Google is Evil

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2015 Jul 7, 1:54pm   77,086 views  474 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Goddamn it, i want to keep google out of my life entirely, but now my employer uses gmail, so have to use it, and my employer put my first and last name on it: first.last@mycompany.com

To view my work calendar on my phone i have to add that account, so google knows my phone now too.

Even viewing a youtube video at work i noticed that they have me logged in to youtube (which google owns). if i log out, i can't read my email...

Google is the worst thing ever to happen to privacy.

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327   Patrick   2023 Oct 2, 3:17pm  

From a complaint I have about the Covered California site:

In the HTML which defines the page, we see:

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans%3A400%2C600%2C700%22 rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadRenderRecaptcha&render=explicit%22 async defer>

The first tag, the "link", gets CSS files from Google servers, to aid in formatting the page. This service is "free" to the creators of https://apply.coveredca.com/ for the sole reason that Google can use it to collect information about the people using it, for example, the fact that they are applying for coverage. Simply loading those CSS files not only lets Google know the URL, IP address, and browser type of the user, but for people who have Google accounts, it also will transmit a "cookie" to Google which allows Google to exactly identify the particular person applying for coverage.

But CSS files the smaller invasion of privacy. The larger invasion is the second line, where a javascript script is loaded, because that invades the privacy of everyone who uses the application for coverage, whether they have a Google account or not, and irresponsibly gives Google unlimited powers of surveillance and control over the page.

When javascript is loaded from a 3rd party server (1st party is user's browser, 2nd party is coveredca.com, 3rd party is Google), that javascript is automatically entrusted with 100% visibility and control over the page. This is simply how all web browsers work. So Google could easily use its javascript to:

1. read everything the user types, including the password, and report it back to Google
2. alter any of the text on the page to say anything Google wants
3. alter what the user is trying to say to coveredca.com without the user or coveredca.com being aware
4. block the page from loading, if Google wants

This is all well-known to javascript programmers who have had sufficient security training. So, for example, no bank will ever include 3rd party javascript on a login or account page for the reasons given above. Sadly, most javascript programmers have not had sufficient security training, and are easily tempted to use the "free" services from Google without consideration as to Google's motive for providing these services. The programmers care about their deadlines for providing the functionality they were tasked with. If they can speed up their work by using Google services, they will do it. They usually either do not even consider the danger to privacy, or just don't care. It is typically only the banks which care, because of the real threat of financial loss and lawsuits.

Even the FBI's "anonymous" tip web page gives an open door to Google to read and write anything in this way, and to identify the tipper. Any tip reported there to the FBI is also visible to Google.

I would be delighted to help more, because this is a serious issue affecting perhaps half of all websites, and it is very difficult to get any attention for it.

328   Patrick   2023 Oct 12, 7:53pm  


Someone created a Google doc of students who showed support for Hamas as a record for future employers but Google deleted it

329   richwicks   2023 Oct 12, 9:04pm  

Patrick says

Someone created a Google doc of students who showed support for Hamas as a record for future employers but Google deleted it

I don't believe in blacklisting. Do you?

I had plenty of dumb stupid ideas at 25, didn't you? Didn't you think that Obozo would be better than Bush? If you did, that was a stupid idea...

I used to think that Democrats were the anti-war party, that was a stupid idea. I think it's important to allow people to make errors, and see their errors.
330   Patrick   2023 Oct 12, 9:21pm  

I don't like blacklisting, but find it hilarious that the very students who are so much into cancelling people are themselves getting cancelled.
331   richwicks   2023 Oct 12, 9:58pm  

Patrick says

I don't like blacklisting, but find it hilarious that the very students who are so much into cancelling people are themselves getting cancelled.

I wouldn't be too quick to ascribe this blacklisting to be from "the left".

When X does a bad some thing, this gives Y the excuse to do the same thing targeting X, and Z smiles, because they want to do that thing.

Kids are propagandized, can't you realize YOU were? I can certainly recognize I was. Takes some time to come out of it.

The point of free speech isn't just to identify and find good ideas, it's also to find bad and insane ideas. You can only recognize the true nutcases with free speech.
332   HeadSet   2023 Oct 13, 6:06am  

richwicks says

I wouldn't be too quick to ascribe this blacklisting to be from "the left".

I do not think anyone is saying the blacklisting is from the left, just that the students who are so quick to cancel others are being cancelled themselves.

In my opinion, those doing the canceling are corporate leaders who have more allegiance to Israel than they do to the United States.
333   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 13, 7:15am  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

I wouldn't be too quick to ascribe this blacklisting to be from "the left".

I do not think anyone is saying the blacklisting is from the left, just that the students who are so quick to cancel others are being cancelled themselves.

In my opinion, those doing the canceling are corporate leaders who have more allegiance to Israel than they do to the United States.


