Is Trump a racist?

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2015 Jul 12, 9:56am   21,433 views  68 comments

by Blurtman   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Were his remarks about Mexicans racist?

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20   marcus   2015 Jul 12, 1:06pm  

komputodo says

I've never heard a mexican call another person racist in mexico.

Everyone knows that many lighter skinned (more European) Mexicans are known to feel superior to darker skinned Mexicans.

21   Blurtman   2015 Jul 12, 1:17pm  

marcus says

Everyone knows that many lighter skinned (more European) Mexicans are known to feel superior to darker skinned Mexicans.

Yes, and "Indian" is a slur, reflecting the shame of conquest and subjugation by the original Hispanics, the Spaniards. See Richard Rodriguez "Brown" for more.

I personally do not want to play a let's pretend game where we pretend there is a made up group of white people, Asians, African Americans, Indians, Indian-white people mixes that is interchangeably referred to as Hispanic or Latino. Frankly I wouldn't really care, expect affirmative action gives members of this made up group special privileges, and members of this group act essentially as a union seeking special treatment.

Look at the outrage Elizabeth Warren created when she claimed to be an Indian. To qualify for affirmative action programs as an Indian, you have to prove you are a member of a tribal register. Had she claimed to be an Hispanic, no proof at all would have been required. The whole system is a fraud which folks like SCJ Sotomayor use to advance their careers.

22   marcus   2015 Jul 12, 1:23pm  

Blurtman says

But the issue is whether negative remarks about Mexicans is racism. If I could interpret what I would argue is faulty information processing, it would go something like this:

a. Donald Trump made derogatory remarks about Mexicans. (True)

b. Mexicans are Hispanics. (True for the sake of argument)

c.. Hispanics are a race. (False).

d. Donald Trump is a racist. (Inconclusive)

Really ? You think there is a single person who went from. your a, to b, to , c, to d ?

I find it amusing that your focus goes to the technicality of whether Mexicans are a race. Okay, so they aren't technically a race. That's true.

So therefore making derogatory remarks about Mexicans is not racist. Seriously, that' s the best you can do ?

Blurtman says

You may be missing the point.

No trust me, I get your point. When people talk about racism against Mexicans, you have a choice. You can accept the use of the word (racist) as it often is used by millions as applicable to prejudice against Mexicans, or you can get hung up on trivial semantics giving yourself an easy out from even considering the question.

Your issue is that you are actually too hung up on race, to even understand what racism is. And that is kind of amusing.

23   Blurtman   2015 Jul 12, 1:52pm  

marcus says

I find it amusing that your focus goes to the technicality of whether Mexicans are a race. Okay, so they aren't technically a race. That's true.

-Yes, we both agree. Please tell the outraged liberals.

So therefore making derogatory remarks about Mexicans is not racist. Seriously, that' s the best you can do ?

-The best I can do about what?

Blurtman says

You may be missing the point.

No trust me, I get your point. When people talk about racism against Mexicans, you have a choice. You can accept the use of the word as it often is used by millions as applicable to prejudice against Mxicans, or you can get hung up on trivial semantics giving yourself an easy out from even considering the question.

Your issue is that you are actually too hung up on race, to even understand what racism is. And that is kind of amusing.

-Assuming it is the case that millions are in error, words matter. Communication cannot exist, otherwise. And along those lines, prejudice and racism are not synonymous. It is easy to understand how "millions" can be confused, considering the bogus Hispanic designation, and the constant misuse of Latino by the media, pols, and special interest groups.

24   HydroCabron   2015 Jul 12, 2:14pm  

Blurtman says

And along those lines, prejudice and racism are not synonymous. It is easy to understand how "millions" can be confused, considering the bogus Hispanic designation, and the constant misuse of Latino by the media, pols, and special interest groups.

Why don't you go have a good cry about it?

25   Tenpoundbass   2015 Jul 12, 2:14pm  

If he wont or can't back up his assertion with the reality of it then he probably is.

He is right in a larger sense, but with much clarity.

First he should establish he wasn't talking about law abiding Mexican nationals that came over here lawfully, nor was he talking about all illegal immigrants that have came over here for the American dream and not engage in criminal enterpise. Then he could explain how our borders are already impenatrable for your average poor Mexican. The only places there isn't a wall is hundreds of miles in the desert. The only way your average Mexican can get accross the border in these remote locations is through a very organized network of violent cartels and criminals. These people are lured to the desert and often killed and the people who were supposed to get them to America often kills them and takes their money and belongings. My BIL who self deported to Peru in 2010. He and We knows he'll never come back to America through Mexico as an illegal Alien again. He would either end up dead or put in jail and returned in route, but mostly dead.

