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The whole Versailles thing was special pleading.
Germany was laboring under terms similar to those which it imposed on France after the war of 1870, and would have been eased off the hook completely by 1950 regardless. Not that it mattered: Hjalmar Schacht gamed the currency and debt infrastructure so hard in the 1930s that Germany was well on its way to being the powerhouse of Europe even without another war.
If Hitler had not gone to war, Germany would have owned Europe by 1945 through peaceful means.
This post from Liberals purportedly our nations brightest minds, is why Trump's reputation is soaring and Hillary's clothes are starting to get an orange jumpsuit hue to them.
it is easy to forget - as so many modern historians do - that all cultural and economic history since 1918 has led us to this time: the era of Trump.
Now I get it Dan. You don't hate America, you just hate everyone who lives in it.
No, you dumb ass. 70% of the people in America are good. It's the 30% who call themselves conservatives like you, CIC, and Strategist who are ruining the country for everyone else with your inbred stupidity, ignorance, malice, and bigotry. You don't represent America, as much as you like to think you do. You are a dying breed of backwards morons whose vile culture is finally dying, and that scares the shit out of you cowards which is why you lash out so much. It's the death rattle of ignorance.
he he he he he!
it is easy to forget - as so many modern historians do - that all cultural and economic history since 1918 has led us to this time: the era of Trump.
Sound like a Liberal droid short circuiting does sparks fly out of your ears when you say these things lately?
Sound like a Liberal droid short circuiting does sparks fly out of your ears when you say these things lately?
And you are spewing TrumpShit like a parsecs-wide shit spraying cheerleader fanboy geezer/geyser of Jehovah's Witness oh-look-I'm-the-only-gay-in-the-village freshly recruited insufferable gullible Amway pyramid-scheme enthusiast douchebag.
Your mouth is a wormhole from another dimension of shit, ducting whiny-victim Trump bullshit in such quantity and velocity as to rip open the spacetime continuum so that a new Big Bang of accreted TrumpShit can occur from the collapse of the previous supermassive accumulation of TrumpShit, fusing into heavier and heaver elements of Trumpon, then Trumpuminum, Trumpranium and the higher Trumptinides as it collapses into a singularity of ignorance and needy proselytizing gullibility and hate.
Yeah but you do have to admit do a better job at being me than you do.
I say that Conservatives should move to Somalia. Gays and Witches not tolerated, guns plentiful, family and clan values, little taxes, unregulated markets, etc.
I say that Conservatives should move to Somalia. Gays and Witches not tolerated, guns plentiful, family and clan values, little taxes, unregulated markets, etc.
I always thought that Russia and Afghanistan best resemble the conservative utopia. Of course, they'd have to replace Christianity with Islam, but Islam is the religion they agree with more anyway. Jesus was a god-damn socialist who would have opposed the Second Amendment. Jesus never carried a weapon.
I say that Conservatives should move to Somalia. Gays and Witches not tolerated, guns plentiful, family and clan values, little taxes, unregulated markets, etc.
They allow bronze smelting and the use of the wheel.
Any true conservative would stay away from there, and become a hunter-gatherer in Galt's Gulch.
In conclusion: grunt.
Russia isn't a conservative utopia because most Russians (except 1% of Moscow Liberals in the Intn'l Sense of the Term) believe in national health care, gun control, access to sex ed and birth control, and free education.
When the elderly babushka can't water her lawn anymore, no conservative passes and screams "Ma Property Values!" and call code enforcement, who promptly shows up with a $250 fine. Nor does anybody report her for taking in washing and hanging the clothes in the front yard of her cottage. And certainly not for growing tomatoes and turnips in her front yard, either - Russians would consider that nuts, something even Stalin or Beria wouldn't do.
Here's a great example from a Red State, a notice received within 24 hours of a fun family project of building a cardbox box castle wth their kids:
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