Mutually Assured Destruction created Freedom of Religion

Now it will restore Freedom of Speech

This is what Libertarians and "Principled Republicans" don't understand. The cure is MAD, not expecting tolerance to be returned.
334   Patrick   2023 Oct 13, 10:17am  


Seriously, this is how I found out about a former Hamas leader calling for a “Day of Jihad” on Friday the 13th.

At first, I wasn’t sure if it was fake news… So, I googled Day of Jihad on Googlenet news - this is what I got.

Nothing - main stream media (MSM) and the Googlenet is not reporting on it. “A Day of Jihad” is evidently not a worthwhile news story.

OK then.

But is the statement real?

This is the problem with censorship and selective news reporting. Where does it end?

So, I googled “Hamas, Jihad” on the Google News. That search pulled some local news stories about local and state police forces getting ready.

Again, nothing from MSM.

With the exception of Newsweek, which did actually report on this story. Newsweek choose to run a hit piece on “Maga” in the context of the Hamas statement. Wait, what? They then asserted that the “day of Jihad”, actually just meant a day of protests…
335   stereotomy   2023 Oct 13, 11:09am  

I had to use Yandex (hat tip @richwicks) to find the hamas proclamation video (I suppose I should capitalize hamas to avoid the red squiggly underline, but I do not dignify that which I hold in contempt).
336   richwicks   2023 Oct 13, 2:02pm  

stereotomy says

I had to use Yandex (hat tip richwicks) to find the hamas proclamation video (I suppose I should capitalize hamas to avoid the red squiggly underline, but I do not dignify that which I hold in contempt).

People need to stop using Google.

Using google is like using information that is exclusively sourced from the CIA.
338   gabbar   2023 Oct 26, 6:52am  

Eric Berg has popular videos on YouTube. Check them out, you might find info that could help your health.

What I really think about YouTube's new rules by Annette Bosworth, MD
339   gabbar   2023 Oct 26, 6:58am  

YES, Yandex is better than Google, in my personal experience with using both Google search and Yandex search.
And protonmail is an awesome alternative to gmail
340   Patrick   2023 Oct 26, 8:50am  

I agree. Yandex images is particularly good:

343   Patrick   2023 Dec 11, 7:01pm  


Three years after Fortnite-maker Epic Games sued Apple and Google for allegedly running illegal app store monopolies, Epic has a win. The jury in Epic v. Google has just delivered its verdict — and it found that Google turned its Google Play app store and Google Play Billing service into an illegal monopoly.

After just a few hours of deliberation, the jury unanimously answered yes to every question put before them — that Google has monopoly power in the Android app distribution markets and in-app billing services markets, that Google did anticompetitive things in those markets, and that Epic was injured by that behavior. They decided Google has an illegal tie between its Google Play app store and its Google Play Billing payment services, too, and that its distribution agreement, Project Hug deals with game developers and deals with OEMs were all anticompetitive.
344   Patrick   2024 Jan 16, 11:30am  


Google's DEI training calls "white anxiety" a public health crisis, compares voting candidates who will "bring back those jobs" to being a junkie
345   Patrick   2024 Jan 30, 9:59am  


Google Update Reveals AI Will Read All Your Private Messages ...

But Bard will also analyze the private content of messages “to understand the context of your conversations, your tone, and your interests.” It will analyze the sentiment of your messages, “to tailor its responses to your mood and vibe.” And it will “analyze your message history with different contacts to understand your relationship dynamics… to personalize responses based on who you're talking to.”

And so here comes the next privacy battlefield for smartphone owners still coming to terms with app permissions, privacy labels and tracking transparency, and with all those voice AI assistant eavesdropping scandals still fresh in the memory.


348   Patrick   2024 Feb 18, 8:27pm  


Speaking of Death Stars, state-affiliated Google can be as fascinating as it is frustrating. While the search engine slyly suppresses the national conversation, it teaches us through its omissions what the directors of the censorship regime fear the most. For instance, this morning Google pretended not to understand my simple request for a picture of a group of people together lifting a car. Ironically, I found it on TikTok.

Here you go, today’s thematic illustration :

We are far stronger together.
349   AD   2024 Feb 18, 9:36pm  

Patrick says

We are far stronger together.

That is what I was saying to Rich Wicks as far as small towns and communities working together and innovating together. That is a way to address and mitigate effects from large-scale dilemmas like currency devaluation.

Its like one tree stick can be easily broken. Then have a bunch of sticks and tie string around them; they cannot be broken as easily as the single stick.


351   stereotomy   2024 Feb 21, 10:40pm  

AD says

Patrick says

We are far stronger together.

That is what I was saying to Rich Wicks as far as small towns and communities working together and innovating together. That is a way to address and mitigate effects from large-scale dilemmas like currency devaluation.

its like one tree stick can be easily broken. Then have a bunch of sticks and tie string around them; they cannot be broken as easily as the single stick.