Donald can't tell it like it is, without being in conflit to his calls to build a wall in the first place. We've got one. It only keeps the good ones out.

26   mell   2015 Jul 12, 2:24pm  

CaptainShuddup says

First he should establish he wasn't talking about law abiding Mexican nationals that came over here lawfully, nor was he talking about all illegal immigrants that have came over here for the American dream and not engage in criminal enterpise.

He said that. He clarified he meant that the Mexican government makes the border porous when they see fit (or get bribed/corrupted) and don't want to deal with certain people which are the ones with the most problems. This is something that has been pointed out for decades by those who live close by or patrol the border.

CaptainShuddup says

The only way your average Mexican can get accross the border in these remote locations is through a very organized network of violent cartels and criminals. These people are lured to the desert and often killed and the people who were supposed to get them to America often kills them and takes their money and belongings. My BIL who self deported to Peru in 2010. He and We knows he'll never come back to America through Mexico as an illegal Alien again. He would either end up dead or put in jail and returned in route, but mostly dead.

Donald can't tell it like it is, without being in conflit to his calls to build a wall in the first place. We've got one. It only keeps the good ones out.

The entity that can and should solve these atrocious conditions best is the Mexican government and he wants to put than onus back on them which seems reasonable.

27   mell   2015 Jul 12, 2:48pm  

marcus says

" I Racist"


"Black children learn this when their parents give them “The Talk.” When they are sat down at the age of 5 or so and told that their best friend’s father is not sick, and not in a bad mood– he just doesn’t want his son playing with you."

Unmitigated bullshit. I hope you don't teach your kids that this is some sort of daily reality in the US these days, I would take my kids out of your school immediately, no matter if they were black, white or mixed. Nobody deserves to grow up with an artificially fostered racial divide.

28   mell   2015 Jul 12, 2:58pm  

The people of Marin county (mostly elite white liberals/progressives advocating for social justice as long as it is not in their backyard) could give a fuck about black millionaires moving into their posh neighborhoods, but they do regularly protest low income housing on their turf because they don't want the poverty and crime that comes with it, and since those housing project hoods are usually the ones that are more racially diverse, Marin stays whitey whiteland. Classist? Sure. Elitist? Sure. Posh nimby snob scum? Perhaps. Racist? No.

29   FortWayne   2015 Jul 12, 4:49pm  

We need to fix our borders, Trump is correct.

Millions of illegals significantly distorts the labor market. When there are millions of poor schmucks who will take any pay just to not go hungry that drops wages for the working class. It's no different then outsourcing on a larger scale. And the only way to fix it is Romney's self deportation, which means punishing employers with fines and heavy fees. And putting up a real border that fixes that issue.

Democrats don't want to fix that, they don't give a shit about working Americans getting fucked by this system. They like the idea of more illegals, because illegals have children and their children being poor predominantly vote for Democrats because Democrats always promote hand outs. That's how it is. And if this continues we as a nation will fall like every other socialist empire that simply has too few resources and too little pay. Not to mention there is a cultural impact, which I know liberals don't care about. Liberals don't love America, can't expect them to love it's culture.

30   marcus   2015 Jul 12, 5:23pm  

FortWayne says

We need to fix our borders, Trump is correct.

Okay. But then he must secretly be supporting democrats. Because if this becomes an issue, there is a risk that the voters will learn the facts, that is that border security is way up under Obama, as is sending criminal illegal immigrants back. Over all numbers of people coming in in recent years is way down, in part due to tighter borders, probably in part due to a worse economy.

By making this an issue, is Trump just trying to make Obama look good ?

31   FortWayne   2015 Jul 12, 5:26pm  

marcus says

Okay. But then he must secretly be supporting democrats. Because if this becomes an issue, there is a risk that the voters will learn the facts, that is that border security is way up under Obama, as is sending criminal illegal immigrants back. Over all numbers of people coming in in recent years is way down, in part due to tighter borders, probably in part due to a worse economy.

Better than what? After 10 various executive orders that basically stopped all deportations that's not really "better". Not to mention we are still getting killed, people are physically killed, at the border.

33   FortWayne   2015 Jul 12, 8:38pm  

Marcus all of your sources are one sided, and biased, and tailored propaganda, they might as well be Democrat. While I clearly remember Obama executive orders making news when he prevented deportations.

34   marcus   2015 Jul 12, 11:00pm  

FortWayne you're a moron that's incapable of grasping even the most simple facts. Pew research is nonpartisan and almost all of the links I gave you were giving very clear facts and data.

