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Hillariously, up until a few years ago I liked to boast that I had been "Microsoft free since 2002!" Now I'm actually switching TO Microsoft because it's by far the lesser evil.
Another search engine alternative to Google, this one based in France:
Patrick saysAnother search engine alternative to Google, this one based in France:
Patrick, if you click that link it takes you to a list of propaganda about how great Dominion voting machines are, and how everyone is lying about them.
richwicks sayshttps://www.brandnewtube.com
I like it, but it refuses to run without cookies and localstorage turned on so that they can track you.
Political commentator Candace Owens accused YouTube of being “batshit woke” after it removed her podcast about gender identity. It is not clear why YouTube suddenly found the video offensive after being on the platform for a year.
On Friday, Owens tweeted that YouTube had removed her video because she said “men are not women and women are not men.” According to her remarks in the video are not so-called “hate speech” but the truth.
Now imagine Italian food without tomatoes or Russia Vodka made without potatoes.
Stoly production used up the supply of potatoe
they did give us corn, tomatoes, potatoes, and sweet potatoes
Who do you go to when the police are robbing you?
Google has been secretly developing a covert version of Google Search for the Chinese Communist Party in order to enter the vast Chinese market. At the request of the Chinese government, Google will link users’ mobile phone numbers to the search terms they’ve used. This is to help the government crack down on dissidents and activists and to become more efficient overall at censoring the Internet. ...
This revelation should have been unsurprising, as Google had essentially been doing this in the West for ages. ...
If they can’t get your number from their services, Google has partnerships with Facebook, Twitter and other tech platforms to exchange that information with them. If that doesn’t work, Google turns to its 100,000s of third-party partners and data brokers like Acxiom to buy your phone number from offline databases.
Thanks to Ed Snowden, we know that all Google servers are tapped by intelligence agencies in the US and in the Five Eyes Alliance countries of the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The US National Security Agency has a copy of your search history tied back to your phone number forever in their data centers. ...
Ever since Gmail came to existence, Google has been actively scanning your emails for keywords to expose you to more ads in your inbox. But Google also used your private emails to study your writing style and the way you type. Similar to how you walk is unique to your person, the way you hit keys on your keyboard and your writing style also belongs to you only.
This allows Google to identify you across your whole Internet presence, even if you create pseudonymous accounts on public forums like Reddit. ...
If you ever deleted your email or even your entire Gmail account, Google visually fulfills your request, but residual copies are kept in their offline backup systems indefinitely and Google doesn’t go after the third-party developers to delete their copies of your emails. Your private emails thus remain copied and stored in data centers across the globe with unknown security and no oversight. ...
The first time Google was caught tracking users location on their Android phones and tablets was through triangulation of nearby cell towers servicing users’ devices. This information was collected even when users turned off location services, never inserted a SIM card in their phone, or even after factory reset. There was no way for users to opt out. ...
This information was collected even when users turned off location services, never inserted a SIM card in their phone, or even after factory reset. There was no way for users to opt out. ...
This year is a big milestone for Google. 40% of global ad spending is expected to take place online, outspending TV advertising by $40 billion. Google achieved dominance in digital advertising thanks to their focus, commitment and sheer will – the will to know every single step you take.
Google is able to attract advertisers thanks to their ability to profile records of your entire activity on the web. By partnering with MasterCard and other credit card companies, Google to now has access to roughly 70% of credit and debit card transactions in the US and they’re able to track what you buy even in physical stores.
I’m writing today to let you know that Fitbit is now officially part of Google. It’s an incredibly exciting moment for us as a company and for our Fitbit community of users around the globe.
I just submitted a bug, using which, I could simply send a link to someone, and when they click on it and visit my website, I could steal their YouTube watch history, the links to watch all of their unlisted videos, their Watch Later playlist, the list of videos they’ve liked, and more. It was pretty damn cool.
FLoC is meant to be a new way to make your browser do the profiling that third-party trackers used to do themselves: in this case, boiling down your recent browsing activity into a behavioral label, and then sharing it with websites and advertisers.
Obama administration refused to act on 2013 FTC report that proved Google’s wildly anticompetitive behavior
Google’s march toward overwhelming search, digital ad, and mobile OS market dominance was visible from orbit to everyone but the most casual technology observer as early as in 2013; but the Obama administration Federal Trade Commission (FTC) experts rejected it.
It was in January of that year that they decided not to sue Google after conducting a probe, launched in 2011, into the giant’s monopolistic behavior. To make matters worse, the FTC of the time neither disclosed the details of its probe, nor explained the reasons behind the decision.
Do you remember the East German Stasi? (Staatssicherheitsdienst)
How did they control everyone?
There was a secret file on everyone where they accumulated embarrassing or legally actionable details about them.
That's Google, only a million times worse now.
Google is working on getting your browser itself to directly betray your browsing to them so they can sell that personal info.
Never use Chrome! Try Brave browser instead.
https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/03/googles-floc-terrible-ideaFLoC is meant to be a new way to make your browser do the profiling that third-party trackers used to do themselves: in this case, boiling down your recent browsing activity into a behavioral label, and then sharing it with websites and advertisers.
Google is working on getting your browser itself to directly betray your browsing to them so they can sell that personal info.
Google is working on getting your browser itself to directly betray your browsing to them so they can sell that personal info.
Never use Chrome! Try Brave browser instead.
Millions of Chrome users quietly added to Google’s FLoC pilot
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To view my work calendar on my phone i have to add that account, so google knows my phone now too.
Even viewing a youtube video at work i noticed that they have me logged in to youtube (which google owns). if i log out, i can't read my email...
Google is the worst thing ever to happen to privacy.