting time responding to a post from someone who has you on ignore.

This was probably 1A of my comment. I make replies and get no response. I assume I'm on ignore I suppose, but have no idea. I enjoy my time here, but making a comment to someone that can't see it, is kind of a waste of time for sure.

1B is the fact that I've not directly attacked in a personal manner any user here except maybe 2 in all honesty. Yet I have 5 ignores (which is fine, I'm not butthurt over it). I just feel like the ignore function creates a bubble for the person clicking ignore. If you don't like what I'm saying, tell me why I'm wrong. It won't hurt my feelings.

Sorry, the Nancy rip is bothering me. I actually think most poster/commenters here have something to offer. We're not always going to agree, but I feel like ignoring someone (ripping up a speech) is the equivalent of the ignore function. We're all wrong or right on many things. Having a tantrum and running from an opinion or fact is stupid though. Sorry.
485   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Feb 5, 9:11am  

I think it works fine today and needs no changes.
486   Onvacation   2020 Feb 5, 9:35am  

Patrick says

What do you think of my simply eliminating the ignore function? It's kind of a pain to get right technically, and if people are not being personal, you're right that there's no reason not to hear from them.

You don't need a function to ignore people.

In general it seems to be the willfully ignorant who use the ignore button. Case in point, someone has ignored Patrick.
487   CBOEtrader   2020 Feb 5, 10:13am  

Patrick says
Thanks @WookieMan

What do you think of my simply eliminating the ignore function? It's kind of a pain to get right technically, and if people are not being personal, you're right that there's no reason not to hear from them.

Open up the pain gates!
488   Onvacation   2020 Feb 6, 5:59am  

The egotistical,simply minded,brainwashed can't respond to anything in any way that could be called facts.
They particularly resent the truth. Name calling is fun when it's the truth.

A favor? One of those that have few "ignores" pass the above to the rest of patnet.

It's just as easy to scan over as ignore. Heyyou has had some something worth listening to at least three times!
489   Patrick   2020 Mar 11, 1:50pm  

Woah, no idea.

Will look into it.

491   PMack   2020 Mar 11, 2:02pm  

There is a war on our Minds.
492   RWSGFY   2020 Mar 11, 2:35pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Patrick says
Woah, no idea.

Will look into it.



Same here.
493   RC2006   2020 Mar 11, 3:29pm  

I thought it was just me, wanted to read.
494   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 11, 3:31pm  

Yeah, had trouble with that post - Really Good News, wanted to read.
495   Patrick   2020 Mar 12, 12:09pm  

Haven't figured it out yet. So damn strange.

If you chop off or add one character to the url, it works:


but everything except for https://patrick.net/post/1330716/ should be ignored by the server. The date + title is really just a kind of comment.
496   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 11, 10:49am  

You say Hyper Bowl, I say Hi Pearl Bailey
I guess we can't get along.
497   Patrick   2020 Apr 11, 11:55am  

Lol, where does that come from?
498   Bd6r   2020 May 31, 11:10am  

I don't think Marcus offends anyone directly. The meme he posted was very ironic in an unintended way tho.
499   Patrick   2020 May 31, 11:19am  

Right, Marcus usually avoids direct personal attacks.
500   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 12, 8:53pm  

Patrick says
Right, Marcus usually avoids direct personal attacks.

Emphasis Mine - Check the mod queue.
501   mell   2020 Jul 12, 10:00pm  

Did we miss anything?
502   Patrick   2020 Jul 12, 10:03pm  

I have lost my patience with the violent left.

Last straw was the murder of a young mother named Jessica Doty Whitaker in Indianapolis because she said "All lives matter."

All of their TDS shit is incitement to murder like this. They will not post their shit here anymore.

No more leftists, no more murders.

Reasoned debate welcomed, but the left is very weak at anything except calling people "racist", inciting hate, and murder, so I don't expect anything but more of the same from them.
503   AD   2020 Jul 12, 10:23pm  

Patrick says
Reasoned debate welcomed, but the left is very weak at anything except calling people "racist", inciting hate, and murder, so I don't expect anything but more of the same from them.

The Left leverages fear and guilt as a tyranny tool, and to force people to trade liberty over their form of justice.

It is the false choice between justice or freedom.

504   mell   2020 Jul 13, 9:57am  

Patrick says
I have lost my patience with the violent left.

Last straw was the murder of a young mother named Jessica Doty Whitaker in Indianapolis because she said "All lives matter."

All of their TDS shit is incitement to murder like this. They will not post their shit here anymore.

No more leftists, no more murders.

Reasoned debate welcomed, but the left is very weak at anything except calling people "racist", inciting hate, and murder, so I don't expect anything but more of the same from them.