Republican friends say that democrats are hateful when they claim that republicans are just stupid. But it's from dealing with the likes of you. Only a dim witted moron can take simple clear facts and turn them into propaganda, just because they don't like them. IF you have other facts you wish to cite then go ahead, but this is just pathetic.

FortWayne says

your sources are one sided, and biased, and tailored propaganda

You mean like this ?

or this ?

What's it like to realize that your beliefs have no connection to reality ?

35   carrieon   2015 Jul 13, 4:35am  

I wonder how many of these people who pass judgement on Trump have more than a 3rd grade education? Of course, Trump also needs to take note of who is listening to him today as a candidate. Either case is a sad situation for Trump.

36   marcus   2015 Jul 13, 6:08am  

carrieon says

I wonder how many of these people who pass judgement on Trump have more than a 3rd grade education?

Good luck finding a well educated person that doesn't think Trump is a total moron.

Captainshuddup and FortWayne like him. That's a negative correlation between education level and supporting Trump. I have evidence that that negative correlation holds up even among republicans.

37   lostand confused   2015 Jul 13, 6:23am  

Nah. The illegal immigrants and the welfare epidemic are synonymous. Kick them out ad make the welfare freaks work those jobs-or is that racist/sexist/one percentish???? Trump needs to go farther and call out the feminazis and the unwillingness of the feminazis to take on the responsibility of being an equal. I think there are enough disaffected people in all spectrums of life in America who are willing to try something else out.

No Bushies and Clintons again.

it is a free country and one can say whatever they want-there is a reason it is called the first amendment. It is funny how the lefties are now the most opposed to free speech. They do not argue back, but just demand that anyone with a different opinion not voice his opinion. Just like their idol Obama who has used the Espionage acts more than all other presidents combined-some of whom were in much bigger wars. Kim Jong Un is the leftie hero-parrot only the official line and anything against that will be met with swift retribution. Free speech is for suckers!

38   HydroCabron   2015 Jul 13, 6:54am  

lostand confused says

The illegal immigrants and the welfare epidemic are synonymous. Kick them out ad make the welfare freaks work those jobs-or is that racist/sexist/one percentish????

Most people on welfare have jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

39   lostand confused   2015 Jul 13, 7:48am  

HydroCabron says

Most people on welfare have jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if true, then perhaps one should look at their standard of living. Do they need cell phones, cars etc etc. If they decide to have kids despite their financial status, do we need to support them in the lifestyle they desire. Bare minimum is fine, but nothing more than that. if an illegal can survive without welfare, then so can an American. That will be their incentive to move up and if they are not getting welfare and have some hunger in their belly, then they won't stand for free trade and other such gibberish.

40   komputodo   2015 Jul 13, 8:14am  

marcus says

Pew research is nonpartisan and almost all of the links I gave you were giving very clear facts and data.

Recently, though, Pew decided to turn the spotlight on the reliability of its own research. What it found was alarming: Fewer than one in 10 Americans contacted for a typical Pew survey bothers to respond. That’s down from a response rate of 36 percent just 15 years ago.

Their poll results are based on the 10% of americans that willingly waste their time answering phone surveys. The lonely and bored I imagine.

41   Dan8267   2015 Jul 13, 8:18am  

Blurtman says

Is Trump a racist?

Does the pope shit in the woods?

42   HydroCabron   2015 Jul 13, 8:47am  

lostand confused says



lostand confused says

Do they need cell phones, cars etc etc

You can't make a living as a fry cook without a cell phone these days. 90 years ago, indoor plumbing was a luxury: should we yank that out of all poor people's housing?

A car is certainly optional, depending on where you live.

lostand confused says

if they decide to have kids despite their financial status, do we need to support them in the lifestyle they desire.

This is chewed over ad nauseam: to blow them off just because they have kids is to punish the children for the sins of the parents, but people who have kids they can't support are incredibly irresponsible. If there were an easy answer to that question, a lot of questions surrounding poverty would have been solved thousands of years ago.

in the lifestyle they desire.

You make it sound as if they take the Learjet to their Caribbean vacation.

I have some extended family who are consistently in poverty: 3 generations, with the 3rd generation doing better. They are not generally stupid, but 3 factors are consistent:

- Mental illness (roughly 30% of the family)
- Poor choices ("Oooh! That raving alcoholic is so exciting! I'll marry him!")
- Amazing ability to take the wrong fork in the road - not huge obvious choices (other than marrying addicts), but choices you would think don't matter much come back to bite them.

And, yes, they drive me fucking nuts.

43   mell   2015 Jul 13, 9:15am  

marcus says

Good luck finding a well educated person that doesn't think Trump is a total moron.

