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Rossman has since taken his account private, but the screenshots are all 100% real. This is a former deep state CIA analyst and he's a Senior Manager of "TRUST & SAFETY" at Google. And he's an anti-white, anti-Trump, "I'm with her," anti-conservative bigot.
He's in charge of deciding what is and isn't hate speech and deciding what you see when you search Google.
And you think he's fair and balanced?
There's more...
Nick (Name Redacted)
Dec 26, 2022
1. Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community.
Google’s Trust & Safety team is managed by 3 ex-CIA agents, who control “misinfo & hate speech.”
Here’s the breakdown:
YouTube Shadow-Banning Videos that don't conform to 'The Narrative' | Exhibit A - "Black American Patriots react: NFL announces 'Black National Anthem'"
Kari Lake got static for not standing during the pregame performance of "The Black National Anthem" during last Sunday's Super Bowl. The whole point of a national anthem is it's the NATION'S ANTHEM
Google, he continued, had intentionally over-hired engineers and tech talent to stop them from moving to other companies,
Google engineer jumps to death in NYC, second worker suicide in months
Google engineer jumps to death in NYC, second worker suicide in months
Is this Pizza Hut?
No sir, it's Google Pizza.
I must have dialed a wrong number, sorry.
No sir, Google bought Pizza Hut last month.
OK. I would like to order a pizza.
Do you want your usual, sir?
My usual? You know me?
According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times you called you ordered an extra-large pizza with three cheeses, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms and meatballs on a thick crust.
Super! That’s what I’ll have.
May I suggest that this time you order a pizza with ricotta, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes and olives on a whole wheat gluten-free thin crust?
What? I don’t want a vegetarian pizza!
Your cholesterol is not good, sir.
How the hell do you know that?
Well, we cross-referenced your home phone number with your medical records. We have the result of your blood tests for the last 7 years.
Okay, but I do not want your rotten vegetarian pizza! I already take medication for my cholesterol.
Excuse me sir, but you have not taken your medication regularly. According to our database, you purchased only a box of 30 cholesterol tablets once at Lloyds Pharmacy, 4 months ago.
I bought more from another Pharmacy.
That doesn’t show on your credit card statement.
I paid in cash.
But you did not withdraw enough cash according to your bank statement.
I have other sources of cash.
That doesn’t show on your latest tax returns, unless you bought them using an undeclared income source, which is against the law!
I'm sorry sir, we use such information only with the sole intention of helping you.
Enough already! I'm sick to death of Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and all the others. I'm going to an island without the internet, TV, where there is no phone service and no one to watch me or spy on me.
I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport first. It expired 6 weeks ago...
Welcome to the future
Google engineer jumps to death in NYC, second worker suicide in months
Who is behind the policing? Google employees from agencies with three alphabet acronym.
Ok how people how do we stop the google pop up sign in window on most all websites? I don't have a google account this is the most annoying privacy issue currently happening. I do know Google quietly sifts through all users emails and sells the info.
The company is basically the Eye of Sauron, having expanded into services far afield from search while assembling the greatest surveillance network the world has ever seen. Even the consumer profiles acquired by Facebook pale in comparison with those maintained by Google, which is collecting information about people 24/7, using more than 60 different observation platforms—the search engine of course, but also Google Wallet, Google Maps, Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Chrome, Google Docs, Android, YouTube, and on and on. Few Gmail users are aware that Google stores and analyzes every email they write, even the drafts they never send—as well as all the incoming email they receive from both Gmail and non-Gmail users.
According to Google’s privacy policy — to which you assent whenever you use a Google product, even when you haven’t been informed that you’re using a Google product — Google is entitled to share all the data it collects about you with almost anyone, including the federal government. But never with you. Your privacy is not the priority. Google’s privacy, however, is sacrosanct. ...
Judge clears way for DOJ’s antitrust case against Google to go to trial
The government’s case alleging Google has an illegal monopoly in the search engine business will go to trial in September
It figured anyone who hasn't used any Google-infested domains lately must not be human,
Technology has consequences, and these consequences are beginning to manifest as undetectable and untraceable manipulations of entire populations by an unholy alliance between corporations and government to not only monitor what we do, but invisibly influence knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior. Even for those who make a conscious effort to “live off the grid” and decline to use social media and smartphones, it’s getting to the point where it’s all but impossible to operate in day-to-day life without consenting to data harvesting by entities looking to control and profit off of us. It is Orwellian to the maximus.
We’re talking about power on a level unprecedented in human history—virtually untraceable and well beyond the scope of existing regulations and laws. The biomedical tyranny carried out under the auspices of the pandemic was just the next logical extreme. As progressive internet “hacktivist” Aaron Swartz once said about Big Tech, “They have no constitution to answer to. They’re not elected. They have no constituents or voters. All of the protections we’ve built up to protect against government tyranny don’t exist for corporate tyranny.”
I can recall many people had high hopes that the “open source” business model (like WordPress) would lead to a better world.
Google has since abandoned their “don’t be evil” slogan to become one of the most fascist players on the digital stage, practicing censorship with no shame thirteen years later.
Maybe that’s why nobody is talking about Google’s new global internet censorship tool just introduced last week? ...
If your website or blog or Substack criticizes or questions topics like:
Covid-19 statistics
the World Bank
Big Pharma
a one-world global government
climate change
then your website will be prevented from being found in Google search results.
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To view my work calendar on my phone i have to add that account, so google knows my phone now too.
Even viewing a youtube video at work i noticed that they have me logged in to youtube (which google owns). if i log out, i can't read my email...
Google is the worst thing ever to happen to privacy.