It's amazing I have tried numerous times with lots of diplomacy to start a rational debate about Trump's achievements and failures and you just can't reason with them. Also they will go loot and burn and murder innocent people because one thug met his counterpart in a thuggish acting cop. It doesn't compute, if you think George had the same right to live as Jessica and those killings are on the same level you are blinded by TDS and hate. The reality is that Floyd had a big rap sheet including armed robbery and was high on many drugs and aggressive and tried to pay with counterfeit money while Jessica never harmed anyone in her life.
505   mell   2020 Jul 13, 10:20am  

marcus says
mell says
they will go loot and burn and murder innocent people

Who are they ? All the liberals ? All the people to the left of Mitch McConnell.

The worst thing is when one side becomes authoritarian or worse when both poles do that. Funny that when right wingers engage in extreme censorship, their own cancel culture, or total authoritarian behavior, they can not even see it.

Meanwhile centrist or even conservative liberals, get grouped by these right wing authoritarians with criminal assholes that are off the charts on the left.

I think the automatic moderation comes from being flagged repeatedly. I never flag unless it's against the law. I think you don't condone this shit but what I'd like to see is many more on the left/moderate side to renounce and say we're going with Trump as long as the regressive left gets to rule and literally burns and murders and cancels people. Or vote for a 3rd party candidate/independent or write in Mickey Mouse to cancel your vote. Once these people are put in check and removed from the helm of the Democratic party you can be all anti-Trump again you want and vote for you favorite moderate Democrat - currently there is none and the country is on the verge of a civil war brought on by the left. It's time to break party lines temporarily and prevent Biden from becoming a tool for BLM and the squad.
506   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jul 13, 10:33am  

Patrick says
Lol, where does that come from?

Like everything else it just came to me
507   mell   2020 Jul 13, 10:38am  

marcus says
mell says
I think the automatic moderation comes from being flagged repeatedly.

No the automatic moderation comes from a sequence of events. Patrick is afraid of what I will say.

The only reason I am saying anything is becasue I guess to have a few last words about this sad situation before I leave. Unfortunatley , Patrick will very likely delete any comment of mine actually describing what happened.

I guess what happened is that my posting negative memes or cartoons about Trump is now "inciting violence."

Sometimes the self righteousness becomes too much for a right winger to bear.

Ok, I don't follow everything that gets posted here but I would love to hear from most of my leftist friends and acquaintances a solid distancing from what's going on right now. I think I would get irate too if somebody would downplay what happened to Jessica or make fun of it - note the media is pretty silent about this, it's being reported briefly and all in a lackadaisical hearsay manner - what has this country become? If you can stand up, raise your fist in the air (and some burn and loot and murder) because a multiple convicted felon got mishandled by a cop after resisting arrest then I sure as hell expect everyone to march in the streets now for Jessica. Currently there definitely is inciting of violence against White people, esp. Conservatives and Trumpers, and even young mothers who "dare" to say all lives matter.
508   mell   2020 Jul 13, 10:41am  

marcus says
SO much irony.

What too many BLM folks don't realize is that the actions of a few incompetent cops shouldn't be generalized on to all police or worse on to the entire "white supremacist culture."

Meanwhile give a right winger a few isolated sick or evil incidents that they can generalize on to the entire "left" and watch how fast they will do it with relish. And by the left, I mean anyone not planning on voting for Dear Leader.

Nobody asked you to vote for Trump, all I'm asking you is not to vote Democrat which sadly currently is a vote for discrimination and violence against Whites. Just forfeit it then. Or go with Kanye. I never supported Boosh as soon as he started warmongering in Iraq.
509   mell   2020 Jul 13, 10:48am  

marcus says
Meanwhile give a right winger a few isolated sick or evil incidents

Cmon these incidents are not isolated, it's pretty much open season right now. Not every Whitey gets attacked or murdered, but at least they have to apologize, or get canceled. It's like reversed Apartheid.
510   Patrick   2020 Jul 13, 10:57am  

Seriously, I am going to delete all TDS because it is thinly disguised incitement to murder.

It's not funny anymore. The left is literally murdering people because of TDS.


These are not "isolated" incidents. They follow directly from pervasive leftist hate in the media and in academia.

It is preparation for genocide.
511   mell   2020 Jul 13, 11:04am  

Patrick says
Seriously, I am going to delete all TDS because it is thinly disguised incitement to murder.

It's not funny anymore. The left is literally murdering people because of TDS.


These are not "isolated" incidents. They follow directly from pervasive leftist hate in the media and in academia.

It is preparation for genocide.

Wow this is insane. Quickly googled and not too much in the media about it (mostly smaller unknown new sites). Have to give credit to buzzfeednews which actually reported on it.

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