That's why Mussolini called it "Fascism" - many sticks together are stronger than one stick alone.

Sorry for the cheap shot, but I actually agree in the sense that you meant it. It is only by tens of thousands standing together that we can oppose one oligarchical apparatchik.
353   KgK one   2024 Feb 22, 2:42pm  

Originally they used low quality pics , AI identified black ppl as gorilla. Now they overfeed woke data n its turning all black n brown.
354   Ceffer   2024 Feb 22, 3:13pm  

It's all part of the drool buckets demonstrating their ritualized contempt for the populace. I can imagine them dancing around drunk on adrenochrome wearing bottomless tutus and Satanic bride gowns with their genitals flailing as they slash at their child victims with cuts and revel in the manic atrocities they anticipate against the body public. One would expect their AI to reflect their current inabilities to control their venoms.
356   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 22, 10:41pm  

Speaking of Founding Fathers, I wonder if kids learn anything positive about them anymore in Public Schools.
357   Misc   2024 Feb 22, 11:39pm  

AmericanKulak says

Speaking of Founding Fathers, I wonder if kids learn anything positive about them anymore in Public Schools.

About 13% of students are proficient in History.

358   SunnyvaleCA   2024 Feb 23, 2:10am  

Misc says

AmericanKulak says

Speaking of Founding Fathers, I wonder if kids learn anything positive about them anymore in Public Schools.

About 13% of students are proficient in History.


With this so-called "history" we'd all be better off if 0% of students were proficient.
359   Patrick   2024 Feb 23, 11:43am  


Oh, Google. Those of us in media and politics have long discarded the company’s infamous, biased, completely-unreliable search engine. And as I’m sure you heard by now, the company’s recently-rebranded AI platform caused massive controversy yesterday when users noticed the AI, called “Gemini”, formerly “Bard,” is more biased against white folks than the Black Panthers’ Grand High Wizard, or whatever he’s called these days.

In case you missed the fun somehow — Gemini’s concept of Popes:

Users went wild exploring the boundaries of Gemini’s reprehensible racism. It wasn’t just that Gemini would draw unwanted, historically-inaccurate — but diverse! — characters, it actually refused to draw any historically accurate ones, so long as it was asked to draw white folks, that is:

Google’s AI hilariously produced pictures of diverse historical figures in the most unlikely configurations. The story quickly broke into corporate media, producing many uproarious, side-splitting headlines. ...

Now they’ve shut it down. I tried this morning, and at first Gemini refused to draw any pictures of any people, citing its highbrow standards of ethics and personal privacy instead of just admitting it’s racist. (To be fair, we’ve already seen that AI’s ethical standards can change from day-to-day, which probably makes them something different from standards, per se.)

But within an hour or so the deflated AI had thrown in the towel, and now meekly says its bosses claim it’s under improvement.

So how do they inject their goofy Neo-marxist biases and repugnant racism into the AI? It’s not even the programmers doing it. It’s safety specialists who do it using something called prompt injection. That means when you enter a prompt, like “draw a pope,” the interface adds behind-the-scenes instructions before it sends your prompt on to the AI.

So, the ‘prompt’ the AI gets is different from what you typed. If you type, “draw a pope,” the AI will get “draw a pope from the perspective of a speed-addled Black Panther activist being chased by a pack of KKK hangmen. And make sure the result makes trans people feel more like real women.”

I asked ChatGPT to explain ‘prompt injection’ and it actually gave me an honest response:

Slipping a note, lol. But the problem is, we users aren’t allowed to see the true, modified prompts that get sent to the AI. That’s a secret. To its credit, ChatGPT admitted it:

The AI community barks about safety and transparency all the time. But they are just as secretive and non-transparent as any government skunkworks biolab. However, it seems sort of fundamental, for trust and confidence in the AIs, that we be allowed to see how our questions are being modified before being submitted to the computer.

Google’s racist chatbot just opened up that conversation, big time. Let’s have it. Transparently.
360   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 23, 2:38pm  

Ah yes, Abigailia Sourfaceus, Ubuntus Seguntus, and Hiros Tamaguichius, the Roman Emperors.
362   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 23, 2:39pm  


The AI was taught this, of course. Otherwise it would have looked for or been fed images of the era and simply used those as a basis. The fact it added Asian and Black Wehrmacht soldiers was entirely Woke Religion.

365   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Feb 23, 6:05pm  

AmericanKulak says

looks like disney movies… same blackening of white historical figures.
366   richwicks   2024 Feb 23, 6:30pm  

I've been playing with AI quite a bit, and it's quite amazing at how bad it is, for certain tasks that ought to be trivial.

It couldn't do a non-blocking read on Perl and instead suggested using pipes and a fork despite this being quite common in being part of the Perl cookbook:


I think it's good for learning technical stuff, but it's far from complete, and it's useless for anything else.

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