Captainshuddup and FortWayne like him. That's a negative correlation between education level and supporting Trump. I have evidence that that negative correlation holds up even among republicans.

I bet Trump - who graduated from one of the top universities in the US - would beat most PatNetters handily in any IQ test. The leftist Hubris never fails to deliver. There's no question who the real morons are. You don't have to like somebody to acknowledge their intelligence, but it is a clear sign of stupidity and hubris to think that people you don't like must be dumb.

44   Tenpoundbass   2015 Jul 13, 9:17am  

marcus says

By making this an issue, is Trump just trying to make Obama look good ?

Only to the twitterverse

45   HydroCabron   2015 Jul 13, 9:35am  

You don't do well in early primaries by appealing to the smart half of the GOP.

46   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Jul 13, 9:44am  

The Sinhaloa Drug Lord who 'miraculously' escaped jail for the 2nd time sure has choice words for Trump:

As for glorious US ally and "democracy" Mexico:

He then hinted that the authorities had been complicit in the jailbreak by posting: 'The dog (slang for the Mexican government) dances for money, and I've bought it.'

Also, check out pic of Mexican National Security Guy. Blue Eyes, Whiter than a Bedsheet, probably 100% Spanish, Italian, or German. His 1%er children probably fill out "Hispanic" when applying for Harvard.

47   tatupu70   2015 Jul 13, 9:45am  

mell says

I bet Trump - who graduated from one of the top universities in the US - would beat most PatNetters handily in any IQ test.

I'll take that bet. Rich kids going to top Universities doesn't mean much. W went to Yale, remember?

48   Blurtman   2015 Jul 13, 11:13am  

tatupu70 says

I'll take that bet. Rich kids going to top Universities doesn't mean much. W went to Yale, remember?

Don't forget Princess Chelsea.

"Lord Butler of Brockwell, the Master of University College, said: "Her record at Stanford shows that she is a very well-qualified and able student. The college is also pleased to extend its link with the Clinton family."

"In November 2011, NBC announced that they hired Clinton as a special correspondent. One of her roles was reporting feature stories about "Making a Difference" for NBC Nightly News and Rock Center with Brian Williams. It was a three-month contract and allowed her to concurrently continue working for the Clinton Foundation and pursue her education. Clinton's first appearance was on the December 12, 2011, episode of Rock Center. Although she received some critical reviews for her work, Clinton's contract with NBC was renewed in February 2012. Rock Center ended in May 2013, and Clinton left the network in August 2014.Clinton reportedly earned an annual salary of $600,000 for her work at NBC. Clinton memorably interviewed the Geico Gecko in April 2013."


It's the level playing field of Hillary's dreams!

49   marcus   2015 Jul 13, 3:07pm  

komputodo says

Their poll results are based on the 10% of americans that willingly waste their time answering phone surveys.

It's worth noting that the Pew research articles I posted had nothing to do with polls.

HydroCabron says

You don't do well in early primaries by appealing to the smart half of the GOP.

exactly, and when you're talking about the dumber half of the GOP, you're talking about a set of people that intersect substantially with the lowest overall quartile of the country.

50   marcus   2015 Jul 13, 3:24pm  

lostand confused says

It is funny how the lefties are now the most opposed to free speech. They do not argue back, but just demand that anyone with a different opinion not voice his opinion.

For one thing you won't find a "lefty" that denies your right to say whatever.

IF in this case, the "lefties" did not even dignify Trumps asinine remarks with an argument, maybe it's because they thought about what that might look like.

I suppose you think the "lefties" should have parsed everything TRump said, and found metrics describing as close as possible what percentage of undocumented immigrants commit each type of crime and so on to refute him ?

Fuck that. It just puts more focus on a question that's bullshit. Although actually some have looked at that and found him to be wrong on all levels. http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/just-facts/anecdotes-evidence-setting-record-straight-immigrants-and-crime-0

It's a mistake to even put focus on the question.

If I accused you of being a child molester, I think it's correct for you simply to say fuck off. Engaging in dozens of threads discussing whether you are or are not a child molester, would only serve my purpose of getting people thinking that we must be having this discussion for some reason. Where there's smoke there's fire. Maybe LostandCOnfused really is a child molester, otherwise why would be be talking about it so much ?

Get it ?

If you tell me to fuck off when I say you're a child molester, it doesn't mean you are opposed to free speech. It simply means you are rightfully opposed to a big discussion about (hopefully) absurd claims.

In this case some have gone there, but thankfully the focus has been on how moronic Trump is.

