Matt Shepard Case: He was murdered for Meth

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2015 Aug 21, 9:43pm   1,885 views  8 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Wow. Gay Filmmaker finds Fascinating stories, interviews of Locals, about why Matt Shepard was really killed - he had a big stash of drugs, a sexual encounter with one of his murderers. The drugged out murderers were caught, because they were wandering around, trying to find Shepard's house to get at his meth stash.


Stephen Jimenez is an award-winning journalist and gay man. So why has he put such time and effort into attempting to prove that Matthew’s murder was not a hate crime, especially as it has seen him accused of being an ally to the rightwing Christian fundamentalists who deny the reality of homophobia?

“The view was that homophobic rednecks walked into a bar and saw an obviously gay man with money and targeted him and beat him to death for that reason,” says Jimenez. “But that isn’t what happened. Nothing in this book takes away from the iniquity and brutality of the crime or the culpability of his murderers, but we owe Matthew and other young men like him the truth.

“Aaron and Matthew had a friendship. They’d been involved sexually, they bought and sold drugs from each other. That complicates the original story of two strangers walking into a bar and targeting Matthew – someone they did not know – because he was gay.”

Although McKinney has never acknowledged that he knew Matthew, Jimenez found a dozen sources that had seen them together. One is Kathleen Johnson, the former owner of Laramie antiques store Granny’s Attic, who knew Henderson, McKinney and Matthew.

The young, unemployed men had not had easy lives. Henderson’s mother was a chronic alcoholic who had been repeatedly beaten by his father. McKinney had spent much of his childhood alone, left by his mother with his grandparents, who locked him in the basement to keep him out of trouble. “Russell Henderson used to hang around with gay people,” Johnson told me. “Laramie had a big gay population. I knew what people’s sexual orientation was because my best friend’s son was gay. I saw them hanging around with Russell.”

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1   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2015 Aug 21, 10:11pm  

I don't get the propaganda wing of the left.

There is enough legitimate, horribly brutal hate crimes against homosexuals(and particularly brutal against transgender persons) that theres no need to concoct a false tale and generate rage. No one...well very few...want to see violence and torment committed towards anyone. Yet you have instances like this, you have the false outrage of the black lies matter movement and the occupy movements, and countless other instances.....all to perpetuate the notion that the majority of Americans are racist rednecks who have not an ounce of civility in them. And in reality the opposite is true. Americans are one of the most culturally open, accepting, caring, generous, and compassionate people there are.

Instead we get garbage fed to us by an element dedicated to undermining American culture.

2   Ceffer   2015 Aug 21, 10:20pm  

The Guardian is one of the better online journals, and it's to their credit that they explored the truth of the matter.

3   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2015 Aug 21, 10:23pm  

Ceffer says

The Guardian is one of the better online journals, and it's to their credit that they explored the truth of the matter.

I give credit to Thunderlips for making the post as well. Its not likely something that totally fits in his political ideology and it takes integrity to post things that might undermine people who might also promote that ideology.

4   Y   2015 Aug 21, 10:35pm  

i wanna be prosecuted in crimea...

5   Ceffer   2015 Aug 22, 8:16am  

A lot of IHLs are plumbers, because they can route out sewer lines with their tongues.

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Aug 22, 6:11pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

I give credit to Thunderlips for making the post as well. Its not likely something that totally fits in his political ideology and it takes integrity to post things that might undermine people who might also promote that ideology.

It doesn't fit my ideology but it does fit my operating basis in the sense that most stories are really more complex than the media and special interests spin them. The Media's take of how the sausage is made is usually much more sanitized and simplified than the Reality. Kind of like Song of Fire and Ice.

Another one is why McCarthy was Finally Stopped. It was because of WHO he was targeting, not because of his targeting.

8   Ceffer   2023 Jun 30, 10:26pm  

Sotomayor defines Idiot LibTard. She looks like she could be suffering some kind of autoimmune condition with cortisol therapy (which can often warp thinking). Of course, one wonders what thinking she ever had to begin with.

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