Btw I think Murdoch reads Patrick.net and thought about how well Obama has done with immigration (see graphs above)


51   lostand confused   2015 Jul 13, 3:33pm  

marcus says

If you tell me to fuck off when I say you're a child molester, it doesn't mean you are oppose free speech. It simply means you are rightfully opposed to a big discussion aabout (hopefully) absurd claims.

That ain't what the lefties are doing. What they are saying is he should not say those remarks as they do with anything bad about gays, gender, race etc etc. There are taboo discussions around which free speech has no merit-for the lefties.

Nobody is asking to be calm, collected and get a Ph D in their response. but in this and many unacceptable topics, one is not supposed to even utter anything-which is unacceptable. he can say whatever he want s and so can his opponents. Now that we have Mexican nationals allegedly threatening his life-well he wasn't that far off.

52   lostand confused   2015 Jul 13, 3:40pm  

marcus says

Fuck that. It just puts more focus on a question that's bullshit. Although actually some have looked at that and found him to be wrong on all levels.

An illegal by being here has already committed a crime. They knowingly broke laws and continue breaking laws every single day.

53   marcus   2015 Jul 13, 6:05pm  

lostand confused says

That ain't what the lefties are doing. What they are saying is he should not say those remarks as they do with anything bad about gays, gender, race etc etc. There are taboo discussions around which free speech has no merit-for the lefties.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you prove this in some way. Find one quote from a "lefty" where they say that's not allowed ?

Glad to see how well (NOT) you understood my response.

Look, just because Sean Hannity or whomever it is that you get this nonsense from says this proves liberals are against free speech, doesn't mean that it makes the slightest bit of sense to people other than Foxbots.

Please get me one single quote saying trhe closest thing possible to "he's not allowed to say that."

The fact that he's in a little trouble with the intelligent and or educated folk, is a far cry from anyone saying he isn't allowed to say something.

Also, keep in mind that he is running for PResident, and in some far right wing red state circles, not only is he allowed to say what he did, apparently he is being rewarded for it.

Thats what freedom of speech means. You're free to say things that some find stupid or offense, while others ( guess what constituency) say that's great !!

When one group says it's stupid or offensive, you say they are saying he's not allowed to say that ? What are you talking about ?

54   FortWayne   2015 Jul 13, 9:00pm  

marcus says

FortWayne you're a moron that's incapable of grasping even the most simple facts. Pew research is nonpartisan and almost all of the links I gave you were giving very clear facts and data.

Whose data, whose research? I have never seen a single piece of research that is not biased and tailored. I can draw you fancy graphs too that will show exact opposite or whatever else cherry picked. I've seen Obama executive orders that stopped deportations. He is a Democrat, he wants the votes, so he is willing to sacrifice the country in order to gain power for the party.

55   mell   2015 Jul 13, 9:40pm  

tatupu70 says

W went to Yale, remember?

W wasn't stupid either. He was somewhat technologically challenged but probably knows how to use a fax machine (unlike Hillary) and a poor speaker, but he wasn't stupid. DT is not a politician, had no help from the political rank and file dynasty, and he is very good impromptu speaker. He will obliterate most presidential candidates.

56   marcus   2015 Jul 13, 9:57pm  

Donald Trump is a wheeler dealer that has good connections.

57   FortWayne   2015 Jul 13, 10:23pm  

marcus says

THe source was right on the graphs.

So what Marcus? Data gets cherry picked for statistics, I don't trust anything this government tells me anymore. Remember Obama scandal with IRS... and how important information simply disappeared? Well, if they did it there. Why wouldn't they cherry pick it here, if a boss says it must show something, they'll do it.

Charts and bar graphs don't tell me a damn thing here, because we still got ourselves a problem. Show me a chart after the problem is fixed, than it'll have a meaning.

58   marcus   2015 Jul 14, 1:08am  

So the best data we have means nothing. It's how you feel that really informs you.


By the way, this is not an example of cherry picking data. Cherry picking data is when you show just the part of the data that supports your view. MY point was only what the data says. Nothing more. If I had found later years I would include those. The data says the number of border guards increased under Obama. It says that the number of deportations increased under Obama. Both of these are (or were) up by a lot. You think maybe these numbers were just made up ?

Even people like Mell, CIC, and Captaindimbulb aren't that thick.

Don't get me wrong, they appreciate and respect your ability and willingness to lie to yourself and others. But they don't think that data is make believe.

59   carrieon   2015 Jul 14, 2:48am  

marcus says

I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you prove this in some way. Find one quote from a "lefty" where they say that's not allowed ?

Marcus, what everyone is saying is that unless you are from a "protected class of citizens", the system requires you to discriminate based on race, sex, religion, national origin, etc with affirmative actions. FYI, that's the law, as stupid and double-standard as it's written.

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